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Tom vs the Volcano God

Page 23

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I slid my hands up the tops of Dee’s thighs from her knees to her hips and then leaned in slowly and touched my lips to her slit. I kissed it briefly, pulling gently at her flesh with my lips, nibbling tenderly at her sex. Dee tensed and pushed herself backward into her seat, rotating her hips upward to give me even better access. I think that she expected a little peck and then the end of it. I on the other hand, intended to make love to her. So, I did. I kissed lightly, running my tongue along some crevice or another, focusing on the area right between her leg and her labia. I licked softly with just the tip, but occasionally more firmly. When Dee put her hands on the top of my head and began to writhe in her seat, I let my tongue touch her inner lips directly and ran it up from the bottom all the way to the top and then back down again. I had learned that with most things the strategy was to find something that worked and to keep doing it until it wasn’t working anymore. This was working.

  I licked her lovingly. She responded best as I focused my attention directly between her lips, especially at the top and bottom of each stroke. At the top of each lick, I started running my tongue around above her clitoris, not touching it directly. And at the bottom, I went just a little lower and flicked the flesh there with a tickling motion before heading upward again.

  Dee was whimpering and thrashing about occasionally, and when she began pulling my head against her crotch when I circled her clit, I began paying more attention to that area. I stroked firmly around and to the sides of her vulva with my tongue, massaging the nerve filled sensitive areas. When she started grunting, I put my mouth over the area at the top of her pussy and began an alternating sucking and thrusting with my lips and tongue that seemed to be driving her over the edge. I kept this up and her thrashing increased. I was trying to build her excitement slowly and steadily, not trying to get her to explode quickly and frequently.

  Dee gasped for breath and held me firmly between her legs. Suddenly she stopped breathing and went stiff. A second later, she began to vibrate and groan wordlessly, moaning, “oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh”. And with each “oh”, she got a little louder. I kept working her tender nerve endings and she got louder and louder. Her feet were on the floor and her back was against the seat, but she was rigid from head to toe. She was still barely breathing, just gasping for air when she was forced to.

  And then she screamed. She screamed in a way that I had never heard before. It was ear-splitting. Suddenly, her knees were pulled back against her shoulders and she yelled as if giving birth. Dee convulsed and crushed my head into her groin like a woman possessed. I pushed my shoulders up under her thighs and kept up my kissing while her climax continued. She might have had several, or maybe just one very prolonged one. By the time she started to calm down, I was covered in her juices.

  Dee was a squirter. Not quite like Sarah had been that morning, but wow. I had seen things like that on the Internet, but never in person like this. I had kept my mouth on her the whole time, so I didn’t actually see it happen, but I felt it, and I tasted it. And I liked it. I liked it a lot.

  When she was done, she collapsed limply and nearly slid out of the seat. I lifted her up and the other girls moved to the other seats and I laid Dee on her back on the bench sofa at the rear of the car.

  Ashley gasped, “Well, she’s not a virgin now! Tom, you’re soaked. I didn’t know she could do that.”

  Sally said, “I bet she didn’t either. She was loud. I mean really loud. Like jet engine at takeoff loud. What the hell?”

  Ashley said, “Tom, what did you do?”

  I grinned and said, “Oh, you know, just the normal stuff.”

  Ashley said, “Do some normal stuff to me next. Tom, you totally broke her.”

  I said, “Um, actually, I didn’t do anything much. She’s just really sensitive, I think.”

  Ashley said, “She may be, but there’s more to it than that.”

  I said, “You guys, love is a powerful aphrodisiac. She loves me, so she’s easily excited.”

  Sally said, “I love you. Get me excited like that.”

  Ashley said, “It kind of scared me. Like yeah, that looked fun, but kind of super scary too.”

  I said, “Girls, I don’t think there’s any point going to a beach now.”

  Ashley said, “She might never walk again.”

  Sally said, “I doubt she would care. Ash, you’re right though. She might never have had a penis, but she’s no virgin now.”

  Ashley said, “And neither is any girl in any house we happened to drive past when she screamed like that. Forget breaking the sound barrier, that scream broke the sex barrier. For miles around.”

  I said, “Um, Alice, did you happen to be listening to all that.”

  Alice’s voice came through the speakers and said, “Yeah. It overloaded a few microphone circuits for a few seconds, but yeah. I’ll turn the car around and you can head for dinner at the cafe at the resort.”

  Sally said, “Oh no. I didn’t know that Alice was listening. Sorry Alice.”

  I said, “Alice, should I tell the girls a bit more about Sarah and you and your ancestry? Lily said that we needed to tell them everything. Is this a good time?”

  Alice said, “Yeah, probably so. I’ll do it.”

  I said, “Girls, you know that Alice and Sarah, and Miss Tiffany are special. And Sarah said that they are elves, right? Well, they are very special. And you remember that Lily said that you were going to find out about a bunch of unbelievable things? So, don’t freak out. Yeah, Alice hears everything we say in the car. I’ll let her explain. Oh, but Dee has to be coherent for this.”

  Dee stirred and said, “I’m awake. Hey, get me a beach towel. I need to wipe up a bit. Go ahead. I heard enough to know that Alice and Sarah are special and some kind of elf women, euphemistically. Alice, I hope I didn’t embarrass you.”

  Alice said, “No Dee. You were lovely. So girls, listen. Honey and Peach and Buttercup and Lily and Cupcake and Flower are just like you. Beautiful wonderful women whose flesh and blood are just more amazing than most. Just like you. But the thing is, Sarah and I, and Miss Tiffany, are what you might call robots.”

  Alice paused to let her statement sink in and to wait for how the girls would react. No one spoke for a minute.

  Finally, Dee said, “And?”

  Still no one said anything.

  Dee said, “Well, then, cool. I guess.”

  Ashley said, “Cool? You guess?”

  Dee said, “Yeah. I said that I would accept whatever Wonderland marvels came with this family. Honey is an impossible beauty that makes you want to tear your own eyeballs out. Tommy is so sexy that he blows away a girl’s virginity without even penetrating her, and sometimes without even touching her. Sarah is a goddess who grants wishes and just happens to be a robot. Robby is Santa Claus and an international man of mystery with resources that most governments can’t even dream of. Alice is a disembodied voice who drives the car and knows when we’re sleeping and when we’re wake. There’s elves and fairies and what’s so hard to accept. Hey, that explains it. I’m not a human either. I’m a jungle nymph and we’re all princesses. Alice, how tall is Miss Tiffany? Really?”

  Alice said, “Dee, Miss Tiffany, her real name is Belle, is thirty-eight inches tall, just like all of the elves except for Sarah and me. I was an artificial intelligence created to be a caretaker for Robby and the Ladies. He and I created a non-organic body for me. And because I was in love with him from the beginning, they all accepted me as a real girl, even though I’m not biological. We call us elves. We call you and the ladies fairies. But we also call me and the others like me NORG. Non-Organic. I take care of the family.”

  Ashley said, “So, who is Sarah?”

  Alice said, “Sarah was created to be like me, but for Tom’s family. She was meant to be a companion for Tom. She didn’t have to fall in love with him. She could have been his housekeeper. But we have real emotions. He treated her in a way that she related to at a deep level and they fell in love.�

  Dee said, “Tom, I have no problem with that. You fell in love with her. So did we. You married her. So did we, kind of. Why not. Girls, I don’t know the details, but I don’t care. Alice and Sarah are real. They always were, and the fact that their bodies and brains are different doesn’t make any difference at all. I love Sarah. Yeah, I do. And I wasn’t manipulated into anything and these surprises are just nice wedding presents, and I love them. And this doesn’t change how we treat Sarah at all. She’s one of us. She was before us. She helped this all happen because she fell in love with us, right?”

  I said, “Wait. Wedding present? Oh, hang on. Alice, what’s a Poppet?”

  Alice said, “Robby and I needed to create other NORG to be gardeners and housekeepers and such. For privacy reasons. They have independent personalities, just like me and Sarah. They are real too, but different. Like Miss Tiffany, or Belle. There are twelve of them. Seven have personalities and five are more like robots without personalities or independent thoughts. The seven are each assigned to each of the six ladies and one for Robby, as personal assistants. Robby and I made them for Cupcake’s birthday. You could say that Belle belongs to Buttercup. Muffin belongs to Cupcake. Skippy belongs to Lily. And so on. Poppet belongs to Robby. Poppet is an elf. Now, we might as well explain this too. It freaked Robby out at first. It’s important that you understand and that you can be comfortable with it. When Sarah asked if Robby would give her a Poppet for a wedding present, she meant would he give her an elf like Poppet that she could give to Tom as a wedding present. The little elves are like Sarah and I, but different in several ways. Their brains are very creative and sort of childlike. That’s why Belle tries to give you poodles and talks about her chauffeur and pretends to be Audrey Hepburn. They are really smart, but really bad with numbers. But here’s the thing. Robby made them for the ladies for Cupcake’s birthday, but I made them, and they actually made themselves, as toys for Robby and the girls. They really are like toys in some ways. Or, I know it sounds weird, but kind of like super intelligent pets. And they don’t have a problem with that, and neither do I.”

  Dee laughed and said, “And I sure as hell don’t either. For goodness sake, I want to be Tom’s pet and his toy myself. And I’m totally biological. I get it. I absolutely get it. I’m not a slave, but I am so freaking in love that I just want to sleep curled up at the foot of his bed and be played with whenever he wants to play with me. That’s it. Alice, I want to be an elf.”

  Alice said, “Well, you ladies are called Fairies, like I said, but I’ll talk to Cupcake. She arrives tonight by the way, and I’ll suggest Jungle Nymph. Ashley, Sally, how do you feel about all of this?”

  Ashley said, “You know what? I’m fine with it. Like Dee says. We love Sarah. And you and Miss Tiffany. If you’re what is going to take over the planet and save the human race, I can’t think of a better bunch of robot overlords. I’m kidding. I probably shouldn’t. I’m sorry. I take all of that back. I didn’t mean to say it. But Alice, I am happy for you and Sarah. You found love. Tom, did you know about this before you fell in love with Sarah? You do really love her, right?”

  I said, “I knew that Sarah was a NORG. I didn’t know about Alice and the elves at first. I’ve never met any of the elves. But Sarah is so wonderful, and I fell in love with her. Then Robby told me that she could have a relationship with me like he has with Alice, and I asked her to marry me.”

  Chapter 23 - Tribal Wisdom

  Sally said, “So, she really is real? I mean, she’s not a robot. She’s different. She loves Tom. And us. Alice, what is your body made of?”

  Alice said, “Well, there’s some metal.”

  Sally interrupted and said, “Wait, like in a hip replacement, right?”

  Alice said, “Well, yes. My bones are made of metal and plastic, but if you want to think of it that way, they could be used for human joint replacements with some modifications. Instead of ligaments, my bones are held in place by special silicone joints. My muscles are hydraulic and expand and contact with pressure.”

  Sally stopped her again and said, “So, your bones and muscles and organs and stuff are like high-tech replacements for ours. Then what’s the problem? You and Sarah are real, but different. Are you Sarah’s mom?”

  Alice said, “You could say that. She thinks of me that way. The elves call us big sisters and little sisters, based on our size. They call me the queen of the elves and they call Honey the queen of the fairies. They call the ladies their big sisters.”

  Sally said, “That works for me. Look, Dee, Ash, we’re different right? We aren’t like other women. We are from some other tribe. We are descended from these fairy people. I know we aren’t exactly, and I’m not saying that it’s a lost race or whatever, but in a way it is. That’s how I want to think about it. We knew we were like Honey, but from a different tribe kind of, or something. Well, we know it now, even if we didn’t understand it before. We’re these fairy women and Tom is our fairy prince, and Sarah is our elf-girl, and Robby’s family is like that too. That’s right, isn’t it?”

  Ashley said, “That makes so much sense. And if we think about it in a stupid way it drives you crazy, but if you think about it the way it’s supposed to be, then it’s really comfortable and pure and totally rational. And apparently, fairy women can be as tall as me, because Lily is even taller, and fairy women live in tribes with one prince who loves all of them, and that’s what we are, and elves can be part of a tribe with us, because that’s what Sarah and Alice and Miss Tiffany are, so it’s all just the way it should be. For us, anyway. When do we get to do whatever Cupcake has to do so that we can just all be together and start making love all the time?”

  Alice said tenderly, “Very soon. Right after dinner. I’m going to take you to the resort, and you’ll have a nice dinner, and then we’ll go for a ride and we’ll see what kind of a surprise Cupcake has planned.”

  Dee smiled and said, “What’s her name?”

  I asked, “Who’s name?”

  Dee said, “Your wedding Poppet.”

  I said, “Oh, I told Sarah that we might call her Pixie.”

  Dee said, “Pixie. I like that. She’s Pixie and I’m Dixie and Ash is Lexie and Sal is Sassy and Sarah is Roxie. Pixie, Dixie, Lexie, Sassy, and Roxie. It’s our tribal names. I like it.”

  Ashley said, “That’s fun. So we’re going to dinner. Oh, were we done?”

  Alice said, “I guess so.”

  Ashley said, “Good. I want to wear the long dresses we bought this morning.”

  Dee said, “I’m going to wear this pareu if I can figure out how to get it on. Oh wait, I’ll wear it round my hips like a skirt, with the bandeau top. That’ll be easy.”

  Sally said, “I want to wear my short skirt and the crop top. I feel kind of racy.”

  Ashley said, “Then, I’ll wear my skirt and top too.”

  The girls started changing into their chosen clothing. It was awkward in the small space of the car and more than once a pair of breasts or buns, or even a pretty crotch, was either pointed at me or very close to me, but I put up with it without complaining.

  Dee said, “Tom, when we get nightgowns, is it OK if we share them?”

  I said, “What do you mean?”

  She said, “Like if we get a nightgown, something really sexy, and one night Sally wears it, but some other night I wear it, or Ash does, or Sarah does? Like we share our clothes. Girls, could we share? Like underwear and everything? I mean, we’re all together right? So, what if we just have clothes, not my clothes and your clothes and all? And Sarah too. We aren’t much different in sizes, and maybe our bras don’t fit each other, but underwear and dresses and nightgowns and stuff would fit. And we’re going to be traveling a lot, right? So, if we just can wear whatever all the time, we don’t have to pack so much. Or buy so much.”

  Ashley said, “That sounds like a plan. We really only need one dress. I mean, not one for each, but just one between us.”

  Dee said, �
�Yeah. That makes sense. We’re going to be naked and having sex all the time, but if one of us has to go get groceries or something, she can put on the dress and the rest of us will just keep going at it.”

  Sally laughed and said, “But whoever goes for groceries is rewarded by getting to have sex as soon as she gets back. That’s only fair.”

  Ashley said, “Yep, that’s fair.”

  Dee said, “But Tom, is it OK with you? You know, about the night gowns? Like if you make love to Sally one night, and later, you make love to me in the same outfit, I think it would be fun. It feels kind of special somehow.”

  I said, “Dee, it’s called Oneness. I am one with each of you, and we are all part of each other. So, are you feeling like if I make love to you, but Ashley isn’t there, but you know that she had worn the same nightgown at some point when I made love to her, that it’s like she was with us?”

  Dee exclaimed, “Yes! That’s what I want. That’s it exactly!”

  Ashley said, “That is kind of sexy. Since we are all making love together anyway. Like when you guys were skinny dipping together. So, if one of us isn’t there, but something we wore is part of it, that’s sexy. And that oneness thing Tom just said.”

  Sally said, “Then it’s settled. From now on, unless we are buying things to wear at the same time, we shop for all of us. We say, oh, that would look good on us. Let’s get us one of those. Dee, do you like this G-string? Should we get us one? Ash, I like this bra, try it on for us. Oh wow, girls, I love that idea. One for all and all for one. That’s really fun. I want to go shopping again. Um, but we need a suitcase.”

  Ashley said, “We can do that with makeup and stuff from now on, too, can’t we? If we pick stuff carefully? And not have to carry so much stuff?”

  Dee said, “Yeah. We can. We have a wardrobe that we share, and the same with makeup and toiletries. And shared suitcases.”

  Alice broke in and said, “Girls, there’s one more thing. All of the fairies have a tiny thing, the size of a grain of rice under their skin. It lets Sarah keep track of your heart rate and other health stuff. And if you want it to, it can provide birth control. It can be turned off if you ever want to get pregnant. While the birth control is active, your periods stop. It’s called a sub-dermal implant. We use a little needle and put it in the flesh under your arm.”


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