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Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1)

Page 17

by Amanda Rose

  I don't trust my voice so I shake my head yes. I can't believe I'm doing this.

  He pushes the tip of his hard cock against my opening hungrily watching my face as he parts me with a single deep thrust. I gasp. There is a brief sting of pain but is quickly lost in flush of new arousal. I shudder from head to toe in a violent burst of pleasure. He stays still letting my body get accustomed to the feeling of something so large inside before his starts to thrust. His movements are slow and deep and controlled. My body goes lax relaxing into the perfect rhythm of his hips. Every inch of my body is tingling and my eyelids flutter from overwhelming ecstacy. Sam body moves rhythmically inside the most vulnerable most sensitive part of me and a pressure at the base of my spine begins to build. His breathing gets more ragged and his movements more frenzied. A small scream rips from my throat my back arches and I climax the muscles of my core clamping down on his cock and rip an orgasm from him. He finishes with a violent shudder, spilling himself inside of me.


  “Hey,” I say as soon as I get down the stairs to the living room. Krim, Zandor, and Bastian are sitting on one couch while Scott and Hannah are cuddling on the loveseat. Zandor pauses their movie.

  “OMG, Sera!” Hannah squeals, leaping up from where she’s sitting on the couch. She runs up to me and gives me a big hug. I throw my arms around her and squeeze her right back, hoping she isn’t going to choke the life out of me. It would totally suck to survive that sort of attack and then end up dying via best friend hug. As soon as she lets go of me, there’s Scott, all awkward and bashful. When he reaches out tentatively for like, a handshake or something, I pull him into a hug, too, and hear Krim making weird, male growling noises from his spot on the couch.

  At first, I think he’s being a weirdo because I’m hugging a dude, but then … I release Scott and step back, glancing between Krim … and Sam. Oh God, Sam! The fact that I’ve just lost my V-card, and that I’m sore between the thighs doesn’t escape me. I feel like everyone will just know, but the only person who seems to be staring at me right now is Kriminal LaCoste.

  “What the hell did you do to her?” he snarls, standing up and stalking toward Samuel Baron. The two men glare at each other while Hannah looks confusedly between them … and Zandor’s face explodes into an expression of abject surprise.

  “You gave it to him?” he asks, choking a little bit. “This guy right here? What bull is that!”

  “I’m not a prize to be won!” I manage to squeeze out, certain that my cheeks are flaming with color. That line sort of reminds me of the movie Mulan, but I don’t have time to appreciate it. No, instead I’m left with Bastian’s bemused smile, Krim’s scowl, Zandor’s wild eyes, and Sam’s smirk.

  “I did exactly what she asked of me,” Samuel purrs, snaking his arm around my waist. But just because we had sex doesn’t mean I’m his property. I bat his hand away and glare up at him.

  “Wait, what?” Hannah asks. Scott turns red before she does, and then suddenly, she’s squealing and hugging me again, practically lifting me up off the floor. “You had sex with Sam?! Just now?”

  “I—” I start when Zandor rises from the crouch, his face reddening with a violent rage that I can barely comprehend. Hannah releases me, and I open my mouth to address him, ask him why he’s acting like such a primitive asshole when he flicks his gold eyes to the front windows of the house.

  “He’s here,” he says, eyes glowing.

  As soon as those words leave his lips, Sam’s face falls into a dark mask, so different from the sensual, affectionate one he wore while we had sex. He moves over to the door and throws it open, revealing the tree-lined drive and the street beyond it. I creep up beside him, but he holds an arm out, keeping me back.

  In the street, there’s a man that I can’t quite make out from where I’m standing, his only distinctive feature the moonlight shining off the lenses of his glasses.

  “Who is that?” I ask, feeling Zandor, Krim, and Bastian move up behind me and Sam.

  Hannah and Scott hang back, their anxiety palpable in the hot Louisiana night. Insects drone, and in the distance, a gator chirps happily, echoing across the flat expanse of the yard. Dad still isn’t home, and it’s actually starting to freak me out. For a split-second there, I think the man in the street is him.

  But then the guy moves forward and places a palm in the air, pressing against the edge of the protective shields around the property. Runes flare out on either side in a glowing line and Sam snarls, cursing under his breath.

  “Who is that?” I ask again, on the verge of panic. We just barely survived that last fight and now we’re gearing up for another?! And I just had sex, too, damn it. Don’t I get any time to enjoy it?

  “That,” Samuel Baron says, looking down at me from eyes the color of a purple sunset, “is my brother, Crosser LaCroix, in the flesh and itching for a fight. And if he’s here, you can just bet he’s brought along a small army.”

  As if on cue, several more loa creep out into the moonlight, a horde of darkness just ready to sweep over and consume us.

  But I have a lot to live for.

  New friends, a good goddamn father … and four men that are doing their best to spirit away my heart.

  If it’s a fight Crosser LaCroix wants, then it’s a fight he’ll get.


  Black Magic Harem Book #2, Voodoo Kisses. Cover coming soon

  Spirited By C.M. Stunich is featured in Voodoo Knights.

  We're all mad for you here.

  Flip the page for an excerpt of one of my all time favorite books!


  Down The Fucking Rabbit Hole

  A book.

  That's what starts it all, the bloodshed and the violence, the romance and the sex.

  A goddamn book.

  “Are you seriously reading right now?” my younger sister, Edith, asks as she stands next to me in a silver dress covered in sequins. Her hair is twisted into a bun and secured to the side of her head with about a hundred bobby pins. The design looks like a snail shell to me, but I decide not to say anything.

  I close the book in my hands—some whimsical fantasy of a life I'll never lead—and watch her eyes latch onto the cover.

  “You're reading for fun?” she asks, bending down and snatching the book from my hands before I get a chance to grab it back. I knew I should've brought my Kindle outside instead. At least then she wouldn't have seen the werewolves on the front cover. “This whole thing?”

  “Sorry it doesn't have any pictures in it,” I joke as I rise to my feet and give her a smirking grin in response. “I know that's the only type of book you can read.”

  Edith rolls her eyes and swipes at her forehead with the back of her hand.

  “Whatever, it's hot as hell out here and we have a party to get to. Come on.”

  I roll my eyes right back as soon as she turns around, and take the daisy chain out of my own hair, tossing it onto Edith's perfectly coiffed head without her noticing.

  “This is a big deal tonight, so try not to screw it up for me,” she says as I cross my arms over my chest and follow her from the backyard, past the pond and my father's prized koi fish, and into the house.

  “How could I possibly ruin a high school party? Isn't the whole point to screw up?”

  “Seriously, Allison?” she says, yanking the sliding glass door open and stepping inside. She kicks her flats off near the door and heads for the stairs, probably to put on a pair of heels that would most certainly break my neck if I put them on. “And no tennis shoes!” she shouts down, just before slamming her bedroom door and making the whole house shake.

  “Shit.” I run my fingers through the ratted, tangled strands of my hair, all mussed up from lying in the grass and reading all afternoon. “And you think this is gonna impress Brandon?” I whisper under my breath.

  Grudgingly, I pound up the stairs and kick open the door to my room, digging around in the clean clothes pile on the floor (I'm not
big on folding stuff and putting it away) until I find a fresh pair of jeans and a plain white tank.

  “Is that what you plan on wearing?” Edith asks, leaning against the edge of the doorframe and looking down at me from under a pair of false eyelashes. “Jeans and a t-shirt?”

  “It's a tank top, Edy,” I say as I stand up and tear my grass stained tee over my head, trading it out for the new one. “It looks good on me,” I blurt, defending myself before she can say anything mean. With Edith, it's always best to stay on the offensive.

  “You're into Brandon, right?” she says coyly. I cross my arms over my chest and stare her down. The bitch sneaks into my room and reads my journal; I have no secrets. I don't even bother trying to hide them anymore. “That chess geek or whatever?”

  “Fuck you,” I tell her, pushing past to get to the bathroom before she does.

  Edith chases after me and shoves her way in anyway.

  “I've got a dress for you,” she tells me, sucking her lower lip under her teeth and smearing lipstick everywhere.

  “I don't fit into your dresses, Edy,” I chastise, pulling out a box of tampons and waving them at her. “Can I please get some peace to put one of these in?” I'm not actually on my period, but you know, privacy comes with a hefty price when you've got a sister.

  “Not until you agree to try it on,” she says, heeling the bathroom door shut behind her.

  As soon as she does, I see it hanging there on the back of the door.


  “What is that effing monstrosity?” I ask, pointing at the blue and white thing dangling from the hook. “I'm not wearing that.”

  “Oh my God, Allison, give me a break. When's the last time you wore a dress?”

  “Three years ago when Aunt Margaret passed away; Mom made me.”

  “You're eighteen years old for crap's sake. Just try it on. If you hate it, I won't make you wear it.”

  “I hate it now. How will putting it on change that?”

  Edith stares me down and then glances over at the mirror, adjusting the daisy chain so that it sits even prettier atop her perfect white-blonde hair. I have the same hair, but I always put a few colored steaks on the side. Today, I've got a miniature rainbow woven in.

  “I bought this with my own, hard-earned money and …”


  I reach over and snatch the dress from the hook, giving it another once-over. To say it's not my style would be an understatement. The skirt is too short and the color …

  “I hate blue,” I groan as I take my top off and drop the dress over my head. It slides into place like it was made for me. Crap.

  “Turn around,” Edith tells me, making me spin so she can zip it up and tie the white bow in the back. As soon as she knots it, I get this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “I'm wearing this, aren't I?” I ask miserably, staring at the brightly colored fish on the shower curtain. I can feel my sister grinning maniacally behind me though.

  “Oh, yes,” she tells me, purring in my ear as I swat her away, “yes, you are. Don't you want to get laid sometime, Sonny?” I wrinkle my nose because I hate the nickname Sonny, but Edith knows it and if I reveal my cards … it'll only make her say it more.

  “I have been laid—several times actually,” I tell her as I turn around and try not to sigh.

  The dress, it actually looks great on me.

  By the end of the night, I'll get to see how good it looks covered in blood.

  To be fair, it looks pretty good like that, too.

  The party is this overblown nightmare affair at the house of a student I don't even know.

  “This is so fucking great,” Edith gushes excitedly, yanking me out of the car and slapping my hands away from the dress. I keep trying to smooth the skirt down, but it flounces right back up. I paired it with a red waist cincher, black and white harlequin patterned tights, and some buckled boots, but still … it's ridiculously uncomfortable.

  “Please don't get puking drunk,” I warn as she bounces into the kitchen and immediately starts filling a plastic cup with vodka. “If you do, I'm not covering for you this time.”

  I watch my sixteen year old sister splash pink lemonade into her drink and then chug it.

  “Whatever,” I mutter, shaking my head and adjusting the big black headband pinned to my hair. It has a small top hat lilting to the side, red silk roses clustered around the base. I can't decide if I look … okay … or ridiculous.

  Weaving through the crowd, I keep an eye out for Brandon, a fellow senior in my class and the only guy at my school who's not a fucking asshole. I'm tired of dating immature, spoiled little boys. I can't wait to graduate and head off to college. But at the same time, there's no way I'm spending my senior year alone.

  Once I find the backyard—this hormonal mess of groping teens and flickering torches to keep the mosquitos away—I spot Brandon. He's sitting on the edge of the pool with his jeans pushed up and his feet dangling over the edge.

  If I'd known then that I'd later see him with a bullet in his head, I'd have run away screaming.

  “Hey,” I say softly, sitting down next to him and crossing my legs. I shove the skirt down between my thighs and it fluffs right back up. I hate you, Edith, I think as I watch Brandon swirling his feet in the heated waters of the pool.

  “Hey,” he replies, just as softly, pushing his glasses up his nose and smiling over at me. “I don't usually see you at these things.”

  I shrug my shoulders loosely and pick at the edges of the blue and white dress.

  “I don't usually come,” I tell him with a smile that says he is the reason I'm here. Either it doesn't come across or else Brandon's too naive to notice that I'm flirting with him. “So … what are you doing here? This doesn't really seem like your scene either.”

  Brandon sits up and tosses a shy smile my way.

  “My brother dragged me here.”

  I grin at him.

  “Sister,” I say, pointing at myself and we both chuckle. I've got him, I think as I scoot a little closer and keep smiling.

  The pool is lit up with small round lights in the bottom and sides, turning the water a brilliant turquoise that casts strange shadows on Brandon's face. He stares into it like there's something there that he wants—and that he wants a hell of a lot more than me.

  I guess even chess geeks can be assholes.

  “Do you like to read?” I ask him, lifting up the book clutched at my side and trying to pass it over. Brandon glances casually my way, fixes his glasses yet again, and smiles.

  “I don't have a lot of time to read,” he tells me, and although that's a common enough thing to say, there's an edge to it. His hand tightens around his knee, knuckles going white as he squeezes it. Fuck, what the hell is this guy's problem?

  Now I'm already trying to figure out how to get away from Brandon, so I can read. Why are guys in books so much less dickish than ones in real life? Cuter, too. Oh, and they never have pimples. Brandon has one on his chin which is fucking fine, or would be if he wasn't being an apathetic dick.

  “Okay,” I whisper under my breath, noticing that his eyes have glazed over and he really isn't paying attention to me anymore.

  I stand up, feeling flustered, and start off toward the trees near the back of the property. Whoever's house this is, their parents are loaded and there are all these beautiful white lights strung up across the yard. I make a beeline toward a bench beneath the voluminous folds of an oak and take a seat, lying on my back and wishing I hadn't let Edith put any makeup on my face.

  “What a waste,” I murmur as I crack the book and try to find my place.

  “I love you, baby,” he says, cupping the back of my neck and pulling me close. Our foreheads touch and my breath falls out in a rush. His fingertips burn; his mouth is hot. I've never wanted anything as much as I want him.

  “Lucky bitch,” I mutter as I flip to the next page.

  I'm so into my book that I don't notice Brandon making
his way across the sweeping lawns toward me, his dark hair shimmering under the strands of Edison bulbs strung from the trees. The only reason I look up at all is because I hear the distinctive clicking sound of a hammer being pulled back.

  “Oh, for Christ's sake, I'm late,” a voice snaps, and my head whips up, goose bumps taking over my arms, crawling down my back.

  The book falls to my chest as I struggle to sit up, gaping at the man standing not six inches from the end of the bench.

  His hair is jet-black, his eyes red as blood. And on his head, a pair of white rabbit ears sits, one perked and standing upright, the other flopped in half. He stares at Brandon for a moment and then with a gloved hand, reaches into the pocket on his red vest. Pulling out a watch, he checks the time with an agitated sigh.

  “Fuck,” he says again, and then he lifts up a gun with his opposite hand and points the barrel in Brandon's direction.

  “No, wait!” Brandon calls out, falling to his knees and putting his hands together in a prayer position. “I just need more time for—”

  The red-eyed boy's floppy left ear perks up at the same time he raises an eyebrow.

  “King's orders,” is all he says, and then he's pulling the trigger and putting a bullet through Brandon Carmichael's forehead. Blood spatters the lenses of his glasses before he slumps to the side into the grass.

  “Brandon!” I scream, scrambling off the bench and stumbling over to him. I sink to my knees in the mud and feel the side of his neck for a pulse. In my heart of hearts, I know that he's dead, but I have to check. I just have to. “What did you do?!” I shout, but Brandon's murderer just stares at me blandly and checks his pocket watch again.

  “Hearts, I really am late,” he scowls, tucking the watch back in his vest and tossing the gun to the ground at his feet. With one last glance at me, he turns away. The rabbit ears on the top of his head twitch (something I should've wondered about, but at the time seemed the least weird of all the shit happening around me) before he takes off across the yard at a jog.


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