His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 166

by Michelle Love

  Thoughts of Jessop brought feelings of guilt about how coldly I treated Tia. I couldn’t help it. As soon as she said she was interested in coming down to the studio, red flags and alarms were set off in my head. I just knew she was going to leave me like Emma had.

  I was so wrong and immediately felt like a major dick.

  “Good morning sir, and happy birthday!” Tia looked up from her phone long enough to say.

  “Thank you Tia. Is everything going well then?” I asked and pointed at her phone.

  A blush crept across her pretty cheeks and she nodded.

  “Good.” I said.

  My day passed like normal and when it was time to leave I was so relieved. I had an appointment to make. Greg parked outside the store and looked back at me through the rearview mirror.

  “Seems kind of soon boss.” He said.

  “I don’t pay you for your thoughts Greg.” I didn’t mean to snap but his remark had pissed me off.

  “Sorry, just didn’t want you to scare her off so soon.”

  I hadn’t even thought about it like that. I looked up at the bright diamond and white gold setting on the banner. A highly recognizable teal sign hung on it’s front. It took over an hour to find the one. When I was done, I looked at the many facets as they sparkled.

  I felt like I was walking on cloud nine and nothing could bring me down. Of all the people to bump into outside of Tiffany’s, Principal Lambert bumped into me and looked as if he wanted to run the opposite direction. Like he had been caught.

  “Hello Principal Lambert. How are you today?” I asked.

  He looked nervous. His usually greased and combed hair was a mess, very disheveled. Sweat beaded up on his forehead and I was sure if I had listened close enough I would have heard the man’s pulse.

  “Fine. Like you care.” He mumbled low.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said fine dammit.” He barked back.

  “Okay. Well, see you around then.”

  “She deserves better you know.”


  “Olivia, she deserves better. I mean, what can you ever really offer her? Money? Is that what it took to sleep with her? Do I need to wave around a few bucks to get my dick sucked?”

  My fist slammed into his smug mouth and he hit the pavement. I didn’t mean to hit him so hard. Okay, I did. The dick shouldn’t have been talking about Liv like that. I picked him up off the ground by his color and held him out. Rage simmered at the surface and if it hadn’t been for the growing crowd around us and cellphones I would have kicked his ass more. Blood oozed from his already swollen lip and cheek.

  “You will never and I mean never talk about Olivia like that. Do you hear?” I asked.

  He just nodded but there was a darkness in his eyes. Looking that closely at them, I saw something there. Something sadistic. Something that made my skin crawl. If I could, I wouldn’t let her ever return to that school. It wasn’t worth working under a weasel of a man such as him. I knew my son was okay, or so I hoped, but I also knew from Liv that he had made some inappropriate passes at her on more than one occasion.

  I released him and he scrambled away--wiping his bruised face with his sleeve. I would have to warn her, just in case he decided to retaliate at her while she worked. I told her if she felt harassed we could always report him, but she has such a big heart she didn’t want anyone to get in trouble. The weight of her surprise rested inside my coat pocket and I reached to feel the outline of the little teal box.

  My heart raced at the thought of a second go of this, mostly since my first one ended so horribly. She had changed me in the short period we had been together. I noticed I was less angry and felt more free. I ignored the sinking feeling of fear and practiced my one very important line. Will you marry me? Will you marry me Olivia Anders? In the moment, I will know what to say.

  I just hope she says yes.



  Rainey shot me text, worried and asked where I had been. I asked her to meet me at the corner cafe and I would share every wonderful, no matter how explicit, detail.

  “Whoa. Well that has evolved fast. He said ‘I love you’? Wow. Did you tell him you love him too?” She asked over her steaming mug of coffee. Well, mine was coffee, her drink also had a pile of cream and foam on top. A drizzle of caramel, a dash of cinnamon later, Rainey had a sugary, calorie bomb disguised as coffee.

  “What is that?” I asked.

  “Caramel dream drizzle latte!” She said.


  “It’s amazing, but don’t do that!” She exclaimed.

  “Do what?”

  “Try to change the subject. So, did you tell him you love him too?”

  I took a sip of my hot coffee, letting the steaming liquid wash over my throat and warm my stomach. “Sorry, but I wasn’t sure what to say! Yes, I told him I love him too and I do. I love him. I am in love with him.” I said.

  “That’s great.” She said sadly. I saw then that she had been crying for quite sometime.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Chad proposed.”

  “Oh, I thought something had happened, you look so sad!”

  “That’s because I haven’t answered him yet.”

  “Do you want to be married? Or do you want to be married to him?”

  Rainey looked at the floor. “It just seems so soon. I mean, it has been a couple months now, but it doesn’t seem long enough to be getting engaged.”

  I agreed with her, but at the same time, I was completely smitten with Sam. I would be in trouble if he proposed, but I would answer him immediately. I daydreamed about it from time to time.

  “Well, you do what you have to do. If you need extra time to think or be together, just tell him. If Chad really loves you, he will respect it.”

  As if I am a relationship expert. At least Sam had seemed happier recently and more trusting of me.

  “True I suppose. How are you so happy, you seem to be glowing?” She asked.

  “I am in love.” I said as if that explained it.

  As we left the cafe, we stepped out onto the crosswalk when the pedestrian crossing flashed on and then nothing. Blackness. Pain erupted throughout my body. My chest felt heavy and I could hear voices, muffled as if I was under water. What is going on? Where is Rainey?

  A buzz of noise pulsed in and out--beeping and whirring. I was terrified.

  “Ms. Anders. Ms. Anders? Can you hear me?” A deep voice boomed near my face. “Ms. Anders, my name is Dr. Willis. You were hit, by a car while crossing in a crosswalk. Do you remember?”

  I tried to speak but my throat felt like I had swallowed nails.

  “Don’t try to speak, just nod if you can. If you can’t then blink once for yes and twice for no.”

  “Do you remember the car Ms. Anders?” He asked as he flashed a light over my eyes so bright I saw blue and red dots after.

  I nodded slowly.

  “Good,” he said and listed off all sorts of things in medical jargon to the frantic hands around us. “That is great. We are doing all that we can for you, just ty to relax.”

  How the hell can I relax? “Rai….Rainey. Is she?” I managed.

  The doctor ignored me and filled in my chart as he looked at the watch and decided it was best if I did try to relax. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off into a nightmare of a dream.

  When I finally came to, I wasn’t alone. Sam sat in the corner of the room, passed out sitting up. I wanted to go to him, but I was to remain in bed until the doctor said otherwise. I coughed and smacked my dry lips together, which woke Sam up from his adorable but uncomfortable looking sleep. He rushed to my side and looked me over. Fear rested behind those grey-blue eyes.

  “I am fine.” I said, but my throat was still scratchy.

  “No, you’re not. You’re in the fucking hospital.”

  I lifted my hand and he gingerly laced
his fingers with mine.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “That fucking prick happened.” He grumbled.

  “Um, what?” I asked.


  “No, no. He is creepy but he is harmless.” I said and shook my head.

  “Liv, the police got him on camera. They found samples of your DNA on the bumper. It was him.”

  I suddenly felt very sick.

  “Oh my god.”

  “Yeah. I wish I had done more than just punch him in the mouth.”

  “You punched him? When? Why?” I asked.

  “Doesn’t matter. He is in custody now. Attempted murder.”

  “Wow. I just--wow.”

  “You are not allowed to do this to me again.” He growled.

  I reached out a weak hand, an IV rested in my vein and Sam scooped it up with his own. He brought my knuckles to his cheek and then his lips.

  “You scared me and I love you so you aren’t allowed to get hurt dammit.”

  “There is nothing you could have done.” I said.,

  “Maybe no but I am still pissed.”

  I was pissed too. There was still something bothering me. Oh no Rainey! As if she had read my mind she crutched into the room with a lollipop in her mouth and stickers on her cast. She is never going to grow up. I smiled. I was so relieved to see my best friend.

  “Hey chika. I want to kill your old boss.” She muttered.

  “I am so glad to see you Rainey!” I said. “I was so worried. All I could remember was us getting the go to cross the street at the crosswalk and then the blue sky was facing me and then I was here and pain was everywhere.”

  “Yeah. It could have been bad so I am trying not to complain. Okay, I am going back to my bed. I am going to surf Instagram and Facebook. Love ya.” She said and bent down, plopping a kiss on my cheek.

  I looked at Sam and saw a tide of jealousy. “Really? You can’t be seriously jealous of my best friend?”

  “I am jealous of anyone who puts their lips on my woman.” He replied.

  “You are ridiculous.” I said and chuckled. He smiled his cheeky grin at me and lightly kissed my lips, stealing my breath and my heart with it.

  Two more days passed and I had been up and walking when a doctor walked in and looked at my machines. “You are doing fabulous Ms. Anders. We are thinking you will be able to go home tonight. How does that sound?” He asked.

  “That sounds wonderful doctor!”

  “Okay, let me just go over your medicines with you.” He said,.

  “Sure. I have all day.” I joked.

  “I am prescribing you Tylenol three for pain and a prenatal vitamin. I don’t see prenatal care in your record, but I highly recommend it. Women in their first trimester really need to be mindful of what they put into their body.”

  I suddenly felt the walls closing in around me. My heart dropped into my stomach and I looked at Sam who looked equally shocked. I am pregnant? Is that the glos Rainey had seen?

  When my doctor left the room, Sam and I looked at each other in silence.

  “Looks like we are having a baby.” I finally said, breaking the silence.

  “It sure does.” Sam said with a warmth in his voice and his eyes.



  Liv was mostly recovered, but she still complained of an ache in her leg. If I could, I would tear that man from limb to limb, but as it is, that wasn’t legal. Donavan had even made a very thoughtful card for her and the light in her eyes as she opened it filled my heart. She was radiant and there was a fantastic reason why. A baby.

  We were going to have a baby!

  My timeline had to move up now due to baby, but I didn’t mind. I planned a very elaborate proposal. We were going to have a fancy dinner and then I was going to take her to the theatre for a play. After that, I intended on taking her to anywhere in the world on my private jet.

  “If you could drop everything and travel to anywhere, where would you go?” I asked her.

  “Maybe Hawaii she said.”

  “Hawaii?” Anywhere in the world and you choose Hawaii. I was genuinely impressed.

  “Okay, all is good to go Sam.” Charlie said.

  “Perfect, I owe you one.”

  Back at the mansion, Liv was pacing on her crutches.

  “Do you have that sexy red dress from our first date?” I asked.

  “Oh yea, I do.” She said.

  “Go ahead and wear it tonight if you can.”

  She was ravishing as always.

  Our dinner went well, and then the play. She was so happy the whole time, making me smile and feel confident in my next move.

  “You are beautiful as always.” I told her. I wasn’t sure what I did I did to deserve such a beautiful woman.

  At the end of the play, I was called to the stage. Surprise registered on Liv’s face and she smiled, delighted. I stood and reached a hand out to her. She placed her delicate hand in mine and I wrapped her arm under my own as I escorted her to the stage. The theatre was packed that evening, so all eyes were on us. No pressure.

  I took the microphone and turned to Liv.

  “Olivia Anders, you are the most beautiful, kind-hearted, strong woman I have ever known. From the moment I saw you licking chocolate from your fingers, to the afternoon you made our little family spaghetti and laughed in the kitchen with my son….to tonight, right now, I have loved you. I can’t imagine spending this life with anyone besides you. And so,” I pulled the teal box from my pocket and Liv gasped--covering her mouth with her hands. “Will you make me the happiest man--will you marry me?”

  I had laid it all on the table. Take it or leave it. She hesitated, but I saw the tears in her eyes before they spilled down her face. I knew the answer before her lips moved. Yes.

  I placed the ring on her finger and scooped her up into a kiss. Despite the auditorium full of people, in that moment, there was only the two of us, or, technically three. The roar of the crowd was quite deafening though.

  “I love you and this baby so much.” I said.

  I walked my fiance back to the table.

  “Uh, I have a surprise for you too Sam.” She said. She reached into her small clutch and pulled out something.

  I took it and found out it was an ultrasound pic. “What is this?”

  She pointed at two different eggs and said, “those, are our babies.”

  I had to do a double, triple check and sure enough, we were having twins. My life and heart had expanded not just two times, but three. If there was ever a man steeped in wealth, it was me.



  Four Months Later

  I couldn’t remember the last time I was this happy. We landed Jessop a few weeks after Donavan’s accident and he rocketed to number one on the Billboards within a month. Liv held my hand--I loved the way her small hand curled into my own. “Are you nervous?” I asked her. I knew she was, because I was nervous.

  “Scared to death.” She said.

  “Raven?” A nurse in pink scrubs called from the doorway--a medical chart opened in her hands. We had married shortly after I proposed. Liv wanted to be married before the twins arrived and she wanted to be married before her belly was too swollen for the gown of her dreams.

  “Here we go.” I said. I put my hand in the small of Liv’s back and helped her to her feet. The curve of her round, swollen belly bumped into me and I smiled. I was going to be a daddy again. Things had moved really fast for us, but I guess that was just how fate and love worked.

  I looked at Liv and her dark, curly hair that framed her beautiful face and I kissed her. “I love you.”

  She giggled and blushed, her nose scrunched up in that adorable way it does when she smiles.

  “Looking good, looking good. Is he taking care of you?” The sonographer asked Liv as she shot a grin my way.

  “Oh, he is spoiling me.”

“Good.” She said.

  I watched the monitor and listened to the heartbeats that squealed from the machine. I couldn’t wait to hold their wriggly little bodies and kissed my beautiful wife on the forehead. From innocent virgin teacher, to dominated sex pet, to my beautiful--glowing--pregnant wife...she was my everything. In the end, it was she that had taught me the most important lesson--how to love again.

  The End.

  Doctor’s Demand Preview

  A Submissives’ Secrets Novel


  Birds chirped merrily overhead as I sat on a blanket under a tree on my college campus, looking at my dwindling bank account. The spring afternoon felt and sounded happy, but I was anything but that. I had one more year of college to go before I could become a kindergarten through fifth-grade school teacher, but finances weren’t working for me.

  Ohio State isn’t a cheap school. Thanks to my mother marrying a wealthy man, my financial aid was nothing, nada, zero. And my new stepdad wasn’t about to pay for my school. It ripped my mother and I apart, but she didn’t seem too torn up about it.

  I was already in debt to the tune of thirty thousand dollars and needed another twenty thousand for next years’ classes. The struggle was far too real for me and I had to figure out something, and quickly at that.

  But how the hell could a person come up with twenty thousand dollars in the matter of a few months?

  Enter Laticia something or other. I couldn’t pronounce her last name. It had more consonants than vowels and tangled my tongue anytime I’d attempted it. She would be my Godsend, my lady in shining armor, my heroine. But the price I’d pay with my body would turn out to be far more than I’d ever planned on …


  Leaving the operating room after doing a facelift on a fifty-year-old model who didn’t want to give up the fight just yet, I found my heart pounding and anxiety filling me. The cameras in my face didn’t help matters at all.


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