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Slipperless #5: A Billionaire Love Story

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by Sloan Storm

  Slipperless Series

  (Book #5)

  By Sloan Storm

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


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  It had been a couple of days since I fired Fiona. While I waited for word on whether or not she’d accepted my offer to return, I’d been focused on assuring all of the investors who still remained that we were very close to correcting the lingering issues with the clinical trial data.

  Unfortunately, nothing could have been further from the truth.

  Without Fiona’s continued involvement, salvaging things at this point would be almost impossible. In many respects, she held all the cards. My hope was she didn’t realize it and try to gain leverage over me. Never again would I allow myself to be put in a situation where this would happen, but none of that mattered very much right now.

  And so it was in the early afternoon, I received an email from Mrs. Jameson. In it, she detailed the specifics of the offer she’d made to Fiona and included a copy of Fiona’s response to it. As my eyes traced the letters on the screen, I couldn’t believe what I read.

  Disgusted, I picked up the phone and dialed Mrs. Jameson’s extension. I wasted no time making my frustrations clear.

  “What is the meaning of this offer you made to Fiona?”

  “I’m sorry sir?” Mrs. Jameson asked, with a hint of confusion in her tone. “I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean. What’s wrong with it?”

  “Well, for starters, I never authorized you to use any language relating to wrongful termination. And, secondly, how am I to supervise Fiona without being able to summon her to my office? Do you understand the predicament you created for me here, Mrs. Jameson?”

  “My apologies, Mr. Hawkins. However, if you’ll recall, you left it up to me to come up with a suitable offer for Fiona. I consulted with other members of the department here and we decided, after much discussion, that the offer with the least amount of risk to the company in a legal sense would be to prevent her from filing a wrongful termination suit.”

  Still speechless, I sputtered a weary exhale from between my lips and leaned back in my chair, sliding my fingers through my hair as I did.

  Mrs. Jameson continued, “As for her demand that she not be put in a situation where she has to be alone with you…” She hesitated for a moment or two.

  “Yes?” I replied. “You were saying?”

  She cleared her throat before answering. “May I speak frankly, sir?”

  “Please. We really don’t have any time to waste.”

  “Well, Mr. Hawkins, it’s not exactly a secret… I mean, what’s been going on between you and Ms. Matthews.”

  As she spoke, I closed my eyes and leaned over my desk. Propping an elbow up on it, I squeezed the bridge of my nose between my thumb and index finger in frustration as she continued to ramble.

  “And well, sir, while we didn’t add the stipulation she not be left alone with you, I can’t say that I think it’s a bad idea, either. I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way, of course. However, as the Director of Human Resources, it’s my responsibility to look out for the best interest of all employees. I hope that you understand what I am saying and…”

  “Yes, yes,” I replied, cutting her off mid-sentence. “I understand what you’re saying, Mrs. Jameson. Do you have any indication as to whether or not she intends to return?”

  “Only what you see in the email there.”

  “All right,” I began. Nodding my head, I continued, “I want you to go ahead and press Fiona on her decision. One way or another, I have to know what she’s going to do.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Hawkins. I’ll take care of it right away and let you know what she’s decided.”

  “Very well. Thank you, Mrs. Jameson.”

  “You’re welcome, sir.”

  I hung up the phone and pushed myself into a standing position. Walking around the side of my desk, I made my way towards the bar. Minutes later, with a fresh gin and tonic in hand, I took a seat at the conference table to do a bit of thinking.

  I suppose I had to admit that Mrs. Jameson had a valid point. As much as Fiona’s demand frustrated me—hell, angered me—digging in over it would send the wrong message to everyone in the company.

  I understood she hurt from the loss of her grandmother, but at the same time I couldn’t help but feel insulted. Yes, I’d made a mistake in firing her the way I did, but otherwise, I’d been nothing but good to Fiona. Perhaps this was her way of trying to bring our physical relationship to an end.

  I picked up my cocktail, and took a sip. The juniper berry flavor of the liquor and carbonation of the mixer rolled across my taste buds, heating and cooling them at the same time.

  As I finished, I placed the glass back down on top of the table. Spinning it in place, I watched as tears of condensation flowed down the sides, collecting in a watery ring around the bottom.

  How was I ever going to get the answer I deserved from her?

  I chuckled.

  I had to admit, even when Fiona was at her lowest point, she found a way to be creative, crafty and resourceful. I’d always known she was special in more ways than one. While her obstinacy aggravated me, the way she’d shown backbone at a time when she could least afford to do it was impressive.

  I took another sip of my drink, more like a gulp.

  Wincing as the alcohol burned my throat, I glanced toward the large windows in my office. Like the afternoon sun, the future was setting on Hawkins Biotech if we didn’t get things turned around and quickly. She’d outwitted me and negotiated me into a position from which I had only one play.

  I shook my head.

  I should’ve seen it coming, but from now on, I wouldn’t make the mistake of underestimating Fiona anymore.

  As for her demand, well, we’d have to see how things went, but I knew right then and there I’d do whatever I had to get her back.


  I hadn’t been back to the office at all since taking my leave of absence prior to my grandmother’s death.

  Although I told Mrs. Jameson I hadn’t found a specific replacement to fill in for me while I was out, there was a part of me that didn’t see a need for it. This was mostly because I didn’t anticipate being gone very long and also, I didn’t have time to get the team on my level when it came to troubleshooting the clinical trial data.

  However, prior to leaving, I did meet with them, and I explained what was happening and how I expected them to contribute. Although the complexities of the problem were mine to deal with alone, by assigning them some supporting tasks, I expected to be in a better position when I returned.

  Of course, in the interim Gabe fired me, so I had no idea where things stood.

  I meant that both in terms of the work on the Link Protocol and also with the team. I’d had no choice but to disclose the reason for my leave of absence, but whether they were aware I’d been let go and subsequently brought back, I still didn’t know.

  But wheth
er they did or not, the work still had to be done. As I arrived in the lab, I wasted no time in gathering the team together for an update.

  I was pleasantly surprised by the condolences offered to me. Even Amanda and Melissa seemed genuinely concerned about my well-being. Beyond that, it wasn’t long before it became clear word of my dismissal hadn’t made its way to the team.

  That, however, was as far as the good news went.

  One by one, I quizzed the team members about their assignments and the progress they been making. To my disbelief, almost nothing had been accomplished. As I stood before them, my stomach began to churn. Thinning my lips, I turned my attention to Amanda and Melissa. I must’ve been a complete idiot to think I could rely on them.

  Fed up with the lack of progress, I addressed them specifically.

  “As senior team leaders, I expect both of you to not only do your jobs but also to make sure that others do theirs as well. Do you have any idea what your behavior is going to do, not only to the future of the Link Protocol, but probably Hawkins Biotech as well?”

  Melissa barked her reply at me without wasting a second.

  “Don’t try that, Fiona. Fixing the screw-up was your responsibility.”

  “Yeah,” Amanda said. Wagging a finger at me, she continued, “You left all of us in an impossible situation. You know there’s aspects of the research that only you understand. You said so yourself! It’s your own fault you weren’t here and the work didn’t get done.”

  “That’s right, Amanda.” Melissa added. “Don’t try to pass the buck, Fiona. It’s not gonna work. Not this time.”

  As the two of them ganged up on me, my fingers curled into fists.

  I couldn’t believe the nerve of these two… bitches.

  They were trying to blame everything on me, when I could just as easily demonstrate they’d done all of this on purpose. Fuming, I hesitated for a moment, searching for the perfect choice of words that would cut through all of the crap and get things moving again.

  But, as I stood there, a sudden realization hit me.

  There was nothing I would ever be able to say to either one of them that would change the way they felt about me or change how they behaved in the lab as long as I was in charge. And with things at a critical stage, I simply had no time left to deal with their undermining and backstabbing behavior any longer.

  The decision became crystal clear.

  “You’re fired. Both of you. Get your stuff and get out.”

  For emphasis, I straightened my arm and swung in the direction of the lab door.

  “Right now. Go.”

  They turned and looked at one another, looks of utter disbelief wrinkling their faces.

  “Y-You can’t do this, Fiona!” Amanda exclaimed, as she shook her head. “We haven’t done anything wrong. You can’t prove anything.”

  I sniffed in defiance and walked towards both of them, stopping within a couple of feet.

  “Did you not understand what I just said? Get. Out.”

  By now, the entire lab team sat, looking at me in slack-jawed disbelief. Something inside of me snapped. I couldn’t explain it, but I literally had no emotion left to spare for anyone, except anger.

  Pity and sadness were useless to me now.

  Just then, Melissa spoke up once more. “I’m not going to stand for this, Fiona. I’m going straight to Gabe and tell him exactly what you’re doing.”

  I nodded, and stepped aside, making the way to the lab door clear for them. With a sweeping gesture, I pointed in the direction of the exit.

  “Be my guest. I could care less what you do. But make no mistake, this is my lab and this is my project. It’s my reputation on the line and it’s my career at stake if this fails. I’m not going to allow you or anyone else here to interfere with me doing the job I have to do. So, you are welcome to run to Gabe and tell him whatever it is you want to, but—you will leave. If you don’t, I’ll have you thrown out. Do I make myself clear?”

  A hush of silence fell over the room.

  I stood in place, arm extended, ramrod straight. For another moment or two, Amanda and Melissa looked at each other.

  “Now,” I said, with an edge in my tone.

  Not long after, the two of them stood and, after gathering up their things, made their way past me and towards the lab door. I watched them, tracing their steps like a determined predator watches its hapless prey. Soon, they opened the door and disappeared into the hall and hopefully out of my life forever.

  In the aftermath, I dismissed the remaining team members with the instruction that once I’d been able to figure out exactly where things stood, I would delegate responsibility among them where appropriate.

  I stormed back to my workstation and picked up the phone. I dialed Mrs. Jameson, not only to tell her what I had done, but also to demand immediate replacements for both Amanda and Melissa. After a brief conversation, she informed me she would have to consult with the rest of the Human Resources team and let me know what they could do to help.

  After hanging up, I collapsed into my chair with a thud.

  As I did, I felt the adrenaline that raced through my veins during my confrontation dissipate. In its place, a sudden wave of exhaustion overcame me. Perhaps I’d gone too far, but at this point I just didn’t care any longer. As I thought about what I’d done over the next ten minutes or so, my phone rang.

  I noticed it was Mrs. Jameson calling.

  “Yes, Mrs. Jameson?” I said as I picked up the phone.

  “Fiona,” she began. “In order to help you with your request as quickly as possible, we will need to meet with you in the conference room so we can detail your requirements.”

  “I don’t have time for that right now, Mrs. Jameson,” I scoffed. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but at the same time, every minute I wasn’t in the lab was a wasted one. “Isn’t there any way you can do this without my involvement?”

  “No, I’m afraid there isn’t,” she replied. “The longer you delay in making your requirements clear to us, the more time it’s going to take us to find you suitable replacements for Amanda and Melissa.”

  I hung my head and my hair closed in around my eyes. This couldn’t possibly be any worse.

  “Fine,” I grumbled. “When would you like to meet?”

  “How about fifteen minutes from now?”

  “All right,” I said, with a long exhale. “Do I need to bring anything?”

  “No,” she answered. “We’ll have everything ready go.”

  And so, exactly fifteen minutes later, still borderline furious from everything that had happened, I made my way to the conference room. Just before entering, I paused for a moment to collect myself.

  “Deep breath, Fiona. Stay calm, professional and just get this done.”

  With that, I pushed open the door and immediately turned to close it behind me. Spinning in the direction of the conference table, I noticed it was completely empty.

  That is, except for one occupied chair at the head of it.

  In it sat Gabe.


  My mouth watered as I looked at her. Something about her energy seemed electric and wild. Fiona’s eyes sparkled with defiance, and she glared in my direction. I stood from the chair and started to walk towards her.

  “I swear to God, Gabe, if you touch me—I’ll scream.”

  I licked my lips as I looked at her in silence.

  I took another step towards her, close enough to get my first whiff of her perfume. While she stared at me with a look of uncertainty on her face, I relished the feeling of being close to her once again. My cock twitched as I watched her ample breasts heave. In between frenetic gulps of air, her chest moved up and down, tempting my hands to touch them.

  “What are you doing, Gabe?” she whispered. “Don’t push me.”

  I narrowed my gaze as I looked at her mouth. More than anything, I wanted to press my lips against hers. Fiona continued to fight through labored breath as I moved closer yet again. Her
lips parted, and I was almost close enough to feel the heat as it escaped from the between them.

  Just then, Fiona broke my gaze and her eyes darted towards the conference room door. Within a fraction of a second, she moved as if she were trying to escape, but as she did, I slammed my hand against the wall, palm flat, blocking her exit. She snapped her head in my direction, and I wasted no more time.

  I crushed my mouth into hers, pinning her head against the wall. Right away, Fiona resisted me with everything she had. After a moment or two, she shook her head with a violent thrash, and broke her lips free of mine.

  “Stop it, Gabe,” she warned. Lifting her hand, she wiped her mouth with the back of her palm.

  I smiled as I looked into her eyes.

  “I mean it,” she began. “I’m not kidding around. If you so much as touch me again, I’ll knee you right in the balls.”

  But just as she finished speaking, I noticed the tiniest of twitches underneath Fiona’s eye. She didn’t believe her own bluff. I extended my other arm. Now with both palms flat against the wall, I engulfed her with my presence.

  Without hesitation, I leaned my entire body into her, pinning her against the wall with my weight. My lips met hers and I drove my tongue inside her mouth. Predictably, Fiona resisted, squealing and moaning and otherwise protesting, until at last, I felt the rigidness fade from her body.

  I swept my hands away from the wall and drew them towards the soft, milky flesh of her chin. Now devouring her, I twisted my head from one side to another, slipping my tongue all along the inside of her mouth.

  Fiona moved closer to surrender as she pulled her head forward, just off of the wall, and began to return my affection with an equal intensity of her own. Reaching up, she draped her arms across my shoulders, hooking them together behind my head in a lazy embrace.

  Fiona’s body eased against mine with each second that passed. Delighting in the change to her demeanor, I reached down and dug my fingers into her voluptuous curves. Squeezing her softness, it took everything I had not to shred her clothing into a pile of fabric and fuck her senseless against the wall.

  Between kisses, we gasped for air as the intensity grew ever greater between us. Whatever boundaries she’d concocted in her mind vanished while our affection for one another rekindled as I’d hoped it would.


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