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Page 11

by Ahren Sanders

  “What’s the good stuff?” Dad asks, watching the three of us.

  I grin and point to my iPad on the table, leading them over. My screen pops alive, and I smile with pride, knowing this is the perfect choice.

  “We’re getting a boat. Let me tell you about it.”

  Chapter 12


  I try to ease the butterflies swarming from my stomach to my throat. This is the boldest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and I want it to be perfect.

  I purposely walk the long way around to Shaw’s office, making sure every cubicle is empty, and breathe a sigh of relief when I know we are truly alone. His voice booms through the office, indicating he’s on the phone.

  He’s been tense with the start of football season, and our nights have been scattered with my shifts, so I decided to surprise him tonight with dinner at the office. Gail was essential in my plan, making sure I could get in after hours.

  I lean against his office door to watch him in action. He’s got his back to me, the chair turned around as he hassles with the person on the other end of the line. His hand waves in the air, stopping when he catches the reflection of me in the window, and he spins around.

  I saunter in slowly, feeling him watch my every step as I close the door and make my way to his sofa.

  It’s hard to stay focused. His eyes burn into me as I remove the glasses and open the bottle of wine. He stares the whole time, and I make a mental note to thank Claire for making me buy this ridiculous sundress. It’s tight, short, and incredibly sexy. It’s also the exact golden color of his eyes.

  Walking slowly to him with two glasses of wine, I perch on his desk, crossing my legs in his lap, and hand him one of the glasses.

  “I need to go,” he tells the person on the other end of the line briskly.

  There’s a bit of silence as his hand travels slowly up my calf.

  “Get it together… We’ll accept two million, no less. Keep me informed.” He hangs up and stands, towering over me.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” I slide my fingers around his tie.

  He lets me pull him to me, laying his lips on mine. I move my hand to his jaw and tug him closer, tilting my head to deepen the kiss.

  He groans in my mouth, fisting my hair and pressing harder against my chest. My legs spread and welcome his hips that move between them. The air in the room changes, turning hot and thick as our kiss intensifies. Somehow, I set my wine down blindly and realize he’s done the same as he moves his other hand up my thigh, bringing my dress with it.

  Anticipation and excitement rush through my body when he stops and breaks away, his eyes aflame with hunger. In one swift move, he has my dress over my head and I sit in front of him completely naked.

  “Shaw—” is all I get out before he lifts me up and moves me to the center of his desk. Sounds of papers scattering and items hitting the floor barely register as he lays me on my back.

  “Goes without saying I’m going to fuck you on this desk.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “So fucking sexy, you’re a vision.”

  His hands roam down my body, cupping each breast and massaging roughly. My legs lock around his waist as I arch into his touch. All plans of seducing him fly out of my mind when he leans over, replacing one of his hands with his mouth. He sucks hard until I whimper. I’m barely aware of his fingers skimming down my stomach until he presses his thumb against my clit.

  “More,” I moan, clenching my thighs.

  He slides a finger inside, then another, and starts to tease me. He knows he’s driving me crazy as he slows and moves to my other nipple, leisurely running his tongue along the tight peak.

  “Is this what you wanted?”

  “More,” I repeat desperately.

  “More what?” He sucks the nipple back into his mouth.

  “I want you now.”

  “What exactly do you want?”

  “You inside me.” My hips squirm against his hand.

  “You have me inside you.” He thrusts his fingers deep, hitting the exact spot that makes me go wild.

  Cocky asshole knows exactly what I mean, but he’s pushing me to beg.

  “Come for me, baby. Come for me, and I’ll give you my cock. Is that what you want?”


  “Do you know how fucking sexy you are, laid out for my pleasure on my desk? I could do this all night. Fuck you with my fingers, then my mouth, feast on nothing but your pussy all night long, until you really beg.”

  “Nooooo,” I plead, my stomach twisting.

  His thumb strums against my clit again, and I fly apart, bucking into him as my orgasm rushes through me.

  He moves away, and I shiver at the cold air hitting my heated body. I faintly hear the rustling of his belt and zipper over the ringing in my ears. Then he’s back, sliding into me.

  “Lift up, baby, and hold on to me tight. I want you to watch in the window as I pound into you.”

  My stomach does a flip at the request. I do as he says and wrap my arms around his neck, bracing my chin on his shoulder. My breath hitches at the image reflected back at me. My hair falls over us, wild and messy. I’m completely embraced by his frame. His hips start to thrust, and I can’t tear my eyes away. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think it was possible, but I grow more turned on, watching him, feeling him, seeing the power he has over me.

  “Oh, God.”

  “Tell me what you see.”

  “I can’t. It’s too much.”

  “Tell me, Bizzy. I want you to explain exactly what you see as I take your pussy.”

  I force my eyes to focus. “I’m holding on to you, my hair framing our heads. My ankles are locked around your hips, holding your shirt up so I can watch every stroke.”

  “Do you like that? Watching me?”

  “Yeeessss,” I groan when he grabs my ass and tips my hips to a new angle.

  He withdraws almost all the way then slams back into me, going deeper than I’ve ever felt. I cry out, my hands flying to his head.

  “Tell me more.”

  “I can’t.” My head falls back, and his mouth goes to my throat.

  He speeds up, rocking hard against me. His grip on my ass turns into a pleasurable pain. I try to hold out, but it’s useless and I scream his name as I shatter.

  One orgasm turns into two until I’m writhing against him, drowning in his possession. He growls against my neck and stills, his dick throbbing inside me as I feel every pulse of his own release.

  We stay like this until the muscles in my thighs quiver and give out, my legs dropping. Somehow, he maneuvers us off the desk and finds his chair, sitting with me still clutching his head.

  “Next time, I’m bending you over the desk from the other side so I can watch.” He kisses along my neck.

  “Sounds fun.”

  “You’ve just made every man’s fantasy come alive. Every time I sit at this desk, I’ll think about you naked and begging for my dick.”

  “I was supposed to seduce you, not the other way around.”

  “You can’t come in here wearing that dress and nothing else, and expect me to not lose control.”

  “Hmmm,” is all I can mumble.

  “Besides, I’m sure once we have kids, office sex will become frequent.”

  I freeze as ice water runs through my veins, taking my bliss with it.

  My pulse races for a different reason, and I tense in his arms. My heart is on the brink of splintering apart. What will we do about children?

  It’s easy, Bizzy. Stick to the facts. He’s going to understand… but what if he doesn’t?

  I keep replaying this same conversation in my mind as I pace around Shaw’s living room. This is something I’ve been scared of for many years but never had a reason to discuss it—until now. When the man you’re madly in love with mentions he wants kids, it’s time to tell him and give him the option to mo
ve on.

  The key turns in the lock, and my nerves shoot to an all-time high as Shaw walks in with a determined look on his face. He drops his briefcase and kicks the door closed with his foot. I go still, unable to move as he stalks to me, picks me up, and walks us back to the couch.

  He drops down, caging me in with his arms. I barely breathe when he lifts my chin and forces me to look at him. His eyes pierce into mine.

  “Shaw, is everything okay?”

  “You tell me.” His voice is husky, sending my already anxious nerves into overdrive.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you’ve been acting different since we left my office two nights ago. Something’s on your mind, and the possibilities are about to drive me insane.”

  “Possibilities?” I question weakly.

  “Yes, Bizzy, possibilities. There are an infinite amount of possibilities of what’s wrong with you. The cancer is back, you’ve met someone else, or maybe I was too rough with you… That’s naming a few.”

  My heart drops at the assumptions he’s jumping to. I wrestle my arms free and grasp his cheeks, scraping my fingernails in his stubble the way he likes. “No, sweetheart, it’s none of those. I’m still cancer-free, there is no other man on this earth for me but you, and you’re never too rough with me. I thought it was hot. The hottest sex I’ve ever had.”

  “Well, what is it? Why have you been so closed off?”

  I take a deep breath and lay my forehead against his. “I freaked out when you mentioned children.” I rush through the admission.

  “You don’t want children?” There’s confusion in his question.

  “I do. More than anything, I want children with you.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “I don’t know if I can have children. The chemo may have damaged my ability to get pregnant. I’ve never had a reason to check into it before, but I’ve always known it was a possibility I’d have fertility issues.” I brace, ready for any reaction.

  “So, we’ll adopt.”

  My head snaps up in disbelief. “What?”

  “We adopt if you can’t have children. That’s a simple solution.”

  “You’d do that? Don’t you want your own children?”

  “Well, that’s a double-sided question. Yes, I’d adopt. As for my own children, of course I want my own, but I want my own with you. So if you can’t get pregnant, we become parents a different way.”

  Tears cloud my vision as a small cry escapes.

  “Jesus Christ, you thought I’d have a different reaction?”

  “I didn’t know how you’d feel. It’s a scary thing to know I may not be able to give you what you want.”

  “What the fuck, Bizzy? All I want is you. What do I have to do to prove that?”

  “You prove it every day, but I freaked out when you mentioned kids. The thought of disappointing you, or not being able to give you the family you want, hit me hard.”

  “You’ve grossly misread me. There’s nothing in this world that will change the way I feel about you and the depth of my devotion. When you’re ready, we’ll try the old fashioned way. We’ll see specialists. I’ll pay for the best treatments money can buy. We’ll travel the world to meet with fertility doctors if it comes to it. But in the end, I’ll be happy with adopting as many children as you want. As long as we do it together.” He swipes the tears from my cheeks and kisses each one.

  “These last few days have been pure hell. Don’t do this shit again.”

  “I’m so sorry. It was weighing on my mind, and I was trying to find a way to approach the subject.”

  “How about we approach it head on. When it comes to you, I’ll go to the ends of the earth to make you smile. Nothing’s going to tear us apart, especially not something like this. These are hypotheticals.”

  “They are complete hypotheticals. I’ll talk to my doctor at my next appointment and see what they recommend. There are lots of tests we can run.”

  A grin forms on his lips. “Are you saying you’re ready to start the baby making process right now?”

  “No!” I swat at his chest.

  His hips buck into my ass as he wiggles his eyebrows. “I’m game if you are.”

  “No,” I repeat, shaking my head.

  He flips us so I’m on my back, pinned underneath him. His eyes roam over my face, sending a flutter through me.

  “I’ll say it again. Don’t hide this stuff. We are building a life here together, and there’s no room for fear or uncertainty. Trust me to take care of you.”

  “The same goes for you.”

  “That’s why nothing will tear us apart. Ever.”

  Chapter 13


  I’m so focused up in my brilliant idea to move Bizzy into my place, I don’t even notice Gail’s not at her desk when I walk by. Instead, I breeze into my office, finishing my text conversation.

  Me- I love you. Talk to your leasing office this morning or I’ll do it for you.

  Bizzy- I’m not sure I said yes yet.

  Me- It wasn’t a question.

  Bizzy- You’re impossible. I’ll think about it.

  Me- Start packing, or else I’ll hire someone to do it. I want you in as soon as possible. There is NO more waiting.

  I chuckle at my clever use of words and spin my phone in my hand. Knowing her, she’s going to call in about thirty seconds full of sass. But for fuck’s sake, it’s been over six weeks since we returned from Tampa. I’ve been patient enough.

  A strong lingering smell of perfume hits my nose, and I finally look up. My blood runs cold when my eyes land on Sasha Crane, sitting on my couch, looking at me with a nasty sneer.

  “Well, isn’t someone chipper this morning?” Her voice grates on my nerves, and I fight to swallow the acid forming in my throat.

  “What the fuck are you doing here? How’d you get in?”

  She crosses her legs and sits back casually, taking in the office, avoiding my question.

  “I asked, how the hell did you got into my office?”

  Her eyes lock with mine, and my stomach turns. “You know what? I don’t give a shit! Get out. I want you gone.”

  “I told you not to ignore me, Ren. I’ve been more than tolerant, but I’m done with that approach.”

  “Surely you’re not this dense. Take the fucking hint. I don’t take your calls. I don’t accept your invitations. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

  “Tsk, tsk… such harsh words from a man who holds no cards here. You’ll be changing your attitude very soon.”

  “Not likely. Now, get out!”

  Her face changes, the smug expression transforming into rage. “You son of a bitch, I’ve given you ample opportunity to come around on your own. I told you we would be good together. If you don’t change your tune really quick, I may rethink my generosity.”

  My phone starts to ring, vibrating in my hand, and I see Bizzy’s smiling face on the screen. It infuriates me when I press the ignore button, knowing I need to get Sasha out of here and calm myself down before I talk to her.

  “Go ahead and answer. I’ll wait,” Sasha dares me, seeing the disgust on my face.

  “What do you want, Sasha? I’m one second away from calling security.”

  “Fine.” She throws a hand in the air. “I’m pregnant.”

  “Poor bastard,” slips from my lips and obviously louder than I meant.

  Her glare turns hard, her lips forming a fine line as she turns a bright shade of red.

  “Right now, I’d have to agree. You are a bastard.”

  Her words take a minute to sink in, and I shake my head. “Are you implying I’m the father?”

  “I’m not implying it. It’s a fact.”

  “I fucked you months ago.”

  She winces, her harsh façade slipping for a second then goes back in place. She reaches into her purse and gets up, coming face to face.

p; “Yes, as you so eloquently put it, you fucked me eight weeks ago. With the way biology works, I’m almost eleven weeks.” She waves the paper then shoves it in my chest before standing back.

  I look down and see nothing except her information printed in the upper corner. “You’ve got to be shitting me. You give me a grainy picture and expect me to believe you’re carrying my child?”

  “That’s not the only thing I expect.”

  “Money? You want money?”

  Her eyes grow wide, and I don’t move fast enough before her palm connects with my cheek. The sound ricochets around my office and happens right as Gail arrives at her desk. She has a horrified look, reaching for her phone. I jerk my head at her.

  “How dare you insult me! I don’t want your Goddamn money. You’re lucky I’m giving you a shot at all. I don’t beg, Ren, ever! And these last few weeks, you’ve embarrassed the shit out of me.”

  “I don’t see how, Sasha. We had a few nights together spread over months. I never led you on. I told you it was nothing. It was a mistake. All of it was a mistake.”

  She takes a deep breath and cradles her stomach. “A mistake? Is that what you want me to tell your son or daughter one day? You referred to them as a mistake?”

  I stumble back, letting the picture fall from my hand and grab the corner of my desk for support. My phone drops with a loud clang.

  “This can’t be happening,” I say quietly, shock starting to set in.

  “That’s what I thought, too, the first five pregnancy tests I took. Even when the doctor drew my blood, I was in denial. But it’s confirmed. I’m pregnant. And the baby is yours.”

  It’s confirmed…

  I’m pregnant…

  The baby is yours…

  The words roll around my head until my vision becomes spotty. I blink a few times, trying to find my wits and look back at her for any sign she’s lying.

  “How do you know it’s mine?”

  “Now you not only think I’m a gold digger but a fucking whore? Unlike you, I don’t sleep around. What we did actually meant something to me.”

  “Jesus Christ.” I rub my free hand down my face. “This can’t be happening,” I repeat.


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