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The Aching Darkness_A Dark Fantasy Anthology

Page 6

by Parker Sinclair

  “Captain Katan!” This time, it’s Gage. “Ilese, I know you can hear me, you do not have to do this alone. We are all part of the same team, all a part of Operation Quietus. Now, open that door!”

  I don’t respond, instead making quick work with my sword on more Hollow Walker body parts. Gaining some ground, I am then able to call other drones to assist. Gage is right; I do need some back up to take the massive S2s and their comrades down. Destroying them for good.

  Shots fire, and some of my attackers turn. Using my quick moment of freedom, I jump onto the closest bulbous monsters and hack at its remaining arms, I miss one, and it takes a swing, hitting its mark, tossing me against the hard cement wall as if I was a wad of weak paper. One drone diverts to assist me directly by getting into the giant, walking octopus’ face. Gaining my composure, I open fire on approaching ex-soldiers, guilt not even fleeting across the forefront of my mind, my bullets taking out knees and ankles.

  Procuring more time, I’m able to get my arm around the neck of my targeted Walker, using all of my might to pull it backwards and towards the ground. Locking my legs around its neck, I quickly twist my body, maneuvering onto its chest before I’m smashed underneath its weight. As my sword rises, the blue glow of my eyes creates an immediate halt to any of the behemoths movements. I drive the sword into its throat, the tip hitting the hard tile floor beneath us. Now I’m free to use the power of my Dark Angel heritage, allowing the blue band in my black eyes to burn through its mind and immediately destroy the body.

  One down and two to go, at least within the compound. One took off after the first drone assault, while the third fights with the new drones I’ve called in, trying to make its way back to me in the close confines of the corridor. It doesn’t seem to care if it takes out some of its own mates in the process, the mindless beast of the Fallen doing some of my work for me. Drones meet the same fate, crashing and slamming into walls before failing altogether. I haven’t thought much about what’s lurking outside. Right now, I just need to keep everyone in here safe, and then, I’ll lead the rest away. It’s me they want after all, it has to be.

  “I’ve got this, Commander Gage.” I respond, finally breaking the radio silence. My speech and breath a bit ragged while I continue to engage more of those she lost in the past.

  I don’t let emotion creep in, though; they aren’t the least bit human, not anymore. Slice, bash, stab, slice, smash, stab. The remaining S1s fall, only able to shake and tremble nearly unrecognizable upon the ground. Sheathing my sword, I reload the rest of my darts, aiming at the final S2 that has a clear path to me now. Only one drone remains with me, and it joins in paralyzing the monstrosity hovering over two feet above me. Once we’ve immobilized it enough to buy me some time, I blaze my eyes into the soldiers of the past. My Dark Angel skill breaks them apart, allowing their bodies, and what’s left of their souls, to finally be at rest.

  Now, it time to face the S2. It roars at the sight of my power, mouth gashing and tentacles starting to twitch as the toxin starts to lose its effectiveness. I’ve run out of the poison—no darts and no stars. Taking a Glock in each hand, I unload a barrage of ammo at the beast. My last drone follows suit, blasting rounds into its back. This one is taller than many of the others; I can nearly walk under its lanky legs. If I could just get to its head, I might have a better chance at putting a bullet in its spinal cord, paralyzing it the old-fashioned way. My lips move quickly, relaying orders to the drone that swiftly moves towards me, close enough that I can easily hop upon it, maintaining my balance with some difficulty as it flies me higher into the air.

  Reloading my weapons, I continue to fire, shooting through two massive limbs that fall like twitching tree trunks to the ground. Two more ghastly appendages remain, along with a pair of sharply claw-ridden legs.

  “Time to try our trick, big guy.”

  Tapping twice on the drone with my foot, it races towards the ceiling with me in tow. Our Hollow Walker combatant struggles to move its head at the right angle, struggling to see where we’ve gone. His circling motion, along with its missing limbs, has the monster struggling to maintain its balance while trying to track us. After I grab hold onto a pipe in the ceiling, the drone takes off at an unbelievable speed at the S2, concentrating on its legs and feet with an impossibly fast bombardment of bullets. The creature appears confused, after losing sight of me and I use it to my advantage. While he’s focused on my mechanical hovering partner, I drop from the ceiling, gauging my track behind the brute, shooting with precision into the base of its skull. All movement stops, the beast falling in a thunderous crash onto the compound floor. I stand over it, my drone above my shoulder, its dark red eyes darting around madly. The light in my gaze illuminates the hallway further in a blue glow, and it becomes engulfed in fire, perishing into ash in seconds.

  “Nice work, um, 595.” I should name my drone partner when this is all over. He deserves a name, not just a number. Raising my fist above my shoulder, it gives me a little bump. “Time to put an end to this. Let’s go find your buddies.”

  Leaving the hall, we head in the direction the others were taken by the drone bait. Needing some intel, I contact Gage. “Only a few more remaining, Commander. What’s Addison saying on the outside? Should I be excepting more visitors?”

  A deep breath is all I hear at first. “The drones have made quick work of the S1s that were heading your way. We haven’t seen the Queen yet, but she has to be here somewhere. Mechanical drones have sealed the breech as best they can for now, but if the S2s can get in, then so can she.” Gage answered smoothly.

  “She won’t get the chance, Commander. I’ll drive her away; she’ll know my hand alone did the carnage of her babies. It’s me she’s here for, anyway.” I swear I hear Gage’s jaw snap.

  “You don’t know that for certain, Ilese. Only the devil knows what their plan may be. It was only a matter of time before they found us.”

  Maybe she’s right, but no one needs to die tonight, no one else that is. The vision of our perimeter team as the walking S2 meat bags causes my body’s temperature to rise exponentially.

  “I’ll see you on the other side, Commander. Keep your promise to Josh and me, or I’ll be back carrying an assload of pissedoffness with me.” A chuckle is heard as 595 and I round the corner.

  “I’ve always kept my promises, Captain Katan.”

  Yes, she has, and that’s why I trust her now, but I’m never shy to give even my closest of allies a reminder. Switching my bashed helmet’s visor to pull up my drone screen, I see my drone numbers have dwindled; the Hollow Walkers must have managed to take some of them out along the route. I watch as the squad nears one of my secret stashes hidden in the walls, S1s and the last S2 Walker in tow. It’s been my classified mission to create what’s hidden there, and it isn’t a present from Santa.

  Activating my voice command, I provide directions for the lead drone. “Take the next right and hit the right seam with blinking yellow lights.”

  Mechanical arms extend from the drone, and he nails the seam. On cue, tiny holes appear along the walls of the hall as the fiends come running in.


  The drone triggers the machine hidden in the wall, allowing blue light coupled with a sonic current to release from the multiple minute holes. All enemy forms freeze in place, and then, gradually, as if I’m watching a slow-mo video, they catch fire, bit-by-bit, tiny pricks of skin and bones imploding beyond recognition. My ability harnessed into a man-made machine. A mechanical Dark Angel. One that would free me from this life, something I was never hoping for, let alone wanting, until now.


  Into The Night

  The nearly soundless whirring of the drones are the only noises cycling through my ears. Standing frozen, it’s obvious now that my chest is heaving, my heart patter faster than normal, and my hands trembling as if they’ve forgotten how to function. These aren’t my reactions from fear, rather from the effort and thrill of victory. And I kno
w it isn’t over yet; a Queen has to be out there, somewhere, and I’m going to find her and throw her a little reunion with her babies in hell.

  595 hovers over my right shoulder its closeness prompting me to turn, reeling my eyes in to fixate on its swiveling camera lens.

  “You ready for round ten?”

  The mechanical body vibrates in response, seeming eager to kick some more Fallen ass with me. A sharp sound emits from the drone, and an answering crackle pushes through its speakers.

  “Captain Katan, Ilese.” Josh has broken into my drone’s system.

  I should be impressed, but I’m trying my hardest to push back these new, frivolous desires and focus on my job. “Yes, Lieutenant Langdon? Try to make this snappy. I have a bitch to fry.”

  A sharp quip back conceals how his voice drills into me, causing an aching in my chest. I move down the hall, my momentum driving me towards the garage stocked with vehicles. Tapping on my comms, I prepare drones to close and lock all doors behind us as we travel swiftly.

  “What’s your plan now, Ilese? You can use my help, and you know it. Let me help you. I am still your second-in-command, damn it. You’re being reckless.”

  And risk losing you to another hell bitch again? No thank you.

  “The worst is over, Lieutenant.” Lie. “This ends tonight, and then, things can go back to normal for all of you.”

  “And what about you, Captain?” And then, in a near whisper, “Ilese?”

  Indeed. What about me? Silence weighs heavily between us while I disable the cameras on the drones, pushing back the thought of the reactive quivering inside when his lips speak my name. Instead, I concentrate on pressing a wall along our route. A door shifts, and drawers slide out similar to the ones in Gage’s office. I find more ammo, darts, and necessary gear for restocking what I’ve already expended. Finding a lockbox in the back, my fingers press in my code from Gage, opening it, and remove a remote and two pairs of keys. Popping them confidently in my fist, I close the wall and break into a run towards the garage.

  “Captain Katan!” Gage’s urgent voice breaks in, and I know the news isn’t going to be swell. “Sergeant Addison has observed a cyclone of dust and sand to the west. It’s moving determinedly, Hollow Walkers surround it on all sides, moving even faster than we thought possible. We need everyone back here in lockdown, now! Addison and a handful of others are moving your way. Tell us where to have her meet you.”

  That is not going to happen, but I oblige with a location. Touching my screen, I pin drop to a spot for her to enter safely. “Done. Once they’re in, no one else comes in or out.” A sigh of relief hits my eardrums, as I keep moving.

  “Exactly. We’ll send the drones to take care of them. They can take the van. We’ll control it from here.”

  “Already working on that one, Commander. I’ll be the guide.”

  “Understood. Keep us abreast of your progress.”

  Reaching the final hallway, I sprint to the garage door and throw it open. 595 zooms in after me, its speaker crackling to life once again. “Ilese, Gage may have bought your story, but I know better. You’ve shut the cameras down and screwed with your locator, haven’t you? Why, so we don’t know what you’re really doing?”

  I can’t ignore him anymore, I don’t want to, but it doesn’t stop my legs from propelling towards the black, combat drone van in the back. “Take care of everyone. You’ll have the lead now. Keep our secret. Don’t let anyone but Gage share it with us.” A shaky inhale breathes into my ears as I climb in the van while tears burn my eyes, but I swipe them away angrily, cranking the vehicle to life.

  “Ilese, no, don’t leave. This isn’t the only option.”

  “It is for me. Good-bye, Josh. I…” Words shrivel and die in my throat. I won’t, no, I can’t bring them back to life, or I might not leave. That’s just not an option, no matter how much Josh and I both wish it to be. I disable the speaker on 595 and give the other drones in the garage the go ahead to lift the door. 595 takes the passenger area, seeming to refuse to stay back with the others.

  “All right, then, ready?” A revving sound answers me, and I stomp on the gas as the doors swing open, and we tear out of the garage, towards the torrential storm raging in the night.

  “Give me eyes, 595.” The vans screen lights up with the view of what looks like a small tornado heading towards the compound. “Get us there now, and fast.” The route pulls up, and I tear off the road and into the desert sand.

  Rocky terrain casts us about as I keep a tight grip on the wheel, maintaining our course with a steeled reserve. As we close in, I crank the wheel sharply to the left, coming to a sliding stop before I jump into the back. Twenty drones are at the ready, lying in wait behind the metal screen doors. My fingers flip the keys. Push, turn, open; push, turn, open. Now free, I command the drones out and into the fray. They move away from the van before burying into the sand. Digger drones, mobile mines for the Fallen’s creatures.

  “Okay, phase two.” Depressing a red circular button causes the drone cages to fold in on themselves and retract; a middle box remains. My fingers fly across the top, flipping switches and pressing buttons in the correct sequence. My eyes scan the response; a faint hum and then, all green lights show the weapon is prepared. 595 and I leap from the van, and I slide the door closed behind us.

  Rotating away from the drone circle in the sand, I recheck my weapons and move closer to intercept the cyclone’s path. My visor screen shows them less than four hundred feet away and closing fast. Three hundred, two hundred, and the storm’s ire suddenly ceases. No rain, no sound, no wind—it’s as if all of the elements have been sucked into a void. My screen shows the tornado falling away at the top of a hill, a beastly Queen taking its place. Nope, this isn’t just any Queen; she’s bigger than any of the ones I’ve seen in human form, twice the size of an NFL linebacker. Dark short hair sticks up at odd angles on her head, while she wears what looks like a white sports bra and matching white linen pants.

  I chuckle a little, unable to envision her kicking ass. Instead, I imagine her strolling along the beach, holding hands with a tentacled S2 in this vacation style get-up. Not letting this reaction deceive me long, I focus on the way her feet glide along the sand in an effortless walk and the peculiar movements pulsing against her skin. Looking closer, I see hands, faces, and feet pressing against her belly. Are these beings she’s consumed still alive within her body? Bile rises to my throat, yet I manage to push it down, calming myself when my fingertips caress the hilt of my sword.

  A viciously terrifying scream cuts through the night. “Ilese! Bow to me now, Dark Angel. We will never stop until we have you and your new creation.”

  Josh. Well, she won’t get to him, not now, and not ever. The Hollow Walkers, four S2s and at least ten S1s, continue their swift pace while the Queen stops, leaving them to test the waters ahead. 595 has remained low to the ground, positioning himself behind and to the right of the monster parade. Breaking the silence, 595 unloads bullets into them, pushing them towards his buried brothers. I answer, firing from an opposing point, our angle of attack funneling them towards the trap.

  Once they’re inside the perimeter, the drones fire from beneath the sand, hundreds of small spheres break into the air, exploding upon flesh, releasing spikes of paralyzing poison in all directions. Other drones blast up and out from their hiding spots, sharp swords attached to their underneath, unfolding as they begin to slice and dice, removing limbs, tentacles, and even heads.

  Within the madness, I slink throughout the carnage, burning away the fallen Walkers. Their frozen bodies unable to scream, speak, or call for help as I disintegrate them to ash, with their eyes wide open in fear when they realize it’s me, the last person they’ll ever see.

  “Move to flank the Queen.” I command, activating my drone team with my voice. “Leave the rest to me. I’ll finish them off alone.” Any buried drones break from the sand, following the others in a flying pattern to surround the Queen. She�
�s stayed put, listening to the sounds of her babies dying, and not making the slightest move to assist.

  “Some mother you are, Queen, more like the Fallen’s Bitch. Come and get me, if you want me. Here I am, just waiting to have some more putting-evil-things-out-of-their-misery fun, so batter up!” The hairs on my arms stand on end, spreading upwards to my neck just before her laugh breaks through the now calm desert night. But it isn’t one laugh; no, I definitely hear more than one, perhaps even three. My screen doesn’t show anything at first, but then, her arms fly outwards as she turns in a circle like a sickly Julie Andrews on the mountaintop.

  “You may call me Milanka, Dark Angel scum, and you will bow while speaking to me!”

  A force shoots from her arms, like a sonic boom that takes my legs out from under me, and I fall to the ground, eating sand and regretting my taunts. After I wipe the grit from my face, painfully clearing my eyes, I look at Milanka, unsure of exactly what I’m seeing. Perhaps I haven’t cleared out all of the sand after all, or else whatever she hit me had me ingesting some peyote out here in the desert. No, it’s real.

  I rise to my feet, feeling my jaw drop as I observe entire heads protruding from Queen Milanka’s skin. Sinister smiles are fixed on their faces as clawed fingers dig at the newly formed holes, opening them enough for their bodies to easily slide out. Two more Queens, three in all, stand in the desert, cackling and taunting me. The newly formed ones, thankfully smaller, flank either side of Milanka. They stand there, reeking of evil, fully naked, and oozing black blood that travels down their overly long arms, and off long clawed hands. The one to her left has hair as dark as the lightless depths of the sea, while the other’s is silver, hanging just above her shoulders. I stare transfixed while six rows of deadly, sharp teeth glint off the light of the moon breaking through the retreating clouds.


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