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Tom vs the Volcano God

Page 29

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I climbed down to the ground and made my way around the pit to the path that had brought me here. The net was hanging at the edge of the little trail. There looked to be plenty of room to get Sondra safely away from the pit once the net was opened somehow.

  When I reached the spot where she hung, I said, “Well, are you ready to get out of that net?”

  She shrugged but didn’t say anything.

  Upon inspection, I could see that the net wasn’t tied closed. The rope that held it was woven through the top of the net, and the only way of getting it open was to remove the rope. But I didn’t have a knife, so I couldn’t cut it. Sondra wasn’t going to fall in the pit, but she wasn’t out yet either. I had a thought. If I could get the net to rest on the ground, maybe the rope would be slack enough for her to climb out through some opening at the top. Maybe the loop at the top of the rope was far enough along the branch that I could bend it if I added my weight to the rope. If not, I might have to go back up into the tree again.

  I said, “I’m going to climb the rope. If that loosens things up, try to climb out.”

  Sondra didn’t reply.

  I took hold of the rope and pulled downward, and the branch above did bend some. That was a good sign. I grabbed firmly and pulled myself up, standing on top of the net and sure enough, the net lowered all the way to the ground. But as soon as Sondra’s weight was on the ground, it stopped. With her weight supported by the earth, I didn’t have enough weight of my own to pull down the branch. This wasn’t the answer.

  I examined the net again. It was made of ropes, but they weren’t especially thick. They were too strong for me to break with my hands though. Then I had another idea. Searching under the tree, I found two sturdy pieces of the broken branches that I had torn off earlier. I took them back to the net and weaving one through the net so that it was held securely, I took the other and looped it through just one loop of the cord that the net was made of. I twisted the branch around and around, and after several turns the one little loop gave way and tore apart.

  The holes in the net were about five inches across. By tearing one loop, I had made a hole about ten inches across. Happy about my success, I chose another loop and repeated my process until it too was torn open. Sondra couldn’t fit through the hole, but we were much closer. I tore through six more loops, and that looked like enough to allow the girl to escape.

  I pulled the hole open and smiled at her and said, “Well, that seems to be it.”

  She said, “Wow. That was a lot of work. You’re really sweaty. You must be tired. The waterfall isn’t far. It was fun watching you work. But you better get going. The tiger may be here soon. I didn’t mind seeing you at all. You are a handsome man. Watching you climb around in the jungle naked was a nice way to wait to be eaten. Thank you.”

  I said with a hint of exasperation, “Come on. Get out of there. Let’s go”

  She said, “No, I think that I feel safer in here. It won’t be long. The net won’t stop the tiger, and now that he won’t fall into the pit, he’ll eat me quickly. The net is kind of comfortable.”

  I closed my eyes to think and then said, “Well, as you wish. I gave you a choice. It’s up to you to decide if you will be happier being eaten by a tiger or coming with me and going for a swim and being part of my tribe of Jungle Fairies and Elves. If you come with me, it’s up to you. The waterfall is this way, you say? Well, thank you. You are very pretty. It would be a shame for you to stay here but it’s up to you. I can’t stay. The Unfun Woo has been making trouble for me and my princesses and I need to deal with him before sundown.”

  She said, “What can you do to the Woo? He does what he wants.”

  I said, “Yes. We all do. But I’m learning that we sometimes solve problems by offering people choices. I am going to offer him a choice.”

  She said, “What kind of a choice?”

  I said, “He can keep tormenting you if he wants to, but if he does, I’m going to beat the snot out of him and throw him in his own volcano. Nobody messes with my princesses! Nobody!”

  She said, “Um, what do you think will happen?”

  I said, “Oh, he’ll probably refuse to stop what he’s been doing. He’ll be stupid and arrogant and underestimate me. And I’ll throw him in the volcano. If he’s a volcano god, he can deal with it. On the other hand, if he’s not a volcano god, but only a pretender, he’ll die a fiery death. Doesn’t matter to me. He crossed a line. He imperiled those that I love. If he leaves here and never bothers me again, that’s fine. But he will stop. Before sundown. Somebody messes with my tribe, they mess with me. Well, I better be going. Thank you for the directions. Oh, and looking at you was a nice way to spend the afternoon as well. Wow, if you were one of my fairies, we could have some good times.”

  She said, “Um, we could? What kind of good times?”

  I just winked at her and she said, “Oh, you mean like naked sex good times? Um, oh.”

  I said, “Well, I do enjoy good naked sex times. And you are such a wonderful girl. If you ever wanted to try it, we could. Well, not if you’ve been eaten by a tiger, of course. But it’s not just the sex. I’ve had so much fun and laughter and love in the last few days, and actually, not that much of it was sex. But the sex is great, don’t get me wrong.”

  She said, “You do have a nice penis. Um, maybe I could just touch it once.”

  I said, “That would be nice, but I’m in a bit of a hurry now. I’m pretty fed up with the Woo and I better get going. Hey, if you change your mind about getting eaten by a tiger, come find me. If you want to. Bye.”

  With that, I turned and headed down the path in the direction that she had said led to a waterfall. I walked for about a hundred feet and then heard someone behind me. I stopped and looked back and there she was, naked, except for a pair of bare foot shoes like my own, running to catch me.

  When I stopped, so did she.

  She said, “I changed my mind. About the tiger. And maybe about being part of your tribe.”

  I said, “Well, come on. Is there really a waterfall?”

  She said, “That’s what I was told.”

  I held out my hand and said, “Then let’s go see.”

  She ran up to me and took my hand and we walked farther along the path together. I didn’t talk much yet. We had another step to take. A hundred yards along, the path opened onto a small pool with a waterfall about ten feet high.

  I stood in front of the pool and shouted, “Woo, are you there?”

  Sondra pointed at a spot above and to the right of the waterfall. There was nothing there but jungle, but that was fine.

  I yelled again, “Woo, you need to understand something. This is my jungle. Wherever my tribe camps is my jungle. You have no place here. These are my women. My tribe. My wives. My Mates. My Princesses. My Fairies. My Elves. If you ever mess with any of mine again, I will hunt you down and throw you in the volcano. Or into the ocean, or off a cliff, or into a bottomless pit, or a hole filled with wet cement. I’m coming for you!” and I started marching in the direction that Sondra had pointed.

  When I had taken just two or three steps, she caught me by the arm and said, “He’s gone! He ran away! Oh wow. He’s gone!”

  I stopped and turned and pulled her into my arms and held her against my body as she started to cry.

  She said, “Tom, why did he do it? Why did he marry me? Why did he use me for sex when he didn’t even find me attractive? He just used me. It was a sham. He was probably having affairs with men that whole time when he could. Or at least he wanted to.”

  Suddenly, Pixie was at my side, handing me a ring. I took it and she disappeared again. Sondra wasn’t even aware of it.

  I held her tenderly and said, “Sweetie, I don’t know why he did that. But I promise you that I never will. I love you.”

  She cried, “I love you too!”

  I hugged her for several minutes and when she was calmer, I pulled away just a little and got down on one knee and held out the ring.r />
  I said, “Sandy, will you be my wife and my princess forever?”

  She started to look at the ring but then looked at me and said, “Sandy? Who’s Sandy?”

  I said, “Well, I can’t call you ‘Meat’, now can I? And I’m sure as hell not going to call you Shirley. You just feel like Sandy to me.”

  She smiled and said, “I like that. Sandy. Like a new name. A real one. I like that a lot. Sandy.”

  I held out the ring again and looked up at her, still questioning if she would let me put it on her hand.

  She said, “Oh, yes! Tom, yes! If you really want to. Tom, I love you and I’m yours already.”

  I put the ring on her finger, saying, “Sandy, I love you. I will be everything I promised. And no one will take advantage of you ever again, as long as there is some way for me to prevent it.”

  Chapter 29 - The Tribe

  I stood up, and this time I kissed her. Then I scooped her up in my arms and carried her into the pool at the base of the waterfall. The pool was small, maybe thirty feet across, and at the center, a little deeper than I could stand up in.

  I said, “Oh, I forgot about my um, belt. Here...”

  I set Sandy on her feet for a minute and took off the leather and tossed it back onto the bank.

  Sandy grinned and said, “I had a little belt too, and it was cute, kind of, but I ditched it before you came. I just wanted to be naked for you. I’m sorry that I have been a bit weird, you know, like on the plane and in the net. I acted like I don’t care. But I really do.”

  I gathered her back into my arms and kissed her again but then set her aside.

  I said, “I need a bath. I’m kind of grungy.”

  She smiled and said, “You worked hard. I suppose that a good fairy gives her king a bath when she gets a chance, so you just relax, and I’ll take care of it.”

  Sandy went to work, scooping water onto my body and washing my skin. She started with my chest and arms. She had me duck under the water and she washed my head and my shoulders with the cool water. She washed my back as I stood still, enjoying the feeling of her hands on my skin. Standing behind me, holding her breasts against my back, she reached around and washed my stomach, and then reached lower.

  This was a good sign. I had been seriously worried about how she was going to feel about everything and whether or not her apathy and feelings of having been used by her first husband would continue to be so traumatic that she wouldn’t be able to enjoy being with me, at least for some amount of time to come. But it now seemed like she was warming up just fine. Maybe the hint was the fact that she was now stroking my balls and penis actively as she continued to bathe me.

  From where she stood at my back, I couldn’t really touch her very much. But I could feel her kissing my back and starting to rub herself against me. I turned around to face her and she leaned into my body, both hands now on my crotch. I wasn’t fully erect yet, but I was headed quickly in that direction.

  Suddenly, she stepped back a few inches, but didn’t remove her hands. She looked down, but obviously couldn’t really see much below the water.

  She exclaimed, “Whoa. Tom. Um. Can we get out of the water?”

  I agreed and the two of us walked to the edge of the pool and onto the bank. Sandy stood back and stared at me.

  She said, “Um, Tom, you’re bigger than I thought you would be.”

  I said, “Sandy, you saw me on the airplane. And I’m not that big.”

  She said, “On the airplane, you were forbidden fruit and I didn’t really look very closely. And I didn’t hold it in my hand. And you are that big.”

  I said, “No, I’m not.”

  She said, “I don’t know why I didn’t notice before. I mean yeah, I saw that you were really attractive, but that was kind of abstract. I mean, we can have sex now. And you’re really big.”

  She moved forward again and started feeling and stroking me. She was obviously thinking about something, and I waited for her to tell me what it was. After a minute, she started looking around as if searching for something.

  She said, “Um, damn, there’s no good place to um, relax here. Damn.”

  I said, “It isn’t far to the beach. We have a blanket and some water, and the sand is nice. Do you want to go there?”

  She looked around a little more and finally said, “Yeah, but let’s hurry.”

  She grabbed my hand and started pulling me along the path back toward the little beach. When we reached the spot with the net, she started to rush past the place, but I stopped us and pointed.

  I said, “Wait. Sandy, look at the pit.”

  She looked where I indicated and we both saw that the ‘pit’ was now clear of the branches and leaves. And it was only about a foot deep. But more surprising than that was the fact that it was filled with moss and covered with a blanket. We both stared in amazement. Here was a nice outdoor honeymoon suite in the middle of the jungle. Pixie must have come and uncovered the pit and put the blanket down for us.

  I put out my hand to warn Sandy not to follow me until I made sure that it really was only a foot deep and safe for us to lie down in. I stepped down carefully and sure enough, it was just what it looked like: a soft mattress about eight feet in diameter with a comfortable blanket to lie on.

  I said, “Sandy, didn’t you know this was here?”

  She said, “No. Not at all. Sarah put me to sleep and I woke up in the net. We discussed the whole thing and I knew what to expect, but I didn’t see the pit or how I got into the net. I thought it was deep. Throw me in.”

  I laughed and she said, “No, I mean it. Throw me in. Oh, this makes so much sense. Don’t you see? I was left here to be devoured by a tiger. You’re my tiger. I can’t believe we almost missed this. Tom throw me in!”

  Well, the mattress was soft, and I had made sure that there wasn’t anything sharp under the blanket. I supposed that I could toss her in without hurting her. I scooped her up in my arms and did as she asked. I tossed her as gently as I could into the center of the blanket so that she landed on her back.

  She laughed and said, “Come here Tiger. I’m going to eat you.”

  I stepped down onto the mattress with her and she beckoned me to lie down in her arms.

  She said, “Sit up for a minute. I want to tell you something.”

  We rearranged ourselves and sat facing each other. I sat with my back to the low edge of the pit, and she sat on her knees between my legs.

  She said, “Tom, I’m kind of a virgin too, now that I see what’s about to happen. This is so stupid. It’s like some tragic comedy. So, I married a guy who turned out to be gay. We were married for about fifteen months. I told you that part. He was only interested in oral and anal sex. I told you that. We maybe had vaginal sex like three times. We only did anything about once every month or two and it never really worked. What I didn’t tell you, and what I didn’t realize until now, was that his dick was like half the size of yours. He was only five foot five, so maybe that’s part of it, but he was like the size of a roll of nickels. My goodness, I used to think that I must be good at oral sex because I could fit his whole wiener in my mouth. Tom, for Pete’s sake, looking at you, my mouth is watering. The thought of making love to you is turning me on so much I can’t believe it. Um, anyway, the part about me being a virgin is that no matter how we did it, the guy never ever, not once, ever finished inside me! Not one time! Not in my mouth, my ass, or my vagina! Half the time, he didn’t ejaculate at all. I felt so inadequate and ashamed and unfulfilled. And I never had an orgasm with him either. Tom, I want to find out what it’s supposed to be like. I love you and I want you bad, and I’m really aroused, believe me. But I think that you might be worried about me. Maybe you think that since I did those things and it wasn’t any fun, that I won’t want to do those things with you. But I do. I really do. Look, you wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t made love to Dee and Ash already.”

  I said, “Dixie and Lex.”

  She said, “What? Oh, t
hat’s cute. I like that. So, anyway, you must like girls. I know you do, and we had some great times yesterday, but this might be confusing. You must have heard the stories from the other girls, and we’re all tragic comedies. But you are our hero. Our king. I want you to know something. I’m going to suck on your cock and learn to take as much of it as I can and make you cum. And when you do, I’m going to swallow it and enjoy the taste. Then I’m going to fuck you silly and you’re going to cum in my pussy. And it will be the first time for both of those things. Oh, and after that, I’m going to fuck you with my tits, and have you spray my chest and I’ll lick up what you give me. But first, before any of that, you are going to pounce on me and sink that big saber-tooth between my legs and devour me with it.”

  At that point, I didn’t wait any longer. She had worked herself into a state of high arousal and she had done the same to me. When she said pounce, I did. I sprang forward and pushed Sandy backward onto her back and growled fiercely. Sandy squealed and her eyes went wide, and without thinking about it, her legs did that same. I put one hand on her breast, and the other on my shaft, and I rubbed it at her opening.

  She was wet and after a quick test, I leaned forward and pushed slowly in; I didn’t want to hurt her. But she was plenty lubricated, and I slid in without much force. She was tight, and she would be slicker in a few minutes, but this was enough for now. She was being taken by a tiger and this gave her the chance to really feel it.

  I loved this girl and I knew it. And I wanted her to know it even more than she felt like she did already. Right now, she wanted me to make love to her. She wanted it done to her, by me. I slid all the way in, slowly but persistently, filling her body with mine. She had said that she wanted to bring me to orgasm orally first and then have me give her first experience of an ejaculation inside her vagina, but I expected that her wishes might be flexible in that regard. Oh, she wanted those things alright, but the ordering of them might not be critically important. I hoped not. She was tight and wet, and I was happy to be making love. And we would probably climax together with me on top of her like this. It was her first experience of this kind of love and I was going to make sure that her virginity was taken in the most wonderful way that it could be as far as I was able to do this for her.


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