His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 165

by Michelle Love

  Next time? “Promise?”

  A wicked grin spread across that handsome face and he cuffed my hands behind my head. My heart beat so fast, I thought it would burst my chest. Small prickles of gooseflesh spread out across my body and I wanted nothing more than for him to devour me. I just hoped he didn’t break me in the process.



  I wasn’t even sure why Olivia agreed to come home with me after everything that has happened. Maybe she was just as vulnerable and weak as me. I took one look at her in that black dress and instantly wanted to rip it off her. Then that greasy principal put his hand on her and I felt an explosion of rage. Nobody should ever touch her but me. How would this all work though? I wasn’t sure, but in that moment I just wanted to punish her and make her scream with pleasure.

  After placing the leather cuffs on her wrists I held her hands down over her head and popped one of those hard, perfect pink nipples in my mouth, scraping my teeth across the sensitive tip. Liv inhaled and arched her back but didn’t cry out. I sucked a little harder and spread her legs wide. With my free hand, I pressed one finger into her pink tunnel and pulsed it back and forth quickly. She hitched and moaned as her juices ran down my hand.

  I released my grip on her wrists and trailed my mouth down the soft skin of her belly to that soft mound where the lips of her sex glistened with need. Spreading her soft folds with my fingers I dipped my tongue in and rolled it out across her clit. She was panting as I fucked her with my tongue and pinched her other nipple with my free hand.

  When I felt her hips buck up into me and the orgasm ripple through her I grinned and lapped up her juices. She tasted sweet. I wanted to taste her all day.

  Not wanting to wait any longer, I spread her legs as far as possible and thrust deep inside. Her tight walls pulled me in deep and tightened around me--massaging my cock. Each slow thrust into her ribbed tunnel made my head spin. Her hands were still cuffed behind her head so she wrapped her little legs around my waist and dug her heels into my ass.

  The rage from earlier returned and I grabbed the headboard for leverage, slamming my cock hard and deep into her until I hit that wall and her cries drove me harder and faster. Her spasms pulsed around my cock, sending me spiraling into release. I wasn’t satisfied yet.

  I picked her up and carried her into my sex chamber. I stretched her across a leather barrel horse and took out a whip.

  “Olivia, what I am about to do will hurt. But you can end it anytime. Just tell me to stop and I will. Do you understand?”

  Those chocolaty brown eyes were still liquid pools of ecstasy from her multiple orgasms when they glittered up at me. “Yes.”

  I pulled back and whipped her perfect flesh, her pussy red from the rough sex and swollen popped out from below her perfect round ass. She cried out and jumped at the first thwack. I whipped her another three times, until her ass was as red as her pussy and welts bubbled up. My dick was hard and ready for another round.

  “Are you ready for me my pet?” I asked.

  She panted and nodded slowly, her tongue rolled across those beautiful lips. Spreading her with my legs I thrust in deep and grabbed her hips to hold her up. My thrusts were wild and I lost control. She was just so damn tight and wet. I couldn’t help it. This time, when she came her whole body went rigid and then slack and she opened up more for me to fill her with my hot semen. I rocked into her and let it all go, my cum seared into her and our juices ran down both our thighs.

  I removed her cuffs and picked her limp sweaty form off the barrel. She rested her head against my chest and I laid her down in my bed. Kissing her forehead, I pushed her honeysuckle scented hair back and breathed in her scent. She was beautiful and this time, I wouldn’t let her go.

  I was done pushing her away when all I wanted was to be with her. Not just sexually, but everyday. I wanted to wake up next to her, just to see her beautiful face in my bed. I wac crazy about her and that was terrifying.

  She was soon fast asleep. I tucked her into the sheets and looked at the time. I needed to head back to the school and pick up Donavan. Greg brought the car around and we made our way back to the school dance.

  Principal Lambert was still dancing with Mrs. Lavigne when I returned. He didn’t look my way or say anything this time. Donavan was sitting on the bleachers with some of his friends. I motioned to him it was time to go and was immediately thankful I had a son who listened.

  “Dad, are you and Ms. Anders a thing?” He asked.

  I looked at my son and smiled. He had no idea how love worked, but he had been paying attention even when I hadn’t realized he was watching. I was about to say something when it occurred to me what I had just thought. Love. I was in love. It had happened so fast and without me realizing it, but it was there. That warm feeling before seeing the one you love, that excitement when they walk into the room--that feeling of breathlessness that consumes you with every kiss and leaves you dizzy. I am in love with Liv.

  “Olivia...Ms. Anders and I are...in a relationship, yes.” I finally said. I mean, we hadn’t made anything official yet, but she is mine.


  His response threw me. He didn’t seem upset or annoyed. With everything that had just happened with his mother, I thought he might have more to say about it.

  “Are you okay with that?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I really like her. She is the coolest teacher I have ever had.”

  I hadn’t even considered the complications of dating his teacher. Will the other kids give him a hard time? I hadn’t had to deal with any bullying with my son and I was glad. With my temper, who knows how I would respond to it.

  “Do you want to watch a movie when we get back home?” I asked.

  “Nah. I have to write a paper for tomorrow, and I am tired.”

  “Okay. You need any help with homework?”

  “Like...you want to write my paper?”

  “No,” I chuckled. “Like, do you want me to look over it when you’re done?”

  “Oh. Sure.”



  “I really meant it when I said I never wanted to see mom again and I am really okay with you and Ms. Anders. She is a lot nicer than mom.”

  I kept my thoughts to myself. I was angry at Emma, but it wouldn’t solve anything.

  Liv was still asleep when we got back to the mansion. The sheets had fell past her big round breasts and as much as I wanted to reach out and cup one, I covered her back up and went back downstairs. I wanted to let her rest and I had a paper to review. When I crawled into bed with her, I pulled her warm body against mine and curled into her. She smelled and felt amazing, my cock responded

  “Where have you been?”

  “Donavan had a paper I needed to review.”

  She shot up in the bed. “Oh my god. Do I need to go home? What time is it?”

  “No. Lay back down. It’s late, just stay the night.”

  She hesitated, nervous.

  “I promise I won’t kick you out in the middle of the night.” I whispered.

  Slowly, she laid back down on the bed. “But if Donavan sees me.”

  “Don’t worry about him seeing you. Let him see you. I told him about us when I picked him up from the dance.”

  “Oh. You did?”

  I kissed her--gently, pouring myself into that kiss. She responded with a soft moan. Her nipples, hard and erect, brushed against my chest and I ran my hand down the length of her beautiful, taut body. She was wet again. A gasp ripped from her lips as I slowly inserted one finger and then another.

  Still kissing her softly I entered her in one smooth motion and slowly thrust against the building tide. When she came I came with her. I covered her mouth with my own to muffle our moans as the orgasms raked through us. When I opened my eyes, a single tear rolled down her cheek and I kissed it.

  “I am so confused,” her whispered voice tremble

  “Don’t be. I am never letting you go Olivia Anders.”

  I held her close all night, as if she was my lifeline.

  When I woke up, I was startled to find her side of the bed empty. Something smelled delicious and my stomach grumbled. I wasn’t prepared for what I found when I made my way to the kitchen. Donavan and Liv were laughing and setting the table. Greg even sat in the corner reading the morning paper and drinking coffee. The delicious smell was breakfast. Stacks of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee.

  “Whoa. This is awesome.”

  “Donavan helped. He’s a pretty awesome pancake flipper.”

  “What did you do Greg?”

  “The daily crossword puzzle and tested the coffee. It’s good coffee.”

  Greg was a man of few words. This was the most I had ever heard from him and I was a little shocked. It all seemed like this was how it was supposed to be.

  Like a family.



  The next few weeks went by as if our life had always been this way. We even had a routine. Sam and Donavan acted like they hardly ever had home-cooked meals. It felt good cooking for them, and his kitchen was every home cook’s dream come true. I had already planned to make them my favorite, and hands down easiest, meal tonight; spaghetti and meatballs.

  I poured the noodles into the bubbling water and stirred in salt and oil to keep them from sticking. Sam came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “I love when you cook for me.” He whispered in my ear. Sending shivers down my spine. His lips and hands ignited my desire every time we touched.

  Donavan walked into the room and Sam released me. Donavan was okay with us as a couple, but no kid wanted to see their parent showing affection to another.

  Once the food was done, I set out the plates and scooped a steaming pile of noodles and sauce with big meatballs onto each plate. Their eyes grew large at the size of the meatballs and I giggled. Soon the dining room was filled with the sounds of clanging utensils and the slurp of noodles. It was fun seeing Sam goof around with Donavan--he was a wonderful father which made him that much sexier.

  Donavan cleaned his plate and asked for seconds. As I collected his plate to serve him more, I overheard him talking with his dad about work.

  “Can we take Liv to the studio dad?”

  “I don’t think Liv wants to do that.” Sam replied.

  Actually, I would love to possibly meet new and rising music artists!

  I returned to the table and scooted my chair up. “I think it sounds fun actually.”

  Sam looked at me with a set jaw. He had stopped eating as soon as Donavan mentioned taking me to the studio. I wasn’t sure what the big deal was, but Sam seemed hesitant to agree.

  “Jessop will be recording tomorrow, if you really wanted to come down.” He said.

  “Sure! Sounds exciting!”

  He narrowed his eyes at me and picked up his water. Water droplets seeped down the straight line of the clear glass and I felt myself gulp under that glare.

  “I mean, unless you didn’t want me to come by.” I looked between Sam and Donavan, confused by the sudden shift in mood.

  Sam took and sip and replaced the cup. He pushed back from the table and crossed his arms. He took on the look of a sullen child.

  “No, it’s fine. I will even introduce you to him if you want.”

  There was something in his tone. Something I wasn’t picking up on. What the hell is the big deal?

  “Okay. Sounds fun.”


  I suddenly felt like he was jealous. Why, I didn’t know, but that was how he was acting.

  “Okay then.”

  I was annoyed by how quick to temper he was and decided I would go to his work tomorrow. What did he have to hide from me anyway?

  The next afternoon, I climbed into the Bentley and smoothed my skirt. Sam looked at me with those same narrowed, steely blue-gray eyes.

  “What is going on Sam?” I asked.

  “I am just wondering why you want to meet Jessop so bad.”

  “What? I just want to see where you work.”

  “Yeah. Okay.”

  What the hell is wrong with him?

  “Whatever, if you are just going to be so damn pissy, take me back to the mansion. I thought you said you wouldn’t push me away again, but I see you haven’t changed. I will get my things and head back to the student apartment.”

  “Is that what you wanted? A reason to leave me?”

  Oh my god, where was all of this coming from?

  I shifted uncomfortably. His eyes still boring holes into my head. I was thankful when we pulled up to the studio. I had thought he would just take me back to the mansion like I said, but instead he was silent the rest of the trip--silent all the way into the studio and his office as well. I was jealous of the last minute call Donavan had received from his friend to go play video games and eat junk food. If I had known how Sam would act about showing me his work, I would have feigned disinterest at dinner yesterday.

  I was impressed by the cleanliness of his office and everyone was so friendly in the studio. I did not like his partner Flynn.

  “You must be the little teacher that has caught our fearless leader’s eye.” Flynn said.

  I looked at him confused.

  “This is Flynn, my partner. Without his vision and expertise, I might not have this little biz.” Sam said.

  “Are you here to show her Jessop?” Flynn asked.

  Shouldn’t have done that. Sam’s whole body went stiff. Even his hold on my hand tightened. I was beyond ready to know why he was so torn up about me meeting Jessop.


  “Well, he is done setting up and ready to record now, so let’s go check him out.” Flynn started down a hallway. We were soon standing in the mixing studio, a young bald man with glasses and headphones around his neck and sat behind the mixing board. Buttons, switches, and levers covered the face of the board.

  Sam let go of my hands and crossed his arms like before, not looking at me. I listened as Jessop belted out a beautiful tune, his voice was wonderful. I clapped when he was done, and quickly regretted it as both Sam and the kid behind the board looked at me with raised eyebrows.

  Jessop left the recording room and Sam whispered something in the ear of the kid, who left us alone in the room.

  Sam’s back was to me and I itched to wrap my arm around his waist. Hold him close to me. Ease whatever uncertainties he was having.

  “My ex wife left me for a musician. I walked in on her with her panties around her ankles in this very mixing room--being plowed from behind.”

  His voice was lower than I had heard before. My heart ached as the scene he described played out in my head.

  “Is that why you have been acting so cold?” I asked.

  He turned to me then and that was when I saw the pain in his eyes. My heart skipped a beat and I went to him, wrapping my arms around his washboard abs and back.

  “Oh Sam. I am so sorry. She was a fool for leaving such a good man.”

  I looked up at him and all the anger--the jealous uncertainty from before was gone. He lifted my chin with his middle and index fingers to look me in the eyes.

  “Promise me you’ll never leave.”

  I melted. If he had asked me to marry him, I would have right then and there.

  “I promise, as long as you will have me, I will never leave.”

  He kissed me softly. So softly, like he was afraid I would break like glass if he kissed me any harder.

  When he released me, I was dizzy with lust. My mind was clouded with the hunger for his body and more kisses. He pushed my hair back behind my shoulder and traced my cheek. “I am really bad at this, but I know one thing. I love you Liv.”

  My heart hit my stomach, my nerves fired off in every direction. Had I heard him right? Did he just say, I love you? N
ot sure how, but my chest tightened up and my vision went blurry.

  “Oh Sam. I love you too.”

  He scooped me up and kissed me more fiercely. Before I knew it, I was bent over the mixing board, panties around my ankles, skirt over my hips and Sam plowing into me. His fingers kneaded my sides and the orgasms flooded in--wonderful, mind blowing orgasms.



  The weekends were always too short. When Monday rolled around, I found I was dragging my feet about having to part ways with Liv for work. She had me wrapped around her finger and she was too innocent to see it. I had something special in mind for her tonight. I was going to show her a new toy in my special room. Liv was acting funny that morning, and I wanted to teach her a lesson.

  Something was off when I walked into the studio. Where is everybody? I turned the corner and the lights flashed on and everyone shouted. “Happy birthday!”

  Oh shit, did I forget my own birthday? I looked at Flynn who shrugged and pointed to a cake on a table in the center of the room. Beside the cake was a phone with a video chat streaming and Liv’s beautiful smile beamed up at me.

  “Happy birthday!” She said and waved, blowing me a kiss.

  “Did you do all of this?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “Thank you.” I said.

  “You are welcome. I gotta go. See you tonight!”

  We disconnected and I turned to my employees. They all looked as if they expected me to give them a speech. Great.

  “This is awesome. Thank you everyone. Now get a slice of cake and have a great Monday!”

  Not my best, but I was put on the spot and didn’t know what to say. I hated having attention brought on me, but it was too sweet a gesture of Liv for me to be mad. Regardless, she would get a little extra from me tonight for it.

  “You thought I did this?” Flynn asked incredulously.

  “Definitely not.”

  “That’s right. I am still pissed about Tia, but I am going to eat a big ass piece of cake and get over it.”

  “Good. You should. She is certainly over it.”

  I looked to Tia who was sitting at her desk instead of joining the festivities. A bright smile spread across her lips as her phone buzzed away in her hands and her fingers danced across the screen. In our office, secrets and rumors were impossible to keep. Not for lack of trying, but that most everyone in the industry had big mouths and a penchant for gossip. It is this and only this reason that I knew she was talking to her latest boyfriend, of all the people, Jessop.


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