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Warranted Pleasures (A Warranted Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Shannon Nemechek

  Raleigh walked towards the contact. He didn’t utter a word. Their eyes met, and the contact motioned for him to follow. Sam waited for a moment then headed out the side door. “We have movement. They are heading out the front door. Anyone got’ em?”

  “Roger that, they are loading into a black SUV, Louisiana Plates Delta Echo Foxtrot One Six Seven Nine.”

  Sam replied as she started her car. “Roger that, I am pulling around the corner. I want two teams on the move. Agent Harper, you pinging my GPS?”

  “Yes Sergeant, I gotcha.”

  “Ok, I’m moving out.”

  Sam followed the black SUV for what seemed like hours, but it was only a few minutes. They crossed the Mississippi River bridge to an old warehouse district, exactly where Agent Harper thought they were going. She watched as the SUV pulled into the building, then stopped a building away to keep watch. She couldn’t get a clear view of what was going on. She had to get closer, so she got out of the car and moved in to get a closer look.

  She watched as Raleigh was shown the different weapons and equipment they had stockpiled, and the contact explained to him how they shipped the equipment and weapons out of the country. Then a man appeared from another room. It was Al-Balshera himself.

  Agent Harper observed Sam’s movements and asked her why she was on the move. She quickly replied, “I need to get in closer. I gotta make sure Chief is ok.”

  “We can hear everything that is going on. You need to stay clear of the building. Move back into your position.”

  Sam ignored him and found a clear view through a window of the warehouse. Raleigh was ok and being escorted by Al-Balshera. What she didn’t see was the roving patrol that was just feet from her. Agent Harper tried to warn her. “O’Hara, get outta there. There’s a patrol almost on top of you.” But it was too late, the man took her and dragged her in by her hair. Once they had her inside, they placed her in a room, tied her to a pole, and kicked and beat her.

  “You will talk or you will die,” the man said. Sam didn’t say a word. She hoped Raleigh or someone would rescue her.

  Al-Balshera’s phone rang. He answered, then ordered his men to take Raleigh. They held him at gunpoint. Al-Balshera ordered the man on the other end of the line to “bring her in.”

  Raleigh’s heart sank when he saw them dragging Sam by her hair into the room where he stood. He had to do something. He thought for a moment, then told Al-Balshera he was a friend of Jared’s and Jared couldn’t make the trip because he was being watched. He looked at Sam, his eyes told her to stay low. Al-Balshera ordered his men to lower their weapons. Raleigh pounced, grabbed one man’s weapon and fired.

  He screamed, “ROCKET LAUNCHER!” and the agents moved in. He shot five men, but Al-Balshera was getting away. He cut Sam loose, and when Agent Harper got to them, he told him to take care of her and he would be right back. Grabbing a couple more clips of ammo, he chased after Al-Balshera. Once he got to the docks, he saw Al-Balshera on a boat. As the boat started off, Raleigh ran to catch it. He jumped into the boat just as it pulled away from the docks. Al-Balshera fired at Raleigh, hitting him in the shoulder. Raleigh returned fire and hit Al-Balshera in the chest multiple times. Raleigh kneeled down, checked his pulse, then took control of the boat, returning it to the docks where Sam and the agents were waiting.

  Sam ran to Raleigh. She saw he was bleeding and called for paramedics. Raleigh wrapped his arms around her, kissing her.

  He looked into her eyes and said, “Baby, I love you so much.”

  Sam replied, “I know.”




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  Thank you for pushing me to follow my dreams and to pursue writing. Thank you for giving me the courage to put myself out there and thank you for always having my back.

  To those men and women with whom I served with over my many years of military service, I want to thank you for giving so much. We lived together, we trained together, we sweated together, we fought together. To those with whom we lost we grieved together. I will never forget you, ever. You will always be in my heart and in my memories. I hope I made a lasting impression on you as much as you have had on me.

  To my husband who supported me and held down the fort while I served, I thank you and love you. Thank you for supporting me and scarifying. I know it has been a tough road, and I tend to be a bit of a pain in the backside. Thank you.

  To my children who sacrificed so much moving from school to school when I served, I love you so very much. I know it was difficult and I am in awe of you every day. You have grown to be such amazing young people, and I am honored to be your mother. I look forward to watching you become mothers, fathers, wives, and husbands. I hope I gave you the tools to help you to love, honor and serve others as I have loved you.

  To my fans, supporters and my group, thank you for always supporting me and for buying my books. I am honored and humbled by your support and love. I love all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank You.

  About the Author

  Shannon started her writing career while still serving in the US Army. As an NCO in the Army she lead and trained soldiers. Shannon grew up in Macomb, IL where she graduated from High School in 1987 and soon after joined the US Army. Shannon served from 1987 to 2015 during Operation Desert Storm and during Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. In April 2015 Shannon retired from the US Army with 23 years of service as a Unit Supply Sergeant in several Army units overseas and the United States. She served as a US Army Recruiter for 4 years and she holds a degree in clinical psychology and has been awarded multiple awards during her Army service. She is a mother of 4 children and a grandma to 2 beautiful Grand-daughters. She has been married 24 years to her husband, Ken. They reside in Staunton, IL a small town along Old Route 66. Thank you for buying my book. I would love if you can review it on the site you purchased the book from.



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