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The Complete Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset (Books 1-9)

Page 105

by Lisa Blackwood

  Part 2

  Chapter 15

  NOTHING HAD GONE WELL in the last week, which shouldn’t have surprised Lillian. Since nothing ever went her way. But over the previous three weeks, she’d really, truly won the shitstorm sweepstakes.

  Her doppelgänger had arrived. Shadowlight had been kidnapped. Their father had been wounded—perhaps mortally. Their mother was in a coma, which Lillian thought a little guiltily, might have been a blessing. Then Anna had gone off to rescue Shadowlight, but there was no way of knowing how she fared.

  To top it all off, Daryna had revealed that Gryton was the child of the Avatars and she’d acted to protect her child from Gregory.

  Yep. Shitstorm sweepstakes.

  And the cherry on top: she was hormonal and emotional from the pregnancy.

  All in all, Lillian was proud she was keeping her shit together for the most part. Gregory needed her support, and she’d damn well be there for him even if it meant being civil with her doppelganger.

  The one upside to this grand mess was that she now knew where the Sorceress’s allegiance lay. With her son, Gryton.

  Lillian still had trouble digesting the fact she and Gregory had broken their vows and had a child in a past life. Gryton! What trickster god was behind this? But Gregory had repeatedly confirmed that Daryna was telling the truth about that catastrophe.

  At least Gregory was wise enough not to trust the woman who was temporary host to the other half of his soul. He’d hypothesized that the rapid growth of her temporary body had somehow damaged Daryna’s mind. Lillian agreed wholeheartedly.

  Now Daryna was under continuous watch by members of the Clan and Coven. No one had told the human military about Daryna’s actions. The council agreed that particular bit of knowledge needed to remain hidden for now or they might find themselves at war with both the humans and the Battle Goddess’s army. While that might be true, Lillian still didn’t think keeping this secret from the humans was a good idea. But she and Gregory had been outvoted.

  Which was why Gregory was taking a ‘hunting break’ from training the humans to answer a summons from Daryna. He’d been less than pleased to be summoned, but his other half had claimed there was something important they needed to discuss.

  Lillian hadn’t been about to let Gregory go alone. Now they traveled together, running side-by-side through the forest. Had they not been going to meet her evil doppelgänger, Lillian would have enjoyed the run with Gregory. But things were what they were.

  They soon reached the small game trail that led to the cabin where Gregory had stowed Daryna. It was hell and gone from the nearest road or military patrol. They’d passed several of the fae guards on their run, and more walked the perimeter of the meadow surrounding the small cabin. There was a third line of defense inside, watching for any hint of Daryna’s spell work.

  If the Sorceress had wanted to escape, she could have easily overpowered her fae guards, but she had remained because she didn’t want to drive a bigger wedge between herself and Gregory. Or, at least, that was Lillian’s theory.

  The peak of the cabin soon came into view, and they sprinted across the meadow, parting the long, buttery-colored autumn grasses as they ran. They’d only just reached the door when Daryna opened it and ushered them inside.

  Lillian noted Greenborrow, the pooka, and the banshee were Daryna’s guards today.

  “Why did you summon me?” Gregory growled as he reared up to stand on two feet.

  Lillian arched a brow at his sharp tone but merely folded her wings against her back and crossed her arms to watch. Gregory had never been one for niceties, but he’d been downright cranky since he learned of Daryna’s deceit.

  The sorceress merely nodded at Gregory’s snarled tone. “Durnathyne, I fear I must tell you that Anna Mackenzie failed to rescue Shadowlight.”

  Lillian’s lips curled back from her teeth and it was her turn to growl. “How do you know that?”

  “Is Anna still alive?” Gregory added.

  Daryna smiled at them both. “Gryton spoke to me at great risk to himself to share what news he was able to procure.”

  “Good for him,” Lillian snapped, pretending the news of Gryton’s aid didn’t come as a surprise. Though it wouldn’t astonish her if he was playing both sides. “Answer Gregory’s question now.”

  “The human is alive and well according to my son.”

  “Right. So that means she’s lucky not to be dead.” Lillian’s tail flicked in agitation.

  “You need not be so hostile, Lillian.”

  I’ll be hostile if I damn well wish it, Lillian thought to herself.

  “Go on,” Gregory urged.

  “Anna and Shadowlight are both alive, and at present are not in immediate danger, but we mustn’t leave them there given what Gryton has shared with me.”

  “That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time.” Not that anyone ever listens to me, Lillian thought sourly.

  “I am aware,” the sorceress said in a dry tone. “Unfortunately, now that Anna is there with him, the danger is greater. Soon, the Battle Goddess will be able to use his blood to start converting other species and those new gargoyles will be under Shadowlight’s command.”

  “Not for a couple of years at least. It will take that long for him to mature enough to serve the Battle Goddess’s needs. I plan to bring the fight to the demigoddess long before that,” Gregory said, a growl thickening his voice.

  “The Battle Goddess has ways to get what she wants much sooner than that. She’s been experimenting on gargoyles using blood magic for a few hundred years now and has learned things. The Lady of Battles will use that knowledge and force Shadowlight to share power with Anna. As the human grows stronger, so too will the cub. In a mere turning of the seasons, she’ll be in possession of a mature Rasoren and Kyrsu to lead her armies.”

  “What?” Gregory snarled. “You sent Anna there knowing our enemy has resurrected blood magic?”

  “I did not know that when I first sent Anna back,” Daryna said, her eyes tight with a worry she tried to hide. “I only just learned about this from Gryton.”

  “We must spearhead a rescue,” Gregory said, now looking more thoughtful than pissed. “The military has been hounding me to put the newly trained human soldiers to a test for days now. This might just be the time to test their skills in a trial run before we wage open war.”

  Lillian didn’t really care about testing the newly trained soldiers in the field, but she was entirely on board with saving Anna and Shadowlight from a terrible fate.

  “When can we leave?”

  Gregory turned to look her up and down and then paused at her belly where the new life they’d created was already starting to show as a large bulge.

  “You aren’t going,” Gregory said with a menacing growl.

  “Try and stop me.”

  “Actually, he can,” Daryna injected. “However, Lillian will be needed should something happen to this body. The female half of the Avatar soul must have a direct path back to Lillian should something unplanned occur while we’re in the Magic Realm.”

  Gregory’s gaze snapped toward Daryna. For the first time, he looked uncertain. “How long before your body fails.”

  As angry as he was at Daryna for keeping what she’d learned about Gryton to herself, deep-down he must still love the other half of his soul. He couldn’t help it. And even Lillian knew that while Daryna had made the choices she had to protect her child, she hadn’t wanted to harm Gregory. Lillian knew that in her heart. Gregory likely did too.

  Watching Daryna’s body fail would be like witnessing his beloved dying all over again. Poor Gregory.

  Sometimes the Divine Ones seemed exceptionally cruel to their Avatars. Lillian curled a wing around Gregory's shoulders, startling him. But he soon leaned into her warmth and dipped his muzzle to sniff along her skin before bestowing a couple of gargoyle kisses to her cheek.

  After a moment he straightened to his full height. “Thank you, Daryna,
for speaking the truth to me this night, but now I must go seek out Resnick again and secure the military’s aid.”

  Gregory turned and left before Daryna could respond, then once he was bounding away across the meadow, Lillian’s doppelgänger turned to her. “I never meant to hurt my beloved gargoyle, but I had to help my son.”

  Lillian felt a stirring of unease. Her hand dropped to rest against the slight bulge that was now visible even in gargoyle form. To have to choose between her mate and her child was unthinkable, and yet Daryna had been forced to do just that. Lillian only hoped fate never required her to make the same horrible choice. Then looking upon Daryna with pity, she said, “For what it’s worth, I am sorry you had to make that decision.”

  “As am I.”

  “Lillian. We must go!” Gregory shouted from across the meadow.

  “He’s still hurting,” Daryna said. “Comfort him in whatever way he’ll allow.”

  Lillian sent Daryna another pitying glance and then dropped to all fours and ran after Gregory. In time, he would heal from the shock and betrayal he’d suffered, and if Shadowlight and Anna weren’t in mortal danger, she’d focus solely upon Gregory’s emotional healing, but for now, they had other priorities.

  When she reached his side, he glanced sidelong at her and playfully swatted his tail along her rump, saying, “Keep up.”

  “I’m not the slow one!” She put on a burst of speed and bolted ahead.

  Gregory growled out a challenge and pursued. Even as she playfully raced him through the forest, Lillian’s mind was turned toward her younger brother and his predicament.

  Hold on, little brother. We’re coming for you.

  Chapter 16

  ANNA KEPT AN EYE ON Shadowlight even while she listened to her new mentor demonstrate various forms of combat. Over the last three days, she’d started to grow accustomed to the routine set by her new mentors.

  Today, she’d been assigned Captains Sorac and Bervicta as her instructors and Shadowlight had been ordered to follow Captain Honnan and Vaspara. Gryton had left to attend to other duties and Anna was happy enough to see his back.

  While she might not be familiar with the mating habits of fire elementals, she was pretty damn sure that was interest she’d seen in Gryton’s gaze a few times over the last three days.

  That complication could be a curse but also a possible blessing. If she played him right, it might make Shadowlight’s stay here a little less dangerous. Gryton’s protection couldn’t harm the kid.

  She’d seen enough of this world to know she and Shadowlight were walking a metaphysical tightrope over a pit with no safety net and monsters waiting below to eat them. They needed allies, but pickings were slim.

  Her mental list was broken down into parts: List A contained the names of mentors who were somewhat more personable. List B included the names of those most likely to pick the meat from her bones.

  Captain Sorac and Vaspara had already made Anna’s short list of potential allies. Sour-faced Bervicta, too, might get added, but Shadowlight’s other instructor, the incubus named Honnan, nope, not making the list.

  If she had to take one for the team with Gryton — that was one thing, but she wasn’t going to get passed around if she could help it.

  There might be others from the captains she could cultivate, but thus far, they were otherwise busy dealing with preparations for waking the army. Whatever that meant.

  “You and the gargoyle will report back here same time tomorrow,” Captain Sorac informed her. “Bring your armor. We’ll be using honed weapons.”

  Anna nodded at Sorac, keeping her gaze on him, but she could sense Shadowlight approaching on her six. He’d been released by his instructors. Good.

  “Captain Vaspara will see you to your next training session.” Sorac dismissed them and turned to his next students. They wore green tunics, which she’d learned was the next level up from blue.

  Anna might have watched them fight to see how they measured up to her training, but Captain Honnan arrived to transfer his command of Shadowlight’s collar to Vaspara.

  When she’d first witnessed the transferring of control, she’d been a bit surprised. She’d assumed that any of the mentors could command Shadowlight, but that wasn’t the case. Only one captain at a time could hold command over Shadowlight besides Gryton.

  At the time, Anna had stored that bit of news away for later. She still wasn’t quite sure how she would use it, but there was always the possibility that once she and Shadowlight were farther along in their training, their enemies might let their guard down. If she was later able to get the upper hand and overpower one of the captains, she might be able to force them to surrender control of the command collar. If it came to dying by her hand or releasing Shadowlight, her target might surrender. She’d just have to pick a captain who loved their own ass more than their goddess.

  Patience was key. Once she’d familiarized herself with the fortress and the captains, she’d learn their every weakness.

  Once Honnan finished transferring control of the collar to Captain Vaspara, she started away with a barked command to follow.

  Shadowlight hurried to catch up but glanced back at Anna to be sure she was following. She nodded to the kid in reassurance and lengthened her stride to catch up.

  Chapter 17

  CAPTAIN VASPARA LED them back inside the city-like fortress. Anna would have preferred to remain outside, and by the way Shadowlight’s ears drooped, she knew he would as well.

  They walked for another twenty minutes and made their way down deeper and darker stone passageways until Anna feared they were headed back to the dungeon. If that happened, it would be disastrous for their chance at escape.

  They turned down another side corridor, entering an unfamiliar area. Not even Gryton’s second tour had led them here. The floor was still covered with thick rugs and the walls had fine tapestries to insulate against the chill of the stone, so, at least, this wasn’t another wing of the dungeons. Anna’s fists slowly relaxed.

  The hallway forked ahead and Captain Vaspara turned down the left branch. Torches still lined the walls and these carpets and tapestries were just as pristine as the ones in the hall they’d just left, but something here made sweat trickle down her spine and stood the hair on the back of her neck on end.

  An unclean presence pushed against her skin and scraped along her mental shields, and more telling, her gargoyle senses flared a warning.

  Shadowlight’s lips curled back from his teeth. Although, he hadn’t loosed a growl yet.

  “You’re doing better,” she told him. “The less of an open book you are, the harder it will make you to read.”

  “I need to be better in every way if we want to survive.”

  Anna couldn’t fault the kid for his logic. It also applied to her now, too.

  Especially since her gargoyle nature would only grow with each blood exchange.

  So far, Anna hadn’t seen much difference in herself, but eventually, that would change as her new nature exerted more control. She pushed that worry away for later. They’d reached their destination, which was a stout, old wooden door.

  It opened a moment later and a guard emerged. Recognition lit his face at seeing Vaspara, but he didn’t speak, merely coming to attention and holding the door for them.

  Ah. Anna knew him now. He was the male she’d seen with Vaspara in the stable the first night Anna had ventured into this city in her ill-fated attempt to rescue Shadowlight. She mulled over the guard’s expression. It wasn’t sexual in nature. Something else then, almost like he wanted to tell Vaspara something but thought better of it.

  The mystery would have to wait. Anna followed Vaspara and Shadowlight into the chamber. It was lined with shelves full of various-sized pots. Unfortunately, all of them were labeled in a language she couldn’t read. The spell the Sorceress had woven over Anna to allow her to understand the spoken languages didn’t extend to their corresponding written forms.

  Anna studied
the room. Drying herbs and tables filled with pots suggested this was a workroom. Possibly a healer’s or surgeon’s area. That might account for the coppery smell of blood.

  Captain Vaspara swore and then led them to an old ironbound door at the back of the room. She raised her gauntleted hand and rapped hard twice. A moment later a female voice called for them to enter.

  Vaspara glanced over her shoulder at them. “Don’t ever open this door without first gaining permission. If the blood witch is working on an active spell, breaching the door will break the ward spell sealing the room. The backlash of power such an event could unleash would have unfortunate effects for all.”

  Anna filed that bit of news away for later. As soon as Captain Vaspara pushed open the heavy door, the stink of blood intensified. Cursing again, the succubus pushed further into the room.

  Anna slid past Shadowlight, wanting to be the first to face whatever was inside.

  The room was barren except for another large stone table with a body laid out. She’d just found the source of the blood scent. The deep cuts at wrist and groin were all too easy to see. The cause of this unfortunate bastard’s death was no mystery.

  “Kid, I’m sorry I couldn’t shield you from this.”

  “I’ve seen death before.”

  “You shouldn’t have.” Anna’s hand clutched into a fist, and she wished they could’ve kept their training weapons with them, but Captain Sorac always made sure the servants took them back to Anna and Shadowlight’s quarters after practice.

  Captain Vaspara scowled at the dead body but didn’t comment on it. “Gryton wants you to teach them battle magic, but you’ll need to assess their level of development to gauge how soon you’ll be able to start.”

  Taryin looked them over with a critical eye. “I look forward to the testing.”

  Vaspara snorted. “And that’s why Gryton also ordered me to watch over them, so you don’t forget yourself and overstep your authority. They are not to be harmed.”


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