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Trail of Sin

Page 4

by Ray Gordon

  My parents were out when I got home. I sat in my bedroom feeling bored and frustrated, and I wondered what I was going to do for the rest of the evening. I didn’t fancy walking into town and looking at Ali’s old flat. Besides, I wouldn’t learn anything as the clothes shop would be closed so there was no point. Changing into a knee-length skirt and high-necked blouse, I had an idea. I changed my hairstyle as best I could, washed my make-up off – and decided to go back to the pub as Ali the innocent.

  I was hooked on the game, I knew as I neared the pub. My initial interest had turned into an obsession, and I felt a wave of excitement roll through me as I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. I looked around me but couldn’t see anyone I recognised and I began to feel despondent. Don might turn up, I thought as I sipped my drink. What if the other Ali arrived? I’d bump into her at some stage, I was sure of that. I had to remember which Ali I was, I reflected as I sat at a corner table. The last thing I needed was to put my foot in it and ruin the game. My heart jumped into my mouth and I stared wide-eyed at John as he walked into the pub. I hadn’t expected him to come back. What the hell was I going to say? I had to remember that I didn’t know him. As he walked over to me with his drink, I felt sure that I was going to mess things up.

  ‘Hi again,’ John said as he sat down opposite me. ‘I thought you’d gone home?’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I said, frowning at him. ‘Do I know you?’

  ‘You must be Ali’s sister. I was in here earlier with her and –’

  ‘Oh, you’re a friend of my sister’s,’ I cut in, smiling at him. ‘It’s OK, no one can tell us apart.’

  ‘God, the likeness is incredible.’

  ‘We are identical twins,’ I said, chuckling as he stared at me.

  ‘Wow, it’s amazing. Anyway, I’m very pleased to meet you. I’m John, by the way.’

  ‘It’s nice to meet you, too. I was hoping that my sister would be here.’

  ‘She was here earlier with me. She came back to my place for a drink and then she went home. I came back because . . . well, I live alone and I get pretty bored.’

  ‘Has she told you that we’ve only just met up?’

  ‘Yes, yes, she did tell me. She’s a lovely girl.’

  ‘She’s a . . . I mustn’t be rude about her. Are you one of her men friends, if you know what I mean?’

  ‘Well, er . . . I suppose so.’

  ‘Tell me all about her. I haven’t had the opportunity to have a proper chat with her yet. What she’s like, where she’s been living and –’

  ‘I don’t know a great deal about her,’ John said, much to my disappointment. ‘She used to live in a flat in town but now she’s staying at a friend’s place until she finds another apartment. She’s quite an elusive girl. She’ll be around for a week or two and then disappear for a while.’

  ‘How long have you known her?’ I asked him.

  ‘I’ve known her for a few months. I met her through Barry, a friend of mine. He was her boyfriend and they were living together but then they split up.’

  ‘Why was that?’

  ‘She was always out with other men. Barry’s a nice chap. He’s good-looking – dark hair, dark eyes, a great sense of humour . . . It was a shame they split up. I shouldn’t be talking about her like this, but she is a bit of a . . . well, she’s a –’

  ‘A slut? It’s all right, I do know that much about her. She said that she’s not working at the moment. Has she ever worked?’

  ‘I don’t know. As I said, she’s elusive, she comes and goes. I may not see her for a few weeks, and then she’ll be around all the time. She keeps herself to herself. I don’t think anyone knows a great deal about her.’

  ‘She has a lot of friends, I suppose?’

  ‘Yes, yes, she has. Apart from Barry, I think Don knows more about her than most. He’s a photographer, of sorts, and she’s always been well in with him.’

  ‘Has she ever mentioned her parents?’

  ‘No, never. So, where do you live?’

  ‘I . . . I’m staying with friends at the moment. I haven’t seen much of Ali because . . . well, I’ve only just moved down here and, like you said, she’s looking for a flat. We haven’t had any time together properly.’

  ‘I’m really pleased that we’ve met. Your hair is slightly different and you don’t wear make-up, but the likeness is amazing. I’ve never known identical twins before.’

  ‘We’re identical in our looks, but not in our thinking. I don’t carry on with men the way she does.’

  ‘She did say that . . . that you weren’t like her in that respect. Do you have a boyfriend or –’

  ‘No, no, I’m single. I’m at university, studying nursing. I don’t have time for boyfriends.’

  ‘You’re a good-looking girl, Ali. You must have all the boys chasing you.’

  ‘No, not really. Could you give me Ali’s phone number? She did tell me to write it down but I’ve lost it.’

  ‘Sorry, but I don’t know it. Ali is the sort of girl who doesn’t want people calling her. She calls them, if she wants to. Thinking about it, I’ve never met anyone as elusive as her.’

  ‘You might not see her for a while, then?’

  ‘She’s coming to my place tomorrow evening. Just for a drink and . . . and a chat. When are you seeing her again?’

  ‘It was supposed to be this evening, but she’s obviously got other things to do. Anyway, I’d better be going. It’s been nice meeting you, John.’

  ‘Yes, and you. Is there any chance of us meeting again some time? Just for a drink, I mean.’

  ‘Yes, I’d like that. Give me your number and I’ll ring you.’

  As he wrote his number down, I felt guilty. This was a huge con, and I didn’t think that I’d be able to carry on with it. I’d done pretty well so far, but it was a risky game. To make matters worse, I hadn’t really learned anything about the other Ali. Don was the man I needed to speak to, but I could hardly turn up at his house as Ali the innocent. I was getting nowhere fast, I thought as John passed me the slip of paper.

  ‘Thanks,’ I said, slipping the paper into my handbag. ‘I’ll ring you, OK?’

  ‘It will be nice to get to know you, Ali. You’re a lovely girl, and good company.’

  ‘I’ve enjoyed talking to you, John. I’ll ring you and –’

  ‘Guess who’s just walked in,’ he interrupted.

  I followed his gaze and saw a young man heading for the bar. ‘I don’t know. Is that Barry?’

  ‘It is. Would you like to meet him?’

  ‘Well, yes, I would.’

  ‘I’ll go and talk to him, I’ll tell him that you’re Ali’s twin. Would you like another drink?’

  ‘Yes, please. Gin . . . vodka and tonic, please.’

  Watching John join the man at the bar, I felt that I was plunging deeper into a mess that I wouldn’t be able to get out of. Barry looked at me and frowned, and I half smiled. This was very awkward, I thought as I finished my drink. If the real Ali walked in . . . But I was Ali the innocent, I reminded myself. If my twin sister arrived, things would be fine. We’d meet and talk and get to know each other and everything would be OK. I took a deep breath as Barry brought my drink over to my table. This was it, I thought apprehensively as he passed me my drink.

  ‘Hi,’ he said as he sat down opposite me. ‘I’m Barry. John tells me you’re Ali’s twin sister.’

  ‘That’s right. I’m pleased to meet you.’

  ‘God, you look identical. Ali never mentioned a sister.’

  ‘We were parted at birth. Have you met her parents?’

  ‘No, I haven’t. So, were you adopted?’

  ‘Yes, I was.’

  ‘Presumably Ali was adopted too. This is amazing.’

  ‘I’ve only just met her after all these years.’

  ‘There are differences,’ he said, studying my face.

  ‘I don’t think identical twins are necessarily completely identical,’ I said stupidly. ‘Do
you have her phone number? Only, I had it but I’ve lost it and –’

  ‘She changed her mobile phone. I don’t have her new number. Aren’t you in touch with her, then?’

  ‘Yes, yes, I am. We were supposed to meet here this evening. I just thought I’d call her and see where she’s got to.’

  ‘I’m off now,’ John said as he approached our table. ‘I’ll leave you two to chat. Call me tomorrow, Ali.’

  ‘Yes, I will,’ I replied.

  ‘See you around,’ Barry called as John left. He looked at me and smiled. ‘Ali never said that she was adopted.’

  ‘Does she have any other brothers or sisters?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so. We lived together for a while, but I never met any of her family. I say that we lived together but she wasn’t there half the time. She was always out having fun. Are you free? I mean, no boyfriend or anything?’

  ‘I’m single,’ I said, gazing into his dark eyes.

  ‘That’s a bit of luck. Do you live locally?’

  ‘I live up north. I’m staying with friends at the moment. I’ve only come down to meet Ali.’

  ‘Are you sure you’re identical twins?’ Barry asked. ‘There are a few differences, like I said.’

  ‘Yes, as far as I know.’

  Our conversation was stilted and I thought that Barry seemed to be suspicious as he stared at me. I began to wonder whether the other Ali really was my twin sister. If I hadn’t said that I’d met Ali I could have been honest with him. Had he realised that I was lying? I’d asked for Ali’s phone number, asked about any other brothers and sisters. He must have thought me rather suspicious. Playing the role of both sisters was confusing, and I thought again that I should stop playing the game. But I was in too deep to turn back now. Besides, I rather liked Barry and wanted to get to know him better. I reminded myself that I was Ali the innocent and changed the subject, hoping to break the ice by asking him what he did for a living.

  ‘I buy and sell on the internet,’ he replied. ‘I’m an entrepreneur.’ He seemed more relaxed as he chuckled. ‘I suppose I should say that I hope to be an entrepreneur. I make a living, but that’s about all. How about you?’

  ‘I’m at university studying nursing, but I don’t want to be a nurse.’

  Barry laughed again. ‘That’s different,’ he said. ‘Studying for something that you’re not interested in is . . . Why don’t you leave uni and do something else? Why not take up modelling? I know a photographer who’d be interested in a good-looking girl like you.’

  ‘Yes, I’ve met . . . I did meet a photographer once.’

  ‘Ali wanted to get into modelling. I’ll put that another way: Ali wanted to get into porn. I haven’t seen her for a while. Where’s she living now?’

  ‘She’s staying with friends, I think.’

  ‘You don’t seem to know much about her. You don’t have her phone number, you don’t know where she lives – hasn’t she told you anything?’

  ‘We haven’t had a chance to chat very much. She’s very difficult to track down.’

  ‘You can say that again. Would you like another drink?’

  ‘No, thanks. I’d better be going soon.’

  Barry was obviously suspicious, I thought as he finished his beer. I was supposed to have met up with Ali after all these years, and yet I knew nothing about her. If Barry ever came into the pub when I was playing the role of my twin sister he’d realise immediately that I was a fraud. I’d have to keep my role of Ali the slut well away from the pub, I decided. I’d be the slut at John’s house and at Don’s studio, but nowhere else.

  ‘I’ll walk you home,’ Barry said, rising to his feet.

  ‘No, don’t worry.’

  ‘Fancy a coffee at my place?’ he persisted as we left the pub.

  ‘Well, I suppose . . .’

  ‘It’s only around the corner. Come in and I’ll show you some photographs of your sister.’

  Barry had a nice flat, but I knew that I shouldn’t have been there. This was a dangerous game, I thought again as he filled the kettle. He started questioning me again as he made the coffee. When was I going to see Ali? Would I get her phone number for him? Would I give him her address? I tried to change the subject several times but he wouldn’t give up. In the lounge he passed me several photographs of the other Ali. The likeness was amazing, and I was sure that she was my twin sister.

  ‘May I keep one of these?’ I asked him.

  ‘Keep them all,’ he sighed. ‘Ali and I split up and I don’t really want to be reminded of her.’

  ‘I must remind you of her,’ I murmured.

  ‘Yes, of course you do. In fact, you could be her sitting there on my sofa. It’s uncanny.’

  ‘Maybe it’s not a good idea for me to be here, Barry. Perhaps it would be best if I –’

  ‘No, no – I want you to stay. You see, I’m still in love with Ali. I know that you’re her sister, but I feel that I’m in love with you too. I’m sorry, that doesn’t make any sense.’

  ‘Yes, it does. I understand what you’re saying.’

  ‘I feel as if . . . I feel as if I should be next to you on the sofa. We should be kissing, loving and –’

  ‘Barry, we’ve never met before.’

  ‘I realise that, Ali. It just seems so strange with you sitting there the way your sister used to.’

  ‘Sit next to me, if you want to,’ I said softly, wondering as I uttered the words what the hell I was playing at.

  He joined me on the sofa, held my head and kissed my full lips. I felt my stomach somersault as he slipped his hand up my skirt and pressed his fingertips into the swell of my Venus mound beneath my tight knickers. This wasn’t what I’d expected or wanted, but I couldn’t push him away, I had no will-power to stop him. His fingers pulled the edge of my knickers aside and he massaged my swollen pussy lips as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I breathed heavily through my nose, my heart racing, my young body trembling, as he drove a finger deep into my contracting vagina. What the hell was I getting myself into? I wondered apprehensively. I should never have gone back to the pub. I should have gone home and . . . I should never have played silly games.

  Barry slid off the sofa, kissed my naked thighs and pulled my knickers down. I wanted to stop him as he slipped the scrap of cloth off over my feet and parted my legs wide. Before I’d had time to think straight he was kissing the fleshy lips of my pussy and licking my wetting sex valley. I let out a rush of breath as he repeatedly licked the sensitive tip of my erect clitoris, but I wasn’t relaxed. This was a stranger, I thought as he thrust two fingers into my tight vagina. How could I relax and enjoy his intimate attention?

  Don had taken photographs of my open pussy and he’d fucked me, I’d wanked John in exchange for cash, and now I was allowing Barry to lick and finger my pussy. My life was taking a new direction – and I wasn’t sure that I liked it. I liked the money and the attention, but – oh, I didn’t know what I wanted as Barry’s fingers slipped out of my wet hole and he drove his tongue deep into my tightening vagina. I could hear him slurping, sucking out my juices and swallowing hard. I didn’t want this, I thought again. I didn’t want this, but my arousal was reaching frightening heights.

  As Barry sucked again on my solid clitoris and fingered my contracting vagina, my orgasm came like an explosion and rocked my young body. My eyes rolling, my heart banging hard against my chest, I shook uncontrollably as my clitoris pulsated and pumped waves of pure sexual pleasure throughout my body. I knew that he was going to fuck me as he sustained my amazing orgasm. I knew that, once my orgasm had faded, he’d drive his hard penis deep into my young pussy and fuck me hard. Was that what I wanted? I wondered as my orgasm peaked. Ali the innocent wasn’t supposed to get herself fucked, I reflected. What the hell was I doing?

  My eyes closing, I quivered as he withdrew his fingers and thrust his solid penis deep into my young body. My vaginal muscles hugged his huge shaft and I gasped as his swollen knob pressed hard agains
t my cervix. I’d fucked Don, I’d wanked John, and now I was fucking Barry. I hardly knew these men, I thought as Barry repeatedly rammed his rock-hard penis deep into my contracting vagina. What the hell would my mother say if she discovered the shocking truth about her sweet little daughter?

  ‘You’re bloody tight,’ Barry gasped. ‘Much tighter than your sister.’

  Again and again he rammed his huge penis deep into my trembling body. Then his sperm gushed into me, lubricating our coupling, and he threw his head back and let out a low moan of pleasure. I could feel his swinging balls battering the rounded cheeks of my bottom as he made his final thrusts into my sperm-flooded vagina – I couldn’t believe that I was being fucked by yet another man I hardly knew. My orgasm receded and I could feel his male cream running down to the tight ring of my anus as he withdrew his semi-erect cock and sat back on his heels. What the hell had I done? I asked myself as he grinned down at me.

  ‘You were amazing,’ Barry said, watching his sperm oozing from my gaping vaginal entrance.

  I closed my legs and smiled at him. ‘So were you,’ I said quietly. ‘I’d better be going now.’

  ‘I’ll see you again, I hope?’

  ‘Yes, yes, you will.’ I grabbed my knickers from the floor, slipped them on and adjusted my skirt. ‘I’ll ring you, if you like?’

  ‘Here’s my phone number.’ He leaped to his feet and pulled his trousers up. ‘And my card,’ he said. ‘Barry the entrepreneur.’


  Barry escorted me to the door, spun me round on my heels and kissed me. I finally pulled away and left his flat. My quest to track down my twin sister was going terribly wrong, my life was changing direction . . . I didn’t know what I wanted or what I was going to do. At least no one knew my phone number or my address, I thought as I walked home. I could feel Barry’s sperm filling the crotch of my knickers. A stark reminder of what I’d done, I reflected as I reached my house.


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