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Page 3

by Lucia Jordan

  “So hot,” he murmured, brushing the hair back from her face as he worked into her another inch. “God, I wish I could fuck you for a week.”

  “Then we’d both get fired. Oh, Raven.” She twisted under him, trying to push herself down on his shaft. “Don’t make me wait.”

  “You’re going to make me wait tomorrow, aren’t you?” He cupped her breast with one hand, kneading it as he nipped her chin. “Or are you going to come my trailer and bend over my bed again for me?”

  Marielle felt thrilled and frightened. “We can’t do this on the set.”

  “Can’t we?” He pushed deeper inside her. “Think about it. The crew working just outside, Vanessa calling for you but you’re face down on my mattress, your bare ass pressed against me, your pussy crying for cock like it is now.”

  “Raven, please,” she said.

  “I’ll cover your mouth so no one hears the sounds you make,” he whispered. “Like this.” He clamped his big hand over her lips. “Then I’ll give it to you the way you like.” He jabbed into her but then slowed his stroke. “Or maybe I’ll make you scream first.”

  Marielle made a pleading sound against his palm.

  “You won’t stop me.” He drew out of her. “I’m going to fuck you on the set tomorrow, my sweet little slut and any time I like from now on.” He removed his hand and pressed his mouth to hers for a hard, fast kiss. “And you’re going to take my cock anytime I tell you to because you want it that way as much as I do, don’t you?”

  “I’m not Melanie,” she whispered.

  “No, but you’re mine.” He dragged her legs up and hooked them over his shoulders. He ploughed into her so hard and fast it made her convulse. “You’re my slut, my cock slave, my submissive. Say it.”

  “I’m yours.” She felt confused and ashamed and more desirable than she ever had. “Whatever you want me to be.”

  “You’re already mine, baby. Now I’m going to teach you what I want.” He thrust into her again and again, watching her breasts bounce as he shafted her. “Take what I give you, take it all in that tight little pussy.” He dragged her hand down and pressed it between her thighs. “Rub your clit. I want to see you finger yourself while I’m fucking you. Do it.”

  Marielle had never touched herself in front of a man. A low roar filled her head as she slid her finger between her slick folds and stroked the erect throbbing nub.

  “Does it feel good?” he crooned as he watched her hand. “Do you want to come?” She nodded. He bent his head down and covered her mouth with his, pushing his tongue in and out in the same rhythm as his penis was pumping into her sheath.

  She groaned into his mouth as he pushed his finger beside hers and helped her stroke her pulsing pearl. She was on the very brink and wrenched her mouth from his. “Raven, please.”

  He jerked his penis out of her and dropped down to cover her sex with his mouth, using his tongue to lash her clit as she came, laving her over and over as she shook with delight. When she went limp he straightened and straddled her, bringing her hand to his cock and wrapping her fingers around the wet, swollen shaft.

  “Stroke me,” he ordered, his chest heaving as he watched her hand glide back and forth on his length. “I’m going to cum all over those pretty tits of yours, baby. Yeah, like that. Jerk me off, my little cock slut.” He made a low, rumbling sound as the first spurt of semen erupted from his cockhead. “You’re mine. You’re mine.”

  His. Marielle watched through half-closed eyes as he jetted his cream all over her torso, the silky fluid gleaming pearly-white on her skin. And now he’s marked me.

  As he collapsed beside her he used his big hand to rub the creamy ribbons over her breasts. The sensation was sexy and soothing. Marielle gave herself up to it, luxuriating in the feel and smell of his semen on her skin. Then they lay together in comfortable silence, watching each other as their bodies cooled down.

  Marielle felt depressed as the reality of what she had done sank in. Vanessa would absolutely fire her if she found out and might even spread rumors about her affair with Raven. World-famous actors could do whatever they liked but the industry attitude toward film crews was almost Victorian. Being with this beautiful man might cost her everything she’d worked for, including her dreams of one day becoming a director.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, voice heavy with drowsiness.

  “I should really go.” She brushed her lips against his. “Only I don’t want to.”

  “Then stay with me, baby.” He pulled her closer and pressed her cheek against his heart. “Stay and sleep with me.”

  Marielle waited until his breathing slowed before she slipped out of his arm and out of bed. She padded to the bathroom, where she dressed in her rumpled clothes and finger-combed her hair into less of a tousled mess. She stopped by the bed to gaze down at Raven one more time before she walked out to her car.

  I can manage this. As she drove down to the gates she smiled at the guard, who nodded to her before he opened the gates. All we have to do is be careful.

  Marielle drove on, unaware of the guard smirking as he sent a text.


  The next morning, Marielle drove to the set thirty minutes early. She knew she had every right to feel exhausted as she locked her car and headed to the Catering tent but every step sent a curiously wonderful tingle through her body, as if her slightly-sore muscles didn’t want her to forget a single moment she’d spent with Raven. She’d hated leaving him the way she had but sneaking off once he’d fallen asleep had given her the chance to shower and catch a couple of hours sleep before she had to get up and dress for work.

  Something was changing inside Marielle and she didn’t understand it. Earlier, while she was standing under the spray of the shower, she felt the hot water sluicing away the traces of Raven’s semen from her breasts. She was a fastidious woman and yet she didn’t want to wash his seed from her skin. She liked smelling him on her. When that was gone she felt a peculiar emptiness. How could Raven make her feel that after knowing him for less than a day?

  I have to stop thinking about him or I’m going to slip up and let everyone see how I feel. Her mobile rang and she chuckled as she saw it was Jilly. “You can’t still be hating me.”

  “I may hate you forever, but I’m not going to pass up the chance to hear an inside scoop on James Raven,” her friend said. “So what’s he like?”

  “Big.” She ran the tip of her tongue over her lips, still tender from Raven’s heavy cock. “Impressive. And friendly.”

  “Friendly as in not a complete self-absorbed jerk?” Jilly asked. “Or the other kind of friendly?”

  Marielle thought of how easily he had taken control of her, how much they’d both enjoyed it. “He’s very… genuine.”

  “You’re being mysterious again, Fairchild. What the girls and I really want to know is how he looks naked.”

  She wondered what Jilly would say if she gave her an accurate description. “It’s a closed set. I doubt I’ll ever find out.” She could see him naked every night he wanted her — or would last night be all they’d have? She wouldn’t be the first one-night stand on a movie set, that was for sure.

  “Are you okay? I know Vanessa Newell can be a real harpy, not that I’ll ever admit I said that. She giving you a hard time already, babe?”

  “You know how it is.” She forced herself to sound more cheerful. “Not enough sleep or caffeine. Too much to do and undo. I’ll talk to you later, Jilly, okay?”

  “Call me tonight. And be careful.”

  Marielle ended the call and took a deep breath. Right now what she had to do was face Vanessa, whose sharp eyes missed little and then brace herself for Raven’s arrival on set. The prospect of working every day with her fierce new lover didn’t intimidate her, although she would have to discreetly nix his idea of having sex in his trailer. No way could they be intimate on the set without someone finding out. She imagined if she promised to drive him home and run lines with him every night he woul
d settle for that —

  “Miss Fairchild.”

  Marielle saw Vanessa striding across the lot toward her with red face and clenched fists. Slowly she put down the iced coffee she’d prepared and braced herself for whatever chewing out she was about to receive.

  As soon as Vanessa reached her, she jerked the set badge from Marielle’s lanyard clip. “You are no longer employed on this production. Get off my set.”

  Marielle had expected to get chewed out, not fired. “Why?”

  “Why?” Vanessa’s hand lashed out to deliver a stinging slap to her cheek. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out how you spread your legs for that egotistical bastard? Did you imagine you’d get away with it, you little whore?”

  Marielle cringed as everyone in the tent stared at them. “Vanessa, please. You don’t understand, we were rehearsing and things just got — “

  “I don’t want to know how much you loved giving him a blowjob or letting him screw you on that table or playing with him in the tub,” the director said. “I warned you, you stupid little bitch.”

  Marielle felt all the blood draining from her face. “How do you know what happened?”

  “You really thought you could do whatever you wanted. Now you’ll find out what happens when you fuck with me and my production,” Vanessa said. “If you’re not gone in five minutes I’m calling the police and having you arrested for trespassing.”

  Looking into the older woman’s eyes, Marielle thought she saw pain behind the anger. No, it’s worse — she’s jealous. “I’m sorry, Vanessa. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you.”

  She tried to smile at the other members of the crew as she walked back to the parking lot but hot tears well up, almost blinding her to everything but her own humiliation.


  Raven opened his eyes and smiled at the bead board ceiling above the bed. Yet when he rolled onto his side, he discovered the other half of the bed was no longer occupied. “Oh, Fairchild,” he murmured as he reached out to the impression her head had made on the pillow. “I might have to spank you before I fuck you again.”

  He wasn’t surprised to find Marielle had left him sometime during the night. She’d made it clear how dedicated she was to her job. Before she reported to the set she would have to bathe again and change clothes. What made him curious was why she’d stayed with him until he fell asleep.

  Did you think I wouldn’t let you, Mari? Or were you afraid you might like sleeping in my arms too much?

  He showered and changed into a pair of sweatpants before he emerged from the bedroom to find a continental breakfast waiting for him. While he welcomed the fresh-brewed coffee, he didn’t care for the fact that someone had come into the house while he’d been sleeping. He’d have to talk to Vanessa about the housekeeping arrangements.

  I could move Fairchild in here for the duration. She can make me coffee in the mornings.

  Raven was baffled by how easy it was to think of living with a girl he’d met only yesterday. Women had never been a problem for him, especially when they discovered he liked domination. Even the most powerful women in the industry could turn into helpless little love slaves when handled properly. As beautifully responsive as Marielle had been, Raven had the feeling what they’d done together had shocked as much as pleasured her. She was something of a control freak, too. She might already be having issues with it.

  She needs a strong, steady Dom who can prevent her from panicking, Raven decided. Firm discipline and plenty of reassurance, keep her from overthinking and she’ll come into her submissiveness without a problem.

  A private car was waiting to take him to the set. Raven felt another surge of disappointment not to see Marielle behind the wheel. “Did Ms. Fairchild send you?”

  “No, sir,” the driver said. “Ms. Newell did.”

  Once the driver dropped him off at the set, Raven stopped at the Catering tent for a coffee. He noticed everyone was making an effort not to look directly at him.

  “It’s okay,” he said to the woman at the beverage table. “I don’t mind having eye contact with the crew.”

  “Really? Maybe we don’t want to look at you.”

  “That would be a first.” When she didn’t laugh, he frowned.

  “You should get in earlier,” the woman said. “Then you can watch when the director fires someone else because of you.”

  Raven felt a glimmer of foreboding but nodded and headed up to the set. Vanessa was issuing orders to a group of junior P.A.s, all of whom looked terrified. When she noticed him she dispersed the crowd with a few words before stalking over to him.

  “You’re needed in Wardrobe,” she said and started walking toward a pair of cameramen.

  Raven followed her. “What have you done to make everyone hate me, Vanessa?”

  “What?” She stopped in her tracks and turned on him. “I haven’t done anything, Raven. I had to handle a personnel problem. If people hate you for being the cause, I can’t do anything about it.”

  “Did you fire Marielle Fairchild?”

  She nodded.

  “Why the hell would you do that?”

  “She was warned not to screw around with you — personally, by me.” Vanessa glowered at him. “I hope you enjoyed your little blonde piece of ass, too, because I’m going to make sure that girl never works on another set in this town.”

  “And how do you know I had sex with her?”

  “I saw how you were looking at her yesterday. I also noticed how happy she was when you picked her to run lines with you. When I confronted her with my suspicions this morning, she admitted to it.”

  “It had to be the guard.” He gave her a thin smile. “So he wasn’t there to provide security, but to spy on me for you. I wonder what the studio will have to say about that and your continued employment.” He took out his mobile and began scrolling through his contact list.

  “Raven, that girl has been after you since the minute she saw you were interested. You don’t need this kind of distraction on the set. That’s why I fired her. Not because you slept with her.”

  “I seduced Fairchild and then I fucked her,” he said, enjoying the way his blunt words made her flinch, “because I wanted her. She was gracious enough to want me back. In fact, I fucked her for most of the night and I loved every minute of it.”

  “You’re disgusting.”

  “Yes, I am.” He offered her his mobile. “Now you’re going to call her and apologize for whatever you said to her this morning in front of the crew and get her back here.”

  The director lifted her chin. “I’ll apologize to your little girlfriend but she’s not coming back to this production. I have the final say on who works on my crew. It’s in my contract.”

  “Oh, she’s not going to slave for you anymore, Van,” he advised her. “You see, my contract says that I have final casting approval . So you’re going to rehire Fairchild as an extra, to standin for the lead-actress until she arrives. Or I will shut down this film and sue your studio for breach of contract.”

  Dirty Book 2

  Marielle thought getting together with her friends at their favorite diner for coffee would help her get back a sense of normality after losing her job. Her presence made everyone so curious she had to tell them.

  “How could you get fired from what will be the biggest movie of the decade?” Jilly demanded, outrage making her blue eyes narrow.

  “Oh, you know.” Marielle couldn’t admit that she’d been seduced by the film’s lead actor, James Raven, or that Vanessa Newell, the film’s cold-hearted director, had made a huge, ugly scene when she’d found out about it. “I did exactly what the director told me not to.” She tugged on the end of her long blonde ponytail. “Then she found out and I got a pink slip.”

  Jilly’s jaw sagged for a moment. Her permed brown curls bobbed as she shook her head. “Who are you and what have you done with the Marielle I know?”

  The other P.A.s sitting with them looked just as shocked, whi
ch made Marielle cringe a little. Her friends knew how hard she’d worked to build her reputation as an excellent, reliable production assistant — and now all that might have been for nothing. One torrid night of passion with James Raven had not only cost her the most important job of her career but enraging the vindictive director might prevent Marielle from ever working again in the industry.

  At the same time she didn’t regret what she’d done. Being with Raven had given her more than hours of mind-blowing pleasure. It had been an enormous personal revelation. She would never have guessed she would respond so wildly to being sexually dominated. Maybe it was why none of her relationships had ever lasted because she was meant to be with a man like Raven.

  Not that I ever will again. Why would the actor just voted the sexiest man alive want her for anything but a one-night stand? He could have any woman in the world.

  “Listen, I’m sorry I blew the opportunity because it was important but at least you guys know about it before anyone else.” Marielle glanced around the table. “I’m counting on one of you to take my place.”

  Jilly’s eyes widened. “You really mean that?”

  “Before you get too excited, let me give you some details,” she said and then heard her mobile ring. “Excuse me for a sec.” She frowned as she looked on the screen and saw Vanessa Newell’s private number, and then answered the call. “Marielle Fairchild.”

  “Ms. Fairchild, I’m so glad I caught you.” The director’s tone sounded uncharacteristically sweet. “I have to apologize for the way I behaved toward you yesterday morning. It was completely unconscionable. I hope you will forgive me for what I said — and did.”


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