Book Read Free

Blissful Disaster

Page 11

by Amy L. Gale

  He sits next to me on the bed. “I want to take you somewhere.”

  I guess I should explain to him I’m not a morning person. I’d much rather party into the depths of the night than wake up before the sun. A rocker who’s up before sunrise without partying all night. He’s clearly full of surprises.

  “If it’s a diner for breakfast they’ll still be open when the sun comes up.” I lie back on the pillow.

  “Nope, not that. Come on, it’ll change your life.” He runs a calloused finger from the side of my belly to my thigh.

  Well, that did the trick. What’s with all these life changing experiences? I mean, every time he’s said those words something in me did change so it’s not like he’s lying. I never realized one person could change your life all the time. Then again, there’s only one Tyler.

  “Okay, I’m up.” I stretch and turn toward him.

  “Right back atcha.” He leans over and smacks his lips against mine.

  Hmm, maybe there’s more to this early morning wake-up than I anticipated. I’m ready for more life-altering love.

  He pulls away. “Trust me. You’ll love it.”

  No doubt I will. So far his surprises are awesome. I hop out of bed. “Okay, should I wear anything in particular for this secret adventure?”

  “A bathing suit.” He grabs his keys from the nightstand and heads to the kitchen.

  Oh God, please tell me he’s not taking me to a photo shoot for his new album or something crazy like that. Models get up at all hours of the morning for shoots, and although that would be life changing, it sure as hell wouldn’t be something I’d love.

  “Where are we going?” I need to prepare myself for this… whatever it is.

  “I’m sacrificing you to the shark that bit your foot,” he yells from the kitchen.

  Funny. At least I know I’m heading to the beach. Maybe we’re heading to Cabo or some gorgeous beach that’s a few hours away. Sipping on frozen drinks is a great way to spend the day. I slide on my swimsuit and throw a T-shirt and shorts on over it. “I’ll bring my shotgun like Chief Brody.”

  He chuckles. “That only works if you’ve got an oxygen tank handy.”

  I toss a few towels into a beach bag and sling it around my shoulder. “Ready when you are, Captain.”


  We pull up to a secluded stretch of beach. The sun is just rising over the horizon, sending golden specks along the dark blue water. Everything is serene, calm. The song of the seagull fills the air.

  “Is this your favorite place to watch the sun rise?” I step out of the car, pushing the door closed.

  “It’s my favorite place to surf.” He flashes a half smile. “Ready to hang ten with me?”

  Is he serious? I can barely walk down the steps without falling, and he wants me to stand on a surfboard in the middle of the ocean without killing myself? Plus sharks swarm the water. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Don’t worry, I know CPR.” He chuckles. “I’ll show you the ropes… or the waves.” He winks.

  Oh well, I guess I’ve lived a pretty full life. A burial at sea wasn’t what I expected. I’ll probably go right into shock when the cold water hits me. I’m more of a lay-on-the-beach-and-watch-the-surfers kind of girl. How can I get myself out of this?

  “Maybe I can just watch you… you know, get a feel for what it’s all about before I try.” At least that’ll buy me some time.

  “I know you’re a doer, not a watcher.” He takes my hand and guides me to a small cabana near the sand.

  A tanned man with shoulder length brown hair and abs that look like they’ve been carved from a washboard nods toward Tyler.

  “Hey, Dave, got a newbie to the break. Can you fix us up with some gear?” Tyler runs a hand through his hair.

  “Hell yeah. Good to see you, bud. We’ll have to catch some waves before you head back.” Dave grabs two boards and a pair of black wetsuits. “What level is she at?”

  “A zero.” If there’s a board with training wheels I want that one.

  “Nice, a virgin.” Dave hands Tyler the gear.

  “Ready to be de-flowered.” I smirk. The closest thing I’ve come to doing something like this was when I decided I could man the sailboat by myself. Josh told me I wasn’t strong enough to handle it without him so of course, that sounds like a challenge to me. When I forgot to duck and was knocked off the boat by the boom, Josh laughed so hard he almost rolled into the ocean with me. If I can avoid a repeat of that fiasco, I’ll call this a win.

  “Some nice waves out there.” Dave forms a hang-ten with his fingers.

  “Catch ya later.” Tyler takes the boards, and we head to the water.

  I stomp along the beach like I’m walking through quicksand. The cool, gritty grains twist into my shark-bite wound. Great, going in the ocean with an open wound, it’s like the first rule of what not to do on every episode during shark week. I’m clearly losing my mind, or someone else is controlling it.

  Tyler plops the board on the sand. “First lesson.”

  “I know this one, always put the board in the water.” I smirk.

  “Maybe you should quit writing and become a comedian.” He sets his board next to mine. “Will you please give it a chance? You might even like it. It’s happened to you before.” He winks.

  Giving him a chance isn’t quite the same thing. As far as I’m aware, I wasn’t in any danger of death by being with him. He’s right. I should at least try it. Then if I hate it I’ll never have to do it again. If I even get a chance to surf with Tyler again. A pit forms in my stomach. Not this again. We’re just having fun that’s all. No need to try and plan a future.

  “Okay, I’m ready to hit the waves. Teach me, oh wise one.” I kneel down on the board.

  “First you need to learn how to stand.” He lays on the board and gestures for me to lie on mine.

  There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to stand on this flimsy foam board when I’m fighting the ocean’s waves. Hope he enjoys watching me get dunked a million times. I lie flat on the board.

  “Perfect, now stay in the center and pull yourself up to a kneeling position with your arms, like a gorilla.” He moves from a lying position to standing in a second flat.

  Really, a gorilla. I’ll try to hold back the sex appeal. I use all the strength in my arms to pull myself to a kneeling position. A split second later, I lose balance and topple over the edge onto the sand. “I’m off to a great start.”

  “I know you can move better than that, babe.” He runs a hand through his hair, flashing a half smile.

  Heat creeps across my cheeks like a blaring sunburst. “Totally different scenario. I’m better in some than others.” Holy crap, where did that come from. At this point, anything goes. I follow Tyler’s instructions and plop up to a standing position on the board. “Oh my God, I did it.”

  He nods. “Try again. Practice makes perfect.”

  Logic to live by, we should put those words to work in other areas. I follow the steps three more times and hit the mark like a torpedo locking onto its target.

  “You got it, babe. Ready to try it in the water?” Tyler grabs his board and heads toward the water line.

  Butterflies swarm in my stomach. Maybe I should’ve written my own obituary before I got out of the car. At least I know it’ll be grammatically correct. We slip on our wetsuits. Great, now I look like a seal, more appealing to the sharks. I take a deep breath and follow him to the water.

  “We’re starting out slow, babe. Staying in the white water.” He drops his board in ankle deep water.

  Oh God. This sounds so bad. White water rafting knocks dozens of people unconscious every year… or worse. I don’t want to be anywhere near the white water. “Maybe we can start where it’s calm.”

  “Trust me.” He grabs my free hand and leads us to knee deep water.

  The frigid ocean stuns my body. I can barely move a muscle. If it was up to me, we’d be floating in a tube in the Caribbean. How
does he have this hold on me… already?

  “Stay here, in the water after the waves break. After you can stand up on the board in the white water, we can try catching a wave.” He looks out to sea and lies on his board.

  A wave crashes and breaks off into a ripple of white foam. Tyler jumps up as soon as the board moves and takes a standing position. He makes it look so damn easy. How could he do everything so… perfectly? No one should possess that much talent.

  Okay, maybe I overreacted. Looks like the worst that can happen to me is looking like a drowned rat. I can deal with it. I lie on my board and wait until the white water pushes it forward. I follow the steps and pop up. My foot hits the edge of the board and I plunge over the side, face first into the salty water. How the hell is this fun?

  Tyler straddles his board. “Good first try. Keep going.”

  I try at least a hundred more times with the same result. Balance seems to be key and when you’re clumsy and uncoordinated, surfing is not for you. One last try before I bail. A big wave crashes behind me, sending a mist of salty water along my skin. I grab hold of my board and pop up, just like I did on the beach. My feet hit the foam board and I stand. The wave pushes me forward while the breeze blows through my hair. I’m flying. It’s like I’m floating on air, part of the wave guided by the moon. Totally free.

  I ride the wave to the knee-deep water and jump off. I get it. It’s exhilarating, unmatched by anything else. A completely unique experience.

  “What’d you think?” Tyler floats next to me.

  “Life changing.” I slick back my hair. “You always deliver.”

  “That’s my motto.” He winks. “You ready to catch more waves.”

  I shake my head. “I’m lucky the shark didn’t finish me off. I’m ready to get out of this wetsuit and watch you impress me with your superior skills.”

  “I didn’t do that last night?” He raises an eyebrow. “Kidding. I’m ready to catch some waves. See you on the beach, babe.”

  I yank off my painted on wetsuit and sit on the board. Tyler paddles out to the deeper water and floats on his board, waiting. The anticipation of holding out for the right wave requires the patience of a saint. How do you know if you should take what comes your way or wait for something great?

  Tyler lets three waves go by, and then he spots what he’s looking for. A massive wave lifts the ocean. He paddles forward, then pops up just in time to catch it. He glides across the surface like he’s a feather floating in the wind. He bends down allowing the curl to engulf his body just before the wave breaks.

  Is that what Tyler’s looking for? The wave that he can’t resist. He enjoys every second of it and then leaves right before the crushing blow. Am I destined to be left floating in the white water or carried off to sea?


  “You know this is all your fault, right?” I tap my fingers on my glass of iced tea.

  “No need to thank me, darling.” Chloe blows me a kiss from across the table.

  “I wasn’t going to.” I sigh. “No more celebrating with you. All it leads to is hooking up with random guys who etched their way into my brain and now it’s driving me crazy.” I take a minute bite of my turkey sandwich on rye and toss it back on the plate. “It’s like you gave me a brain tumor.”

  Chloe laughs, almost spitting her sparkling water all over the linen tablecloth. “Maybe you can turn the drama down a notch.”

  “Sorry… I’m ultra-stressed today. I’ve got that interview with Elle Crowley this afternoon.”

  “Ah, the drama continues.” Chloe chuckles. “You’ll do a great job, like always.”

  My first feature article and my brain is twisted into knots. I’ve got to focus. If I don’t get every quote correct she’ll probably sue me or something. Jane wants me to write a juicy gossip column and call it a feature article, so I need all my ducks in a row. Why did I agree to this?

  “If you don’t eat you’re going to pass out on Elle’s lawn, and she’ll probably mistake you for one of the cheerleaders her husband bangs.” Chloe raises her eyebrows.

  “Funny.” I take another bite of my sandwich.

  If I could stop thinking about Tyler for a minute maybe, I’d be able to create some intense interview questions. So far, I’m doomed. I need to know where I stand with him. Life was so much easier a month ago. It’s my own fault. I should’ve never agreed to go out with him. Sure, the first time was an alcohol-induced mistake, but everything afterwards was all me.

  Deep down I know where I stand. He’s been crystal clear about the fact that he doesn’t want to be in a relationship… ever. He’s free as a bird. I guess we do our thing until he leaves and then it’s over. I’m not that girl, though. Of course, I’m pretty much breaking my number one rule, focus on work and stay away from the complications of love. How can he keep his feelings from interfering with his plans? Maybe I should take a lesson from him.

  “He was so hot. After they finished playing their set I snuck around backstage,” a girl brags from the table caddy-corner to us.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, you know it’s not about him.” Chloe tips her chin and gives me the famous get-a-grip stare.

  I shrug. “No, but I’m sure it will be from some other girl in some other town.”

  “Are you looking for a marriage proposal or something?”

  I drop the rest of my sandwich on the plate. “Yeah, ‘cause rockers are the most faithful people on the planet. Once they’re married, they stop their wild ways.”

  “I think you’ll do just fine with your interview with Elle. You’re two peas in a pod.”

  No need to get nasty. “That’s a low blow.”

  She puts her hand over mine. “You know I love you, but you’re turning into a bitter bitch for no reason.” She sits back in the chair. “I won’t let you do this to yourself. It’s bad for your complexion.”

  I let out a chuckle. “The salt water is bad for my hair too.”

  “Ah yes, now you’re a surfer girl.” She sips her water. “Never thought I’d see that happen.”

  “I’m sure it’s short lived. I’m probably one of many.”

  “Enlighten me. First, you want nothing to do with him, and now you don’t want him with anyone else. What exactly do you want?”

  And that’s the million-dollar question. My heart knows exactly what it wants—to be safe from pain. If only my body and brain would follow suit I may have a chance of getting out of this unscathed.


  I leaf through the stack of papers on my desk. Ten years isn’t enough time to prepare for this interview. Elle’s probably seeing this as an opportunity to bash God knows who in Entertainment Rocks! magazine. My questions mean nothing, she’ll push this in whatever direction she wants. I need to wrangle her enough to keep us both out of trouble. Ugh, but Jane wants something juicy. That’s it. I can’t win no matter how hard I try. I’ll record our session and wing it. I drop the papers on my desk and rub my temple.

  “Let me guess, hungover?” Jake stands near my desk, sipping coffee.

  “More like my brain is ready to explode. No alcohol involved.” I sit back in my chair.

  “Hardly worth it. You out partying like a rock star… or with them?”

  What’s his problem lately? Ever since he discovered I was meeting Tyler outside of work, he’s been acting like some jealous frat boy. I’ve got enough complications at the moment. No need for unnecessary drama. “Partying like a nerdy college girl during finals.”

  He snickers. “I heard about those nerdy girls.”

  “Yep, hanging out with a bunch of paperwork. Very wild. I don’t think you can handle it.” Hate to break it to him but whatever I do outside of work is none of his business.

  My phone vibrates, jumping across the desk. Tyler lights up in red letters across the screen. I swear he has Jake radar.

  Jake leans over and smirks. “Another interview with the band or do you guys stay in touch now?”

  I pres
s the ignore call button and send him to voicemail. “I’ve got something in the works.”

  “I bet you do.” He raises an eyebrow. “See ya later neighbor.”

  He shows up when I’m at my worst and then brings me down a level lower than that. What happened to supporting each other? He never showed any interest in me, so it’s not like he’s jealous. He seems to want to compete like it’s a game of who has the best assignment or who screws up the most. I’ve played enough games, so he’s out of luck.

  One more quick check of my email and I head out to meet Elle. My stomach flip-flops. Please don’t let me say anything she can use against me. It’s like I’m the wallflower invited to the prom by the heartthrob football God, way out of my league yet again.


  Please have a draft of your article to me by Friday. Remember, you are a professional. Although we want to be friendly to our clients, we are reporters, not their friends. In their eyes, we are the enemy who can break them with the written word. Record everything and document all direct quotes. I look forward to seeing your work.


  What is Jane getting at? Other than stumbling into her office I’ve always been professional. Heat flashes through my body. Unless she knows about Tyler and has misconstrued our relationship. Only one person could’ve told her. Jake.


  I slam my car into park in front of the intricate wrought iron gate boasting the words The Crowley’s directly in the middle of the magnificent structure. How could Jake go and tell Jane about Tyler? I mean, it’s not like they’re both vying for my affection. Jake is a friend, nothing more, or so I thought. I just don’t get how he’d benefit from sabotaging me. If we were both trying to get the same piece at least he’d have a reason to act like an immature tattle-tale, but we each have our own agenda. Plus, he has no idea about my relationship, or whatever it is, with Tyler. I’ve got to shake off this negative energy and kill this interview with Elle. Success is the best revenge.


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