adaptive landscapes and, 25–26, 37
Benson experiments on, 25
descriptions, 24
different geographical areas and, 26–27
larvae/passion vines and, 25
warning coloration, 24–27
Campbell, Donald, 142–143
Canary Islands
Echium evolution, 70
evolution creativity, 70
cancer, 44
Carter, Howard, 53
catalytic converter/converters
clusters and, 109
description/functions, 108–109
cefotaxime, 41–43, 87, 95
Chamberlain, John, 22–23
Chanel, 211
chaos theory, 155
Charles II, King, 54–55
Chinese education, 185–186, 188, 189, 209, 216, 217
circuit courts term, 116–117
citation counts, 148–149
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 165
color dimensions, 152
combinatorial optimization problems
algorithms and, 122–123
description/examples, 121–122
problem difficulty and, 122–123
See also vehicle routing problems
computer chess, 139
“Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (Turing), 126
conceptual spaces, 153–154
Confucius, 188, 216
convergent/divergent thinking, 177–178, 190
convergent evolution, 26–27
Cope, David
background, 136
Emmy (Experiments in Musical Intelligence) and, 136, 137
Copland, Aaron, 146
corn evolution, 16–17
cost landscape/profile
adaptive landscapes vs., 119–121
“cooling” and, 125
description, 119, 125
See also vehicle routing problems
covalent bonds, 105
accidents and, 147–148, 208
age and, 150–151
analogy and, 174–175, 190
artificial intelligence vs., 2–3
avoiding hills/valleys and, 139–140
background/experiences and, 144–147
balance and, 180, 220–221
brains encoding ideas and, 152–154
building blocks and, 139
citation counts and, 148–149
cross-fertilization and, 169–173
drugs and, 165–166
engineering examples, 131–132
evolution connection idea/history, 142–143
examples, 2, 3
failure and, 147, 148, 149
fast/distant travel and, 167, 178–182
jokes/humor and, 173–174
judgment and, 164–165
Kubler on, 2
lessons learned, 139–140
metaphor and, 175–176, 190
natural/human creativity similarities (summary), 4–5
patterns and, 151
problem solving and, 3–4, 5, 6, 139–140, 220
recombination and, 173–176, 183, 220
science examples, 132–133
“selection” and, 151–156
spatial form and, 152–154
sport learning comparison, 191
summary, 219–222
See also adaptive landscapes; art; dreaming; mind-wandering; play
creativity tests
anagrams, 182
association tests, 177–179
composite images, 181
fluency and, 178
longitudinal studies, 179–180
origins, 177
overview, 177–182
problems with, 180
Crick, Francis, 33–34, 160
cross-fertilization and creativity, 169–173
descriptions, 111–112
examples, 112
heat/rate of cooling and, 112–113, 124
See also snowflakes
Curie, Marie, 146, 170
cyanogenic glycosides, 25
cytochrome oxidase discovery, 12
cytosine base, 34
da Vinci, 168
Darwin, Charles
background, 186
diversity/breeders and, 16–17
Earth’s age and, 149
evolution concepts/evidence and, 1, 4, 6, 12–13, 92
Fisher’s work and, 15
See also evolution, Darwinian
Dawkins, Richard, 76
DDT, 93
Dehaene, Stanislas, 143–144
dinosaurs and asteroids, 171
dioxin, 93
Disasters of War (Goya), 145
divergent/convergent thinking, 177–178, 190
diversity and creativity
businesses and, 205, 206–207
education and, 192–194, 209
education, higher education/research and, 198–200, 202–203
fashion industry and, 210–211
historical analysis and, 211–212
immigration policies and, 209–210, 211, 212, 217–218, 221
Japan example, 209, 212
overview, 208–212
political fragmentation/upheavals and, 211–212
Divine Comedy (Alighieri), 68–69
cell decoding information process, 34
double helix structure/discovery, 33–34
letter numbers/organism size and, 72–73
nucleotide building blocks, 34
protein synthesis and, 34, 40, 78
RNA comparison, 44
RNA transcription, 34, 78
space of sequences, 40
See also mobile DNA; mutations; non-coding DNA
DNA chip technology. See microarray technology
DNA polymerase
DNA shuffling and, 94–95
“switching templates,” 94, 95
DNA shuffling
description/experiments, 94–95
DNA polymerase and, 94–95
results/products, 95
DNA words and regulators, 48–50, 73
dog diversity, 17
dolphin, bottlenose, 157–158, 159
Dostoyevsky, 145
dreaming and creativity, 160–161, 164, 166
Drosophila melanogaster
DNA typo/genotype possibilities, 36
favored in biological experiments/reasons, 13, 30–31
gene numbers, 35
microarray technology and, 51
mutations/traits and, 31
white eye color/mutation, 31, 32, 36
drugs and creativity, 165–166
Drummond, Allan, 97
Dryden, John, 146–147
Echium evolution, 70
Chinese testing/example, 185–186, 188, 189, 209, 216, 217
collectivism and, 217
creative pupils/teachers and, 193–194
creativity need/promotion, 186–187, 189–193
creativity reduction and, 187, 188
diversity importance/creativity, 192–194, 209
homogenization and, 187–188, 217
hypercompetition, 185–187, 188, 189, 217
intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, 193, 217
parents and, 194
South Korean testing/example, 185, 186
Soviet schools and, 217
standardized test alternatives, 191–192
standardized tests/problems and, 162, 163, 187, 188, 189, 192
Yale-Beijing study, 189, 216
education, higher/research
autonomy, 198
creativity/lack of creativity and, 195, 196–197, 197–200
diversity and, 198–200, 202–203
funding basic research, 200–202, 203–204
homogenization, 202–203
hypercompetition/solution and, 201–204
organization/effects, 199–200
recombination of knowled
ge and, 198–200
rote memorization background and, 196
Singapore researchers and, 196–197
solutions, 203–204
standardized tests and, 195
teamwork and, 198–200
Einstein, Albert
on education, 193
mind-wandering/dreaming and, 162, 181
music and, 172
work of, 149, 172, 181
determination (landscapes), 105–107
vehicle routing problems, 119
Emmy (Experiments in Musical Intelligence), 136, 137
endorphins, 34–35
energy landscapes
adaptive landscapes vs., 108, 109–110
cooling and, 111, 124
descriptions/shapes, 7, 107–108, 155–156
gravity/downhill and, 109–110, 124
heat and, 110–111, 124–125
Eohippus, 20
Escherichia coli
biologists and, 13
DNA letters, 73
gene numbers, 35
genetic drift and, 77
non-coding DNA, 73
evolution, Darwinian
algorithm analogy/steps, 126, 127
blind variation and selective retention (BVSR) and, 142–143, 144–145
evidence overview, 12–13
See also creativity; specific components
evolution landscapes. See adaptive landscapes
evolutionary computation, 126–128
exons, 78
Experiments in Musical Intelligence (Emmy), 136, 137
eyes as solution, 3
FailCon conferences, 213
failure and creativity
bankruptcy laws and, 213, 214
overview, 213–214, 218, 221–222
second chances and, 222
Faraday, Michael, 147
fashion industry and creativity, 210–211
Fellows of the Royal Society, UK, 172–173
Fendi, 211
finches. See Galápagos Islands
Fisher, Ronald
background/expertise, 15
Haldane/Wright work and, 12, 15
polygenic traits and, 15
fitness landscape. See adaptive landscape
Fleming, Alexander, 160
Ford, Tom, 210–211
fossil evidence (evolution), 12–13
Frankenstein (Shelley), 161
frogs, poison dart, 25
Frost, Robert, 175, 176
fruit fly. See Drosophila melanogaster
Fuck Up Night, 213
Fuller, Buckminster, 101
Galápagos Islands
“Big Bird” finch, 91–92
finch evolution, 69, 70, 91–92
hybrid finches and, 91–92
marine iguana/innovations, 71
vampire finch feeding habit, 70
woodpecker finch tool use, 70
Galileo, 132–133
Gärdenfors, Peter, 153
Gates, Bill, 210
Gauguin, Paul, 167–168, 173, 211
Geim, Andre, 160
duplication/non-coding DNA and, 74
exons, 78
human numbers, 35
introns, 78
mutations and, 35
numbers overview, 35
parts and, 78–79
pieces comparisons, 78
proteins and, 34, 40
regulation significance, 76, 78–79
genetic algorithms
“chromosomes” and, 127, 128, 130–131, 132
creativity and, 130–134, 138
description/uses, 118 (fig.), 127, 128–129, 130–134, 138
evolution comparisons, 127, 128, 129, 130–131
randomness and, 134
“recombination” and, 128
genetic drift
comparisons to play, 160, 166
description/role, 6–7, 61–64, 62 (fig.), 65, 69, 79, 128
extinct allele, 63
fitness landscape concept and, 66–67, 66 (fig.)
fixed allele, 63
genome architecture effects and, 71–74, 77–79
heat relationship, 114
inbreeding and, 64–65
islands and, 69–72
large organisms/small populations and, 72
large populations and, 64, 84, 125
marble drawing example, 61–63, 62 (fig.)
mobile DNA and, 77
natural selection “relationship” and, 79
non-coding DNA and, 75
power increase with time, 71
significance (summary), 79, 140
small populations, 63–65, 125
tremors/effects, 66–67, 100, 114
as universal, 65
genetic mapping, 33
genetic teleportation, 88–99
increasing in size, 74
non-coding DNA/humans and, 73–74
organism size/genome complexity and, 71–74, 77–79
variants of, 39
definition, 28
peppered moths and, 28
trait numbers/complexity and, 29–30, 29 (fig.), 31–32
geodesic domes
history/examples, 101
term origins, 101
See also bucky-balls; crystals; snowflakes
Glaser, Donald, 181
global minima description, 123, 125
Go (game), 2, 7
Google/workspaces, 164, 205
Goya, 145
Grant, Peter/Rosemary, 91–92
greedy algorithm, 123, 124
GTP (guanosine triphosphate), 47
guanine base, 34
guanosine triphosphate (GTP), 47
Guernica (Picasso)
background, 141
sketches experiment, 154–155
sketches/photographs and, 141–142, 145, 146
Guilford, Joy Paul, 177
Gupta, Amit
creativity/scientific research and, 195, 197
university application, 194–195
Gutenberg, Johannes, 174
Habsburg dynasty
childhood mortalities, 54
inbreeding/consequences and, 54–55
intermarriage benefits, 54
Habsburg lip, 54
Haldane, J.B.S.
background/expertise, 11–12
chlorine gas/gas masks and, 11
experimenting on self, 11–12
father and, 11
Fisher/Wright work and, 12, 15
methane gas experiment, 11
peppered moth/mathematical equations, 14–15
Harcourt, Robert, 158
Hawaii islands
colonists extinction/rates, 69
evolution creativity, 70
honeycreepers evolution, 69–70
moth larvae (Eupithecia) feeding innovations, 71, 99
Hayden, Eric, 46, 87
atoms/molecules and, 110–111
bucky-balls and, 110, 114, 124, 140
energy landscapes and, 110–111, 124–125
genetic drift relationship, 114
neurons firing and, 143–144
play comparisons, 160, 166
proteins and, 34, 110
simulated annealing and, 123
Helianthus hybrids/Helianthus deserticola, 91, 99
Heliconius. See butterflies, passion vine
evolution, 85
role, 84–85
Hirta island, 60
HIV viruses, 43
HMS Beagle, 69
Holland, John
background/description, 126–127
evolutionary computation/ genetic algorithms, 126–127, 131
homospatial thinking, 181
hormones (protein hormones), 34–35
anatomy and, 49, 51
and, 20, 24
feral horses/play, 158
human genome
Morgan’s work and, 33
population size and, 72
human reproduction/germ cells/recombination, 88–90
description, 91
of Helianthus, 91, 99
sterile hybrids, 91, 98
descriptions, 30, 36
geometry/dimensions and, 30, 36
hypnagogia, 161
IDEO, 207
cat examples, 57, 59–60
cattle example, 55–56
disasters and, 58–59
genetic drift and, 64–65
German shepherds, 57
good/bad features and, 55, 56, 65
Habsburg dynasty and, 54–55
humans and, 58
large populations and, 64
Mandarte Island/song sparrows, 60
nature avoiding/examples, 57–58
as not universal, 65
plants and, 58
Soay sheep and, 60
sparrows, song example, 60
Tutankhamun, King and, 53–54
See also breeders/breeding experiments
incubation, 162–163, 166
Industrial Revolution
diversity and, 208
peppered moth and, 14
Institute of Higher Studies, Berlin, Germany, 199
insulin, 34
International Congress of Genetics, Sixth, 17
intrinsic motivation
businesses/creativity and, 207
extrinsic motivation vs., 193, 217
introns, 78
island of Hirta, 60
island species
biologists studying/advantages, 58
disaster/inbreeding and, 58–60
evolution creativity and, 69–71
evolution evidence and, 13
genetic drift and, 69–72
innovation time span and, 71
lifestyle evolution, 70
shipwreck/few people example, 58–59
See also specific islands
James, William, 142
Japan diversity/creativity, 209, 212
Jobs, Steve, 165, 171–172
Journal du Textile, 211
Jukedeck, 139
Jung, C.G., 160
Kai-Ming Cheng, 217
Kasparov, Garry, 139
Kauffman, Stuart, 38–39, 43
Kekulé, August, 161, 181
Kelly, Mervin, 205, 207
Kelvin, Lord, 149
Koehler, Wolfgang, 149
Koestler, Arthur, 171, 174
Koza, John
car controller, 132
electric circuits, 131–132
Kroto, Harold, 101–103
“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 165
Kubler, George, 2
Lagerfeld, Karl, 210–211
landscape thinking, 8–9, 219–222
location/elevation determination, 105–107
See also adaptive landscape; cost landscape/profile; energy landscapes
Landsteiner, Karl, 170
Levin, Simon, 38–39, 43
life evolution, 1–2
liger as hybrid, 91
lions, 158–159
List of Essential Medicines, World Health Organization, 41
Little League baseball game reporting, 138–139
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