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Delphi Complete Poetry and Plays of W. B. Yeats (Illustrated) (Delphi Poets Series)

Page 17

by W. B. Yeats

  In muscular youth well known to Mayo men

  For horsemanship at meets or at race-courses,

  That could have shown how purebred horses

  And solid men, for all their passion, live

  But as the outrageous stars incline

  By opposition, square and trine;

  Having grown sluggish and contemplative.


  They were my close companions many a year,

  A portion of my mind and life, as it were,

  And now their breathless faces seem to look

  Out of some old picture-book;

  I am accustomed to their lack of breath,

  But not that my dear friend’s dear son,

  Our Sidney and our perfect man,

  Could share in that discourtesy of death.


  For all things the delighted eye now sees

  Were loved by him; the old storm-broken trees

  That cast their shadows upon road and bridge;

  The tower set on the stream’s edge;

  The ford where drinking cattle make a stir

  Nightly, and startled by that sound

  The water-hen must change her ground;

  He might have been your heartiest welcomer.


  When with the Galway foxhounds he would ride

  From Castle Taylor to the Roxborough side

  Or Esserkelly plain, few kept his pace;

  At Mooneen he had leaped a place

  So perilous that half the astonished meet

  Had shut their eyes, and where was it

  He rode a race without a bit?

  And yet his mind outran the horses’ feet.


  We dreamed that a great painter had been born

  To cold Clare rock and Galway rock and thorn,

  To that stern colour and that delicate line

  That are our secret discipline

  Wherein the gazing heart doubles her might.

  Soldier, scholar, horseman, he,

  And yet he had the intensity

  To have published all to be a world’s delight.


  What other could so well have counselled us

  In all lovely intricacies of a house

  As he that practised or that understood

  All work in metal or in wood,

  In moulded plaster or in carven stone?

  Soldier, scholar, horseman, he,

  And all he did done perfectly

  As though he had but that one trade alone.


  Some burn damp fagots, others may consume

  The entire combustible world in one small room

  As though dried straw, and if we turn about

  The bare chimney is gone black out

  Because the work had finished in that flare.

  Soldier, scholar, horseman, he,

  As ‘twere all life’s epitome.

  What made us dream that he could comb grey hair?


  I had thought, seeing how bitter is that wind

  That shakes the shutter, to have brought to mind

  All those that manhood tried, or childhood loved,

  Or boyish intellect approved,

  With some appropriate commentary on each;

  Until imagination brought

  A fitter welcome; but a thought

  Of that late death took all my heart for speech.


  I know that I shall meet my fate

  Somewhere among the clouds above;

  Those that I fight I do not hate

  Those that I guard I do not love;

  My country is Kiltartan Cross,

  My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor,

  No likely end could bring them loss

  Or leave them happier than before.

  Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,

  Nor public man, nor angry crowds,

  A lonely impulse of delight

  Drove to this tumult in the clouds;

  I balanced all, brought all to mind,

  The years to come seemed waste of breath,

  A waste of breath the years behind

  In balance with this life, this death.


  I am worn out with dreams;

  A weather-worn, marble triton

  Among the streams;

  And all day long I look

  Upon this lady’s beauty

  As though I had found in book

  A pictured beauty,

  Pleased to have filled the eyes

  Or the discerning ears,

  Delighted to be but wise,

  For men improve with the years;

  And yet and yet

  Is this my dream, or the truth?

  O would that we had met

  When I had my burning youth;

  But I grow old among dreams,

  A weather-worn, marble triton

  Among the streams.


  Would I could cast a sail on the water

  Where many a king has gone

  And many a king’s daughter,

  And alight at the comely trees and the lawn,

  The playing upon pipes and the dancing,

  And learn that the best thing is

  To change my loves while dancing

  And pay but a kiss for a kiss.

  I would find by the edge of that water

  The collar-bone of a hare

  Worn thin by the lapping of water,

  And pierce it through with a gimlet and stare

  At the old bitter world where they marry in churches,

  And laugh over the untroubled water

  At all who marry in churches,

  Through the white thin bone of a hare.


  ‘Although I’d lie lapped up in linen

  A deal I’d sweat and little earn

  If I should live as live the neighbours,’

  Cried the beggar, Billy Byrne;

  ‘Stretch bones till the daylight come

  On great-grandfather’s battered tomb.’

  Upon a grey old battered tombstone

  In Glendalough beside the stream,

  Where the O’Byrnes and Byrnes are buried,

  He stretched his bones and fell in a dream

  Of sun and moon that a good hour

  Bellowed and pranced in the round tower;

  Of golden king and silver lady,

  Bellowing up and bellowing round,

  Till toes mastered a sweet measure,

  Mouth mastered a sweet sound,

  Prancing round and prancing up

  Until they pranced upon the top.

  That golden king and that wild lady

  Sang till stars began to fade,

  Hands gripped in hands, toes close together,

  Hair spread on the wind they made;

  That lady and that golden king

  Could like a brace of blackbirds sing.

  ‘It’s certain that my luck is broken,’

  That rambling jailbird Billy said;

  ‘Before nightfall I’ll pick a pocket

  And snug it in a feather-bed,

  I cannot find the peace of home

  On great-grandfather’s battered tomb.’


  Sang Solomon to Sheba,

  And kissed her dusky face,

  ‘All day long from mid-day

  We have talked in the one place,

  All day long from shadowless noon

  We have gone round and round

  In the narrow theme of love

  Like an old horse in a pound.’

  To Solomon sang Sheba,

  Planted on his knees,

  ‘If you had broached a matter

  That might the learned please,

  You had before the sun had thrown

  Our shadows on the ground

Discovered that my thoughts, not it,

  Are but a narrow pound.’

  Sang Solomon to Sheba,

  And kissed her Arab eyes,

  ‘There’s not a man or woman

  Born under the skies

  Dare match in learning with us two,

  And all day long we have found

  There’s not a thing but love can make

  The world a narrow pound.’


  I’ll say and maybe dream I have drawn content —

  Seeing that time has frozen up the blood,

  The wick of youth being burned and the oil spent —

  From beauty that is cast out of a mould

  In bronze, or that in dazzling marble appears,

  Appears, and when we have gone is gone again,

  Being more indifferent to our solitude

  Than ‘twere an apparition. O heart, we are old,

  The living beauty is for younger men,

  We cannot pay its tribute of wild tears.


  I thought no more was needed

  Youth to prolong

  Than dumb-bell and foil

  To keep the body young.

  Oh, who could have foretold

  That the heart grows old?

  Though I have many words,

  What woman’s satisfied,

  I am no longer faint

  Because at her side?

  Oh, who could have foretold

  That the heart grows old?

  I have not lost desire

  But the heart that I had,

  I thought ‘twould burn my body

  Laid on the death-bed.

  But who could have foretold

  That the heart grows old?


  Dear fellow-artist, why so free

  With every sort of company,

  With every Jack and Jill?

  Choose your companions from the best;

  Who draws a bucket with the rest

  Soon topples down the hill.

  You may, that mirror for a school,

  Be passionate, not bountiful

  As common beauties may,

  Who were not born to keep in trim

  With old Ezekiel’s cherubim

  But those of Beaujolet.

  I know what wages beauty gives,

  How hard a life her servant lives,

  Yet praise the winters gone;

  There is not a fool can call me friend,

  And I may dine at journey’s end

  With Landor and with Donne.


  My dear, my dear, I know

  More than another

  What makes your heart beat so;

  Not even your own mother

  Can know it as I know,

  Who broke my heart for her

  When the wild thought,

  That she denies

  And has forgot,

  Set all her blood astir

  And glittered in her eyes.


  Bald heads forgetful of their sins,

  Old, learned, respectable bald heads

  Edit and annotate the lines

  That young men, tossing on their beds,

  Rhymed out in love’s despair

  To flatter beauty’s ignorant ear.

  They’ll cough in the ink to the world’s end;

  Wear out the carpet with their shoes

  Earning respect; have no strange friend;

  If they have sinned nobody knows.

  Lord, what would they say

  Should their Catullus walk that way?


  ‘Though logic choppers rule the town,

  And every man and maid and boy

  Has marked a distant object down,

  An aimless joy is a pure joy,’

  Or so did Tom O’Roughley say

  That saw the surges running by,

  ‘And wisdom is a butterfly

  And not a gloomy bird of prey.

  ‘If little planned is little sinned

  But little need the grave distress.

  What’s dying but a second wind?

  How but in zigzag wantonness

  Could trumpeter Michael be so brave?’

  Or something of that sort he said,

  ‘And if my dearest friend were dead

  I’d dance a measure on his grave.’



  That cry’s from the first cuckoo of the year

  I wished before it ceased.


  Nor bird nor beast

  Could make me wish for anything this day,

  Being old, but that the old alone might die,

  And that would be against God’s Providence.

  Let the young wish. But what has brought you here?

  Never until this moment have we met

  Where my goats browse on the scarce grass or leap

  From stone to stone.


  I am looking for strayed sheep;

  Something has troubled me and in my trouble

  I let them stray. I thought of rhyme alone,

  For rhyme can beat a measure out of trouble

  And make the daylight sweet once more; but when

  I had driven every rhyme into its place

  The sheep had gone from theirs.


  I know right well

  What turned so good a shepherd from his charge.


  He that was best in every country sport

  And every country craft, and of us all

  Most courteous to slow age and hasty youth

  Is dead.


  The boy that brings my griddle cake

  Brought the bare news.


  He had thrown the crook away

  And died in the great war beyond the sea.


  He had often played his pipes among my hills

  And when he played it was their loneliness,

  The exultation of their stone, that cried

  Under his fingers.


  I had it from his mother,

  And his own flock was browsing at the door.


  How does she bear her grief? There is not a shepherd

  But grows more gentle when he speaks her name,

  Remembering kindness done, and how can I,

  That found when I had neither goat nor grazing

  New welcome and old wisdom at her fire

  Till winter blasts were gone, but speak of her

  Even before his children and his wife.


  She goes about her house erect and calm

  Between the pantry and the linen chest,

  Or else at meadow or at grazing overlooks

  Her labouring men, as though her darling lived

  But for her grandson now; there is no change

  But such as I have seen upon her face

  Watching our shepherd sports at harvest-time

  When her son’s turn was over.


  Sing your song,

  I too have rhymed my reveries, but youth

  Is hot to show whatever it has found

  And till that’s done can neither work nor wait.

  Old goatherds and old goats, if in all else

  Youth can excel them in accomplishment,

  Are learned in waiting.


  You cannot but have seen

  That he alone had gathered up no gear,

  Set carpenters to work on no wide table,

  On no long bench nor lofty milking shed

  As others will, when first they take possession,

  But left the house as in his father’s time

  As though he knew himself, as it were, a cuckoo,

  No settled man.
And now that he is gone

  There’s nothing of him left but half a score

  Of sorrowful, austere, sweet, lofty pipe tunes.


  You have put the thought in rhyme.


  I worked all day

  And when ‘twas done so little had I done

  That maybe ‘I am sorry’ in plain prose

  Had sounded better to your mountain fancy.

  [He sings.

  ‘Like the speckled bird that steers

  Thousands of leagues oversea,

  And runs for a while or a while half-flies

  Upon his yellow legs through our meadows,

  He stayed for a while; and we

  Had scarcely accustomed our ears

  To his speech at the break of day,

  Had scarcely accustomed our eyes

  To his shape in the lengthening shadows,

  Where the sheep are thrown in the pool,

  When he vanished from ears and eyes.

  I had wished a dear thing on that day

  I heard him first, but man is a fool.’


  You sing as always of the natural life,

  And I that made like music in my youth

  Hearing it now have sighed for that young man

  And certain lost companions of my own.


  They say that on your barren mountain ridge

  You have measured out the road that the soul treads

  When it has vanished from our natural eyes;

  That you have talked with apparitions.



  My daily thoughts since the first stupor of youth


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