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Stolen Hearts: A Dark Billionaire Collection

Page 36

by Elizabeth Knox

  Chapter Twenty

  The best dreams are the unrealistic ones

  ~ Faraway


  Reggie and I spent eight hours driving from Atlanta to a coastal town called Grand Isle in Louisiana. When Jordan told us to get out of the state, I assumed he meant we’d end up going to some town in the sticks, not a beach town, but that’s where Reggie has brought me.

  We checked into a small mom and pop sort of hotel on the edge of town. It’s not somewhere I’d normally stay, looking a little worn down from the outside but we were told to blend in and so we shall. The hotel looks to be about twenty or thirty years old. All of the rooms are on one floor and that makes me feel like if we had to jump ship and get out quickly, we could. The only weird thing about the room is that there’s only one bed. It’s a king, so while it’s great that it’s massive . . . I feel a little odd about having to share a room with Reggie.

  “Are you hungry?” he asks out of the blue after he’s spent the last thirty minutes going around the room. I’m not entirely sure why. He did tell me that he wanted to check for vantage points, whatever the heck that meant. While he’s been looking around, I’ve been checking out the channels on the local cable. They have Bravo, so thank goodness for that.

  I squint at him, figuring that we’d been staying in the hotel room most of the time to wait out this metaphorical storm. “We’re going out?”

  “Do you not want to?” he questions.

  “No, I’d love to. I’m just shocked that we’re going out.”

  “Did you think I’d have you locked up? We need to act normal, not like I’m some creep keeping you locked up in a hotel room.” The way he chuckles at the end is a bit refreshing given the stressful circumstances we’re under.

  “I’m not really sure, kinda thought we’d just chill. It’ll be nice to get out and see the area though.” I smile, excited I might even get to put my feet in the sand. The beach is one of my absolute favorite places to visit. Although, I haven’t had a trip to any sort of beach in ages.

  “No, let’s get out and go into town. I’ve been dying for some fried crawfish anyway. In Atlanta, they don’t make it. Shoot, even if they tried, it would probably taste atrocious. There’s no way they’d give it justice.”

  My stomach grumbles at the thought of it, causing Reggie to smirk at me. “Yeah, let’s go get some food. I’m starved.”

  “I can tell. I’m sure anyone within a three-mile radius heard that.”

  I hop off the bed at his remark and smack him playfully on the shoulder, walking out of the door to our room alongside him. As we get into the car, I realize something and cackle.

  “What’re you laughing at?”

  “The fact that neither of us has clothes and we need to go shopping.”

  “True. Let’s grab some stuff on the way and we’ll go eat after.”

  Reggie obviously knows his way around this town considering there’s nothing in the GPS when he drives. He takes us to a small surf shop which I can tell is loaded with tie-dye shirts and monogrammed catchy clothing. We both go inside and browse the entire store, but I’m unable to find too much that could work for me. When I meet up with Reggie, he has a couple of pairs of shorts, some tank tops, and a couple of shirts, plus a pair of sandals. I notice a pair of swim trunks in his hands and decide after that point to add a royal blue bikini to my pile.

  I was able to find some shorts, a couple of pairs of comfy cotton shorts to sleep in, a couple of blouses that didn’t look ugly, and grabbed a couple of those catchy shirts with two pairs of flip flops. He made a comment about how I’m looking just like a tourist should and I say something similar to him, considering I’ve only ever seen him in a suit.

  We’re at the shop for about thirty minutes and head straight over to Crawdaddy’s, the best local restaurant, according to him.

  The two of us enter the restaurant and are seated by the waitress when I realize I haven’t even thought about the fact I’m being chased around by the Falcones since we’ve been on the road. Somehow, in the midst of all this chaos, I’m finding peace in my surroundings.

  “What’s that look for?”

  I’m pulled out of my head and tell him what I was just thinking about. “I just find it refreshing that I’ve been so in the moment with you. I haven’t thought about all the stress back in Atlanta since we’ve been here.”

  “Good. The stress isn’t good for you.”

  Our waitress comes up to our table and orders our drinks, but Reggie makes sure to put in an order for two appetizers, plus orders our entrees. Every single thing is fried, being a mixture of land and sea items. “I know you can’t have too much fish, but there’s no way I’m not making you try all of this. Everything I’ve ordered is delicious.”

  Smirking, I inquire more about why he loves it here so much. “You’ve been here before, haven’t you?”

  “Yeah, I spent every summer here with my grandfather. Well, every summer and whatever holiday my parents didn’t want me on. I kinda grew up here in a sense.”

  “Oh, it all makes sense then.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You haven’t needed the GPS since we got on Route One.”

  “Yeah, I know this place like the back of my hand.”

  Believe it or not, the small talk we’re having is refreshing. It’s giving me a better insight into the type of man Reggie is. So far, I think he’s someone who takes his job incredibly seriously, however, he’s nothing more than a soft-hearted southern man. He does a damn good job at keeping that hidden, though.

  “Is your grandfather still around?” If he is, I’m sure Reggie would love to see him while we’re in town.

  He shakes his head, “No, he passed away last year. It’s a shame. The man was a riot, but the most genuine person anyone has ever met. The world had a great loss the day that man died.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. He was suffering and I’m thankful it finally came to an end. Cancer is a bitch.”

  I remain quiet, not sure what to say to that. I want to change the subject since death is something I’m not too comfortable discussing, but don’t want to seem insensitive. All my life, if I had anyone who died I kind of just reverted and dealt with it internally. If a friend had a parent, sibling, or even a fish die, I remained quiet.

  I learned that’s not how you typically respond to death and was called an insensitive woman or that I didn’t care more times than I can count. It’s not that I don’t care. I’m just terrified of it. I know it’s a part of life, but it’s not something I ever want to have to experience, even though we all ultimately deal.

  Thankfully our appetizers are brought out to us. I see some sort of crawfish with various dipping sauces lining the plate, and I think the other thing in front of me is fried pickles. Boy, have I been craving those! I pick them up and pop three in my mouth, chewing quickly and swallowing. Suddenly, I realize with the heat that hits my taste buds . . . those weren’t fried pickles.

  “You feelin’ the burn yet?” he asks with a southern twang coming out in his tone.

  “Yeah,” I cough out. Grabbing my water, I down the entire glass and then grab his. “What is this?” I choke out, needing more water so I revert to taking the ice chips out and suck on them.

  Looking amused, he speaks, chuckling away. “If you had given me a second, I would’ve explained to you that those are ghost pepper chips. It’s hotter than a jalapeño and can bring most men to their knees and you just ate three of them. They are delicious.”

  “You have that right,” I agree. Even with the heat, it was good! I’m a huge fan of spicy food, so this one is right up my ally.

  “I’m glad you didn’t go down on your knees.”

  Unable to help myself, I respond flirtatiously. “I think there will be a time where you’re begging me to get on my knees.”

  I don’t miss the fire-filled look that fills his eyes. I’m still not sure what we’re doing, but I’ll
enjoy the ride while I take this one day at a time.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Imagine meeting someone who wanted to learn your past not to punish you, but to understand how you needed to be loved.



  I haven’t had a dinner like that in such a long time. It’s not that I was out with a man, who happens to be easy on the eyes. In reality, it’s so much more than that. For the first time in ages, I was able to hold a meaningful conversation with someone. Back in New York, no one even cared to ask things about me, to even attempt and get to know me. I was irrelevant to them, only a trophy of a woman alongside Vinny Falcone. I didn’t matter to them.

  Back there, it was so exhausting to be that person. But I wasn’t a person. I was a walking doll, an accessory to a powerful man. It’s sickening to think about it now. I had accepted the type of relationship I was in a long time ago. I had made terms with it and found peace, but right now, as I stare into the Gulf of Mexico, I feel free.

  I will no longer be the type of woman who is put down by the one she loves. Instead, I will make it a choice to love a man who not only knows my worth but sees it. I will be cherished in my relationship as every woman should.

  Fuck me for thinking this, but I’m really hoping it’s with the man who’s standing a few feet behind me, refusing to get his feet wet. Meanwhile, I let the warm water drift over me, feeling refreshed as if the water is washing away all of my troubles.

  “You’re really a fan of the ocean, aren’t you?” his husky voice asks.

  “Yes, I love the ocean. But more than that, I love the way I feel whenever I’m on the beach. The way the wind blows, the salty smell of the water, the laughter in the far distance of families and loved ones. It’s comforting to me in a sense. Is there something that gives you the same contentment?”

  Reggie chuckles lowly as I turn around to look at him, and I see the way he looks at the ground. I know the move all too well. He’s trying to avoid talking about it. Normally, I’m not the type of girl who presses anyone, but the two of us are stuck in close proximity to one another for the foreseeable future. Plus, I kinda want to know more about him.

  “What is it? You can tell me.”

  “You’ll think it’s insane.”

  “I’ll think you’re insane if you don’t fess up.”

  “Before I started this venture as a business owner, I was just a man from Louisiana who served his country. I found comfort in doing that, whether I was on base or balls deep in a sandpit overseas.”

  “Oh, wow. I had no idea you served. Thank you for your service.”

  Reggie’s expression conforms to one of sadness, and I don’t understand it. “That’s a commonly used phrase for the sacrifice of our time, limbs, and sometimes even lives. If you’re in the army and you’re lucky, you don’t have to see much action. Me on the other hand, I found comfort in it, being where the action was. You see, there are people who are made for war, who are primed and raised to protect people. Ever since I was a little boy it was drilled into my head that I’d be in the army and that if I was lucky, I’d come back alive.”

  “That’s ten levels of fucked up, but I don’t think I have to tell you that.”

  “No, you don’t. My father was a general, and my parents were divorced when I was seven so I stayed here with my grandfather most of the time. When my father wasn’t on tour, I’d be with him as much as I could. I grew up with the United States Army career path pounded in my head. Only, I didn’t go as far as I could’ve or advance as much as my father wanted me to.”

  “At what point did you get into security?” I ask, loving that I’m learning a bit more about this man.

  “About six years ago. I’m thirty-six now, and I came to work for Logan just after my thirtieth birthday. I was in the army for twelve years and did four tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

  “You find the same solitude I do on the beach in your work,” I state, now understanding.

  “Yeah, in a sense. My work gives me purpose. It’s my entire world, really.”

  “So, you’re totally not a workaholic,” I sarcastically tell him, getting a smile in return that could drop all the panties of women within a ten-mile radius.

  “Nope, not one bit,” he chuckles, shaking his head from left to right.

  I don’t know what takes over me, whether it’s something in the moment or every bit of courage I have. Ever since he kissed me, all I can think about is his lips folding over mine or of the way his hands held me in place, begging for more.

  I take a step toward him and snake my hand around his neck, pulling him down to me. He’s not overly tall but I still have to get up on my tippy toes to meet him. Eagerly, he brings his lips down to mine. Our lips unite in a sweet kiss. There’s nothing primal about this. All in all, it’s every bit of sensuality that a woman craves.

  I’ll handle both, the caged animal or the sensitive man. It’s obvious to me that Reggie is both but prefers to look tougher on his exterior.

  His hand wraps around my waist and pulls my stomach into his erection. Tearing my eyes away for a moment, I look around us and see not one soul on this beach. The sun is setting, and everyone has run off, escaping back into the comfort of their homes.

  I’ve never done this before, but what the hell. We only live once, right?

  I take my free hand from his back and glide it over his torso, unbuttoning his khaki shorts and slide my hand under his boxers, feeling his cock. Pre-cum is pooling at the tip so I squeeze, rocking my hand up and down on him while we kiss each other. There’s nothing rushed in our movements, the two of us simply taking time to become acquainted with one another’s bodies.

  “I shouldn’t be doing any of this,” Reggie whispers lowly after taking his lips away from mine.

  “Why not? We’re two consenting adults, attracted to one another, and we get along,” I growl out, tired of his conscious coming into play now. If anything, he could be having these thoughts after I ride him like an untamed bull.

  He brings his hand to the side of my face, his eyes darting from left to right as he looks over my features. “You make me want to break any sort of internal code I have for this job. Only you. No one else has ever done this to me. I don’t know what it is about you, Madigan Archer-Steele, but you make me question every single thing I know.”

  I can’t help but smirk at what he’s just confessed. It seems that both of us have some sort of magnetic hold on the other.

  We’re not in love with one another, however, there is something between us, and I’ll be damned if we don’t take the leap of faith and figure out what it is.

  I keep palming his cock, wrapping my hand around the v in his shirt and yank him back down to me, needing less talking and more kissing.

  Within a matter of moments, I’ve somehow stripped his shirt off his body, and even my shirt is gone, leaving me here in a bra with shorts on. The two of us stare at one another’s bodies, taking it all in, looking over every freckle, crevasse, and scar. We’re perfectly imperfect and I think he sees it too. I take a step back and drop my shorts, revealing a matching royal blue pair of panties. If you were looking at a distance, it’d look like I’m in a very hot bikini.

  I don’t know what comes over me, but I step forward and shove at his chest, causing him to bump his ass down on the sand. I’ve never been the type of woman who enjoys taking the reins away from a man in bed, but fuck everything I’ve done before.

  “You like tossing me around, don’t you, Mads?” he snickers, eyes full of fire.

  “I’ll like it better when I’m coming all over that cock of yours,” I retort, hoping on top of him.

  I position myself over his hips and grind myself on Reggie, working him up bit by bit. After a couple of minutes pass with hunger laced eyes, I pull his cock free and push my panties to the side, lining him up with my entrance. All this foreplay has soaked me to my core, making me eager to be with him.

  It’s been weeks sinc
e I’ve had sex, and it wasn’t exactly on my terms, but when was it ever? It feels so refreshing to be making choices that are not only respected but appreciated.

  “Jesus. Will you stop taunting me?” Reggie hisses, placing his hands on my hips.

  I sink down onto his cock wearing a smirk, gliding my hand up to my bra and pulling my cups down, sliding up and down on his cock. My breasts bounce with my movements and Reggie keeps a hand on my hips while the other drifts up my stomach to tweak my nipples. Every part of my body is sensitive now. Before, teasing my nipples barely did anything for me. Now, my entire body shakes with need.

  “Good god,” I breathe out,

  He snickers, “Bet you didn’t think I’d get bigger.”

  I shake my head, “No, I didn’t.” He was long and girthy when I was fondling him but obviously not completely hard. He’s got it all, dick wise, I mean. Big enough to make me feel him for days.

  He swings his hips up while I rock on top of him, causing a shiver to go over my entire body. I lean my head back and feel the breeze flow against my body, close my eyes, and feel every bit of this moment, but suddenly, I’m tossed back onto the sand.

  Reggie is on top of me, ramming his cock inside of me with force while his thumb plays my clit like a pick on a guitar. The same shiver that coursed through my body only a few moments ago comes back. Like a small flicker of a flame with gasoline being poured on it, the fire starts to burn.

  “Fuck. Reggie. Fuck, I’m— I’m coming!” I yell out, digging my nails into his forearms as he continues to pound himself inside of me. I feel my pussy contracting around his cock, wanting to drain him dry. He growls like a rabid animal as he releases himself inside of me, continuing to rock back and forth through it.

  I fight myself tooth and nail not to scream, not to alert everyone within a three-mile radius that we’re here, fucking each other like teenagers.

  He pulls himself out of me after a couple of minutes, giving us both enough time to catch our breath. Reggie stands up, cock still standing at attention and I go to my knees, putting his cock inside my mouth and taking every bit of our combined essence to clean him dry. It might be a little weird, but I’ve always fucking loved it.


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