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Page 23

by Ahren Sanders

  “Yeah, she mentioned it.”

  “Not sure how much she explained, but she’s had a lot on her plate these last few weeks. They lost a patient, and it hit her whole department hard. Today, she had a great presentation, so I’m sure she’s riding that high.”

  “That’s probably it. I’d better go. We need to eat fast and get to the arena. I’ve got some ass to kick tonight.”

  “I’ll be watching.”

  “How about we make a little wager. If I can get a hat trick, you redo my contract and eliminate that additional ten percent you added when I was a prick?”

  I can’t help but smile. He really is an arrogant bastard. “Perry Carver, you are looking at a three million dollar endorsement. Do you really want to antagonize me? How about you get a hat trick, win the series, protect my woman from your douchebag teammates, and I’ll THINK about reducing the fee.”

  He gives a loud whistle and roars in laughter. “You’re an asshole, but I’ve got your back. See ya.”

  I drop the phone and think about calling Bizzy then decide against it. I trust Perry to keep her safe, but even more, I trust Bizzy.

  An idea slams into me. I search my calendar and buzz Gail. “Gail, can you come in here for a minute?”

  “Don’t you need to get going? The appointment is in forty five minutes,” she reminds me.

  “Yes, I’m on my way out, but I need your help. How long will it take to get me set up with a fully operational home office?”

  “You already have a home office.”

  “I should say, a remote office. I need complete functionality with all accesses.”

  “Depending on the equipment you need, it could be done within a week.”

  “Do it. You have my permission to sign off on any requests. I’ll get it approved on my end.”

  “What’s going on, Shaw?”

  “After my lunch tomorrow, I’ll need a one way ticket to Charlotte. I’ll have my laptop, but send all necessary equipment to Bizzy’s apartment.”

  An approving smile tugs at her lips as she nods. I grab my things and kiss her lightly on the cheek before leaving. “Don’t know what I’d do without you,” I tell her honestly.

  When I get to my car, I send an email to my boss letting him know my plans. As expected, he replies immediately with approval, which is humorous because I didn’t ask for permission. One way or another, I’m going to Charlotte.

  My palms are sweaty as I open the restaurant door and usher my parents through. It’s not nerves; it’s a sense of urgency to get this over with. Sasha and her parents are waiting on us by the hostess stand, and I immediately feel the heat in her father’s disapproving stare.

  “Sasha, Mr. and Mrs. Crane.” I offer my hand in greeting. “Crenshaw Bennett.”

  “Claude and Ann,” he corrects me.

  “These are my parents, Seth and Maria Bennett.” I wave between my mom and dad.

  Everyone exchanges awkward handshakes. My mom looks straight to Sasha’s stomach, and tears form in her eyes. Sasha notices, too, and makes a point to touch her rounded stomach with a sly grin. She thinks my mom is emotionally overwhelmed with happiness.

  I know differently.

  The hostess takes us to a large table in the back of the restaurant, and I sit between my parents, noticing more disapproving glances from the Crane family.

  “I’m glad we could finally schedule this. It’s way overdue.” Ann tries to sound cheery, but there’s a crisp slip in her tone. Presumably, still angry with me from the scene at the doctor’s office a few months ago.

  “Yes, I think so, too,” Mom agrees.

  The waitress takes our drink order, and we fall back into an uncomfortable silence. I lean back in my chair, waiting until my mom taps me on the thigh.

  “I guess we need to address the elephant in the room. This is difficult for everyone involved.”

  “Bet your ass it is,” Claude hisses.

  “Claude, feel free to speak freely. I’m a grown man.”

  “Man! You call yourself a man? Getting your girlfriend pregnant and abandoning her? Leaving her to go through this alone? That’s not a man in my book. That’s a selfish, spineless, coward. In my day, a real man would take responsibility and marry the mother of his child.”

  The waitress returns with our drinks and takes our orders. The whole time, my stomach twists in anger. Sasha has continued to lie to them. I raise an eyebrow at her and catch her smirk.

  Wrong fucking move.

  “I think you have been misled. I am taking responsibility, one-hundred percent responsibility.” I look her parents in the eye and emphasize my point.

  “Misled? How exactly was I misled? My daughter sits here five months pregnant with your child, and I understand you are planning to raise the baby separately? To me, that looks like skirting your responsibilities.”

  “Sasha, you want to break in here?”

  “No, I think my father is saying what we all feel.”

  “With all due respect, Claude, Sasha and I never had a relationship. For you to think I’d abandon my pregnant girlfriend is an insult. I understand you’re upset, so I’ll be lenient, but you need to know, I won’t sit here and be the bad guy. Sasha and I engaged in a very, very brief sexual encounter that resulted in a pregnancy. We barely knew each other and had no contact after that. I’m not proud of my actions.”

  Sasha’s smirk disappears, and she pales.

  “Jesus.” He looks between Sasha and me in disbelief.

  “What’s done is done. No one expected this. We’re not here to rehash the past. We’re here to get to know one another.” My dad takes over, kicking me under the table.

  The next half hour is mostly our parents trying to make small talk. Sasha and I don’t speak. When our food is delivered, the table goes back to an uncomfortable silence.

  “Ren, tell us a little more about you.” Ann looks pointedly at me.

  “I’m a lawyer as well, practicing in the field of Sports Law.”

  “Sasha says you’re very well known, very elusive in your field, known around the country as the best. It sounds like you have a privileged clientele. That must be very exciting,” she practically gushes.

  My mom’s hand digs into my knee under the table. I’m not sure if she’s more upset about Ann calling me Ren, or the fact that she blatantly has dollar signs written on her face.

  “I’ve done very well for myself, but I’ve worked my ass off since I started college. Nothing was given to me. I was lucky enough to land an internship in New York City, where I worked under some of the best lawyers. It hasn’t always been easy, but I’m proud of my accomplishments.”

  “Why’d you choose Sports Law?”

  “My brother. When he was fourteen, he had childhood cancer. His dream was to play for the NFL. I told him, if he did, I’d be his agent. He was a sophomore in college when I passed the bar. He was excelling in the sport, and there was no question he was going pro. So when I finished my internship, I came back to Miami and started at my agency, working my way up.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Sasha mentioned your brother was Nicolas Bennett.” Ann’s attempt to act blasé fails. She knew exactly who he was.

  “And your other brother is a doctor?”

  “Yes,” I clip.

  “Such successful sons, Maria. You must be extremely proud.”

  I slice my eyes to my mom, who’s stopped eating. Her face is set in stone.

  “I am, but I’d be equally as proud with any career choice. All three are incredible men with kind and generous hearts.”

  Claude mutters something under his breath, obviously not agreeing.

  “Let’s talk about the baby,” my dad says through a strained voice.

  “Yes, Sasha, tell us about you and the baby. How are you feeling?” Mom’s attempt at sounding enthusiastic falls flat, and I have to hang my head to hide my amusement.

  This opens the floodgates, and Sasha bab
bles endlessly about herself, making sure to highlight her promotion and notoriety in her firm. She starts discussing her pregnancy and how we were once again unable to determine the sex at yesterday’s appointment. Her mom hangs on her every word, while my mom oohs and ahhs along with them politely. There’s no sincerity, but the other two women don’t notice because they’re too caught up in discussing Sasha’s plans for an ostentatious nursery.

  “Looks like these women can go on for hours about this shit. Would you two join me at the bar for a drink?” Claude motions to the bar behind us.

  “I’ll pass on a drink. I’m flying out this afternoon.”

  Sasha stops midsentence.

  “Where are you going?” Ann questions me. “We were hoping you and Maria would join us shopping tomorrow, and hopefully give us a tour of your home.”

  That’s pretty presumptuous. Ann is obviously going to try and push us together regardless.

  “I’ll be out of town for work. I have a client, Perry Carver, playing in a hockey series this weekend.” I inwardly curse myself for name-dropping, but it does the trick.

  Both Sasha and her mother’s eyes light up.

  “When will you be home? We can plan something next weekend.”

  “Actually, Ann, I’ll be out of town on business for a while. My return date is unknown at the moment.”

  Sasha’s eyes narrow in suspicion, and I give a quick nod. It’s both a confirmation and a dare. I’m ready for her to question me further, probe into my trip. This is my attempt to be subtle and not embarrass her. I chose not to discuss her confrontation with Bizzy because I wasn’t sure I could remain civil. I did tell Caldwell to be ready to request a restraining order if it happened again.

  Now, I communicate with her across the table, my eyes challenging. I decided to keep today’s discussion solely on us and leave Bizzy out, but if Sasha throws a fit, I’m ready.

  “What about the baby?” Her mom is oblivious to our silent showdown.

  “I’ll be here for the next appointment. If Sasha needs anything, she can reach me by phone or email. My mom will also be available.”

  “Yes, let me give you my number in case you need anything.” Mom redirects the conversation, and I motion for the check.

  It’s been hell, but it’s almost over. In five hours, it’ll all be worth it.

  Chapter 25


  “Honey, if you get this, call me. I’m worried about how your lunch went today. Hopefully, you’re not in jail. Ugh, that was lame. I know you’re not in jail, but call me.” I press end and throw my purse on the counter, plopping in a barstool.

  It’s been hours since I heard from Shaw, and I’m almost desperate enough to call Maria. But I stop myself. She’s already on edge about everything, and the last thing she needs is to worry about me. A floral fragrance hits my nose, and I notice an enormous bouquet of flowers on the kitchen island. There’s a card sticking out of the top, and I smile widely. No wonder Claire was acting strange when she arrived for her shift. She must have been here when they were delivered.

  I walk over, removing the card, and feel the butterflies start to flutter at the nine simple words.

  Sharing you is hard, but forever is my reward…


  I hold the card to my chest and smell the flowers, wishing I could hear him.

  “I thought you’d never get home.” His deep voice sounds behind me, and I wonder if I’ve imagined it.

  I spin on my heel and let out a scream when I find him leaning against the wall with a sexy grin. My heart leaps into my throat, and I grab the counter top, completely in shock.


  His grin dies as his eyes rake over me, and I brace for what’s coming.

  “What the FUCK happened to your hair!?!” he barks, stalking to me.

  One hand goes to my waist while the other goes to my head, running his fingers through my now shoulder length bob.

  “What did you do?” he murmurs against my scalp.

  “I cut it, and highlighted.”

  “But why?”

  “Because I could,” is the only reasoning I give him, not ready to tell him the whole truth, that Sasha’s the reason.

  I clasp my arms around him and inhale. His familiar scent fills my nose, and I fight back tears. God, I’ve missed him so much.

  His breathing slows down, and he leans back, cupping the back of my head and tilting my face to his. His eyes are stormy but start to clear as he stares into mine. The gorgeous golden hazel that I love begins to shine.

  “It’s gorgeous. But, then again, everything about you is gorgeous.”

  “Thanks. I was in the mood for a change.”

  “Any particular reason?”

  “Because I could,” I repeat, and his lip tips up on one side, making my insides tingle.

  He leans down and kisses me deeply, his tongue moving against mine until I have no choice but to follow his lead. His hands glide down slowly until they’re both grasping my thighs, and he forces me to wrap them around his hips.

  I know he’s moving, but I’m too lost in his kiss to care where he’s taking us. My mouth moves urgently against his, pouring two long weeks of missing him into the kiss. My hands rake up his chest, neck, and face until I feel the stubble and cup his cheeks.

  There’s a fierce rumble in his throat that vibrates against my tongue, starting a raging inferno inside. I need him like I’ve never needed him before. Desire, lust, and pure longing take over, and I buck against his groin, feeling his thick hardness through his pants.

  It’s my turn to groan because the light friction isn’t enough. I start to grind on him, his grip on my ass tightening to the point of pain. But I don’t care. It’s a pleasurable pain, the kind only he can give me. The kind that shows me I am his and his only.

  “Jesus, Bizzy, we need to find a bed,” he says against my lips, but I shake my head, sucking his tongue back into my mouth.

  “Here… Now,” I demand, sliding my hand down to grab his cock. “So ready,” I barely get out.

  Suddenly, I’m on my back, his mouth gone and his hands ripping my scrub bottoms, panties, and shoes off. I open my eyes, focusing on the ceiling, and realize we never moved. I’m on the kitchen island, but the cold granite barely registers in the heat of my body. I hear the clinking of his belt, his pants hitting the floor, and cry in relief as he thrusts into me.

  No foreplay, no petting or teasing, and it turns me on even more.

  My head, neck, and back arch up as I reach for him, throwing my arms around his neck. Our mouths crush back together as he surges in and out of me. It doesn’t take long before the coiling starts in my stomach and the tightening at the base of my spine.

  “Shaw…” It’s barely a whimper, my orgasm building.

  “Go, baby. I’m right here with you.”

  He angles my hips and pounds deep, setting off a round of tremors as I moan his name. My body starts to jerk as he moves his head and buries his face into my neck, chanting my name. He pulses inside me, and I clench down, coming again with him.

  I hold tight, scared to let go. Our chests move together, fighting to catch our breath as he moves his mouth to my ear, nibbling on my earlobe.

  “Welcome to Charlotte,” I say in a rasp.

  “The best fucking welcome present I’ve ever had. Christ, I’m an animal.” He lays his forehead against mine.

  “My animal.”


  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I gathered that.”

  “How long are you here?”

  “For as long as you are.”

  I snap my head up, searching his face and seeing nothing but honesty. “You’re staying with me? How?”

  “Entire work station being delivered next week. I’ll set up in the sunroom. I’ll have to travel a little for work and appointments, but otherwise, this is my home base for a while.”

  I let
out a muffled cry and kiss all over his face, my heart swelling. Then I realize what he said and freeze.

  “Shaw?” I lean back and narrow my eyes at him. “How’d you know I have a sunroom?”

  He doesn’t miss a beat, picking me up and taking us toward my room. “Because I own this place.”

  “You what?” I screech.

  “Well, not really own it. I leased it until you decided to come home. There was no way you were living in an extended stay hotel, no matter how nice it was.”

  “You are ridiculous! And the car service? Is that you, too?”


  “The weekly cleaning service?”


  “The food delivery for the entire floor every shift I work?”


  “The clowns, magicians, and face painters for the kids?”

  He pauses and shakes his head in defeat. “Nope, my nosy and interfering brothers did that.”

  “I can’t believe you!” I beat on his shoulders, trying to sound mad.

  We reach my bed and he lays me down, pulling out of me but situating between my legs. He props on his elbows and runs his fingers down my temple and through my hair. “Baby, it’s no secret I hated you leaving, but I understood. Even nine-hundred miles away, I made sure you were safe, happy, and taken care of.”

  “I am so lucky,” I tell him honestly. “Thank you.”

  “You thank me by loving me, and possibly by letting me fuck the hell out of you on the kitchen counter again.”


  “Seriously hot. The bed, the wall, the desk, the boat deck… all of them are great, but hearing, seeing, and feeling you go wild on that island ranks up there in my favorites.”

  I giggle, threading my fingers into his hair and nipping at his bottom lip. “We should probably get our clothes and sanitize the kitchen before Claire comes back.”

  “She’s not coming back tonight. I got her a hotel room.”

  “This is where she lives.”

  “I know, but she actually offered, knowing you and I have been apart for the longest two weeks of my life and that we needed some privacy. She’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. By then, maybe I’ll be able to behave.”


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