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Tom vs the Volcano God

Page 27

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  She said, “Tom, thank you. I love you. It was perfect. Thank you. I’ll go now. Thank you. I love you.”

  Sarah led Dee to the canoe and helped her in and pushed out into the water and paddled away, around the point that Pixie and I had walked around to get here.

  Pixie said, “You didn’t eat. Sit up and eat.”

  I stood up and Pixie put the blanket in front of the log, and we sat with our backs against it and I ate one of the sandwiches and a piece of fruit.

  Pixie said, “I think that you did very well. It wasn’t what I thought. You are a really good King. Dixie had lot or orgasms. She liked it. She was really happy. Did you like how I helped you? I thought you wanted me to. Were you proud of me?”

  I said, “Pixie, you did just right. I was very proud of you.”

  I thought to myself, was I proud of her? That was a strange question. Pixie wanted me to be proud of her. Wait, hadn’t I heard Buttercup or Honey say that to Sarah or one of the girls? That they were proud of them? If I thought about it, I knew that people wanted to feel like they were right, original, and appreciated. I had been in leadership positions enough to have paid attention to that. Pixie and Sarah, and pretty much everyone, but the NORG in particular, needed approval for what they were doing.

  Why was that? I supposed it was because they didn’t have quite the same emotional tools to be constantly guessing what others thought of them, even though they wanted to be helpful and pleasing. People are horribly bad at intuiting what others are thinking but at least they have the capacity to believe that they are good at it. We’d be better off in my opinion if we just let ourselves tell each other the truth.

  Was I proud of Pixie? Yes, I was. She had figured out how to help me and make me happy. It was certainly a job well done, and she deserved my praise for it. She just wanted to know if she was on the right track.

  I said, “Pixie, I’m very proud of you. I liked how you showed Dixie what would be nice for me and for her if she wanted to try it. I liked how you let her make the decision, but you gave her choices. I liked how you asked me if I was hungry, because I was. I am very proud of you for being so helpful and for making Dixie feel special and pretty.”

  Then I wondered if I could talk to Pixie in the same way that she talked to me and if that would help us communicate better.

  I said, “Pixie, I really like you a lot. I didn’t know if I would, because I didn’t know you. I never met a pocket elf before. I like you. Thank you for picking me. It was fun when you had sex with me. I never did that before with a little elf girl. I liked that. I’m glad we can do that now. I’m glad that we know that we’re compatible and the same tribe.”

  She grinned and said, “That’s how I feel too! We’re just the same! I was proud of you for what a good king you are. Dixie was afraid. She didn’t know what you would do. You made her safe and happy. You’re a really good king.”

  I hugged her against my side and ate my sandwich. She snuggled against me and I felt truly loved.

  When I had eaten and had some water to drink, I said, “Well, what now my pretty guide?”

  Pixie pointed over her shoulder toward the water and said, “That way.”

  I looked where she pointed and said, “Where? Out in the ocean?”

  She stood up and looked out into the water of the cove and said, “Yep. Out there.”

  I stood up and looked. There were no islands, or even rocks where one of the girls could be waiting. What did she mean?”

  As I stood there, Pixie untied the thong at my waist and took the leather flaps away. I just looked at her and waited, not at all sure of what was about to happen. She put the poor excuse for a garment into her shoulder bag and then dug about for something else. When she looked up again, she was holding a pair of swim goggles. She handed them to me and pointed out into the ocean again.

  She said, “Out there. Look. See a thing floating there? X marks the spot. Sunken treasure. Don’t be late.”

  Chapter 27 - Sunken Treasure

  I looked closely to the place where Pixie pointed. I could just make out something floating on the water about fifty feet out. I couldn’t quite make out what it was. It looked like it might be a round wooden object, a few inches tall, and a few feet across. Maybe a tiny raft or something. Unless she had pointed it out, even if I had noticed it, I would have just thought that it was some debris that floated in from the ocean, or something that had been washed into the water from the beach.

  I said, “Out there?”

  She said, “Yep. I’ll wait here.”

  I looked at the spot, then at the goggles in my hand. I was a fair swimmer, but I was in the habit of never swimming in an unknown spot where I didn’t know what the currents might be. And I never swam alone. And not in deep water without a life vest of some kind.

  I said, “OK. Pixie, how dangerous is it?”

  She said, “Oh, horribly dangerous.”

  I said, “But I have to go out there?”

  She said, “No. You don’t have to. But if you don’t, Cupcake will be mad.”

  I said, “Why will she be mad?”

  I knew that I was stalling, but that was the way it was.

  Pixie said, “Because if you don’t go out there, then someone will be late, and there will be bothersome paperwork, and she will have to get your ring remade with fewer stones on it. I really think that you should go out there.”

  I said, “And you’ll wait here. Um, can you swim?”

  She said, “I can swim. Are you afraid?”

  I said, “A little.”

  Pixie held my hand and said, “But you won’t be for long. Go see what’s there. You won’t be afraid for long. You’ll see.”

  What was I afraid of? Swimming in the ocean by yourself was risky, but there was no guarantee that I would have any problems. I was cautious, and something could go wrong, but that didn’t mean that it would. This was good. I needed to take a risk. Risk and reward. The problem was that I didn’t know why I was taking the risk. You don’t gamble if you don’t know the stakes. But Pixie knew and she said that I had to do it. I felt a little ashamed of myself for being so timid. I decided to change my tune and do what needed to be done.

  I put on my goggles and said, “Pixie, I’ll be back as soon as I can. Thank you for helping me. I’m proud of you. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  I walked quickly into the water, until I was chest deep, and then I started to swim. The first time I put my face under the water, I could see that there was something submerged under the spot where the unknown thing floated above it. The water here near the shore had sand and dirt kicked up, making it hard to see what was out there, but a few yards farther out, the water became much clearer. It was only thirty feet away now.

  I took a breath and dove a little below the surface to take a look. There in front of me was a woman, suspended between the surface and the bottom in about fifteen feet of water. It was Ashley. I swam forward as quickly as I could.

  Ashley’s ankles were tied somehow to large rocks that sat on the ocean floor beneath her. Her feet were several feet from the bottom; maybe four. Her arms were stretched above her head, and looking for a reason, I saw that some kind of balloons or inflated bags were attached to her wrists. This left her hands about four feet from the surface and her head about five-and-a-half-feet under water. There appeared to be a tube in her mouth running up to the surface. I hoped that it was allowing her to breathe. I swore to myself that if she were in any real danger, that my little brother was in big trouble.

  I surfaced and took a breath and dove down again to swim underwater to her. She was naked, suspended between the surface and the bottom, the rocks holding her down and also holding her legs spread a few feet apart. I didn’t stop to look at the view, but the way that she floated there, her breasts unhindered by gravity, she was beautiful. If it had been a carefully staged photograph, and not my wife, seemingly in danger of drowning, it would have been erotic.

  When I reached her, I
tapped her on her shoulder, and she opened her eyes and smiled and reached for me. I took that to be a sign that she was glad that I had come to rescue her and was trying to hold onto me to pull her to the surface. I knew that if she grabbed me, both of us might drown. I avoided her grasp and gave her a thumbs up in an effort to reassure her and then surfaced again to see what I could do.

  I first grabbed the rope at her arm and tried to pull her up. Of course, all that did was pull me back down under the water. The rocks were too heavy for me to lift by swimming. Next, I dove all the way to the bottom to see about the weights holding her down. This was crazy. Because her arms had floats attached, she couldn’t reach down to try to free herself. Even if she had, it appeared that the breathing tube was too short to allow her to get to the weights and still keep her air supply flowing.

  I swam downward, equalizing the pressure in my ears as I went. I stayed out of Ashley’s reach so that she couldn’t hang on to me and I pulled myself down the final few feet to the weights tied to her. But the ropes weren’t tied; they were woven and couldn’t be undone. And I didn’t have a knife to cut them. The next thing to do was to see if I could slip the other ends of the ropes off of Ashley’s ankles. The answer was no. Her feet were held by tight collars with a small padlock keeping them in place.

  Next, I tried lifting the weights. Standing on the bottom of the beach, directly between Ashley’s legs, holding a rope in each hand, I found that I could lift both weights at the same time. Underwater they weighed about ten pounds apiece. Not all that heavy, but more than enough to keep Ashly from getting to the surface, especially the way her arms were suspended above her.

  I braced myself and lifted both weights and started walking toward the shore. I was able to take just four or five steps before I needed to surface for air. On the way up, I smiled and gave Ashley another thumbs up. With my lungs full again, I dove directly to the weights and took hold and started walking as quickly as I could. The beach was fairly steep, but I was able to struggle forward several more yards. I surfaced again. We were in shallower water now, but Ashley’s head was still just below the surface. The water was about ten feet deep now. On my next attempt, I put her legs around my neck, and as I got to even shallower water, she began to sit on my shoulders and her head rose above the surface. After a few more feet, I repositioned her so that she was in front of me, clinging to my chest, and I made it to a point where I could breathe again as well.

  I stopped and gasped, “Ashley, are you OK?”

  She smiled and kissed me and said, “Never better. That was a blast. That was amazing! You were marvelous. Oh, Tom, that was so great. Make love to me!”

  I said, “So, you weren’t afraid?”

  She said, “Of drowning? No. I was so comfortable. And I knew that you would come, and then we would really make love. Yesterday was wonderful, but we had to pretend that we weren’t really doing it. And we were in public, so, you know, we couldn’t really go to town.”

  I said, “Let me get you the rest of the way out of the water.”

  I took a few more steps and then Ashley squirmed down to her own feet and I walked the rest of the way up onto the beach. Both of us sat down and I rested for a moment.

  I said, “Ashley, how I am going to get these ropes off of you? I don’t have a knife.”

  She leaned back and spread her legs and relaxed and said, “Use the key.”

  I said, “Where is it?”

  She said, “When the Unfun Woo took me, I snatched the key when he wasn’t looking. I hid it where he would never look for it, but where you would. I have the key, but you need to find it and use it. Find the key and it’s yours forever.”

  I said, “Are you sure that you’re OK? I think I’m going to kill Robby.”

  She said, “Robby had nothing to do with it. We stayed up half the night with Sarah and Alice and Honey and Buttercup and Cupcake figuring out what to do. This was my idea. I wanted to be naked and underwater.”

  I didn’t say anything for a minute, still catching my breath.

  Ashley said, “Sweetie, I can hold my breath for over four minutes. I can open these locks easily with the hairpin stuck against my ear. I could have slipped the ropes off my wrists any time I wanted to. You didn’t try to remove them because you unconsciously wanted to keep any flotation devices attached to me. If I had needed to get out, it would have taken me seven seconds. I practiced and timed myself. Tom, I can’t unlock my true chains. Those I need you to do. But physical chains, locks, Turkish prisons, disabled submarines, things like that aren’t a problem. I do need you to unlock these locks with the key you need to find though. It won’t be as meaningful if I do it.”

  I said, “Ashley, I love you so much. I’d die if something happened to you.”

  She smiled and said, “But it isn’t going to. Tom, come on. Treasure hunt. Find the golden key.”

  Then she said, “I’ll give you a hint. I had to hide it in a place the Woo wouldn’t look. Nobody would ever have an opportunity to check there but you. And since I was naked, I had to hide it in my swimsuit.”

  I said, “You were naked, but you hid it in your swimsuit?”

  She grinned and said, “Yep.”

  I thought for a minute and a wicked thought occurred to me and I said, “Did you hide it where you hid something else in your swimsuit yesterday?”

  She said, “Yep. When we were swimming.”

  I said, “Really?”

  She grinned even wider and said, “No more hints. If you know where it is, go find it. But it looks like you’re feeling better now, so just to be clear, you have to find it before you try to make love to me.”

  I smiled, definitely feeling better now, and faced Ashley and ran one hand up her thigh. She lay down on her back and waited. I pushed my hand up her side and over her belly, and back down over her freshly lasered pubic mound. She closed her eyes and giggled, and I tested the wetness between her labia to see where she was at. She wasn’t very aroused yet, but she didn’t resist at all when I started playing with her vulva.

  This was a place where she could have hidden a small key where no one but me would ever find it. And if it was here, I definitely had to remove it before we made love, or I might hurt both of us. These girls were incredible. None of them had any good previous sexual experiences, but all of them were totally adventurous. I loved it.

  When I was certain that Ashley was well lubricated, I gently inserted a finger, and sure enough, there was something in there. I could feel a little loop of rubber, and hooking it with my finger, I gently pulled and extracted a tiny capsule, about an inch in diameter.

  Ashley said, “Now, whatever could that be? How did that get in there?”

  I said, “It looks like a little ball with a key inside. Let me see.”

  I separated two halves of the ball and removed a little key and used it to open the locks at Ashley’s ankles. Removing the cuffs that held her to the weights, I asked if there was any reason to keep the key.

  Ashley said, “Nope. Don’t think so. My chains are gone. And the chains I have binding me to you don’t have locks and never come off.”

  I smiled and laid the key and the container aside, setting it next to the weights.

  Ashley said, “Tom, I gave myself to you already. You rescued me. I am yours and always will be. I always was. Even that night when I was shot down in the desert, I knew that I was cheating on you. I’ll never do it again.”

  I laid down beside her and said, “I know that. I love you so much.”

  She said, “So, top or bottom?”

  I said, “I like your top and your bottom.”

  She smiled and said, “I’m a fairy princess. That’s so fun. Tom Tom, what is our life going to be like?”

  I said, “I don’t know my little Sexy Lexie. I swear I don’t know. Come up here on top and give me your bottom.”

  She squealed and said, “OK!” and threw her leg over my body and positioned the tip of my penis at her opening.

p; She said, “This is so fun. This is even better than yesterday. Being sneaky is great, but not all the time. Tom, you totally fucked me in public and both of us had orgasms. In the middle of the day for goodness sake. Now we’re out in the open on a beach in the sand. I love it,” and she slid herself down onto me with a moan of pleasure.

  She said, “Oh Daddy, that feels nice. Baby-doll likes it.”

  I liked it too. It did feel really good. Sexy Lexie was hot. And tight. And wet.

  She said, “I don’t even know what to do. Wow.”

  I said, “Just sit there for a minute. Try moving around a little at a time and see what feels good.”

  She had her eyes closed and started to rock a little bit on top of me and said, “Don’t you want to get on top and have me let you do what you want?”

  I said, “Truthfully, no. Lexie, my fairy doll, I want to lie here, and have you show me what feels good to you.”

  She bit her lip and grunted, “OK.”

  Ashley moved about and explored her new sensations as I stroked her sides, her thighs, and her breasts. She was clearly enjoying herself.

  I said softly, “Lex, raise up a bit, slowly, just for a minute.”

  She did as I asked, and when she was a few inches up, I said, “Now, slide back down again and squeeze me hard.”

  She did as suggested, and I felt her tighten her muscles around my shaft. She moaned and held still at the bottom, pushing herself hard against my stomach. Then she rose slowly up and did it again. After another pause, she rose up again, but his time, instead of slowly lowering herself onto me, she suddenly slammed herself down, squeezing me hard as she went. Lexie grunted and her head dropped forward as she shook with orgasm. She clutched my shoulders with her hands and opened her eyes wide and stared at me.

  She rose up again, saying, “I love you Tom.”

  She slammed herself onto my penis again and the effect was the same. As her head fell forward, she clawed my shoulders, and shuddered. Then she did it again. Apparently, Ashley also believed in staying with what was working. In fact, she didn’t vary a thing as she repeated this maneuver over and over.


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