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Let It Be

Page 6

by Cheryl McIntyre

  I touch my fingers to Guy’s cheek, running my thumb over his lips. “I love you,” I say. “Five-ever.”


  I nod. “Because forever isn’t long enough.”

  He smiles appreciatively down at me. “I love you too. Five-ever and always.”



  Ian looks over at me from his chair as the buzzing of the needle begins. I grin at him, reassuringly. He’s getting tattoos today. Both of his wrists.

  He reaches out with his free hand, connecting it with mine. He squeezes and I’m not sure if it’s for comfort or from pain.

  Probably a little of both.

  “Want to stop at the shelter after this and adopt a dog?” Ian asks out of nowhere.

  “A dog?”

  He lifts one shoulder in a half shrug. “Or a cat.”

  “You want pets?”

  He nods. “Just one though.”

  I lift my brows, grinning. “I like animals. Let’s get a dog.”

  He beams back at me before letting his head press into the chair. He closes his eyes and gives my hand another squeeze.

  We’ve come a long way, Ian and I. It’s been a bumpy road, but looking back now, I don’t think I’d change any of it, even the bad.

  I may not have my mom in my life, but I have the unconditional love and support of my friends and family—and now Ian’s family. And that’s more than enough. I’ve had a lot of ups and a lot of downs in my life. A lot of hurt and a lot of loss.

  But sometimes, you just have to let it be.

  The past is the past. It’s the reason we are who we are today. The reason we are where we are. And I have to say, I’m pretty happy with my life. The future is a blank slate, waiting to be written, and I plan on writing a love story. Or maybe a comic book. Both are pretty awesome.

  The tattoo artist moves on to Ian’s second tattoo and I switch to holding his other hand, careful not to touch the freshly inked skin. We both stare down at the words scripted there. Never forget.

  I brush my thumb over the back of his hand, letting him know I think the tattoo is perfect.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Ian opens his mouth, ready to question me, but I don’t want him to know what I’m doing. I leave the room and head back up front to talk to one of the other artists working tonight.

  “Do you have time to tattoo me? I just want one word, right here.” I run my finger over my heart.


  As soon as I’m finished, I find Ian just leaving his room. His head is cast down, admiring his wrists. I love that he can look at them now with a look of joy on his face. I stop in front of him and he nearly runs into me.

  “There you are. Where’d you go?”

  “Can I tell you in the car?”

  “Okay,” he agrees, his brows crinkling. I take his hands into mine and check out the finished results.

  Never forget and Never give up.

  Words to live by.

  “Looks good.”

  “Thanks. It feels good.”

  I intertwine my fingers with his and we walk that way, hand and hand out to the car. Three months ago, he wouldn’t have even considered doing this. Now it’s our everyday routine.

  “Where’d you go?” he asks again as soon as I shut my door.

  I think about making a smartass joke, but I’m too excited and nervous to bother. “I…got a tattoo,” I say quietly.

  “What? Where?” His eyes flick over me, trying to locate it. I lean back into the seat and lift my shirt. I remove the small wrap covering it and wait for his reaction.

  His gaze rakes over it languidly, and then he breaks into gorgeous grin. “Five-ever,” he breathes.

  “Because forever isn’t long enough.”

  Life is too short. There is always a reason to keep going. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, there is help.

  Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or log on to

  Other books by Cheryl McIntyre:

  Sometimes Never (Sometimes Never 1)

  Blackbird (A Sometimes Never novella)

  Before Now (Sometimes Never 2)

  Long After (Sometimes Never 3)

  Always Forever (Sometimes Never 4)

  Getting Dirty (Dirty 1)

  Playing Dirty (Dirty 2)

  Talking Dirty (Dirty 3)

  Fighting Dirty (Dirty 4)

  Staying Dirty (Dirty5)

  Infinitely (Infinitely 1)

  Eternally (Infinitely 2) Coming soon

  Dark Calling (Dark Calling 1)

  Dark Craving (Dark Calling 2) Coming soon


  This is going to be a really difficult acknowledgements to write. I almost don’t want to write it. Saying goodbye to this series is comparable for me to when I sent my youngest off to preschool. So I’ll try to keep this short and sweet so I don’t ruin my laptop with my tears.

  I was so incredibly nervous when I started the Sometimes Never series because I had only written one book prior and it was a young adult paranormal romance. The Sometimes Never series was very different. It dealt with real life problems—issues that have affected people in my life. It hasn’t just been my blood, sweat, and tears, and time missed with my family that went into this series. It was life. Reality—raw and honest and gritty—went into each and every one of these books—a piece of myself, my life experiences, and teeny, tiny, little parts of my friends and family. And I regret nothing.

  I’d like to thank my family for having my back from day one. They never once doubted me and have been my biggest fan and highest encouragement throughout the whole writing process. I love you all more than I can say.

  Thank you to my sister, Tammy, who as I’ve mentioned before, runs and maintains my website. I wouldn’t have a website if it wasn’t for you because I don’t have a single computer-literate bone in my body. You’re also a great cheerleader, insisting I write quicker. I promise, I’m working on it.

  Thank you to my sister and editor, Dawn. I wrote four different versions of this story and countless versions of the others in the series, and you didn’t bat an eyelash. You took it all in stride each and every time. And on top of that, you always make my books better. I don’t tell you nearly enough how much I appreciate you. Thank you for putting up with me. No seriously, thank you. I know that’s not an easy thing to do.

  I want to thank my mommy for passing on the story-telling gene and for always offering up new ideas. When I told you I was writing, you didn’t gasp in shock like I assumed you would. Instead, you asked me what it was about and started discussing possible storylines with me. I’ll never forget that. It said you had confidence in me. A confidence I didn’t have in myself. I love you with all my heart.

  To my honey and our children. I’m sorry I write so much and miss so much time with you. And I thank you from the deepest depth of my heart and soul for encouraging my writing despite all that missed time. You are the best family I could have ever hoped for. I love you more than anything else in the world.

  I need to give a great big thank you to my author friends. You’ve all been so kind and supportive. Sunniva Dee, we won’t discuss how many times I’ve emailed you in tears over a bad review, or again, because I’m certain I suck at the whole writing thing. I’m sure you’ve lost count by now anyway. But I will thank you for being an incredible friend and author. And this also goes to Beth Michele, L.M. Augustine, Devon Herrara, and so many more than I can list. I love our discussions about everything and nothing at all. You are all so great and I love you all dearly.

  To all the book bloggers out there, reading book after book and sharing it with others who love books as much as you all do—THANK YOU. And to the bloggers that have been with me since the very start of the Sometimes Never series: Three Chicks and Their Books, Holly’s Hot Reads, Rude Girl Book Blog, Holly’s Red Hot Reviews, and Smardy Pants Book Blog, I cannot express how much your excitement over
my books, your support of me as an author, and your friendship in general means to me. You ladies are all incredible beyond belief and I love you. Love N. Books, thank you for not only all your ongoing support, but for once again, supplying me with a gorgeous man to put on my cover. And to all other blogs that have read and/or shared my books, thank you. I appreciate all that you do.

  Last, but certainly not least, thank you reader. I do what I do for you and would be nothing without you.

  About the author

  Cheryl McIntyre is a mother, author, and insomniac, as well as a reader, self-proclaimed movie critic, and incredibly bad singer. Turn

  Her life revolves around four things: family, music, books, and really bad scary movies.

  You can follow her author page on Facebook where she lives part time. On Goodreads—which is like crack for avid readers. On Twitter, though she has still not yet mastered the art of tweeting. Or on her website.

  Find Cheryl at:




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