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Warranted Pleasures (A Warranted Series Book 1)

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by Shannon Nemechek

  The time seemed to stand still for a moment until a voice in the distance shattered the moment. “Order up, Fitzgerald.” Raleigh rose, extending his hand to Sam as they made their way to the counter. Sam’s head was still spinning as Raleigh paid for the sandwiches. Sam motioned to the door and headed out ahead of him. Can’t be seen walking out together. That was not what she or Raleigh needed. Sam reached for the door handle of her truck and then everything went black.

  Raleigh scanned the parking area for Sam, but nothing. Where had that woman gone? Raleigh could see her truck was still there, but no Sam. As he got closer to the vehicle, he could see her lying on the ground, blood pouring from her head. She was unconscious and unresponsive. Raleigh’s heart was in his toes and he could feel a twinge of fear creep into his thoughts. I can’t lose you. I just found you.

  Raleigh leaned over Sam, pulling her close. He placed a towel on her head and called 911. The minutes passed like hours. And with each passing second, Raleigh became more fearful he would lose her. As he sat with Sam in his lap, cupping her head and caressing her cheek, Sam slowly opened her eyes.

  “Oh my god, what happened? My head feels like it is split in half!”

  “I don’t know, baby. Just hold on, the ambulance will be here any second.”

  “NO!” Sam said. “We can’t be seen together. What if this gets reported and the report states that you were here? We could get into a lot of trouble.”

  “Now, why would we get into trouble? I found you lying on the ground in a pool of your own blood. Let me handle this. No worries, baby. I got this.”

  In the distance, the sounds of the sirens wailed in the background. But all Raleigh could concentrate on was holding Sam. He had only just met her. Could he possibly be falling in love with this woman? As the ambulance pulled up and the paramedics emerged, Raleigh backed off and let the men work. Samantha, on the other hand, was one woman to be reckoned with. Every time one medic tried to check her head, she would snap their hand back, at the same time telling them she was fine and all she needed was to find the person who knocked her in the head. Sam reluctantly relented and let the medics work, loading her into the back of the ambulance for the ride to VA Hospital.

  Raleigh followed behind the ambulance. When they arrived, he could still hear Sam spouting off obscenities to the medics as they wheeled her into the emergency room. Raleigh couldn’t keep himself from chuckling at the sight of Sam cursing those poor medics, but reality set in and worry engulfed him as he sat in the waiting room for the doctor to emerge and give him Sam’s prognosis. Minutes seemed like hours as he waited for any word.

  Stretching, Raleigh let out a big sigh and a whimper, closing his eyes and hoping that when he opened them, Sam would be in front of him with that big smile of hers and a cup of coffee in her hand, ordering him to get up and work. Instead he saw the faint shadow of a woman walking his way. As she got closer, he realized it was Sam’s best friend, Staff Sergeant Madison Carr. He met her earlier at the company headquarters. She was a spitfire like Sam, but different. She had a wounded animal air about her that Raleigh just couldn’t put his finger on.

  “Is she ok, Chief?” Madison said in a crackling voice.

  “I haven’t heard anything yet. Been sitting here forever, and not one person has come out and said a word.”

  “Well, maybe they will soon. I’ll go check and see if I can get anything out of them.” Maddie moved towards the nurses’ desk and to the nurse behind the counter.

  “I DON’T CARE! I WANT AN ANSWER NOW!” Maddie was yelling so loudly that a man from the back area snapped at her.

  Raleigh started to get up from his chair. He definitely doesn’t look happy.

  “WOULD YOU KEEP IT DOWN! WE ARE TRYING TO WORK BACK HERE!” Then he yanked the curtain closed. Maddie walked back to Raleigh, her tail tucked between her legs and said, “Well, Chief, I guess my tactic didn’t work. Maybe you can give it a try.”

  Raleigh quickly changed the subject and was curious about how Maddie found out Sam was here. So, he figured he would just come right out with it. “How did you find out Sam was here?”

  “Oh, I’m Sam’s emergency contact. So, when she arrived, the hospital called me.”

  “Oh ok, that makes perfect sense.”

  “How did you find out, Chief?”

  Oh boy! That was the question he was hoping he wouldn’t have to answer. But there it was, right in front of his face. Raleigh paused, drew in a deep breath and lied. “Well, I was at O’Shea’s having a bite to eat and was heading out to my car when I saw a woman on the ground. I ran over to help and realized it was Sergeant O’Hara. So, I yelled for another bystander to call 911, and then I followed the ambulance to the hospital. I was just getting ready to call your commander when you came in.”

  Whew, I hope she buys that.

  “Thank God you were there, Chief. Who knows how long she would have laid there if you hadn’t of come along. I am surprised you didn’t run into Sam in the restaurant. But O’Shea’s gets busy, especially during Monday Night Football. I was thinking of going there myself after work, but I got sidetracked helping a soldier, so I ended up staying late. By the time I finished, I just wanted to go back to the house and get my boots off and relax. I am just getting too old for all this. Oh, look. Here comes the doctor, Chief.”

  Raleigh and Maddie stood up as the man behind the curtain down the hallway emerged and started in their direction.

  “Hello, sir, are you the one who came in with Ms. O’Hara? I am Chief Joshua Anderson. I am the Physician’s Assistant looking after Ms. O’Hara.”

  Raleigh tensed, but not enough to be noticeable he hoped. “Yes, yes I am. How is Sergeant O’Hara?”

  “She received a good blow to the back of her head. We put in fifteen stitches, and we will be keeping her here overnight for observation. She is sleeping right now, as we gave her a sedative to calm her down. She kept wanting to get up and find the guy that, in her words, ‘bashed her head in.’ So, we decided it would be best to keep her here to make sure she doesn’t get herself into trouble and get hurt again. I think once in a lifetime is plenty for her, but her prognosis is great. She needs to stay down for a few days. I will come check on her in the morning.”

  Chief Anderson held out his hand to Raleigh. As they shook hands, Maddie asked, “Doctor, do you think anyone needs to stay here with her tonight?”

  “Oh, I don't believe so. There will be plenty of personnel here on the floor and in her wing. So, there should be nothing to worry about. You can head on home.”

  Before Maddie left, she turned to Raleigh. “I will let the commander know what happened. Will you let me know how Sam is in the morning?”

  “No problem. Just jot down your number, and I will call you. I’ll stay here at the hospital and keep an eye on Sergeant O’Hara. No reason for me to go to the hotel other than to shower. I can wait until morning when we get an update.”

  Chapter 4

  As the sun peeked through the window of the hospital room, Sam stirred and slowly opened her eyes. The sun hurt her eyes the wider she tried to open them. Damn, my head is pounding. I feel like I was hit by a fuckin’ truck. As she scanned the room, she noticed someone sitting, well lying, quite uncomfortably in the chair next to her bed.

  “Hello,” Sam said to the mysterious man in the chair.

  “Oh, you’re awake? It’s me, Raleigh. How are you feelin’, darlin’? You took one hell of a blow to your head, and you had me pretty damned worried.”

  “Have you been here all night?” she said, rubbing her eyes

  “Actually, I’ve been back and forth, but yes, I have been here all night.” Raleigh wasn’t sure how Sam would take to the idea he had spent the whole night in the chair next to her, but he really didn’t care what she thought. She was his number one priority, and her stubbornness would not keep him from keeping her safe. For all he knew, whoever did this to her would be back to finish the job. He wouldn’t risk leaving Sam alone.

“It wasn’t too bad. Besides a stiff neck, I think I will survive,” he said with a smile

  Sam paused and thought. Why would he stay here all night? No one has ever cared that much about me. Why would a perfect stranger care? Maybe there is more to this man than I think. Maybe he isn’t just a superficial ass who only cares about getting a little ass.

  With a grin she replied, “Well, I’m glad it isn’t too bad. I wouldn’t want it to affect your performance. Performance is quite important ya know, in all areas of life. The performance you gave last night before I got whacked in the head was nothing short of spectacular. Good thing fate intervened.”

  Puzzled, he turned to Sam. “Why would you say it was fate? I thought we both were enjoying the evening, and I was planning on taking it to the next level. Weren’t you?”

  Sam paused, and just as she was ready to answer Raleigh’s burning question, Dr. Anderson strolled in.

  “Sergeant, how are you feeling this morning?”

  “Well, Doc, I feel like I got bashed in the head, but I think I will live. How long do you think I will stay here? I am going stir crazy in this place.”

  Dr. Anderson did a quick once-over. “Sergeant, I think you can head on home, but stay down and outta trouble for the next few days. I will have the nurse prepare your discharge papers, but no working today. You can go on light duty tomorrow. Chief, I'm counting on you to make sure she stays down and stays outta trouble.”

  Raleigh smiled. “Doc, you got nothing to worry about. I won't let her out of my sight.”

  “I will let the nurse know. Sergeant, I mean it! Stay down today, and I will see you back in my office next Friday. If you have any headaches or any issues you become concerned about, call the office and come on in.”

  “Thanks, Doc.” The words echoed from both Raleigh and Sam. They looked at each other and laughed.

  Only a few minutes passed before the nurse returned with Sam’s paperwork.

  “I need you to sign here, here, and here, Sergeant O’Hara.” The nurse handed her the papers as she pointed to each of the signature blocks. “Thank you, Sergeant O’Hara. Also, here is a prescription for some painkillers, just to take the edge off the pounding in your head. Try and relax today, and if you have any issues, the doctor has said to call his office for an appointment. We will let you get dressed then I can wheel you out to your car.”

  “Is a wheelchair necessary?” Sam rolled her eyes at the nurse.

  “Yes, Sergeant. It is hospital policy.” The nurse turned to Raleigh. “Sir, if you could step out with me so that Sergeant O’Hara can dress.” She motioned toward the door and pulled the door open for Raleigh to step out.

  Sam dressed and thanked Raleigh silently for bringing her a change of clothes, and sensible garments to boot. She was impressed to say the least. Sam banged on the door to let the nurse know she was ready to leave, and Raleigh knew it was clear to come back into the room.

  “Are you ready to go, Sergeant?” Raleigh motioned to the wheelchair. “Your chariot awaits.”

  Sam sat down in the wheelchair, and the nurse wheeled her down the hallway to the front door.

  “We will wait here, sir, while you bring up the car. It is also hospital policy we load the patient into the vehicle to ensure that they are properly strapped in.”

  “I’ll be right back, darlin’.” Raleigh looked right at the nurse, winked, and ran out to the parking lot for his rental truck. He jumped into the driver’s seat and drove to the front door to pick up Sam. My god, she is beautiful, Raleigh thought as he pulled the truck up and parked. Walking around the truck, he opened the passenger door and motioned for the nurse to wheel Sam out so they could get back to Sam’s apartment.

  “Is he always like this?” the nurse asked Sam.

  “To be honest, ma’am, I don’t know him all that well. I will say this though, he’s definitely a ladies’ man, or so he thinks.”

  “Oh, I can tell. I would let him take care of me any day.” The nurse smirked at Sam as Raleigh walked around his truck to open the passenger door.

  “You’re a lucky woman,” the nurse said as she wheeled Sam to the truck. “He spent the entire night watching over you. He only dozed off for a couple of minutes when you woke up and found him this morning. He held your hand and stroked your hair the entire night. Never left your side unless he called one of us and only to take bathroom breaks.”

  “Oh no, we aren’t together,” Sam told the nurse.

  “Oh, I assumed that you were a couple. The way he looked at you and well, looks at you now. It seemed so obvious. I mean, look at him. See what I mean?”

  Sam looked up and towards the truck where Raleigh stood. He was near the door, just leaning there, looking right at her. He winked and gave her a grin.

  “You ready to go, darlin’?” he asked as he motioned toward the passenger seat. “Your chariot awaits, milady.”

  Sam loaded into the passenger seat, and the nurse buckled her in. Raleigh walked around to the driver’s seat, started the engine, and headed towards Sam’s apartment.

  “Ya know, you never answered my question, Sam.”

  Sam had hoped he had forgotten. “And what question was that?”

  Raleigh paused, then blurted, “Moving to the next level of this whirlwind relationship?”

  Sam grinned then looked at Raleigh. “There you go again! Assuming there is a relationship. I never said anything about a relationship, even if it was possible. And well, it isn’t. What makes you think I would want one with a Mr. Ladies’ man?”

  Raleigh’s whole demeanor changed with those words. Never had words cut so deeply. He had never allowed someone in, let alone allowed himself to feel the way he did about Sam. And the one woman he could see himself marrying one day ripped his heart into pieces.

  “I've never said I was a ladies’ man or professed to want to be one. My parents taught me to be polite and to treat others with kindness and dignity. If women perceive my politeness as being a ladies’ man, then there is nothing I can do about that. Do I love the attention I receive from women? Yes! Do I love the way I make a woman feel when I give them attention? Yes! But that doesn’t mean I sleep with every single woman I meet, and it doesn’t mean that what I'm feeling for you isn’t real. Sam, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on and the most infuriating woman I have ever met!”

  “Isn’t that what you like about me?” Sam grinned. “Oh, turn right here. This is my apartment building.”

  Raleigh pulled in and parked his truck, got out and walked to the passenger side to help Sam out of the truck. “I've never had a man help me out of a vehicle before. It’s kinda cute. Thank you!”

  Sam became a little weak and her knees buckled under her. Raleigh was there to catch her. “Let me walk you to your apartment and get you settled in. Then I’ll let you rest. I'm not fond of leaving you alone after the attack.”

  “I promise I will be ok. I'm sure no one knows where I live. Plus, I think it was a lucky shot. Wrong place, wrong time.”

  “You don’t think it’s all connected?” As he held her closer to him, he could feel her heart beating faster.

  “No, not at all.” I wish he would just take me now and stop making small talk.

  “Here we are. Apartment One-A. That's me.” Sam pulled out her keys and unlocked the door. Raleigh could feel Sam’s breath quicken as she opened the door.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked.

  “My god, NO! Why would I be?”

  “I don't know, you tell me. The closer we got to the apartment, the faster your heart rate and your breathing became. Are you afraid to be alone in your apartment with me?”

  Sam snapped back. “No, why would I ever be afraid of being alone with you? You’re…” And with that, Raleigh turned Sam around and he kissed her. Not just an ordinary kiss, but one that took Sam’s breath away. She could feel her heart pulsing way down deep inside her as Raleigh’s kiss became more passionate and more wanton than she had ever experienced i
n her entire life. As his tongue danced inside her mouth, she thought about how incredible it would feel on her clit—dancing and vibrating around the folds, and how his warm breath would heat her as he became comfortable between her legs.

  Raleigh’s hands moved over her body as if he knew every curve, playing her body like a violin. His hands made their way to her breasts, and he moved Sam against the wall of the apartment. He drifted, kissing her neck and down to her breast. He cupped them in both of his hands as he licked and sucked. Sam moaned and let out a sigh.

  “You like that, baby?” Raleigh said as he looked up into Sam’s eyes. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  “No! Keep going!”

  Raleigh could feel his cock thicken and push against his jeans. No, not now, this is not the right time. I gotta stop this. Before he could even get the words out, there was a knock on the door.

  “Sam!” A voice at the door yelled.

  “Damn! Ya, who is it?”

  “It's me, Maddie. Open the door, girl.”

  “Ya, hold on, I’ll be right there.” Sam turned to whisper to Raleigh. “Get yourself together. Hide in the bathroom.”

  Raleigh looked at Sam. “No, we have nothing to hide. I brought you home. That's all she needs to know. Besides that, I think she suspects anyway. So, if you trust her, we have nothing to worry about. You trust her, right?”


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