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Courting Claudia

Page 18

by Robyn DeHart

“The house, like this room, is really quite beautiful. Very well taken care of considering only a handful of servants live here full-time.”

  “I visit often, at least once a month to see that everything is running smoothly.”

  She rubbed her hand across the brocade fabric of the settee. “Did you select the decorations and color schemes yourself?”

  “I decided to stay with the original decor, but had some pieces of furniture restuffed and upholstered. I liked the look and wanted to maintain it.”

  “How did you acquire the house?”

  “I bought it. The Earl of Limewood wanted to live full-time in London and had no heirs for his estate, so he decided to sell it. I’d been looking for someplace in the country where I could get away when needed, so when this property came available, I bought it.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “I want to show you the grounds as well. I know you saw them on our ride, but now this is your home too. I had the cook pack us a lunch. We can eat it outside.”

  “A picnic?”

  “Yes. I believe everything is waiting for us by the pond.”

  She smiled up at him, and his heart nearly stopped. Lately everything she did gave him pause. Making love to her had not quenched his desire for her even a fraction; if anything, he wanted her more.

  But she still was holding back, nervous that he might not approve or perhaps that he would reject her. He wasn’t sure what stopped her, but he intended to change it. The carriage had been the closest he’d come to seeing her while making love, and they’d both been fully clothed. He had plans to remedy that this afternoon, but it would be a challenge.

  He threaded his fingers with hers as he led her outside and across the gently sloping hill. They walked in silence, and he waited for an awkward feeling to settle over him, urging him to break the reverie. But it did not come. Instead, he found a comfortable silence between them as they crossed his lush green lawn. They reached an area covered in trees, and he spotted the pond glistening ahead. Beneath the willow tree, a blanket was spread with the food for their picnic.

  “It’s wonderful,” she said.

  He helped her take a seat on the blanket, then sat across from her.

  He unpacked their lunch and poured her a glass of wine, then proceeded to prepare plates of bread, jam, and cheese.

  “This is my favorite part of the entire estate. I suppose it was the main reason I bought it.”

  “It’s very peaceful.” She took a sip of her wine. “Like a painting come to life.”

  He held a piece of bread out to her, and she reached for it, but he pulled it back. “No. Take a bite.”

  “You wish to feed me?” she asked, clearly surprised.

  “I do.” Again he leaned toward her with the bite of bread, and she hesitated, but leaned in and took the morsel.

  He held out a piece of cheese for her, and she took it, her lips brushing against his fingers. He dipped his finger in the marmalade.

  “Are you going to smear that on some bread?” she asked.

  “No.” He held his finger out to her. “Lick it off.”

  Her eyes widened. “You want me to lick that marmalade off your finger?”

  “Scandalous, isn’t it?”

  Try as she might, she lost whatever battle she fought in her mind and rewarded him with a devilish little grin. He was eroding her defenses. His plan was working.

  She leaned forward, wrapped her perfect pink lips around his finger, closed her eyes, and then gently sucked the jam off his finger. She was wearing him down as well. He didn’t know if he could wait to complete his plan. He wanted her now. Beneath him, squirming with pleasure.

  He pulled off his shoes. “Today there are no worries about appointments or propriety. We are going to swim.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yes, now.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why? The pond isn’t that deep.” He tugged her right foot out from underneath her skirts and began unlacing her boot. He pulled it off, then reached beneath her skirts, undid her garter, and rolled her stocking off.

  “Derrick, honestly,” she said, while swatting uselessly at his hands.

  He ignored her protests and removed her left boot and stocking.

  “We don’t have the proper attire for swimming.”

  “We don’t need them.” He stood and shrugged out of his jacket. He began removing his trousers when she suddenly jumped to her feet.

  “You don’t intend to swim in your drawers, do you?”

  “Of course not. I intend to swim in the nude.”

  “You’ll freeze.”

  “Not this late in the day. The sun has warmed the pond nicely. And I have plans to keep myself warm.”

  She frowned, thought for a moment, then concluded. “Swimming for exercise? I have heard that is quite popular with men.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” He held his hand out to her. “Come with me.”

  She shook her head. “No, I couldn’t.”

  “Of course you can. There are no more could nots or should nots. With me, you are free. There is no one here but us.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her, putting as much passion as he could in it to arouse her. She clung to him and released soft whimpers.

  “Take my shirt off.”

  Her eyes flew open.

  “Here, I’ll get you started.” He unfastened the first two buttons, then placed her hand on the third. He grabbed her hands and put them on the next button. “I need to know you want me, Claudia. As much as I want you.”

  She licked her lips and swallowed. Carefully she released one button, then another, until the material gaped, and all the buttons were undone.

  “Now pull it off me.”

  She pushed the material off his shoulders. Her small hands brushed against his skin. He closed his eyes, enjoying her touch.

  “Now, my drawers.”

  Her eyes widened, and she took a step back.

  “You’ve touched me before, Claudia. You can do this.” He guided her hand to the front flap of his drawers. She undid the buttons quickly, and he felt the sun heat his backside as the silk slid down his legs.

  He pulled her to him and kissed her again, his erection pressed between them. He wanted to lay her down on the blanket, toss her skirts up, and bury himself inside her. But he needed to be patient.

  “Look at me, Claudia.”

  She met his gaze.

  “No, look at my body.”

  Her eyes traveled the length of him, all the way down, then trailed back up and lingered at his middle.

  “Do you see how much I want you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Do you want me?”


  “Then show me. Show me how much you want me.” With that, he turned and waded into the pond. The water lapped around him as he moved out to the middle. He turned around to face her, and she still stood on the blanket watching him.

  “Take your clothes off, Claudia. Come and join me.”

  He had no way of knowing whether this plan would work, but he knew she wanted him. He just hoped it was enough to throw her fears aside and join him in the water.

  “I want to see you.”

  “No you don’t,” she said. “You won’t like what you see.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I’ve seen myself.”

  “I don’t think it’s fair for you to judge what I will and won’t find attractive. I think you’re beautiful.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

  “Claudia, I need you. Take one thing off at a time. Start with your dress. Excellent choice, selecting one that buttons down the front.”

  “You learn to dress yourself when you don’t have a lady’s maid.”

  “The dress. Please, do this for me.”

  She eyed him for a moment, then did as he asked. The garment fell at her feet in a heap, and she stood wearing her p
etticoat and corset. His pulse quickened. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly above her corset. He longed to release her from all her constraints, the tangible ones as well as the emotional.

  “Your petticoat. That can’t be comfortable.”

  “Not so much,” she said with a hint of a smile, “but certainly better than the corset.”

  “Then remove it.”

  It took her a while to unlace it, but when she finally got it undone, she visibly relaxed. No doubt the damned thing was cutting off some of her air.

  “You’re so beautiful. Keep going, my love, let yourself go.”

  She chewed at her lip, then turned to face the opposite direction. She pulled off her chemise, then turned back around with her arms crossed on her chest, blocking his view. The pressure from her arms smashed her breasts against her.

  “Move your arms.”

  A blush crept up her neck and stained her cheeks. She closed her eyes and dropped her hands to her side. Her breasts were magnificent, large and round with a pale dusting of pink at the centers. Her nipples rose proudly. Red marks streaked down her abdomen where the corset bones had pressed into her too tightly.

  His heart thrummed wildly against the cage of his chest. A surge of lust hit him forcefully, followed by an equally powerful surge of protectiveness. She was his, and he’d be damned if anyone, especially her father, hurt her again.

  “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” he said.

  She opened her eyes, but did not look at him.

  “You’ve only your drawers left. Take them off and join me. Feel the water slippery against your skin. There’s nothing like it in the world.”

  With almost a visible surge of determination, she peeled the drawers from her body. The triangle of golden hair glistened in the sunlight. Her stomach was not flat, and this was obviously the source of her anxiety. Her waist was not excessively narrow, and her hips were rounder than was fashionable, but to him, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  His breath caught in his throat. He’d never want another woman as long as she was with him. She was like a golden goddess released from an Italian Renaissance painting.

  “Claudia, look at me.”

  She didn’t move.


  Her eyes met his, and he saw the shimmer of tears edging her eyes. “You’re perfect. Now come here.”

  She came into the pond and stood before him.

  He wiped a tear from her cheek. “Thank you. I know that was difficult. But honest, I think you’re perfect.” He pulled her to him and hugged her, feeling the warmth of her skin pressed against his.

  “How does the water feel?”

  She gave him a weak smile. “Strange. A little cold.”

  He scooped water, then poured it against her chest. She inhaled sharply, and her breasts tightened. He cupped them, reveling in the weight of them.

  “You have the most magnificent breasts I’ve ever seen.”

  “They’re too large.”

  He smiled at her. “Not for me.”

  “You don’t have to pack them around all day.”

  “No, but I would if you asked me to.”

  She looked up at him with just a slight movement of her eyes, a glance so subtly seductive he would have thought she’d practiced it. But he knew better.

  She really was beautiful, in such an unassuming way it had caught him off guard. She stood before him, water dripping off her perfect breasts, with desire blatant in her eyes. He put his hands at her waist and felt her stiffen.

  “Today I want to touch you everywhere. You’ve let me see you, now trust me.”

  He kissed her in the hollow of her collarbone, lapping the water droplets off her skin. From her waist, he moved one hand to her hip and then over to her stomach. She flinched beneath his touch, trying to disguise her imperfection. She wanted to be beautiful and desirable for him, and it made him want her more.

  Her flesh was soft, and she closed her eyes as he moved from her stomach into the curls at the juncture of her thighs. He’d never touched a woman in the water. It was invigorating, daring, and a little bit naughty—something he hadn’t felt in years.

  He continued his kisses on her neck and breasts, while his fingers explored her folds. She was hot and wet, and he groaned from the feel of her.

  “I’ve got to have you now.”


  He lifted her and brought her closer. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She did, and he set her down, inching her onto his length. It didn’t take either of them long to reach a climax. He cried out her name as he thrust the last few times into her.

  It had never been with another woman the way it was with Claudia. His desire for her never wavered. She met his passion with a fervor he had not known a woman could possess. It was as if they were designed to love only each other, as if their bodies were created to fit each other perfectly.

  She laid her head on his shoulder, her legs still wrapped around his waist, his member still buried within her.

  “I will never tire of making love to you,” he told her.

  She gave him a shy smile. “Nor I of you. It is like my body craves you now, like a lush with his drink.”

  Her body craved him, but did her heart want him? Would she choose him when the truth came out?

  “Do you promise that you’re not disgusted by my body?”

  “I promise. I love your body. It’s perfect.”

  He set her down, then grabbed her hand, and they walked to shore. Water drops scattered across their bodies as they lay on the blanket.

  “We’ll let the sun dry us, then we can dress and return to the house.”

  A few of her ringlets had escaped their confines during their lovemaking and now sat in tight, wet coils on her neck. He lay on his back and pulled her so that she partially lay on top of him. She put her chin in the hollow spot of his chest. Something swelled in his chest. It was powerful to see someone in such an intimate state. She looked the very picture of a sated woman, and in that moment, he knew he would never regret marrying her.

  “This spot was made for my chin.”


  “Yes, it fits perfectly.” She placed a kiss on the spot for confirmation, then moved her mouth along his chest, tentatively licking the moisture from his skin.

  She turned her head so that she faced the pond, her curls lightly brushing his chin. Her hand rested on his stomach. He absently rubbed her back, soaking in the moment.

  “Have you thought any more about what you want to do with your illustrations?” he asked.

  “Yes. I would like to continue. I haven’t yet decided whether to keep my identity a secret.” Her finger made slow circles on his abdomen. “I enjoy the mystery.”

  “Whatever your decision, I’ll stand behind you. I don’t want you to make that decision based on your father. He can’t hurt you anymore, and whether or not you have a paying job won’t disparage my reputation. You’ve lived your life far too long consumed by what people think about you. It’s not a good way to live.”

  “It’s been a fine way to live.”

  “But what has it gotten you?”

  She shrugged. “It’s not about me. I have a responsibility to my family and my family’s name. I have a duty to uphold my father’s reputation.”

  “If the politicians are driven by the antics of their daughters, then Parliament is in more trouble than I thought.”

  “That’s not precisely what I meant.”

  “Your father’s reputation is no longer your concern. You are my wife now.”

  She said nothing for a while, just continued to drag her fingers lightly across his abdomen. Perhaps now wasn’t the best time to discuss her father. Her hand inched lower, following the trail of hair below his belly button. He felt his blood stir and knew it wouldn’t be long before he could take her again.

  He enjoyed her curious exploration of his body and didn’t want her to stop.

nbsp; “Did you always want to be an artist?”

  “No. I didn’t know I could draw until after my mother died.” Her fingers brushed against his sensitive flesh. “It had been a hobby of hers, and I suppose I tried it as a way to feel connected with her.”

  She was watching his body change, and that made it all the more exciting. She would soon know the power she had over him, the power to arouse him, to make him think of nothing else but making love to her again.

  Lightly, she moved her hand against him, a feather of a touch with the tips of her fingers, back and forth. She was telling him about her past, important information, but he found he could not concentrate.

  “So I painted at first. Watercolors, because that is what well-bred ladies do.” Her touch became bolder, rubbing a bit more firmly and moving across his length to the tip.

  He closed his eyes.

  “I don’t recall what made me decide to try drawing, but I wanted to do something with more detail, more dimension. It was never my intention to end up drawing fashions. I envisioned myself doing portraits.” She wrapped her hand around him, and he released a moan. Her boldness was intoxicating. She moved her hand up and down, and he wished he could see her face. But then it didn’t matter at this point, because he could barely concentrate on her words.

  “But I love doing the fashions. I love the intricate details of the dresses and getting them perfect in my pictures. I especially love hearing about that perfection at balls when the paper has just been released.”

  Faster and faster she pumped him, and he knew his release was near. He didn’t want it to happen like this, as erotic as the situation was. He stilled her hand.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No. You’re doing everything right. But I won’t have any control in a few moments, and this can get messy.”

  She lifted her head. “Oh?!”

  He tilted her head and kissed her nose. “But suffice it to say, I enjoyed that very much, and we’ll have to continue that again sometime. When things can be cleaner.”

  “Like in the water?”

  “Exactly. I like the way you think.”

  She chewed at her lip.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “That was rather amazing. The way your body works. The way you responded so rapidly and boldly only by my touch.”


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