Book Read Free


Page 4

by Ahren Sanders

  “This is a surprise. You okay?”

  “Fuck no.”

  “Something going on?”

  “You tell me.”

  “I get the sense you’re pissed, but I don’t have time to play guessing games, so spit it out.”

  “What’s up with you and Bizzy?”

  The force of his words shocks me, and I try to hide my flinch. “Not a damn thing. Why do you ask?”

  “Bullshit! I saw the way you looked at her last week at dinner, closing in on her when you thought Nick and I were in the other room. The way you lit up when she decided to come along on this trip. It may have escaped a lot of people, but I know you. Not to mention, she’s a freaking loon… a floating loon. I’ve seen her almost every day at the hospital, and every time, she’s grinning.”

  “Maybe she’s happy.”

  “She works with cancer kids, you dumbass. Her heart is broken almost daily…”

  He’s got a point I can’t even argue. “What do you want me to say?”

  “I want you to tell me I’m sleep deprived and imagining this shit. Tell me you’re not interested in her, that I’m hallucinating. Fuck! Tell me anything that will make me more comfortable with her leaving for four days alone with you.”

  I glare at my brother and then close my eyes, scrubbing a hand down my face. “You’re not imagining this shit. I’m not really sure what happened. It came out of left field.”

  I explain Bizzy’s visit two weeks ago and when my feelings shifted.

  “It was like a fucking light bulb, man. You can’t understand. She was so beautiful, even with the tears streaming down her cheeks. My heart hurt as I held her close and felt every heave of her chest while she cried for Grady. When she told me she loved me, like she has a hundred times before, I felt it down to my soul. Something snapped. Everything changed for me.”

  Repeating the story has the same feelings bubbling to the surface. My heartbeat quickens with the primal need to erase her pain, my fingers ache to thread through her hair and massage her scalp to calm her tears, and my arms want to wrap back around her and protect her from the hurt of losing another patient. I want to demolish anything that takes the light out of Bizzy’s gorgeous face. The desire inside intensifies.

  “JESUS! You can’t fuck this up.”

  “I know, you asshole! That’s why I’m going to take it slow. She may not even feel the same way!”

  The privacy blinds start to close in my office, and I give Gail an appreciative nod.

  “Okay, well, let’s cover a completely different topic. Tell me about Sasha.”

  I jerk my head to him so quick, my neck cracks. “What the fuck are you talking about? What about Sasha? She has nothing to do with this. She’s no one.”

  “Did you not leave the bar with her a few weeks ago?”

  “That’s none of your fucking business, but seeing as you’re asking, you know the answer. It was a mistake, a big mistake that won’t happen again.”

  “Well, let’s lay this shit out, big brother, because you need to know. You have a slow burn inside that seems to be lit by our favorite girl. The same girl we’ve loved since Nick and she declared they were best friends for life. That same girl that was tortured for years by Sasha fucking Crane!”

  “What?” I feel the blood draining from my face. No fucking way. What are the chances?

  “Yeah, that bitch has had it out for Lizbeth for ten fucking years. Even with the two year age difference, she found a way to hurt her every chance she got. It’s not my story to tell, but Nick says it was awful. He would have killed Sasha Crane if he could have.”

  “Why didn’t I know?”

  “You’re older. You were in college and then law school. You did an internship in New York. Every time you were home, it was about holidays or birthdays. Bizzy never, ever talks about it.”

  “Motherfucking son of a goddamn bitch. The girl who hurt her in high school, the one who made fun of her for losing her hair and being plump because of the steroids was Sasha?”

  “Same bitch.”

  “I fucked that woman?”

  “Poor judgment.”

  “Bizzy can’t know.” My stomach turns in revulsion.

  “She’s not going to hear it from me, and lucky for you, Nick was drunker than us. He didn’t see. He’d kick your fucking ass.”

  “Shit, shit, shit…” I hang my head and rub my temples where a massive headache is forming.

  “You have to be careful, Shaw. I would never get in your personal business, but this is too delicate to fuck up. Be sure of everything before you make a move because you can’t go back.”

  “Damn.” I keep massaging my head. “I’m not sure whose side you’re on.”

  “You’re my brother, but I love her, too. Tell me I don’t need to worry.”

  “You don’t need to worry.”

  I glance up in time to see his worry disappear, and his lips twitch.

  “You enjoying this?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. Been wondering for years if you’d ever find a woman. Mom’s gonna flip her shit. If Bizzy gives your sorry ass a chance and this thing takes off, Mom will have your wedding planned and hounding you about grandkids.”

  Any other time, his words would make me break out in hives, but the image of Bizzy as a mother fills my head and I stop thinking all together.

  “Promise you I won’t fuck this up. She’s the most important person in this scenario. I’ll proceed with caution.”

  “Gotcha.” He moves to the sofa and lies down, spreading out, and looks at me with a grin. “So tell me about your weekend plans.”

  I shoot a message to Gail to tell her to hold my calls as I loosen my tie. Then I relax and fill my nosy brother in on all I have planned for the weekend.

  “You sure it’s a good idea to take the woman you’re interested in to dinner with some young, twenty-something athletes? Seems a little risky to me.” He raises an eyebrow and gives me an annoying grin. “You’ll be replaced before you even get a shot.”

  “You’re an asshole,” I rumble and throw a pen across my office at him.

  His words sink in, and my mood goes to hell. He’s right. I need a plan.

  The kind of plan that changes both our lives.

  Chapter 4


  This is paradise. Absolute paradise. I lean over the balcony, close my eyes, and inhale deeply, smelling the salt in the air as the sea breeze hits me. The sound of music from the outdoor bar is faint, but I recognize the song and smile.

  I roll my neck a few times and feel the tension draining as the anxiety of the day melts away. When I got off shift this morning, I was exhausted, but as soon as I walked through my door, my energy returned. It has been years since I actually got away for a few days with nothing to do. Claire and I rarely get the same few days off, so when we do, we usually head to the local beach or spend the day pampering ourselves. Shaw, Mathis, and I try to go to at least two away games a season to support Nick, but those are hectic. So the thought of four days with nothing but sun, sand, and relaxation is awesome.

  Claire was as excited as me and showed up unexpectedly to help me pack. When she saw my selection of clothes, she insisted on a last minute trip to find ‘perfect’ dresses for the dinners with Shaw’s clients. She hustled me through three stores until we found what she deemed acceptable. Then she decided I needed ‘perfect’ lingerie as well, which led to her explaining I need to be ready for anything.

  She was trying to be sly, but I knew what she was up to. And for those few hours, I allowed myself to think about buying these items for Shaw. Each piece I picked out, his face filled my head, wondering if he’d like it. Then I came back to reality and remembered there would never be a ‘Shaw and Bizzy’. But for those few hours, I never stopped smiling.

  “I don’t think this was in the brochure when Gail booked the room.” Shaw’s voice startles me, and I turn to find him watching from the doorway. He’
s changed out of his suit and is now in casual shorts and a t-shirt that fits tight around his chest and arms. Nicky told me Shaw and Mathis had been trying to join him with his workouts. Mathis’s schedule has been unpredictable, but obviously, Shaw has been able to make time.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I knew the place was nice, but having a gorgeous woman on the balcony at sunset would be a great marketing tool.”

  Heat creeps up my cheeks as it usually does every time he gives me a compliment.


  He chuckles and walks out, joining me at the railing. “How’s your room?”

  “Huge, beautiful, extravagant. This whole suite is extravagant. I’m pretty sure it’s bigger than my apartment.”

  “This is all Gail. Most of the time when I travel, I don’t spend enough time in the room to care, but she wanted you to have the best.”

  “It’s very unnecessary. I would be happy in a regular room.”

  “Yes, but I’m more comfortable having you here.” He slides closer and takes one of my hands in his, linking our fingers.

  I try to stop my head from spinning. We’ve held hands hundreds of times. It’s purely a platonic gesture. I swallow to moisten my throat and give his hand a squeeze. “You know I’m a big girl, right? There’s no need to be so protective.”

  He turns to face me, and I notice something in his gaze. Something unfamiliar and intense. His eyes search my face and then land on mine, sending a chill down my spine.

  He uses his free hand to frame my face and rubs his thumb along my cheek. My heartbeat races with bells ringing in my ears. I bite the inside of my lip to stop from squeaking.

  “I know you’re a grown woman, Bizzy. It’s hard to miss. As much as I’d like to agree that I wanted you near me for protective reasons, I’d be lying. It’s purely selfish.” His usually deep voice is low and gravelly.

  The air around us buzzes when I realize I’m not imagining this. “What do you mean?”

  “I wanted you here, with me, because I like having you close. If I could, I’d blow off all my obligations this weekend. You’d never leave my sight.”

  I give a silent prayer for my legs to hold me up. My eyes lock with his, and my stomach drops. He’s staring at me so lovingly that every inch of my skin starts to tingle.

  “What are you saying?” I whisper so low I’m not sure he heard me.

  He remains quiet a few seconds and uses his hand framing my face to pull me to him, kissing the tip of my nose. “Give me this weekend, my beautiful Bizzy, and you’ll know exactly what I’m saying.”

  The scent of his cologne mixed with the heat of his breath so close to my mouth sets my heart racing faster. It’s too much, having him so close, touching me so gently. I close my eyes and move my forehead to lay on his cheek.

  We stay like this for a few minutes as I force myself to calm down.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” He breaks the spell between us.

  “Do we have to move?” It slips from my mouth before I can stop it.

  “Not if you don’t want. I’m perfectly happy right here.”

  I force myself to step back and look at him again. There’s a touch of humor dancing in his eyes as his lip twitches. It takes every ounce of willpower I have to move further back and tug on his hand.

  “I’ll let you feed me.”

  His eyes break away, and he runs them down my body before sighing. “Room service sounds a lot better right now.”

  A smile spreads across my face, and I lead him through the suite, grabbing my purse on the way out. “After dinner, we’re dancing.”

  “Bizzy, you know I don’t dance.”

  “Well, you can watch. Maybe someone will take pity and dance with me.”

  “Over my dead fucking body,” he growls and yanks my back to his front. Another couple walks down the hallway and stops next to us, waiting for the elevator.

  He holds me close, almost possessively, and when the elevator opens, he ushers us in together.

  I meet the other woman’s eyes briefly and see her smirking. Then I drop my head to hide my own grin. The whole ride, Shaw never lets me go.

  “That was so much fun!” I giggle, kicking off my sandals as we enter the suite. “You, my dear, are an awesome dancer.”

  “I had a great partner.” Shaw follows behind and sits next to me when I collapse on the sofa.

  “Why haven’t we danced more often?” I slur my words, cuddling into him.

  “I’ve tried to tell you, I don’t dance.”

  “It must have been the wine. The wine made you dance. We have to get more wine.”

  “Babe, I didn’t drink wine.”

  My head shoots up and I groan. “Oh shit, did I drink that whole bottle myself?”

  “Every drop.”

  “I’m going to feel terrible tomorrow. That was stupid, considering I haven’t slept.”

  “Why haven’t you slept?”

  “I thought about going to bed this morning when I got home, but I was too excited. So basically, I’ll be a zombie tomorrow.”

  “Good thing you can sleep all day if you want.”

  “I’ll sleep on the beach.”

  “Do you want me to help you get to bed?”

  “Not yet, this is comfortable. I want to talk.”

  “What do you want to talk about? You’re blitzed and running on no sleep.”

  “I want to talk about you. We never talk about you.”

  “We talk about me all the time.”

  “We talk about the boys, and we talk about your work. We never really talk about you.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Why aren’t you dating anyone, Shaw? You’re a catch.”

  He chuckles, his chest vibrating under my cheek, as he runs his hands through my hair. “Catch, huh? Not sure I agree.”

  I lift up, bracing on his chest. His face is relaxed and soft, and I love it. “You are to me. You’re perfect.” The alcohol is obviously guiding my words.

  “Oh, sweet Bizzy, I’m far from perfect. I’m an asshole in my business, never letting anyone get the upper hand. I run my clients like a fucking drill sergeant, not putting up with any shit. When it comes to my personal life, I spend most of my time with family. There’s no time for much else, especially the drama that comes with relationships in my line of work. I’ve stayed single on purpose.”

  His words sting, and I flinch, backing away. Even in my inebriated haze, his meaning is clear. There’s no time for a relationship. He senses my unease and curls his hand around my neck, squeezing lightly. I drop my eyes to stare at the floor and swallow back the lump in my throat.

  Getting emotional is one thing, but getting emotional while drunk is dangerous. I risk blurting out everything.

  “What’s going through your mind?”

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  “Look at me.”

  I shake my head and take a deep breath, trying to regain some sense. I need to redirect the conversation then escape to bed.

  “Lizbeth, look at me.”

  I raise my face to his, and wish like hell I’d have kept my mouth shut. His eyes have now transformed to a deep shade of green that makes me want to confess everything I feel for him.

  “What happened? What did I say wrong?”

  Luckily, my brain catches up before I profess my decade long infatuation. “Nothing at all, I just want the best for you. You deserve to be happy. It sounds like you don’t have room for romantic relationships, and I hate that for you.”

  “Who says I don’t have time for romance?”

  “You did.”

  “No, I said I didn’t have time for bullshit. Up until recently, I never saw myself being a relationship guy. Seemed like a waste of time, only to learn someone was after my money or my family name. Now, I’m seeing things differently.”

  “Really? What happened?”

  He runs the tip of
his tongue along his lower lip and gently grips my hips. Before I can comprehend what’s happening, he’s lifted me onto his lap and has both my hands in his. He moves our joined hands to rest on his stomach. The muscles contract under the touch.

  “You happened.”

  I freeze, my heart stopping. “W-w-what?”

  “You happened. So pure, so sweet, so goddamn beautiful my heart hurts when I see you. That day in my office, your lips on mine, you crying in my arms, your incredible sadness over a young boy who will lose his life… It hit me hard. So fucking hard. I knew it then.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “Bizzy, I need you to look at me.”

  I raise my eyes to his and feel the heat searing me again. “I didn’t plan to do this tonight. You’ve had a lot to drink, but you’ve left me no choice. I’ve been holding this in for weeks. This is my weekend to prove it to you. It’s you that’s changed my mind. Everything is about you. If you don’t feel the same, it’s okay. No pressure.”

  “I’m not exactly sure what you’re saying. Feel the same about what?”

  He stays quiet for too long, then he stands easily, moving his hands to my waist and holding me against him. “Go get changed. You need to sleep.”

  “No,” I protest. “Now, I can’t sleep.”

  He walks us to my room and sets me inside the door. “Get changed and meet me back on the sofa. We’ll watch some TV. We’ve done enough talking for tonight.”

  He turns to walk away, and I watch him disappear into his own room and shut the door. It takes a full minute for me to move, and even then, I trip over my feet getting to my suitcase.

  Once I’ve changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth, I give myself a pep talk and realize this is not a hallucination. The details are fuzzy, but Crenshaw Bennett is waiting for me in the other room. My mind is swimming with questions, but I won’t ask anything else until I have my full wits about me and can process everything clearly. Even if it’s for one night, I’m going to enjoy it.

  I walk into the living area and find him sprawled out on the couch with the controller in one hand, watching the TV. I stop dead at the sight of him in cotton pants and nothing else. The muscles hidden earlier under his shirt are now on display, and I want to weep in appreciation. He’s always been handsome, but right now, I take a second to memorize this image.


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