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Blissful Disaster

Page 6

by Amy L. Gale

He tips his chin. “Seriously?”

  I nod. “Looks like we’ve got some time to kill and since I’m the enemy, I want to know how the other half thinks.” I bite my lip, trying to hold back a smile.

  He flashes a quick grin. “You’re on.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Ok… Devil’s Garden is a metal band on the verge of stardom with kick ass riffs, edgy songs, and amazingly handsome members destined to become Rock Gods.”

  I giggle. “Sorry, keep going.”

  He nibbles on his lip. “Their focus on making awesome music and catering to their fans make them the best band that ever lived.”

  I start laughing and cover my mouth with my hand. I run my hand down my chin and stifle a smile. “Continue.”

  He lowers an eyebrow. “Regardless of how big they become they’re all about the music and the fans.”

  I nod. “Nice. Maybe I should take some notes from you.” I catch my lip in between my teeth. “Is it possible to be both a musician and its mortal enemy? I think you got the whole press thing down.”

  He squints. “Huh, a hybrid… we may have to stay in here forever. I can’t let this secret get out.” He nudges my arm.

  I hold up my hands. “Whoa, I’ll take a vow of silence before I stay in here forever.” I pat down the few wrinkles that formed in the top of my skirt. “Even if there’s a zombie apocalypse out there, I’ll take my chances.”

  He turns my chin toward him and locks his eyes with mine. “So being stuck in here with me is worse than being mauled to death by zombies?”

  A wave of tingles flows through my body. There’s no one else I’d rather be stuck with, but that’s not something I’m willing to share with him… not yet and maybe not ever. I gaze into the clear blue abyss that penetrates my soul. “Wanna be my zombie apocalypse buddy?”

  He rubs his chin and scans my body. “Hmm, you can do some damage with those heels.”

  I shake my head as a smile creeps across my face. “They’re definitely deadly.” I nudge his shoulder with mine. “Who knows, I might even save your life.”

  He rests his head against the elevator wall and turns toward me. “Maybe you’re not an evil-demon-succubus like Jenna thinks.”

  Wow, I guess I should take that as a compliment. “Uh, thanks… I think.”

  I lean back against the elevator wall, letting my muscles relax. Maybe this isn’t the worst possible thing that could happen to me today. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, expelling all the negative energy from my body.

  A vibration shoots from the elevator walls straight to my core. My heart pounds, about to beat out of my chest. The screech of twisting metal emanates through the air. The elevator sways, and the lights flash. High-pitched sirens ring in the distance, barely recognizable. No, please. Not again.


  There’s no air left in here, I’m suffocating. The jolt probably blocked the vents. I jump in Tyler’s lap and bury my head against his chest, digging my fingers into his rock hard biceps. Oh God, in an instant the elevator cable could snap, sending us plummeting to our death. How can Tyler sit there so calm? It’s like I’m the only person who knows life can change in an instant. The tips of my fingers and my toes become numb again. This is it, our short time together is over. I suck in shallow breaths and close my eyes tight. Please God, save us.

  Tyler wraps his arms around me. “Just an aftershock.”

  Another aftershock and this elevator can slam into the ground, crushed like a tin can. I take a deep breath and try to compose myself. No such luck. Thoughts of the unrecognizable aftermath and twisted metal flood my brain. I cover my face with my hands as a river of tears flow down. Loud sobs fill the air.

  I wipe my hands across my face, clearing the tears. “I’ve got to get out of here.” My hands tremble.

  “Never heard that from a girl sitting in my lap.” He winks and runs his hands down my sides, settling them on my hips.

  I focus on the vibrant tiger on his forearm. It triggers a memory, back to breakfast at the diner. Amazing, I’m in one of the worst situations in my life, and my brain brings me back to a better time. Probably self-defense.

  I’ve got to get it together. First rule in any disaster situation is to the stay calm. I seemed to completely bypass that one so let’s move on to rule number two: Assess the situation. Tyler’s hand grazes my skin when I move to the side. Okay, maybe being stuck in an elevator with a hot Rock God isn’t a total disaster. I lean back and sit next to him.

  He places a hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb in small circles. “Sirens sounded off a few minutes ago. We’ll be out of here soon.”

  My pulse skyrockets. I may have a heart attack before they get here if he keeps this up. “Guess this isn’t the best way to find out you’re claustrophobic.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “I can think of a few better ways.”

  Being trapped in a small space with Tyler is better therapy than any psychologist can provide. Oh my God, it’s like I’m turning into one of his groupies. The oxygen levels must be dangerously low in here causing my brain to lose all reasoning skills. I’ve got to change the subject quickly. “Cool ink. Where else are they on your body? …I mean, do you have any more tattoos?” I do a quick once over… Dammit.

  He flashes a half smile. “Yeah, lots.” He darts his tongue over his lips. “I’ll have to show you sometime.”

  Oh my God, I’m most definitely the worst conversationalist ever. Especially when I’m trying to divert my attention away from anything sexual. “No ink on me, yet. Maybe if I make it through this unscathed.”

  He looks me up and down. “I can hook you up.”

  Yeah, I bet he can, probably in more ways than one. Okay, time for a new subject. I fidget with my fingers. “What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re in L.A.?” Wow, if his answer to that is a girl’s name I’m scaling the walls of the elevator and taking my chances climbing the shaft.

  He tips his head. “Guess.”

  Oh great. This should go well, especially since my brain function is clearly at its best. Hmm, he doesn’t seem much like a shopper. I follow his chiseled arms down to his chest, concentrating on the outlines of the peaks and valleys through his thin, dark-green, T-shirt. Butterflies flutter in my stomach. Oh God, I’ve got to get a hold of myself. Maybe this lack of oxygen in here is making me go into heat.

  “Porn star?” What? I cover my mouth with my hand. Where the hell is the filter between my brain and my mouth? My body freezes and a bead of sweat forms along my hairline.

  He crinkles his forehead. “Close… I like the way you think.”

  Tightness forms in my chest. “Listen, I have no idea what I’m saying. I must be in shock from the trauma.”

  “Whatever, babe.” He winks and nudges my arm. “I’m all about the waves.”

  I scrunch my eyebrows. “Really? Surfing?”

  He nods and runs a hand through his hair. “First time we came down here to record I couldn’t get enough of Malibu.” He moves his shark tooth pendant along the leather strand of his necklace. “I met a few locals who gave me some lessons. Once I caught my first wave, I was hooked. Whenever we have some down time, I meet up with my surfer crew and hit the waves. Nothing else in the world comes close to it.”

  I’ve never heard of a Kansas boy turned rocker turned surfer. Maybe there’s more to Tyler than meets the eye. “I’m a beach girl at heart, but I’ve never surfed.” I tuck a few stray hairs behind my ear. “I’d probably get eaten by a shark or something.”

  He leans in closer. “Not if you’re with me.”

  My heart beats faster and electricity flows through my veins. “You slay sharks in your free time too?”

  “Only for the right girl.” He winks.

  I roll my eyes. “You probably say that to all your… um, female fans.”

  He rubs his chin. “So, you’re my fan?”

  I nibble on my lip. “Biggest fan in the room.”

  He looks around at the empty elevator. “
Nice, I’ll take it.” He leans his head on the back wall and turns toward me, flashing those baby blues that could pierce an armored tank. “How about you? How’d you get here?”

  “Like the Indians. I headed west following a trail of tears.” Why am I telling him all this? This whole near death experience has driven me temporarily insane! I close my eyes and swallow hard, pushing the memories I willed my mind to forget down to the depths of my soul.

  “Trail of tears, huh. Sounds like a cool song title.” He nods toward me.

  Nothing cool about having your heart ripped out and torn to pieces when you’re not even old enough to vote. I rub my hands across my face and through my hair. I never even told Chloe everything about Josh and me, no need to share the tragic tale with Tyler.

  I plaster on a fake grin and shrug. “I didn’t get into Duke, so I went for my second choice, Stanford.” More like I ripped up my acceptance letter from Duke and high-tailed it cross-country, leaving everything behind me.

  “Whoa, Stanford. Nice.”

  I nod and fidget with my fingers. “I moved down here right after graduation with my college roommate, Chloe.”

  “Oh yeah, from the club. She seemed cool.”

  I turn my head toward him. “She’s into the fashion scene. Wants to be the next editor of Vogue so we’re kind of complete opposites.”

  “So you’re trying to be the CEO of Rolling Stone?” He runs a finger along his chin. “You so have to put us on the cover if that ever happens.”

  “I’m hoping for the cover of Time.”

  “That works too.” He winks.

  I shift my weight and lean toward Tyler. “So how about you? How’d you get here?”

  “In a beat-up Ford pickup.” He laughs.

  “Sounds like a country song.”

  He flashes a sexy half grin. “It’s kinda like I won the lotto. Made a demo tape right out of high school and got a contract within a month.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Me, the guys, and Jenna drove down to L.A. from Kansas to record, and I’ve been living the dream ever since.”

  “That must’ve been one hell of a trip for Jenna.”

  “Naw, she was a newlywed so not even half as bitchy as she is now.”

  I stifle a laugh. Yeah, I beg to differ. “You ever miss home?”

  He lowers an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me? Being stuck there is like hell on earth. Nothing changes, it’s like living the same day over and over again. Yeah, no thanks.” He tilts his chin. “How about you? Where are you from, anyway?”

  I’d rather travel to Mars and live on a crater with ET than go back to Seamist, Maine. “Small town in Maine. Same story as Kansas… minus the pickup truck.”

  “Guess we’re both kindred souls.” He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

  “Something like that.” Kindred souls, huh. Not even close. He escaped to find adventure. I ran.

  I bite at my lip. “What if the whole rocker thing didn’t work out? What else would you want to do?”

  “You mean besides shark slayer and zombie apocalypse partner?”

  I chuckle.

  He glances around the small space and narrows his eyes. “Probably move down here and work in a recording studio, or hit the road with another band and work with the equipment or something.” He shrugs.

  If everything went according to plan and Josh and I went to Duke and moved back to Maine afterward, I’d probably be married and working for the local newspaper, or maybe even a local news anchor. Doesn’t matter now anyway. Besides, I’m in L.A., the land of opportunity for reporters. Who knows? Maybe I will get an article published in Time Magazine someday.

  “If you’re so good with equipment, what are the chances you can get this elevator working?”

  He looks up at the dim lights and barely visible numbers along the top of the doors. “Uh, like zero percent. Sorry, even my kick ass skills can’t rival an earthquake.”

  Of course not, he can’t compete with the wrath of Mother Nature. Too bad, I really could use something to drink and maybe a comfy pair of sweats. I slide my toes back and kick off my heels. Wait, my lunch is in my briefcase. The chef salad I made is probably wilted but the bottle of water never goes bad. I crawl along the elevator floor and retrieve it. Tyler’s eyes lock onto me, following my every move. If he was in here with anyone else, he’d think they’re trying to get some action. After everything that happened between us so far, I think he knows better. Although, it’s kind of nice to know he can’t take his eyes off me. I pull the leather case toward us and pop open the lock. Yes, success.

  I grab the bottle of water and twist off the cap so fast a few droplets spill over the side. It’s like I’ve been trapped in a desert for days. I take a sip and let the lukewarm liquid moisten my cotton-dry mouth. “Want some?” I hold the bottle out toward Tyler.

  He reaches forward, brushing his fingertips along mine. “We better save some of this, just in case.” He takes a quick gulp.

  If he keeps touching me, I may have to pour it over my head to stop any flames from bursting through my body. I take one last sip and twist on the lid. “I don’t want to get you too excited, but I’ve got a chocolate bar in there too.”

  “Stuck in here with you and a chocolate bar.” He winks. “I’ve only got so much willpower, no promises.”

  Heat flashes through me. Apparently, willpower is non-existent in the confines of this elevator, or anywhere around Tyler for that matter. The way he can make every inch of my body come alive is nothing short of pure magic. Especially after everything that went down.

  I relax my muscles and lean against the elevator wall just as the floor begins to vibrate. Not this again. I close my eyes tight and lean into Tyler. For the first time in ages, I feel safe. Mother Nature can bring it, as long as Tyler’s with me, I’ll survive. None of this makes any sense. How can it be possible to feel this way when I haven’t even known him for a total of twenty-four hours? I run my hand over the hard curves of his chest and wrap my arm around him. If I could stay here like this, bring on the aftershocks.

  The elevator sways slowly, like a leaf blowing in a gentle breeze. Everything is calming, everything except every cell in my body which is quickly coming alive. I squeeze Tyler tighter and press myself against him. He whisks a few stray hairs from my face and pushes the flaxen strands over my shoulder, grazing my cheek with his thumb along the way.

  I lift my chin and lock my eyes with his. Maybe everything happens for a reason, and I’m meant to be in here with Tyler. He glides his nose along mine as we move in slow motion. It’s different this time, and I want to savor every second. I grip his T-shirt tight in my fingers and reach up, brushing my lips against his.

  A low-pitched grinding resonates through the air. I gasp and jump back. The lights flash and the elevator jerks. The power’s coming back on. Could the timing be any worse? I release my death grip on Tyler’s T-shirt and slide to the side.

  He lets out a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair. “Looks like we’re back to reality.”

  It wouldn’t have killed me, being stuck in the fantasy world for a second or two more. I raise my eyebrows. “Chocolate bar celebration?”

  He shrugs. “If that’s the only option.”

  Heat flows through my veins, pure volcanic lava. It’s like my body is regenerating itself from its cocoon of safety. Am I ready to be the butterfly? “It’s the best one I’ve got to offer right now.”

  He licks his lips. “I’ll take what I can get.”

  The elevator bangs and clanks, sending vibrations echoing through the tense air. It’s like divine intervention is stepping in. I stand up and press the button for floor three. It lights up, but nothing happens. I press a few more buttons, all lights but no action. Maybe we do have more time together. Tyler stands next to me and glides his fingertip along mine to reach the button. He presses, still nothing.

  He steps back and looks around at the silver walls. “I bet the elevator is off track.”

  “What d
oes that mean?” Is there still a chance we can plummet to our deaths? If there is I need to make up for some serious lost time.

  He tucks a few stray hairs behind my ear and bends down, whispering softly. “We’re stuck here for a little while longer.” His soft lips graze my lobe.

  My heart flutters frantically, as if it’s going to burst out of my chest and fly around the small space. No reason to waste any more time, it’s precious. I run my nose along his cheek, turning toward his lips.

  The elevator jerks, sending me flying backward. I hit the back of my head against the wall, and Tyler’s solid wall of muscle falls forward, trapping me. Pain radiates through my skull and along my lower back. Great, romance at its finest.

  Tyler steps back. “You okay?”

  I nod. “Another aftershock?” Jeez, how many aftershocks come from one earthquake?

  He moves to the front of the elevator and presses his ear against the door. “No, I think we’ll be breaking into that chocolate bar soon.”

  He tries to peek through the slit in the doors.

  The elevator sways again. I brace my hands against the back wall and prevent myself from banging anything else. For once, I actually keep my balance. Tyler stumbles backward.

  “See anything?” I bob my head from side to side trying to get a glimpse of the faint light shining through the slit.

  “The light is breaking, someone’s standing near the door.” Tyler bangs his fists against the door of the elevator as if he’s King Kong having a temper tantrum.

  Jeez, it’s like he can’t get away from me fast enough. Did I misread everything? I wave my arms in front of the panel where the buttons are located as if I’m about to land a plane. The elevator camera has to catch at least a glimpse of me.

  Loud knocks coming from the other side of the doors pull me from my exotic dance. I pat down my skirt and step forward next to Tyler.

  He cups his hands around his mouth, making a homemade megaphone. “Hey, we’re trapped in here.”

  Faint muffled voices flow through the air like a whisper and flashes of light and darkness move along the slit in the elevator. Tyler digs his fingers into the metal slit, trying to pry it open. His muscles dance like they’re the stars of a choreographed ballet. The colorful tiger almost jumps off his skin. I stare, mesmerized as every muscle in his body expands and contracts. Dear God, did it just get twenty degrees hotter in here?


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