Book Read Free


Page 8

by L. Fergus

  “Very good. The healer you brought did an excellent job.”

  “Sabatha’s great. Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’re…you’re not mad at me, are you?”

  Zidin looked over Kita. In the reflection of his eye, Angus and the duchess waved frantically for him to say no.

  “No, of course not. You beat me, and in return, I’ve learned a great deal about you.”

  ”Really? Like what?”

  “Many things—good things. A lesson you should know. The defeated in battle always learn a harsh lesson from the victor. Those who survive the defeat have a chance to apply the lesson they learned, and stand a much better chance of victory the second time.”

  Kita cocked her head. “This was the first time I’ve lost in years. I think you taught me a harsh lesson about going soft on an opponent.”

  Zidin frowned. “You failed to understand the situation at the beginning, but you recovered and delivered a decisive blow. Most importantly, you didn’t give up. Your mastering two fighting forms at such a young age is impressive.”

  “Je parle aussi français.”

  The duchess gently tugged Kita’s arm. “Come, Kita, we must get you cleaned up. We can’t have the guild acceptance ritual with you covered in blood.”

  “I do feel sticky.” Kita held up a blood-covered hand and giggled. “It’s so pretty.”

  “Control your bloodlust,” the duchess hissed in Kita’s ear. “You should be sated.”

  The duchess gave instructions to the duke, Jeffrey, and her clansmen before escorting Kita and Zidin to the showers.

  In the mirror of the shower room blood, cobwebs, and horse crap painted a reminder of the night on Kita’s armor. Should I even try to clean it or will I only make it worse? I should at least rinse it and get the big smears and chunks off. As she scrubbed, a servant entered.

  “Don’t worry about your armor or underwear, my lady. I’ll bring you clean underwear and your armor will also be cleaned.”

  Kita stripped off her leggings, underwear, and bra. The servant gathered the clothes and left. Kita returned to the mirror. Her cracked ribs hurt, as did the side of her face, but the skin showed no signs of injury. The slash mark scar on her side was razor thin, barely noticeable. The scar on her stomach was another matter. It was long, thick, and gnarled. She pouted and climbed into the shower.

  The water ran red down the drain. I’m glad most of it isn’t mine. She cleaned her hair. Her practiced hands weren’t used to the short length, and she missed her long hair.

  Kita exited the shower to find new underwear and her armor sparkling clean. But her weapons hadn’t come back. What? People scared now? She went to the mirror and did her best to imitate Gabrielle’s braids, but she wasn’t nearly as skilled.

  She sorted through the underwear. What in the bloody moons? What moron chose these? They’d brought her a lacy pushup bra meant for a grand party gown and the thong she wore under her Champignon party dress. The Champignons were far ahead of Yorq in designing fashion, but that didn’t always mean they designed for comfort or practicality. Probably some young male servant more than happy to poke in my underwear drawer. The bra was out. The breastplate was designed with support in mind. She reluctantly put on the thong, deciding some coverage was better than none. At least I don’t have to fight in it.

  Kita waited with Zidin by the doors to the main hall listening for her name.

  “They’ve called for you, my lady,” said the butler.

  “Open them up.”

  The doors swung open. Kita entered with Zidin behind her. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, Zidin took up his previous station.

  “Initiate, you’ve passed the Proving Ritual,” the duchess announced to the hall. “You’ve defeated your selected challenger in personal combat and have earned the right to wear a guild marking. The guild selected for you is the Guild of the Rose. As a member of the guild, you’re emplaced with trust and responsibility beyond all other guilds. You’re the diplomat of Arcone and our first line of defense. You’re charged with forging new friendships and creating alliances, maintaining our relationships, and bringing mercenary contracts back to Arcone. It is through battle that Arconians gain honor, and you will find us battles worth fighting.

  “You will not be alone in the world. On your command you can project Arcone’s military might. An insult to you is an insult to Arcone. If you’re in need, Arconians are bound to come to your aid. As a member of the Guild of the Rose, you represent the entire nation. Do so proudly and honorably. Now, repeat after me:

  “I, Katrina Marie Logine of Clan MhicAoidh, swear my sword and life to uphold the ideals of the Guild of the Rose. I pledge to carry out my duties and responsibilities to reflect the highest honor upon the Guild of the Rose and Arcone.”

  Kita repeated what she heard back to her mother.

  The duchess turned to Kita’s clan elder, who handed her Dawn and Dusk.

  “Today, Katrina shall receive Dusk and Dawn. A sword set forged by a paragon of arms forging, the master smith Earnan. They have served me well, and now they will serve her.”

  The duchess spoke quietly as she gave each weapon to Kita, “Katrina, I present to you your personal weapons. This katana and wakizashi represent your commitment to the Guild of the Rose and to Arcone.” The duchess looked back at the audience. “Congratulations, Katrina. May you live and die by the motto of the Guild of the Rose: Flower or Thorn, I care not which, and the motto of Arcone: In Victory, Honor. In Defeat, Death. Lords and ladies, I present to you the newest member of the Guild of the Rose.”

  The crowd gave Kita rousing applause. The attention embarrassed her. Eventually, the duchess signaled for quiet.

  “Lords and ladies, we have one last honor to bestow upon Katrina. I’m pleased to introduce one of our honored guests tonight, Angus, Commander of the Legion of Yorq.”

  There was another round of applause as Angus made his way to the stage. He bowed over the hands of both Kita and the duchess.

  “My lords and ladies, tonight we have seen a rare display from the proud nation of Arcone. It has showcased the amazing talents of Duke Priatt Logine and Duchess Marie Logine’s daughter, Lady Katrina. Over the last few years, the Legion has watched Lady Katrina develop her skills and talents. Tonight, I’m proud to announce I’ve chosen Lady Katrina Logine as my successor as Commander of the Legion of Yorq.”

  A loud murmur went through the crowd. Her mother and Angus clapped, followed by the duke. It was enough to spur the crowd into subdued applause. Kita did her best to keep her expression pleasant. Too bad if you don’t like it. What are you going to do about it?

  While the crowd applauded, the duchess reformed the clan. Kita and Zidin fell into the rear of the formation. With a sharp military cadence, the clan marched for the door.

  “Thank the bloody moons that’s over. I’m exhausted,” Kita muttered after the doors closed.

  The duchess gave Kita a stern smile. “Oh, you’re not done yet, my dear. You have an hour of mingling, the receiving line, and dinner still to do.”

  “You can’t be serious. The moon is up, and I’m leaving in the morning. I’ve never had to do any of that before.”

  “That’s because it was never about you. You should ask your brother. You can slip in unannounced from the middle side door.”

  “How come I feel like a lamb being thrown to the wolves?”

  “You’ll have Zidin with you. You need to start learning how this is done. Find Angus and start from there. Now go.”

  Kita looked at Zidin. He returned an apologetic shrug.

  Off we go on our next great adventure, ha!

  The pair slipped in by the side door. Few people noticed her. As they walked, a bubble formed around them. People gave cool and suspicious looks. You think I’d killed someone…Maybe someone checked the sewers…

  The crowd revealed Angus, in the companionship of the two earls. Earl Armstrong, uncle to the ki
ng, wore an ornate robe. What was left of his hair was white, and it went well with his happy-looking wrinkles. Earl Cauzul, who controlled her father’s estate, had dark hair and eyes, and wore a simple robe with a gem-encrusted metal belt. He had a pleasant but somber look.

  At least they’re pretending I’m not diseased.

  Kita bowed, but they both waved her off.

  “Congratulations, my…” Armstrong stopped as if to ponder a thought. “Now what title do we address you as, young lady? You’ve gained several tonight. My lady does not seem appropriate. Does she have a proper title in the Legion, Angus?”

  “Her proper title is Junior Commander, but she gets the same treatment I do.”

  Armstrong looked up at Zidin. “And you, my large exotic friend, what title would she have back in your home region?”


  Armstrong’s eyes twinkled as he chuckled. “So, she could be Rose Junior Commander. That is a little awkward and a mouthful. Well, young lady, you’re now more than our equal. Don’t you think so, Merce?”

  Armstrong’s enthusiasm seemed to lift his counterpart. “Oh, most definitely. With the forces she commands, I think she can address almost anyone by anything she likes. Including me, and I’m her lord—or was,” he chuckled into his glass.

  “Well, you may call me Robert and you know Merce, of course.”

  Kita felt the crowd around them relax, and some of the stares diminish. I guess if the big dogs approve then I must be okay, or at least until they leave…

  “Yes, my lord, er…Robert, I’ve met…Merce on a few brief occasions,” Kita said trying not to sound flabbergasted.

  “Well, they shan’t be brief anymore,” Cauzul said with a small bow.

  “How shall we address you? Would Katrina be alright?” asked Armstrong with a smile.

  “Call me Kita, everyone else does.”

  Armstrong nodded politely. “Very well then, Kita.”

  “Impressive display tonight, Kita,” said Cauzul. “It was a beautiful artistic display of swordplay and stagecraft.”

  Kita kept a sudden burst of anger in check. “No stagecraft, it was real. We wanted to make sure everyone received their money’s worth.” Kita smiled at Zidin.

  “You’re serious? Then I shall amend my statement. It was incredible! I wish I had a handful of men with the talents the two of you possess. I’m surprised either of you can walk.”

  “The clan elders make a special balm from the blood of Arconian people with the special ability to heal quickly,” said Zidin. “It can cure flesh wounds in minutes and deeper wounds within hours.”

  “That would be worth its weight in gold,” said Cauzul.

  “It has saved my life more than a few times, including tonight.”

  Kita patted Zidin’s arm. “I couldn’t have done it without Zidin, he made it possible. If you want warriors like us, I understand one of my new duties is to arrange Arconian mercenaries’ contracts, Merce.” Zidin gave her an approving nod. It’s been five minutes, and I already have a deal. I’m a natural at this Rose stuff!

  “Marie was behind most of this, I take it?” said Cauzul.

  “Yes, my mother wished to give me something to take out into the world.” Kita waved a hand, motioning to her face and armor.

  Armstrong clapped his hands. “Yes, yes. I remember the armor and the spirited commander who wore it.”

  “The facial display is a work of art. Did your mother do it?” said Cauzul.

  “No, it was my first gift from Zidin.”

  “Really? Are you trying to win the fair lady’s heart, Zidin?”

  Kita answered for him. “He’s also has given me two broken ribs and a nice pair of scars.”

  “That seems an odd courting ritual.” Armstrong laughed, inviting the others to join him.

  “It’s a nice change of pace from flowers and chocolates.”

  “You have to stand out from the crowd,” Zidin said flatly, causing everyone to laugh.

  Kita heard her brother and father in the crowd. Most likely coming to ruin my fun.

  “My lords, I’m sorry I’ve not been able to greet you sooner,” said the duke, as he bowed to the earls.

  “It’s alright, Priatt. We have been conversing with your wonderful daughter, Kita,” said Armstrong.

  “I hope she hasn’t been too much of a bother. She doesn’t participate in social events.”

  Beyond sitting somewhere bored.

  Cauzul raised an eyebrow. “Well, I should hope she continues. She’s very charming and intelligent. I might add a beautiful addition to the high nobles.”

  Kita smiled at the earl. “Merce, it’s alright. My father has had a long day. He didn’t know Mother was planning this.”

  The duke and Jeffrey turned pale. “Kita, apologize to your lord,” the duke ordered. “I apologize, Earl Cauzul for my daughter’s insult. I think she’s taken one too many blows today. I should have her taken to the infirmary. Jeffrey, would you be kind enough to take your sister to see Sabatha?”

  Jeffrey took Kita by the arm and tried to lead her away. Kita pulled her arm free and stepped back. Zidin grabbed Jeffrey, pinning his arms to his sides, and lifted him off the ground.

  “I believe Kita doesn’t want to go with you. I suggest you respect her wishes,” Zidin growled.

  “You put my son down this instant, you exotic son of a bitch,” Priatt yelled.

  Zidin dropped Jeffrey in a pile at the duke’s feet.

  “Is there a problem, Priatt?” Cauzul said with a smile. “Kita and her friend are well in line with me, Commander Angus, and Earl Armstrong.”

  The duke looked shocked. “I apologize, my lord. I didn’t know you had allowed her to address you on an informal basis. I didn’t want her to trouble or insult you.”

  “It’s very nice of you to apologize for her doing nothing wrong. As for you…” Merce looked at Jeffrey. “Aren’t you one of my battalion commanders?”

  Jeffrey came to attention. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Your troops should be marching to join the king’s forces, yes?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Then why are you not with them?”

  Jeffrey’s face flushed. “I…I came back to attend my sister’s banquet, my lord.”

  “From what I understand, you thought you would be in her place.”

  The gathered crowd murmured.

  “…What commander abandons his post…”

  “…The ravagers are attacking, and he’s here…”

  “…He disobeyed the king…”

  “I…I…” said Jeffrey as he glanced at Kita.

  Kita put a hand over her mouth, trying to suppress a laugh.

  “I didn’t hear it from Kita, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Cauzul said with a glare at the duke. “So, Commander, please explain why you’re here?”

  “I…yes, my lord. I thought I would be in Kita’s place,” Jeffrey’s voice wavered.

  “Well, after the banquet I suggest you be on the swiftest horse in the stable back to them. I’ll have a talk with Commander Hedrix about your dereliction of duty.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Cauzul looked at the duke. “You’ve raised a fine son, Priatt, and taught him well. Forgive my memory, is there something you needed?”

  The duke clenched his hands as beads of sweat gathered on his brow. “My lord, I was coming to pay my respects and make sure you were having a pleasant visit.”

  And to make sure my daughter doesn’t make me look like a bigger idiot than I already am.

  “We’re grateful for such a warm and hospitable greeting,” said Cauzul. “Please excuse my ignorance for thinking it was an insult. Kita was doing a marvelous job of entertaining. Pity you’ve done an excellent job of hiding her from suitors. And Jeffrey, when I need a commander to attend a ball, I’ll know who to send. Now, if you will excuse us.” He gave the pair a dismissive wave of the hand.

  The duke grabbed Jeffrey, and they shoved their way thr
ough the crowd that had gathered.

  “I’m sorry, Kita. I hope I haven’t offended you,” said Cauzul.

  Time to put a few favors in my back pocket. “No, I—Is Jeffrey’s career over?”

  “Jeffrey’s career is fine. He’s too good a commander to lose and demonstrates much potential. Vanity and narcissism are not the worst vices. There have been many who retain rank and have far worse. Commander Hedrix will have a word with him to make sure this kind of mistake isn’t repeated.”

  “Thank you,” Kita said with a shy smile. “Please don’t be too upset with my father. He means well. He worries we will lose the estate if he identifies too closely with the non-traditionalists.”

  “I’m impressed with your loyalty,” said Armstrong.

  Kita gave him a what-can-you-do-I’m-related-to-them look.

  “I’ve wondered why Priatt has become more conservative in his views. After tonight he’ll be considered one of the most liberal dukes in the region.” Armstrong and Cauzul turned serious. “Tell him not to worry. He should know that only the king can remove him, and the traditionalists have little pull there.”

  “I wish I’d known this sooner,” said Cauzul. “I don’t like having one of my dukes bullied. It reflects poorly on me. Don’t worry, Kita. Robert and I won’t let anything happen to Arbol or your father.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure that would be a great relief to him.”

  Cauzul smiled. “We need to work on his etiquette. Too bad Earl Wolffe’s wife died. She was famous for giving old-standard etiquette lessons, whether you wanted them or not.”

  The duchess’ handmaiden appeared, waiting for a break in the conversation. Kita gave her a nod.

  “My lady requests your presence, Lady Kita. The receiving line is ready to start.”

  Kita sighed. “Excuse me, Robert, Merce. It looks like my mother’s punishment hasn’t ended for the night.”

  Armstrong looked at Cauzul and nodded. “Sometimes I think I’d prefer the battlefield to the ballroom. Maybe we should escort the young commander, gentlemen. I know I’d like to be the first to officially congratulate her on her achievements.” Cauzul and Angus agreed. Armstrong turned to the handmaiden. “Lead on, dear girl.”


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