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Page 12

by Lesley Jones

  I stop in my tracks and turn to look at him... What the fuck?

  “What. Are. You. Talking. About?” Exaggerating every word as I speak.

  “I’m talking about you, running back to your husband, what was it Lauren, what changed your mind, what did I do, what didn't I do?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about Gabe? I'm not going back to Jay, why would you think that, why on earth would I go back to him? I don't care if you don't want me, I am still not going back to him. I was going to call Jo and ask her to come and get me. I would rather leave now, than in the morning if you don't want me here”

  I hold it together until the very last few words, which come out between sobs. He finally looks at me. “What makes you think I don't want you here?”

  He has a frown on his face, I am so confused and so very tired.

  “Because you left me, you fucked me in the spa, you fucked me in the shower and then you got up and you walked away from me”

  “You said, you said that you cried because of what I had done to you and that you regretted it and that you were thinking of Jason”

  “No. No I never. I cried because I loved what you were doing to me, I'm overwhelmed by my feelings for you, of the beautiful things we were doing to each other. I cried because you are such a kind, gentle, man. You've looked after me so well this week, you've put up with all my shit and asked for nothing in return, I cried because what we did tonight, was, was so amazing, I cried because when I looked down into your face, you looked exactly like your name as it is in my phone, I cried, because you have looked after me, when all my husband wants to do is hurt me, I was trying to tell you that I regret not leaving him sooner but you walked away before I could finish”

  He gets up and walks over to where I'm standing and puts his arms around me and kissing the top of my head, whispers, “you look so fucking sexy right now, all clean and glowing and freshly fucked. And you know what the best part is, it’s me that’s given you that glow, that freshly fucked glow is because of what we have spent this evening doing. This is how you should look all the time, not bruised and scared” He tucks my hair behind my ear and continues

  “I’m shit house at relationships Lauren, I have warned you and I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, I heard things differently, I heard what I expected you to say, forgive me, please, my heads is as all over the place, like yours probably is right now I think. This is all new to me, I’ve been fucked over by women in the past and I’ve been used by them. Just like you, I need to learn to trust again and not always think the worse but I will, for a while yet, please be patient with me, I will fuck up again, it’s what I do, forgive me, please” He shrugs his shoulders as he speaks, like it’s a given that he will fuck up again and I hate that he feels so sure about this, it’s something I wasn’t expecting from him, insecurity!

  As the adrenalin pumping through me slows, I'm overwhelmed by tiredness, I stand on tip toes and kiss him, feeling relief at his words.

  “Gabe, don't say that, of course I forgive you, there's nothing to forgive. You keep telling me to talk, ordering me in fact to tell you how I feel but you need to do the same with me, don't jump to conclusions, ask me, talk to me, please, we both need to learn to trust again and we can’t do that if we can’t talk about how we feel”

  I yawn, I can barely keep my eyes open, it’s been a long emotional night, day, and weekend!

  “I’m going to bed Gabe, I'm so tired”

  “Go. I’ll lock up, you warm the bed”

  He smacks me on my bum and I do as I'm told and go off to ‘Our bed’


  I wake feeling too hot, I'm facing the bifold doors, they are open and there's a light breeze making the voile curtain blow into the room, the light is streaming in and I lay for a while watching the dust motes being blown in the breeze, highlighted by the sun. They look like tiny dancers, in the spotlight, on a stage, their big moment. What was my big moment in life I wonder, have I had it or is it still to come? Becoming a mother has been at the top of my list for the past twenty five years, as a woman, is there any greater achievement? A successful career? Maybe. But is this greater than growing another human being inside you, then raising that human to be a happy, well-adjusted person? I can imagine feminists and career go getting women across the world, screaming abuse at me. I let out a long sigh. Gabriel shifts. He is the reason I'm feeling so warm, I'm lying on my right side and he is pressed right in behind me, spooning! He has his arm up my T shirt and is cupping my boob in his palm; his leg is in between mine. I actually don't remember him getting into bed last night, I must have gone off to sleep instantly, I don't recall stirring, or waking at all during the night, I feel refreshed and ready to face the day. I need to pee, badly but am I going to be able to slide out of bed without waking Gabe, do I want to get out of bed yet and leave this beautiful man alone? I close my eyes, intending to try getting back to sleep, when I feel his kisses in my hair and on my head. He starts to massage my boob and squeeze my nipple. I lay still but have a huge smile on my face. His hand moves down over my belly and I breathe in to make my stomach flatter, if he noticed, he didn't let on, he just keeps going and cups his hand between my legs. He takes in a deep breath and rubs his nose into my hair. The hair on my head I mean.

  “Good morning, you smell delicious”

  “Good morning, I smell of you”

  “Yea? Well I like the smell of you smelling of me” I can hear the smile in his voice as he pulls me tighter. I feel… How do I feel? I have that Christmas morning feeling, the one you only get for a few years, those years when you truly believe. I used to squeeze my eyes so tightly shut Christmas eve night, I would end up with a headache, so determined was I, NOT to see Father Christmas. My parents always told me if I were to see him, he would know and wouldn’t leave any presents. Just to add to the tension, as we approached the living room door, my dad would always say “Hmmmm, not sure if he’s been, are you sure you have all been good?”

  I used to feel sick with excitement and anticipation, of course there were always presents, way too many usually. And that pretty much sums up how I am feeling now. My stomach is permanently in my throat, continuously threatening to escape, my mind only seems to have brief moments of clarity, so bombarded with questions as it is, I think it’s just gone into sleep mode, it’s there, if I really need it, otherwise, it’s resting, saving it’s energy for whatever might be next, and that’s my other reason for feeling the way I do, anticipation. I have no idea what will happen to me, I have left my cheating, wife beating husband and moved in with a man I met four days ago, or is it five or six? I have no money, no car, fuck, I don’t even have any clothes but despite all of this, I am in seventh heaven. He has done that, Gabriel, Gabriel fucking Wilde, he makes me feel like anything is possible, there are never any put downs or snide remarks, just words of encouragement. I know it’s very early days, Christ, we only had sex for the first time yesterday, but even before then, there was something, something more and if I can find a way through all my hang ups and issues Jay has left me with, we might stand a chance. I’m great in the throes of passion, up for almost anything but in the cold light of day, too many of Jays little comments pop back into my head. He always used to say he was joking if he mentioned my belly was wobbly or my boobs were saggy, but that little seed of doubt was sewn and is now too embedded in my psyche to ever get rid of. But I have come to a decision, this has got to change, I am not going to let him rule the rest of my life! I unwittingly let out a very long sigh and immediately feel him still beside me.

  “What’s wrong, you okay?”

  I take a breath in. “Yeah, it’s nothing, just all my old insecurities, I’ve never realised what a mess I am. I need to stop overthinking every thought that goes through my head. I know I come across as confident but I'm so not and I really need to work on that. He really has fucked with my mind Gabe and I am only just realising to what degree. Why didn’t I see it, why didn’t I get out sooner?”
  He kisses my hair and my head some more.

  “Because you were waiting for me”

  What a beautiful thing to say, he has truly just made my day, my life even. He says it like it’s so blatantly obvious, like it’s a fact. My whole life has brought me to him; has led me across the world and through a marriage, all so that I could find him. Once again I’m overwhelmed by him and the matter of fact way of him, his directness and that’s all it takes and I’m off again. Bloody hell, not tears, not again, this really does need to stop. Gabe must be so over this. He turns me around to face him. The tears are rolling down my face freely, no point in trying to hide them from him, I've told him more than I've ever admitted to anyone about my issues and cried so often over these past days, I am sure he must be ready to run for the hills at any moment. He brushes the tears from my face as best he can and kisses my forehead

  “Lauren, just always try and remember, I’m not him, I know this is hard for you but what you've come to accept as normal, really isn’t, I know it’s going to take time but please have a little faith in me. I don't know what else to say. I have no idea how you must be feeling. I've been a bastard to women over the years but only in that they've always wanted more from me than I've ever been prepared to give but I don't think I've ever belittled a woman, intentionally or otherwise”

  Something he said earlier in the week comes back to me and I decide to go for gold and ask him about it.

  “You said to me before, that you'd never had a meaningful relationship with a woman, apart from your family members but what about your wife, you had a child together, surely that was meaningful?”

  He shrugs. “This is going to make me sound like a right prick, Nina was only ever meant to be a one night stand but I was so drunk, I fell asleep in her bed and was woken up in the middle of the night to her sucking my cock, so in my drunken, sleep affected state, I let her climb on top and fuck me. I got up in the morning and left, not giving her or my actions a second thought. She called a few times and tried to hook up again but I wasn't interested, then she turned up a few times at the pub, so and I'm not proud of this, I made a point of hitting on other girls in front of her, just to give her the hint that I wasn't interested. I heard nothing from her for a few months, and then she turns up at my door telling me she's pregnant and the babies mine. I tell her that I don't believe her but she shows me her pregnancy test results from the doctors, her appointment letter for her ultra sound and the dates matched up. I'm still not convinced and not sure what to do but in the end I just say that I'll be there for her and to let me know what she needs. My plan was to keep my distance and then get a paternity test done as soon as the bub arrives. She asks me to go with her when she has the scan so I do, thinking it would give me the chance to ask the doctors some questions about her due date, I was young and really had no fucking clue about babies. But going with her, that was my undoing. As soon as I see that little tadpole, with that little heart beating and they tell me I have a daughter on the way, I'm just blown away. All I want to do is protect and look after my child and to do this, I have to look after the woman that's carrying her. I was living in Elwood at the time so I move her in with me, into the spare bedroom and keep her safe and well, I pay all her medical bills so she can go private. Then out of nowhere when she's about six months pregnant, Nina tells me that she loves me and wants a real relationship and for us to be a proper family and if I don’t want the same thing, then she's going to live in Perth with her parents and start a new life. I couldn't bear the thought of her taking my child away so I ask her to marry me, thinking that would buy me some time, until I know for sure if the baby was mine. We marry a week later, I don't lover her, I'm not even sure I like her that much and there is no physical attraction, on my part at least. Which isn't really a problem when she's pregnant or for the first month after Ava was born but after that, it's totally obvious to her, I'm not interested in her in that way. When Ava is three months old, I come home from work to pick up some drawings that I had left behind that morning and catch her in bed with some old boyfriend of hers. I know it was my fault, I wasn’t interested in having sex with her and I couldn't give her what she needed so I can’t blame her for looking elsewhere, I had been doing it the whole time we had been together but I had always been discreet. I still needed sex, just not with her but I always went out of town for a one night stand, I never fucked anyone in our home, or our bed, with our daughter sleeping in the next room” He rakes his hand through his hair, I’m something I’ve noticed he does when his stressed, his eyes are searching mine, trying to gauge my reaction to what he’s in the process of confessing to me. “So, I kicked shit out of the bloke, threw him out, packed my bags, and told her she could keep the house, I would pay her bills and give her an allowance but I wanted access to my daughter whenever I liked. If she ever played up and denied me access, that would be it, I would go for full custody, and she wouldn't get a penny. I walked out the door, went straight to our family solicitors, and started divorce proceedings. I’m not proud of any of my actions but I did what I thought was right at the time, there was no way I was going to miss out on my daughter growing up, I wanted to be part of her life, if Nina hadn’t made the threats to take her away in the beginning, I might not of over reacted in the way I did, but I was terrified of losing her, and I don’t handle loss well. So we have agreed to share custody of Ava all of her life. Nina and I get on okay, she’s been remarried for about five years now, and surprisingly my daughter has grown into a beautiful, well-adjusted young woman, who spends most weekends and most of her school holidays with me. She usually comes with a mate in tow now as she gets bored on her own but that's fine. We get on great and are close. I love her like nothing on earth. I would happily die for her, you’re a mum Lauren, you know how it is”

  I turn and look into those blue eyes of his as he talks, it’s funny how the colour changes slightly depending on the topic of conversation, the depth of his love for his daughter is so apparent in his voice, it makes me ache for my sons, my babies. I feel so cut off from them at the moment. Estranged, I think is the word. He continues…

  “So, that's how come I never had any kind of relationship with my wife, ex-wife; we never even had sex, after the marriage at least. I haven't really had a relationship with any woman. There's been lots of one night stands, a few dates and a couple of two weekers but nothing more than that and that's suited me fine. Work and my properties keep me busy; I surf whenever I have any spare time. I go to the gym, I run. We have a couple of horses that I like to see race when I can, other than that, I'm in the pub like any other bloke or I'm spending time with my daughter”

  We have ended up on each other’s side of the bed, propped up on our elbows, facing each other. I've listened to all that he’s said in silence, trying to remember every detail.

  “I'm not a complicated bloke Lauren, I've never had my heart broken, except by the death of my mother, which I think is the reason I have never really put myself out there, that pain is still almost too much to bear and I never want to feel like that again. Perhaps I'm a coward but I can live with that, well I could, then you come along and boom, I'm doing and feeling all the things I've spent most my life trying to avoid” He leans in and kisses me. “So now you know, in fact, you now know more than most of my family”

  Wow, intense, so much to take in. He is just so honest, I don’t know if I can ever be like that, it’s not that I ever want to lie to him but I just don’t have the confidence to leave myself so wide open to ridicule or criticism.

  “Would you like a coffee?” he asks

  “I would love a coffee, thank you”

  He gets up, naked, and heads out of the bedroom

  “You still have the best arse I've ever seen” I shout as he goes out of the door. He keeps going. I feel, silly and giggly, like a school girl and I pull the sheet over my head as I laugh. I get up and use the bathroom, have a quick freshen up and lay back in bed with just a sheet over me, trying to look
as seductive as possible. He walks back in carrying a tray but still wearing nothing but a smile. I shake my head and smile back at him. His man bits, ever so slightly erect are bouncing and dangling about as he walks and I can't help but keep looking back. He puts the tray, loaded with coffee and toast down onto the chest beside me

  “You like?”

  “Hell yeah. Who doesn't like coffee and toast bought to them in bed?” I say with a smile. He climbs into bed beside me and passes my coffee and a slice of buttery toast.

  “Especially when served by a naked waiter, with a banging bod” I reply as I dunk my toast into my coffee

  “That’s truly disgusting” he states.

  “Ohhhh I don't know, disgusting is a bit harsh, I think you're pretty hot” Knowing that's not what he was getting at.

  “Pfftt not me, I'm fucking well fit and you know it. I'm talking about you, dunking your toast” I laugh and almost choke on my toast

  “Oh well. You best get used to it baby, coz YOLO and all that. This is the new me and I'm learning from you, not to give a fuck. If I want it, I'm going for it and I’m gonna have it”

  “Yeah?” He asks

  “Hell yeah” I reply

  “Does that include me?”

  I finish my coffee.

  “Yes, it most definitely includes you”

  My heart rate is increasing and I can feel myself flush as my belly flips over.

  “So, do you want me?” he asks

  “Yes, I want you”

  “Right now?”

  “Yes, right now”

  I can barely breathe, my heart feels like it’s bouncing off my ribcage, on its way up to my throat and I feel light headed, dizzy, I swallow hard and try to focus, he has no idea how hard it is for me to say these things out loud.


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