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Infection: P.O.T.U.S

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by Smith-Wilson, Simon

  ‘Please help us,’ begged the trapped woman.

  Robbie hesitated.

  Robbie had always been a good boy.

  Robbie had always been a kind boy.

  ‘Get back!’ He yelled at the children, as he stepped towards them, swinging his baseball bat. ‘Stay back! I am warning you.’ He struck the first child square on the head, crushing their skull. He caught the next one in the neck, but the strike wasn’t strong enough to put them down. The infected boy tackled Robbie around the midsection, knocking him to the floor. Within half a heartbeat the infected were upon him. Nails clawed at his skin, as fingers were pushed into his eyeballs. Feet stomped down onto his young body, breaking bones and crushing into organs. Robbie screamed out, hoping that death would take him and end his awful pain.


  Michael scrambled over the metal fence at the edge of the park and made his way across the car park outside of the apartment. A dead body was trapped within the main entrance, propping the door open. The lights within the lobby flickered on and off, but half of them were hanging down from the ceiling. Holes from gunshots were dug into the wall. Several more bodies were lying in pools of blood on the cold hard floor. From the bloody eye sockets, it looked like someone had taken out as many of the infected as possible. Michael moved forward, the barrel of his gun leading the way. He pressed the button the elevator and waited. Suddenly, one of the dead infected groaned painfully and reached up towards him. Only now did he recognise the young woman. It was Amy, his neighbour. The young woman had babysat for him and Sarah from time to time, but the facial expressions of pure hatred made Amy look almost indistinguishable.

  The elevator opened with a ping.

  A middle-aged man screamed in Michaels' face, as he leapt forward with bloody eyes.

  A single gunshot painted brain matter onto the wall of the elevator.

  ‘Fuck me...’ gasped Michael, stepping into the elevator.

  He looked down at the dead body of the man as he pressed the button for his floor.

  More of the infected charged into the lobby of the apartment building, drawn to him by the sound. They came at him like a wave of evil, but the silver doors closed tight before they could arrive. Michael allowed himself to catch his breath, as the elevator climbed the towering building. His heart was beating at a hundred miles an hour. His eyes watched the counter above the doors, counting down to his floor, as the elevator lights flickered on and off. Michael raised his handgun and waited. He would be ready this time. Once again the doors opened with a ping. Dead bodies lined the corridor, blood was smeared on the walls, as manic screams echoed deep into the core of his being. Michael stepped out and moved forward. His eyes darted left and right, looking for any movement as he went by open doorways. It took twenty seconds for him to reach his broken front door. Fear gripped him, as the most horrible thoughts rushed through his mind.

  He dived inside.

  He could hear movement in the front room.

  He rushed inside.

  Four of the infected were destroying the place in a fit of rage.

  There was no hesitation this time.

  Michael opened fire. It didn’t matter that the first two infected had their backs to him, by the time the other two had turned their attention towards him it was too late. Michael’s quick reaction and dead-shot aim put all four of them down in only four bullets. He spun around as something thumped upon the bedroom door. ‘You fuckers,’ he cursed, as a demonic scream roared from within the bedroom. He walked up to the door and tried the handle. The door opened an inch, and then there was resistance. Michael put all his weight on the door and let out a loud yell. The door opened half a foot, and Sarah’s bloody face appeared. Fingernails sliced across his face, carving Michael open. He tried to pull away, but she grabbed him by the collar, yanking him in through the partly open doorway. Her teeth ripped a chunk of flesh out of his cheek, as her finger wrapped around his throat. Michael looked down the back of his lover’s throat, as she tried to bite out his eyeball.

  Three loud gunshots filled the air.

  Sarah spat blood, stumbled backwards and fell against the wall.

  Michael stepped inside.

  ‘No. No. No. NO!’ He screamed as he looked down at the blood gushing from Sarah’s stomach wound. He went to step forward, but she slashed a hand at him like some kind of trapped animal. Michael held a hand to his badly wounded face, blood was pouring from the horrific wound. And that was when he saw them. They were on the floor beside the bed. They were not moving. Both of his children were covered in blood. ‘My babies...’ he muttered. ‘WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABIES?’ He emptied the entire magazine of his handgun into the monster that was once his wife. Michael kept firing even when the gun clicked empty. He let out a scream so loud that half the city could hear it. The scream went on so long that it was nothing more than a silent exhale with no air within his lungs.


  The background noise of the horrors outside didn’t even register in Michael’s mind. Any awareness of the world around him faded away into an abyss of heartbreaking pain. Several hours had been and gone since he murdered the monster that was once his wife. He had cried himself dry. His body simply couldn’t produce any more tears. Day and turned to night and long shadows filled the apartment. The power was out, but the glow of the burning city offered enough illumination to light his way as he carried his children into the master bedroom. Sarah was the last one to be carried into the bedroom. He tucked the three of them in and then climbed into the bed beside his son. A kiss was planted on their heads, even Sarah was gifted with a kiss. Michael had no hate for her. His wife hadn’t murdered their children, that monster had. Michael closed his eyes, as he placed his head upon the pillow. The barrel of his handgun was placed against his temple. The sound of the gunshot echoed out of the apartment, and all his pain went away. There was no point to living a life without his children. Outside the apartment building nobody cared about the suicide of the police office called Michael. The world was consumed by madness and horror. Every hour another town fell to the airborne virus that turned love and lust into violence and anger. People tried to run, the military tried to stop them, whilst other nations plotted dreadful schemes to contain the infection. It was only a matter of time before the entire world fell into anarchy all because of love.

  Books by Simon Smith-Wilson


  (City of Sin Series)

  Five Days Notice

  Hand of God

  Last Tomorrow

  All those Yesterdays

  Blood for Blood

  (Prisoner 3-57 Series)

  Prisoner 3-57: Ghost

  Prisoner 3-57: Nuke Town

  Prisoner 3-57: Phantom Soldier

  Prisoner 3-57: Trilogy

  (Zombies Series)


  Zombies: Black Rock

  Zombies: Death Squad

  Zombies: Hell Dimension

  (Generation Series)

  Personal Apocalypse

  The Curse of Meredith Holmes

  Erasing Creation

  (Heroes of Magic Series)

  The Legend of the Hermit Master

  The Last Magic Dog

  Liquid Crystal

  Star Slayer

  (Beast Trainer Series)

  Beast Trainer: King’s City

  (Infection Series)


  Infection: P.O.T.U.S


  Tokyo Terror

  Money, Men and Murder

  I Believe

  The Arrangement


  Bridge to the Moon

  Attack of the Sprouts

  Winter is Coming

  (Short Stories)

  Princess Amber and the Unicorn Valley

  The Owl

  Before the Dawn

  Hand of God


  A new power has appeared in the north. The wealthy southerners have plans to rejuvenate the
decaying city with the promise of jobs and a better future. The Riggs Crew is on a mission to purge the city of its negative elements through an aggressive takeover strategy. The impact they make is sending positive shock waves to those poor souls that had abandoned all hope. The key to this new world is in the Hand of God. A hired assassin dedicated to fixing this broken world through a twisted sense of justice. His actions will drastically alter the destiny of the North City citizens. This new world of gangsters is full of manipulation, deception, lust, and passion. The ultimate power struggle is about to begin. The Hand of God is here.

  Five Days Notice


  The global economy has collapsed, and the third world war has left the planet a dark and deadly place. Having a job is like winning the lottery. It is a rare and cherished thing. Society is split into two classes, the poor and the damned. Only one superstore remains in the city. The seven staff members work long hours for hardly any pay, but they are considered the lucky ones.

  River is in love. He is in love with the woman of his dreams. Only she doesn’t know it. Ariel lights up his dark and lonely world. She is the reason he wakes up every single morning. Her friendship and company give meaning to his existence, but when job cuts are announced his world is turned upside down. The staff is given five days notice. By the end of the week, three members of staff will be fired, but how far is River willing to go to ensure that the love of his life keeps her job?

  With uncertainty and doubt fuelling the fires of fear each member of staff sets out on a dangerous path of deception. The flesh of the weak is the food for the strong. It is a dog eat dog world. Friends become enemies. Lovers become deceivers. You can trust no one. You can rely on no one. You must do what needs to be done to make sure you survive. You must steal, you must betray, and you must kill. Betrayal, deception, and corruption have never looked so sexy.



  A deadly evolution of the flu virus has changed the world. The dead don’t stay dead. The zombie apocalypse is here, but within the shadows of the decaying walkers are a new type of zombie. It is a zombie with a fully functioning mind. It is a zombie that retains its personality, memories, and thoughts. Bishop was bitten two hours into the mass outbreak, but he was soon reborn. He returned as one of the talking dead. The recruitment manager is now a one man killing machine as he sets out on a journey of hate and revenge. The hunt for his adulterous wife is on. Natasha will go to any lengths to survive, as this epic adventure of blood, gore and guts get personal.




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