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The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 1)

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by Albany, Cara

  Zayed glanced down at Chloe. She was as beautiful as he'd remembered. The truth was, her image had been burned into his mind for the last few years. There hadn't been a night when he hadn't struggled with the pain of being apart from her. The memories of their time together were etched in his mind, branded upon his soul.

  Nothing he had done since he'd last seen her had been able to remove those passionate impressions. No amount of work; none of the casual encounters with other women had made one bit of difference. Chloe Stirling was still a part of him. She always would be.

  If everything went according to the plan.

  "Are you saying that we can't film here?" Wilder demanded.

  Zayed shook his head. "Not at all. Merely that there has been a change of plans."

  Chloe looked up at Zayed. "What kind of change?"

  There was still something undeniably attractive about the way that she lifted her chin with that same familiar defiance. Zayed looked at Chloe accepting the challenge in her gaze, welcoming the brief connection, savoring the rebellion on her features.

  "Necessary changes," he declared slowly.

  Both Chloe and Wilder sighed impatiently.

  "Are you saying we came all this way for you to tell us that the movie can't go ahead?" Wilder demanded.

  "I'm not saying that at all," Zayed replied. "In fact, what I am about to suggest will result in you gaining access to even more unique locations which have never been used in any movie production."

  Zayed saw Wilder's eyes light up."Can you tell me more?" Wilder asked.

  "We can go into the details later," Zayed said. He turned and gestured to one of his brothers who was standing patiently behind him. "For the moment, may I introduce my brother Raz."

  Zayed's brother stepped forward and welcomed Chloe and Wilder.

  "Raz has agreed to be a liaison while you and Chloe are here in Qazhar."

  Zayed looked at Wilder. "In fact Raz has some very important people he'd like you to meet. Isn't that right Raz?"

  Right on cue, his brother nodded and agreed with Zayed's suggestion. Zayed felt Raz's agreement was a little too rapid to be entirely convincing. Raz never had been a convincing liar. Strictly speaking Raz wasn't lying, merely ensuring that Zayed would have Chloe all to himself. Zayed had only had a few seconds after seeing Chloe to instruct his younger brother to keep Wilder busy.

  It was a necessary ruse that would allow Zayed to speak with Chloe.

  Raz nodded. "That's right Mr. Wilder. If you'd like to accompany me, I have some people I'd like to introduce you to."

  Wilder seemed surprised and opened his mouth as if to speak. Zayed interrupted him with a courteous offer of a hand. "It's a delight to see you, Andrew. We will talk later."

  Momentarily caught off balance, Wilder glanced at Chloe.

  "If I may, I'd like to speak with your location manager," Zayed said hurriedly. He saw Chloe's mouth open as if she were about to object. "I have a few details which she might find of professional interest," Zayed said.

  Raz stepped forward and led Wilder away. Zayed saw Chloe look at her boss with what looked like an expression of mild panic. Did she find the prospect of being left alone with Zayed so objectionable? Zayed felt a momentary stab at his heart upon seeing those wide open eyes, that look of barely contained indignation on Chloe's face.

  Zayed watched Raz lead Wilder into the throng of guests. A waiter with a tray offered champagne.

  Zayed reached across and took Chloe's empty glass, placing it on the tray. "This champagne is exquisite," he said handing her a full glass and taking one for himself.

  Zayed saw Chloe watch the departing waiter. Once he was gone, she looked straight into Zayed's eyes.

  "How dare you!" she hissed, her voice low enough that not even the nearby guests could hear.

  Suddenly there was fury in those eyes that peered up at Zayed. Her jaw was set firm and her lips were a tight line of barely contained wrath. Zayed could see her fingers tighten around the stem of the champagne glass. He feared she would break it.

  He forced himself to smile at Chloe. It truly was a delight to see the real Chloe at last, the woman filled with passion and an inner heat that could hardly be cooled. He'd been right in his decision to bring her here. The fire was still there in her, burning as hot as the same fire within himself.

  "How dare I?" he asked with a wry grin. "I'm the sheikh. I can do what I like."

  Chloe glanced around apparently anxious not to make a scene in front of so many people. But, Zayed could see she was having difficulty containing her anger. Sometimes Zayed's natural inclination toward arrogance got the better of him. Maybe he shouldn't have been so cocky. But, a lifetime of getting his own way sometimes made it impossible to be modest.

  Chloe took one step closer toward Zayed. He caught her scent, a heady mixture of lemons and her own sweet aroma. He inhaled deeply and saw that she had noticed his reaction.

  "You can't do what you like with me," Chloe objected. "Not any more."

  Zayed rolled his eyes. "I'm merely acting in my capacity as Head of Cultural Affairs."

  "Is that the only affair you've been involved in since we last met?" Chloe challenged.

  Zayed's mouth twisted into a sardonic sneer. "And you? Hollywood is full of the chaste and the pure, I suppose."

  "What are you suggesting?" Chloe asked.

  Zayed shrugged. "Nothing. Merely that it has been three years since we last met."

  "A very long three years," Chloe explained.

  Zayed nodded. "Indeed. A great deal could have happened during that time. We have some catching up to do."

  Chloe frowned. "There is nothing to catch up with."

  "Nothing? Are you sure?" Zayed asked peering into Chloe's beautiful eyes.

  Chloe shook her head. "I am here to find locations for a movie. That's it. Nothing else."

  "You're saying your visit here is merely professional."

  "Exactly," Chloe said.

  "Why don't I believe you?"

  "You can believe me or not. That's entirely up to you. I'm here to help Andrew deliver the movie you and he have contracted with the studio."

  Zayed quirked a brow at Chloe. "Is Andrew merely your boss? Or is there more to that than meets the eye."

  Chloe gasped. "What are you suggesting?"

  "Just that you and he seem very comfortable in each others presence."

  "He's my boss. Nothing more. And quit trying to change the subject."

  "What subject would that be?"

  "The movie. The locations. That's the only reason I agreed to come to Qazhar."

  Zayed moved closer and touched Chloe's bare arm. "The only reason? Surely you can't have forgotten the past. How we once felt about each other."

  Her skin felt soft and warm. He wanted to run his hand up along her arm, all the way up to her shoulder. He needed to slide his hand inside that tight strap and gently cup her breast. Zayed swallowed and gazed into Chloe's eyes. He saw that his touch had brought a halt to her tirade. Her lower lip was so moist. He felt his shoulders move down inexorably toward her. Chloe saw the movement and leaned back away from Zayed.

  Chloe shook her arm loose. "Oh no! You're not going to do anything like that."

  Zayed's eyes narrowed. "And what was I about to do?"

  Chloe glanced at the nearby guests. "You'll just embarrass me if you try and kiss me."

  Zayed's brows rose. "I was about to kiss you? Are you sure?" he said, teasing her with a curl of his lip.

  Chloe nodded and drank some more champagne.

  "Then, to avoid embarrassment perhaps you'd like to accompany me to the viewing gallery," Zayed said. He gestured toward the glass-walled partition that separated the guest area and the outside balcony. "We can continue our discussion without further embarrassment."

  "I don't think so," Chloe said. She tried to twist away from Zayed.

  "But your boss said we could discuss business," Zayed said grasping her elbow. He gestured toward the guests in
the music-filled room. "This is hardly the place for such a discussion. In any case, I would like to show you my kingdom."

  Zayed saw Chloe's mouth crease as if she were suddenly reminded of his power, his influence over the domain that lay thirty floors below them.

  "Look, Zayed. Maybe it's time we got some things straight," Chloe declared.

  He knew she was trying to convince him that she was determined to brush off his advances. Zayed saw the resolve in her gaze. She took one more sip of champagne and fixed him with a grim look.

  Then, Chloe sighed and shook her head."Okay. If that's the way it has to be. Lead the way," she ordered him pointing toward the glass door.

  Zayed smirked at her casual tone. He liked the way she'd spoken. It showed him that there was a spirit inside her that could be tamed. Something he would enjoy doing battle with, just as before.

  As they started to make their way toward the viewing gallery, Zayed reached out a hand and laid it gently upon her back. Chloe glanced at him and he saw a flicker of hesitation in her gaze. He was sure she had considered asking him to remove his hand. But, the fact that she hadn't told him one crucial thing.

  Chloe still wanted Zayed.


  How dare he!

  Chloe watched Zayed close the glass door behind them, reducing the sound of the music and chatter of the guests to a muffled drone.

  The viewing gallery was a long balcony that stretched around the external wall of this level of the building. Of course, it wasn't exposed to the outside. Chloe knew that would be crazy since they were so high up. Chloe wrapped her arms protectively around herself. But, almost immediately, she wondered if she really did need protecting from Zayed.

  Looking through the thick glass windows, Chloe saw a view that suddenly took her breath away. The glittering lights of the nighttime cityscape lay below them, stretching away to the distant wine-dark sea.

  Chloe heard Zayed's footsteps behind her. She felt his hand once more against her back. In spite of herself, she allowed that hand to remain against the base of her spine.

  "The city is beautiful," she breathed.

  "Mine," he said quietly. For a moment, Chloe wondered if Zayed was talking about the kingdom or about her. She shook the thought away. Of course, he was talking about Qazhar. He couldn't be talking of possessing her.

  Not again. Could he?

  "Or at least it will be, once my father passes it on to me," Zayed continued.

  It seemed faintly ridiculous that he could say such a thing. It reminded her of his authority, his inherited strength.

  Chloe shook her head. Since the moment the door had closed behind them, there had been a sudden change in how she felt. Perhaps it had to do with being alone with Zayed for the first time in three years. During the entire flight, she had been trying to predict just what her reaction would be to being with him again. Chloe had failed utterly in anticipating just how he would affect her.

  "Let's go round this way," Zayed said pointing the way toward the curving passage of the gallery. It led away from the guests. "It's more private."

  Chloe realized that if she went there with Zayed no-one would be able to see them."I prefer to stay here," she said.

  She tightened the grip around herself. Zayed moved around and stood by her side. She saw him frown.

  "You don't trust me?"

  Chloe shook her head. "It's not about that, Zayed."

  Chloe saw his reaction to hearing her say his name. He looked so pleased. The corners of his mouth creased slightly, and then he seemed to take control of himself once more.

  "What is it about then, Chloe?" he asked.

  Chloe shook her head and said nothing in response.

  Zayed's hand came up and he ran his fingers ever so slowly along Chloe's jaw. "So beautiful. Incredible," she heard him breathe. For a moment, she leaned into the touch. His touch created sensations that raced down her back and throughout her body. It was instant and irresistible, taking her completely by surprise.

  Chloe took a step away and gave him a reproving glance. "Please, don't do that, Zayed."

  "Why should I not caress your sweet face, habibti?" he murmured.

  Chloe felt a rush of sensation at hearing that special word that meant so much in his own language. It was a word that expressed something she dearly needed to resist.

  "There can be no love between us, Zayed. You told me so yourself."

  Zayed sighed and took a step closer, but he paused upon seeing Chloe's steely gaze. "That was so long ago," he pleaded.

  "And I have not forgotten one moment of those days, Zayed. Have you?"

  "Of course I haven't. Not a day has passed when I haven't thought about you. You have filled my thoughts day and night."

  Chloe gasped involuntarily. "Then why did you leave me like that?"

  Chloe saw Zayed swallow hard. His brows furrowed into a familiar expression that she remembered all too well. It was the same look she'd seen on his face the last time they'd been in each others company.

  "It is difficult for me to explain. You may not understand."

  "Try me," Chloe ejaculated with a defiant shrug and tightening of her jawline.

  Zayed sighed and turned away from Chloe to look out across the city. Chloe saw his reflection in the tinted glass window. She saw the dark expression on his features. It was every bit as dark as the night descending upon the city.

  Chloe thought Zayed looked as if he were in real pain. But, even with the anguish written on his features she couldn't help being filled with wonder at how astonishingly handsome he was. For almost every moment since he'd strode up to her in the room next door, she'd gazed in amazement at his beautiful features, his dark, penetrating eyes, luxuriant black, shoulder length hair.

  Zayed's body had filled out and his shoulders seemed broader, his torso more muscular than she recalled. Watching him from the back she saw that his posture was defiant, even regal. He looked like a rebellious animal struggling to contain an intense energy within.

  Chloe sighed and went to Zayed, laying a hand on his shoulder. His head whirled around and she saw that his eyes contained a manic expression.

  Then, before she had a chance to react he seized Chloe, wrapping his arms around her, drawing her hard against his body. In an instant his head dipped and his lips were on hers, claiming her, devouring her.

  Chloe hardly had a moment to resist before being drowned in a sea of sensation. His kiss was punishing and yet tender at the same time. It was as if he just could not contain himself any longer. Now that she was here, now that she was in his arms, Chloe felt like this kiss was inevitable, irresistible.

  Chloe felt his hardness against her belly. She grasped his shoulders caught between the twin desires to push him away or succumb to his desperate need. Because, the truth was, Chloe had forgotten just how much she had needed Zayed. And now was a reminder of just how much she'd felt for him.

  His mouth consumed hers, his tongue eagerly exploring and probing.

  But as suddenly as she'd yielded to Zayed's desire, Chloe impulsively pushed against him. Zayed immediately responded, his mouth parting from hers, his eyes searching for an explanation.

  Chloe glanced over her shoulder at the guests in the other room. "Please. Zayed."

  He nodded and leaned away from her. She felt the sudden parting of their bodies and wondered why she still wanted to feel his hardness pressing against her. Heat had risen in her core and she lowered her eyes from his piercing gaze.

  "Of course," Zayed said. He ran a hand through his thick hair. Chloe saw beads of sweat on his forehead. "I shouldn't have done that. Especially since I has been such a long time. I hope you will forgive."

  Chloe felt like an embarrassed teen who'd been kissed at the prom. But then the man who was standing before her was so much more than a prom date. He was a sheikh whom she had loved.

  Chloe glanced out the window at the city below. This world was so far removed from her life back in California. In fact, thi
s whole kingdom was like a completely different planet.

  Chloe guessed it must be the effects of the long journey that had caused her to succumb momentarily to Zayed's attentions.

  "There's nothing to forgive, Zayed. Not this evening, anyway," Chloe said.

  She saw his brows furrow. "You haven't forgiven me?"

  Chloe drew in a deep breath. "How can I? You left without telling me why."

  Zayed's eyes flashed and there was a hint of irritation, even anger there that made Chloe feel that the viewing gallery was suddenly a very small place.

  "I've already explained as much as I can."

  "You see that's the problem, Zayed. You haven't explained anything at all. One moment you were there, in California. We had the most wonderful time together. You made me believe..." Chloe said, her voice drifting away.

  Zayed stared at Chloe. "Made you believe what, Chloe?"

  Chloe waved a dismissive hand. "Nothing. It's all in the past. There's nothing to say. We've both moved on. I can see that life has been good to you," she said.

  Zayed glanced out the window. "My destiny was fixed the moment I was born. That's something I don't expect anyone else to understand."

  "What does that mean?" Chloe asked.

  Zayed shook his head and, for a moment, said nothing more.

  "Am I too lowly for your elevated status? Is that what you're suggesting?" she said.

  "I said no such thing." Zayed drew in a sharp breath. Chloe saw his shoulders rise and become hard with tension. "In fact nothing could be further from the truth."

  "You as much as hinted I was...unsuitable." Chloe peered into Zayed's eyes. "Is that why you left me so suddenly? Was I merely a fling? Was I just another of your many conquests?"

  The muscle at the corner of Zayed's jaw started to twitch. His mouth was set as firm as the evenness of his stare. His features had suddenly become impassive and Chloe wondered if she were pushing too hard for an answer. But she needed him to explain. She wanted him to tell her the truth.


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