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Stolen Hearts: A Dark Billionaire Collection

Page 33

by Elizabeth Knox

  I can’t keep my eyes focused on one person, they keep jumping back to Logan and Jordan, obviously in outs because of the drama I’ve brought them.

  “Your word isn’t law around here, brother,” Jordan hisses, pointing his finger to me. “Do you think the paparazzi will really think we’ve been keeping Madigan hidden all these years? They’re not dumb. You know it and so do I. They’ll dig, and they’ll keep digging until they find whatever answer they want to find. Just like what Summer did to Christian and Selena.”

  “I hate to interject, but is putting me in the public eye a smart thing to do? I mean, I’ve come here to get out of sight from certain individuals . . . and being around paparazzi will only expose where I am.”

  “That’s the point,” Logan states, changing his tone while talking to me. He doesn’t sound irritated whatsoever compared to a few moments ago.

  “I don’t understand,” I admit, trying to figure out what he’s getting at.

  “If the Falcones see that you’re with us, and not only that, but that you’re one of us . . . the hope is they’ll back the fuck off. Right, Lo’?” Christian pipes up, looking to our older brother for confirmation.

  “Exactly. I did some of my own digging into their family last night, and they don’t worry me. They’re nothing more than lowlife criminals that have climbed the ladder to put them in a good position financially.” While every word of what Logan is saying is the truth, he clearly doesn’t understand.

  They aren’t lowlife criminals at all. They’re the top of the New York food chain, and everything in New York doesn’t happen unless they know about it. Shoot, they even have problems with a motorcycle club up there and I only know that because Vinny complained to me about a person named Boss and they’re ignorance.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t doubt your competence whatsoever . . . it’s just . . . you don’t know what we’re up against. They aren’t at the bottom of the food chain like you think. They run it.”

  Logan chuckles, obviously amused. “To a family like ours, they’re guppies, Madigan.”

  I scrunch up my nose and furrow my brows in confusion. “What does that mean? To a family like ours?”

  “Shit. Can I just tell her now since she signed all the fuckin’ paperwork,” Christian growls his question out to Logan, who nods his approval. “Thank fuck! Okay, Mads. I’m gonna be straight up with you. There’s a lot that you don’t know about us, ‘cause I doubt our dear old dad filled you in on anything. Behind closed doors, we aren’t investors. We’re gun-runners.”

  “Huh?” I mutter, wondering if I’ve somehow been transported in some criminal suspense film. “Can you elaborate on the uh . . . gun-running thing?”

  “Dad started running guns, which essentially means he hid them in transportation trucks and had men drive them across state lines. He had a few bigger contracts with the Romanian Mafia and some freedom fighter sort of fellows, but we’ve expanded the business, and no one can transport guns in the United States without us.”

  “So, you’re criminals?” I state, blankly blinking at him.

  “No, we’re businessmen,” Christian corrects me. I love my brother, but it sure doesn’t feel like transporting guns illegally across the United States is a simple business transaction.

  “Whoa. This isn’t business . . . this is . . . crime. It’s just as bad as what the Falcones do,” I argue, raising my voice just a bit to show my frustration. I can’t believe I was so stupid to come here. I thought I’d be escaping the type of atrocity I was constantly surrounded by when the reality is I’ve just changed who’s committing the same corruption.

  I’m angry for so many reasons but mostly because my father never said a word to me about this. Worst of all, Christian never said a thing to me either. For so long, I’ve thought that Christian was so different than him. That he’d never hide things from me, but here he goes and proves me wrong. “You lied to me. You made a promise to me all those years ago that you’d never lie, you’d never keep anything from me and here you have. Guess you’re just like our old man after all, right, Chris?”

  “Mads, I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t have told you any of this, especially when no one even knew about you. You know that.”

  “No, what I know is that you broke the one promise you ever made to me! Now, you’re just trying to find an excuse for it, but you won’t be able to because you know it was wrong. Why the hell would you make a promise you couldn’t keep?” I seethe out my question, trying to breathe a little slowly. I’m so angry that I could punch my fist through a wall right now. All my life, I’ve had to deal with trust issues, and I expected Christian wouldn’t break that trust. Boy was I wrong, though.

  “I didn’t have a choice,” Christian continues on, clenching his teeth as he tries to make himself feel better.

  I can’t help but roll my eyes, growing more frustrated with every passing second. “Everyone has a choice. Always.”

  Logan cuts into my banter with Christian, “My goal is to get out of the business one day, and we might be able to make that happen. I hope that it’ll happen. Truly. However, until that day comes, I’ll continue to do what is needed to protect our family. Christian was right in not telling you since he’s been forbidden to speak to anyone about it, just as you are. Only a handful of people know about our business practices and you weren’t privy to know until those documents were signed.

  “You’re one of us, Madigan, which means we won’t lie to you. Never again. Which makes me feel the need to elaborate that we won’t hide shit from you, including all aspects of our family, and our side business. You’re entitled to be upset with Christian, but just remember he was acting in the best interests for our entire family at that given time.”

  “I think it’s bullshit, and I’m pissed. I’m so fucking angry with you!” I say to Christian, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

  “You shouldn’t be, Mads. Get the fuck over it.”

  “Wow. So, I guess the cocky fuck is coming out today after all?”

  I hear a low snickering from across the table and catch Jordan with a smug smile. “The cocky fuck is always out. He just has different ways of hiding it.”

  “Oh, so you’re going to be nice to me now?” I question, wondering where the sudden change of heart is coming.

  “Sure, if I feel like it. I feel the same way as before and think the media isn’t going to buy Logan’s elaborate lie.”

  “They’ll eat it up as long as everyone here plays the fuck along,” Logan hisses in a demanding tone.

  I cut in, feeling like this is the moment to bring her up. “I need to get my mother moved from the facility she’s in. I’d really like it if she were closer, all things considered.”

  Logan gets up from his seat and walks toward a small coffee bar. Grabbing a mug, he presses a button and I hear the machine brewing something up. “What do you mean?”

  I glance to Christian, who knows a little bit about the situation with my mother’s illness. “My mother has the early onset of Alzheimer’s. It started showing up about two years ago. At the end of last year, I needed more help and put her in a facility that’s prepared to care for someone with her issues. Luckily, she made me her power-of-attorney years ago, so I’m thankful for that. It could’ve been so much more difficult.”

  “Are you concerned that she’s in danger where she is?” Jordan asks me. Honestly, I’m a little surprised he’s the one asking me this question.

  “Yes, she’s in upstate New York and Vinny knows where she is. Although he only ever asked me about her once, I wouldn’t put it past him to harm an innocent woman if it meant he could take a dig at me.”

  “What facility is she in?” Logan asks, bringing me a mug of something. I look cautiously at the chocolate-colored substance, “I’m not poisoning you, it’s a decaf mocha. I’ve never met a woman who doesn’t enjoy some chocolate.” He chuckles lowly, sitting it on the conference room table.

  “Sorry, thank you. She’s located at Shad
y Oaks. It’s about thirty miles east of Syracuse.”

  “Consider it handled,” Jordan jumps in, standing up. “I’ll get my assistant on securing a room for her somewhere down here, transport and getting her here as soon as possible.” Before I can say a thing, he’s disappeared out of the room.

  “You hit Jordan’s mommy button,” Christian cackles out.

  “His what?”

  “Ignore him,” Logan snaps out. I’m taken aback by his tone, however, don’t believe it was directed at me. “Do you mind if we catch up in a couple of days? I’ll get you prepped for the event and we can go over some details that you’re cleared to share with certain journalists. It’ll keep them on the lie we’ve created and help with all of that.”

  “Sure, that’s fine. Reggie told me he’d take me shopping for some clothes, and to Brooklyn’s floor for some makeup.” I feel a little awkward bringing up his wife, having not met her yet but oh well. This entire situation is odd in its entirety.

  “Ah, good. Here.” Logan pulls a small black card out and hands it to me. I read it and see it’s a credit card with my name on it.

  “What is this?” I know what it is, but I don’t need his charity. I’m fully capable of taking care of myself.

  “You know what it is. You’re family, and that means we take care of you. Please, don’t bother arguing because you won’t get your way. I have to get going, but I’ll check in with you later.” Logan leaves as swiftly as Jordan did just a couple of minutes ago and I’m left in a huge conference room with Christian.

  “So, what’re our plans for the day?”

  I scoff, “Please, like I’m letting you ruin my shopping trip.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I am not who I was a year ago. I don’t know who I am today. I can’t piece any of it together. But I think this is the right place to be.”

  ~ Seeker


  After milling through the file for about twenty minutes, I learned quite a bit about Madigan Archer-Steele. More than I wanted to know to be honest. I figured she would’ve had a good life in New York before coming here, but I was both wrong and right in that.

  It’s obvious Madigan has lived a life filled with luxury. I’m sure she was well provided for by her father for as long as he was alive, and with her mother’s movie roles they wouldn’t have suffered. Although, I never would’ve expected to see that her mother was diagnosed with the early onset of Alzheimer’s. Something that Madigan had done a great job at keeping private.

  From the looks of it, Madigan has been continuing to run all of her mother’s social media accounts in the hopes to give the public the idea that her mother is living a normal life, except she is off the grid and ‘connecting’ with nature. Shit, she almost had me fooled. If I didn’t have connections like my friend Timothy, I’m sure I would’ve been oblivious to any of this.

  I shake my head, staring at the manila envelope sitting on my lap. I wasn’t expecting to get any of the information I have. What’s most shocking is still her pregnancy. I wouldn’t have known if not for Timothy’s information and it makes me wonder why she hasn’t said a word to me or her brothers, for that matter. I’ll keep this information to myself for the time being, but not forever. If she doesn’t tell them, I’ll have no choice but to reveal the information provided to me.

  About ten minutes ago, I heard raised voices and witnessed Jordan leave. Just now, Logan waltzed out and headed toward the elevators, signaling me that it’s time we get going. I stand up and head toward the open door of the conference room. Peering in, I see Madigan and Christian sitting side by side. He’s obviously said something to her that’s hysterical because she’s whipped her head back in a bout of laughter.

  Looking at her now, candidly from a different perspective, she embodies light. Sure, she may have skeletons in her closet and a pack of metaphorical demons after her, but who doesn’t? On a personal level, I don’t know what to think about all of this. A hot, drop-dead gorgeous girl is my client. Up until the moment I read that file, I had no problem with the two of us getting some mutually pent up sexual frustration out. Shoot, she even seemed to be reciprocating from our playful banter and flirting. Does she being pregnant change shit though? It’s evident she’s not with whoever the father is. I’ll naturally assume it’s her ex, that Vinny fellow. Still doesn’t change the fact she’s left him and is here now.

  I still can’t help but wonder. How has a woman like her got herself in a situation like this?

  “Reg?” Christian’s voice brings me out of my thoughts.

  “Sorry. Did you say something?”

  “No, you were just staring like a creep over here.”

  “Got stuck in my head,” I mumble, looking to Madigan. “You ready to go downstairs? We should really get moving.”

  “Sure.” She turns to Christian, giving him a hug. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Alright. Reg, take her by a store and get her a phone.”

  “Will do,” I respond, waiting for Madigan to come to the door so we can get a move on. As she meets me, she glances down to the envelope in my hand.

  “Anything important in there?”

  “Yep.” I won't elaborate, unsure if I’m going to bring anything up to her in the future. Madigan walks ahead of me and we both head for the elevator. When we get inside, I complete the same process that I did when we were coming up, putting my keycard in and selecting the correct floor we need to go on.

  “Are you alright?” Madigan asks while we’re a couple of levels away from Brooklyn’s floor.

  “Yeah, just a lot on my mind,” I say, hoping that answer will suffice.


  The door opens and we both step out into a waiting area that’s nothing but plastered in pink and coral colors, mixed with grays. We’ve basically walked straight into a vagina.

  “Reg!” Brooklyn peers up from behind her receptionist desk after looking over one of her employee’s shoulders. Micro-manager Brook, that’s her.

  “Told you we’d be down.”

  “Yeah, you sure did.” She comes from around the desk and meets us as we get closer. “And you must be Madigan. It’s really nice to meet you, I’m Brooklyn, or you can call me Brook, whatever is easier.” Leave it to Brooklyn to be the sweetest person on the planet. I’m sure she can sense that there’s some tension in the air because she keeps looking at me every few seconds. Normally, I’m not this quiet but I can’t help it. So much is running through my mind. What I need to do is get my shit together and figure out how I’m going to act.

  All in all, nothing changes professionally for me. I have a duty to protect Madigan and I’ll still do that regardless. The only question is, do I tell her brothers about her pregnancy or keep it to myself?

  Brooklyn and Madigan make introductions and the next thing I know, Brooklyn is taking us back to her ‘development’ room, whatever the hell that even means. “As you can see, we don’t physically make the products here, but I keep the prototypes and packaging in here. It helps give me inspiration on whatever we should do next.”

  “Cool. Reggie told me you had a makeup line and that’s pretty much it.” Madigan giggles.

  “Of course he didn’t elaborate. The man wouldn’t even know where to start. We have everything you could ever imagine. Primers, BB cream, concealers, foundation, eyeshadows, eyeliner, mascara, lip liner, lipstick, lip gloss. I could go on and on, but what I’m most excited for is the fact my skincare and haircare line is launching next week, which has been a long time in the making. No one knows this yet, but I’ve even worked with a manufacturer to design my own set of blow dryers, hair straighteners, and curling irons.”

  “That’s amazing. I’m in the market for everything you’ve stated above, so I’d love to purchase some from you.”

  “Pfft! Purchase, no. You’re family and—”

  “Family takes care of family,” Madigan says in a monotone voice, getting a response filled with laughter from Brooklyn.
/>   “Let me guess, my dear husband schooled you whenever you tried to pay for something?”

  “Yeah, it’s something like that.”

  “Of course he did. It’s typical behavior coming from him. He’s drilled the same thing deep into my bones, so you get to have your pick at whatever you need. And, please, don’t tell me you don’t need a whole lot. I’m a woman and I know what we need!”

  Brooklyn takes Madigan around the room showing her various things. I shut the door so that the room is a bit more private. Madigan is forced to take every hair product that was mentioned in a copper finish and everything else she could imagine.

  I take a seat, being forced to watch Brooklyn color match her products to Madigan’s skin. They talk about loads of pointless, girly shit but I like the fact that they’re both bonding over something. It’ll be good for Madigan to have a connection with the family, especially a female. I’m sure that whenever she meets Selena, they’ll hit it off too.

  A knock comes to the door and Christian comes waltzing in, “Can I talk to you for a couple of minutes Mads?”

  Madigan looks to Brooklyn, “Are we almost done or should I stay?”

  “Oh, we’re finished, doll.” Brook smiles, waving her hand for her to go off with her brother. “Christian, you can go in the room next to this one.”

  “Okay, perfect. Thanks.” Madigan leaves the room with Christian alongside her.

  “What in the heck is going on with you?” Brooklyn pinches me, causing me to jump up.

  “Seriously?” I jolt, slapping her hand away.

  “Answer me, caveman! I know you and you’re never this quiet. What is going on in that head of yours, or are you having a problem because you’re basically protecting a beauty queen.”

  “I’m protecting a Steele,” I grumble, wanting her to drop the subject.

  “A seriously hot one.”

  “Brook,” I warn, wanting her to stop.

  “Reginald,” she replies with a bratty smirk drawn across her face. “You like her, don’t you?”


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