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Hot Silver Nights: Silver Fox Romance Collection

Page 22

by Ainsley Booth

  “Thank you so much for driving me out here,” Carolyn said as she hugged them.

  “Now take lots of pictures,” Goldie said. “We want to see pictures of everything.”

  “Oh, I will, I promise.” Carolyn waved to her friends as they left and turned to face Arthur as he picked up her luggage.

  “Right this way.” It was about all he could say given the smile that seemed to be locked on his face. She was a beautiful woman and he couldn’t remember the last time any woman had caught his eye.

  He helped her up the steps, then raised them, and secured the door.

  “My goodness, this is a lovely plane. Where should I sit?” Carolyn asked.

  “Any seat is fine. There is a couch near the back if you want to lie down and sleep after we take off.”

  “I’m so excited I don’t think I can sleep. Which is the safest seat; I’m not much of a flyer. Oh, I guess I already said that.”

  “Yes, you did.” Arthur laughed. “You’re in good hands. It’s a short flight and we’ll be there before you know it. If you’d be more at ease, you can sit in the cockpit with me.”

  “I think I’d like that; I’d feel safer if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. I’ll have someone to talk to and the time will pass quicker. I think you’ll like the view too. Let me just stow your luggage and we’ll take off.”

  Arthur put her bags in the storage compartment and then led her into the cockpit. Once she was seated, he buckled her in and took his seat. He secured his seatbelt and fired up the engines.

  “The view is wonderful from here; much better than looking out one of the little windows on the side of the plane,” Carolyn said.

  “Yes, it’s 180 degree view. It will be even better after we take off,” Arthur said and smiled.

  “I’m sure it will,” she said as he taxied the plane into take off position and picked up the microphone. He thought for a minute about how to address whoever was in charge. There wasn’t an actual tower, just a small brick building on the ground with a windsock. He decided he’d be professional, the size of this tiny airport notwithstanding.

  “Challenger007 to tower: We are ready to take off at your go.”

  No response from the tower.

  “Challenger007 to tower: Do you read me?”

  “There’s only one man in there,” Carolyn said. “Maybe he stepped away and went to the vending machine. I’m sure he’ll be right back.”

  So, they waited…about five minutes.

  “Hey there, Challenger. This is Radar. Sorry about the delay, I could hear ya but I couldn’t answer. I had to see a man about a horse.”

  Arthur laughed.

  “Hey Radar, we’re ready to take off. Are we cleared?”

  “Yes sir. Get that plane in the air before you run out of ground. Our runway is pretty short, and take good care of Carolyn,” Radar came back.

  “Will do, Radar. Carolyn is in good hands. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  “Okay then, you’re go for takeoff. Git on outta here; I’ve got a crop duster comin’ in, well…when he’s done dustin’ the crops and I figure that’ll be in just a few minutes. Bye Carolyn, have a good time. See ya on the flip side.”

  “Bye, Radar; see ya,” Carolyn replied.

  “Ten four.” Radar clicked off, Arthur eased the stick forward, and Carolyn was plastered to her seat as the engines roared and the plane was in the air.

  Arthur looked over at Carolyn who had both hands covering her eyes.


  “Who, Radar? Oh goodness no. He’s got a wife and eight kids,” she answered spitting her fingers apart to peek out.

  “Good,” he said as he reached over and lowered her hands. “We’re at cruising altitude now, you can look.”

  The view was beautiful and Carolyn was surprised at how at ease she felt with this man—a total stranger who had a very calming influence over her. Not only was he handsome, his voice was soft and gentle, and the twinkle in his eyes when he smiled had her heart pounding in her chest. The last time she was attracted to a man was…well, she honestly couldn’t remember. She felt safe and she trusted him.

  They chatted during the flight and Carolyn wanted to know all about Arthur and then all about Mac. He gave her the condensed version of his life story but went on and on about what a terrific guy Mac was and how happy he was that he had finally found Annie. He told her all about the Triple C ranch and Mac’s enthusiasm for rescuing horses.

  “Do you ride, Arthur?”

  “I do, and you?”

  “Oh yes, I’ve been riding since I was old enough to get on a horse, but I have to admit it’s been a while.”

  “I don’t think you ever forget,” Arthur said. “I hope we’ll be able to go riding when you’re not off with Annie, shopping and doing everything women have to do to get the wedding plans in order.”

  The plane hit a few seconds of turbulence and Carolyn sucked in an audible breath. Arthur reached over and took her hand. “It’s just like a pothole in the road, nothing to worry about.”

  When he didn’t let go, Carolyn relaxed and their conversation continued. Carolyn laughed aloud when Arthur told her to story of how Mac spent the night in jail for trying to break into Annie’s house before she was living at the ranch.

  Soon the Rocky Mountains were in view. They were about thirty minutes from landing in Denver. Arthur finally released her hand and started their descent while keeping in touch with the tower. Carolyn remained silent fearing she would interfere with any instructions he was given. She missed the comfort of his hand, but before she knew it they were on the ground and making their way to the hangar where the plane was kept.

  “Arthur, thank you. That was the best flight I’ve ever had.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  He unbuckled her and helped her from her seat. “I’ll grab your luggage and we’ll be on our way. It’s a little over an hour to Fall River depending upon the traffic.”

  “I think Mac needs a helicopter to save time,” she teased.

  “I’ve been talking to him about that and I have a feeling it won’t be long before he’s clearing some land and having a pad poured.”

  “Can you fly one?”

  “I can fly anything that’s made to fly. During my years in the Air Force I flew them all.”

  As they exited the plane, Arthur showed her to his car and put her luggage in the trunk.

  “I have to check in with maintenance. They will refuel the plane and go over it with a fine tooth comb. It’s something Mac always insists upon.”

  “That’s very reassuring,” she said as he talked to the crew and then headed back toward the car.

  The drive to Fall River was beautiful and Arthur pointed out some points of interest in Estes Park.

  “Oh, the Stanley Hotel. That’s the setting in that scary movie with Jack Nicholson.” He didn’t miss the little shiver she made.

  “The Shining. Yes, it is. They have a fabulous brunch there. We should check it out while you’re here.” Arthur mentioned the brunch hoping she would be agreeable. “They also have oxygen bars here.”

  “I’m not familiar with those. I’m wondering why.”

  “A lot of people who come from sea level have difficulty breathing at this altitude until they get used to it, and of course some people do it to try something new.”

  “That’s good to know. I’ve been to Denver many times but I imagine we are over a mile high up here,” Carolyn said.

  “Yes, over 7,500 feet above sea level.”

  Carolyn couldn’t wait to see her daughter and hold her in her arms, so she just nodded as they passed through the small town and headed up to the ranch. It was slow going with all the twists and turns in the road, but soon they pulled up in front of the house. She was about to comment on the beauty of her surroundings when the real beauty came bounding out the door.

  There was her Annie, running to her with open a
rms just as she had so many times back on the farm when she was a little girl.

  “Mom, mom,” Annie squealed with joy. “I’m so glad you’re here; I’ve been lost without you.” Annie hugged her mother as tears streamed down her face.

  “Oh honey, I’ve missed you so much. I wanted to come sooner, but when you didn’t ask…”

  “I’m sorry, mom. I thought I could handle it by myself. I managed so many weddings when I was working at the hotel, but this is different. My emotions are up and down, I don’t want to make a wrong decision, I want everything perfect, and I can’t do it without you.”

  Carolyn’s eyes filled with tears. “You’ll always be my little girl and I’ll always be here for you. Honey, there are times when we just want our mothers no matter how old we are.”

  “I know that now, and mom, thank you for not trying to drive. I love you so much I’d have been worried sick about you alone on the highways. I know you don’t like to fly.”

  “I love you too and you needn’t have worried about me flying. I loved the flight. Arthur is a wonderful pilot and I’ve never felt safer in a plane. I think he cured my fear of flying, at least with him. I’m still not sure about the big commercial planes, but who knows. Now, where’s my future son-in-law? I can’t wait to meet him.”

  Mac had been down at the stables and stopped to rub the dirt off the toes of his boots, rubbing them on the back of his jean covered legs. He sauntered toward the two of them and embraced Carolyn. “Welcome to Fall River. Annie has been on pins and needles all day waiting for you to arrive. I hope you had a good flight.”

  “Mac, it’s so good to finally meet you. Annie certainly wasn’t exaggerating when she told me you were a handsome man.” She hugged him tight and placed a kiss of his cheek.

  “Annie never exaggerates.” His grin met his eyes as he spoke, knowing her mother would catch his drift.

  “That’s true, I don’t…not much anyway.” Annie laughed and so did Carolyn.

  “Mac, I can’t thank you enough for sending Arthur to get me. It was a wonderful flight and I’m so glad to be here.”

  “I’m glad you’re here too; make yourself right at home. I’ll get your luggage while you two head into the house. You and Annie have some catching up to do. I know she’s going to keep you busy right up to the last minute,” Mac said.

  “Not too busy I hope,” Arthur chimed in.

  “Wait…what?” Annie turned around to see a glimmer of hope in Arthur’s eyes. “Hmm. No worries; I’m sure she’ll have some free time.” Turning to see the smile on her mother’s face, Annie whispered. “Mom, did you have a quick courtship on the plane? What’s that all about?”

  “Oh honey, Arthur just suggested we might go riding. I agreed, if we have time that is. I haven’t been on a horse in a while and I’d love to go.”

  “Well then, I’ll make certain you have time.” The wheels in Annie’s head were already turning.

  Chapter 2

  The next week was filled with shopping sprees and meetings with Victor and Marcus, the wedding coordinators. All the honeymoon plans were in place, had been for several weeks. Mac and Annie were going to Scotland. He had cousins there who took care of the MacDermot Castle which now housed a small bed and breakfast.

  Arthur, who usually would have driven back to his small apartment in Denver each day, remained at the ranch. Every evening after dinner, he and Carolyn would go for a ride. Luke, who managed the stables with his wife, Elise, had introduced Carolyn to the horses and let her have her pick. She chose to ride Sassy Pants. Elise warned her the mare could get a little frisky, but Carolyn knew she could handle her. Arthur rode the gelding known as Slow Poke. It took a good rider to get him to move beyond a snail’s pace but Arthur had a way with him. It was an opportunity to see some of Mac’s estate, and also gave her a chance to spend time with the horses. Carolyn and Arthur pitched right in to help Elise who was getting bigger with child with each passing day.

  The more Arthur watched Carolyn, the more impressed he was. And, the more Carolyn watched Arthur, the more she trusted him. One day they were mucking the stalls together and Arthur could see Elise was tiring.

  “You sit down and put your feet up. We’ve got this don’t we, Carolyn?”

  “Yes we do. Better yet Elise, why don’t you go inside and get some of Delia’s delicious lemonade.

  “I think I’ll do just that. You two make such a cute couple,” Elise said as she rubbed her belly and walked slowly to the backdoor of the kitchen where she knew Mac’s cook always had something refreshing to offer her.

  Carolyn turned to Arthur. “I remember being pregnant with Annie; mucking stalls would have been hard work.”

  “I agree, although I’ve never been pregnant. I never was lucky enough to have children of my own. Annie, and Elise for that matter, feel like the daughters I never had.”

  “Have you been married?” Carolyn inquired.

  “Once. A long time ago and for a very short time. It was the flyboy look, the silver wings on my chest, the stripes on my sleeve that attracted her. As proud as I was to wear the US Air Force uniform, even those who flew the “heavies” and the fighters knew women loved the uniform.”

  “I had no idea you were in the Air Force.”

  “I entered the Air Force Academy as a ROTC graduate right after high school and I did well because I already knew how to fly—not the big jets but smaller aircraft. Since the age of twelve, I’d spent summers working with my Uncle Hank who owned several planes. Some were used for crop dusting and others for a charter service, flying skiers and vacationers from the airport to Aspen and various ski resorts. I knew the engines too, and could work on and repair all of them. I’m sure that was a factor in me getting accepted.”

  “I’m impressed. How long did you stay in?”

  “Twenty years. The Air Force was a good career for me. I remember the first time I broke the sound barrier and the thrill of it all, but I’ve seen wartime too and there was no thrill in that. The hours were long and stressful and time off was non-existent. Well, almost. At one point I had enough time off to meet and marry my wife; it was a quick wedding as my leave was nearly over.”

  Sensing he wanted to talk, she dared to ask him what happened.

  “The first couple of years went well but she wasn’t even close to being cut out to be a military wife. I should have known she was a party girl on the prowl for a husband and I was as good a catch as any airman who was moving up in the ranks. When I caught her cheating, my trust for all women pretty much went down the tubes for a while.”

  “I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Carolyn said.

  He shook his head. “Water under the bridge,” he said. “I don’t hold onto any bad feelings.”

  “You’re a very sweet man, Arthur. I honestly didn’t think there were any left.”

  “I hope I’ve proved you wrong.”

  “You have, much to my surprise. Most men would have been bitter and held on to that for years.”

  “I’ve always believed being bitter and holding onto the past is like being thrown off the back of a boat wearing cement shoes.” He laughed. It was an Italian expression and he wasn’t sure she got it.

  “Good point. By the way, I saw that episode.”

  “Enough about me. Can we take a ride later? I’d like to take you up to the meadow. It’s one of the places we haven’t been and I wanted to ask Mac’s permission first. It’s his special place but he was eager to have me show it to you.”

  “It’s a date…well, not really a date, but you know what I mean,” Carolyn corrected herself.

  “No, Carolyn. It is a date…a real date…and I hope it’s the first real date of many.”

  She blushed. “Yes, I’d love to go with you.”

  Annie watched her mom as she hurried through dinner and noticed Arthur was doing the same thing. Her future husband, caught up in figuring out how to rescue three horses without it interfering with the wedding, was oblivious to what was going on
right under his nose.

  When they both excused themselves from the dining room table, Annie couldn’t control her curiosity any longer.

  “So where are you two off to?”

  “We’re just going to take the horses out for a nice ride,” her mother answered.

  Arthur had disappeared toward the stables.

  “Mom, what’s going on? You’ve been taking a lot of rides with Arthur lately.”

  “I just want to take all this in. Lord knows when I’ll be back again.”

  “Okay,” Annie said as she rolled her eyes and reminded her mother not to be out too late.

  “Annie, they are just going up to the meadow. I thought your mother would like to see the lights of the city when it turns dark,” Mac informed her.

  “You don’t mind letting them go to the meadow?”

  “Of course not. Why would I?”

  “Mac, you never let anyone go up to the meadow. It’s your special place!”

  “No darlin’, it’s our special place and I don’t mind letting your mother enjoy the beauty of it. You can’t possibly object to that.”

  “Oh, Mac, I think it’s more than that. Something is going on between those two.”

  “Darlin', your imagination always amazes me.”

  “You just wait and see. Mac, you’re a brilliant man, but you’re not as smart as you think.”

  “I think I’m plenty smart and I’m about to marry a very smart woman, but your mom has been here less than a week and you’re already jumping to conclusions.”

  “Just wait, you’ll see I’m right,” she said as she flung a forkful of mashed potatoes at him.

  “So, you wanna play…you’ll lose,” he said as he dipped his finger into the gravy boat and ran them across her lips.

  Slowly she drew his finger into her mouth and sucked. “Mmm, delicious. Do you have anything else to offer?”

  “As a matter of fact, darlin’ I do. It will be upstairs when you finish cleaning up the kitchen.”


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