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Paranormal Erotica

Page 11

by Various

  I started to reach for the silk knotted around his throat, wanting to even the playing field, but then he was naked, too, and I gasped as he stepped back enough to show me what I’d got myself into. He was gorgeous. His body was a little pale, but toned and handsome, and his cock stood out proudly, drawing my attention. The pink and dusky rose phallus pulsed gently, and he reached down and stroked it once. Showing himself off to me, I thought.

  I smiled and reached up for him, and he came into my arms, kissing me once more before allowing his lips to travel lower along my body. I whimpered and shuddered under his touch, warmth flooding every part of me as I arched into his hands, silently begging for more. I cried out when his lips, which had moved sweetly over my neck and collarbone, finally closed on my nipple.

  His answering groan only stoked me further as he bit gently at my nipple and rolled the other between his fingers. When he suckled, first softly and then with more force, I rolled my hips upwards, wordlessly begging for more as I made desperate sounds of pleasure. He grinned at me as he looked up into my face, then bent over my other nipple to repeat the pleasant torture.

  ‘Franklin!’ I cried. I couldn’t take another second – the intense pleasure of his lips on my breasts was flooding me. My fingers flew to my clit and I touched the tiny peak to send myself over the edge, spinning my mind out of control as the pent-up pleasure finally surged through me.

  When I opened my eyes again, he was staring in awe. ‘That was marvellous,’ he said. He shifted so that he was kneeling between my legs, reached for me and spread my labia wide with his strong fingers. ‘Show me where.’

  ‘Here.’ My fingers circled my clit slowly, and his eyes gleamed as he watched.

  ‘I want to try something,’ he murmured, then he bent over me and his lips closed on my clit, and I let out a sob of pleasure as he overwhelmed my senses. His mouth eased up on the sensitive nub and he shifted, lapping at my slit as I dug my fingers into his hair with a sigh.

  His tongue plunged deep into my hot core, and I lifted my hips to give him better access, my body trembling as he laved me. When he turned his attentions back to my swollen clit, I was already gasping with pleasure and ready for so much more. But this time I was prepared for him. He latched onto my clit, sucking hard, his tongue teasing over me in a way that normally would have sent me over the edge in moments, but I clung desperately to that sharp edge of pleasure, letting it wash over and through me without allowing myself – quite – to drown in it.

  He took to the challenge, redoubling his assault, but I continued to hold back my orgasm until he slid two thick digits into my clenching pussy. I was lost the moment he penetrated me, and my body squeezed fiercely around him as I let the pleasure wash me away. He continued fucking me with his mouth and hand, forcing me to ride the wave, and I sobbed and begged beneath the onslaught as he maintained my orgasm with eager ministrations.

  When he finally eased away, I was limp with pleasure and gasping for breath, and he stood over me, smiling at the devastation he’d wrought. I let myself stay open for him, splayed and exposed, and his hand found its way to his cock as if I had placed it there with my mind. He stroked himself as he looked down at me, his hand making the slow, constant journey up his thick shaft to tease across the crown and back down again.

  We stayed that way for several moments, content to examine one another, but I smiled as a thought occurred to me. ‘You know, women can do that trick, too.’

  ‘Hmm?’ he responded, but I was already moving, settling on my knees in front of him and sucking the tip of his cock into my mouth. He swore quietly and moaned, and I purred eagerly as I swallowed more of him. His precome was sweet and salty on my tongue, and his scent was musky and pleasant. I wanted to swallow his entire cock and bury my face in the dark curls between his thighs.

  But it was too large, so I settled for licking my way down the length of it, nipping at the base and then travelling back up the other side before I sucked him deep into my throat again, taking as much of him as I could. He moaned and cupped my face with one hand as my tongue teased the underside of his shaft, and I hummed approval as I felt him pulse in my mouth.

  ‘Jenny, you should stop! I’m going to –’ but he broke off as the pleasure of orgasm hit him. I continued to hum and suck, swallowing his come as if it was a delicacy, as his fingers tensed on my cheek and his entire body vibrated with his pleasure. He gasped as he emptied himself into me, and pulled away as his cock ceased its heavy throb. I smiled again, feeling sly and naughty.

  ‘Dear God, that was incredible.’

  I leaned back into the softness of the couch where he’d laid me, and watched him. His cock continued to bounce gently with the beat of his pulse, and I watched, transfixed. ‘You’re still …’

  ‘Well, this is a dream after all,’ he reminded me. And then he bent over the bed and took me in his arms to show me what he meant. My body opened up to him, my legs spreading wide as the tip of his cock probed at my pussy. He was still hard as stone, silken and hot and as ready for me as I was for him. I gasped and pressed my hips up against him, urging him on. I’d never felt a naked cock against my pussy before, and the sheer heat of him without the barrier made me want to roll over and take him myself; somehow it didn’t seem like I would need to worry about dream STDs or pregnancies.

  He teased me for a little while, rubbing his cock head against me as if ready to press inside, then easing back and letting it slip through my moist folds and over my clit before he poised it for invasion again. The third time he pressed his cock against my opening, I took matters into my own hands – or legs – by raising my hips, locking my legs around his waist and pulling him into me.

  We both groaned and gasped for breath as his cock slid deep inside me, and I rolled my hips and released mews of pleasure as I experienced the sensation of being filled. His cock was large and hot, burning inside me like a coal, stretching me wide and claiming me like a flag planted in foreign soil.

  ‘More! Please!’ I begged, and he kissed me as he obliged, shifting to draw his hips back, then plunging deep within me again. Our tongues danced together as he built a rhythm and sang it to me with the instrument of his body, and I learned the tune and sang it back, teasing his tongue with my teeth and his back with my nails as I used my heels, locked behind his ass, to drive him on.

  I thrust myself against him again and again, racing for the end, but he held back and slowed again, easing out of the kiss to stare down into my face. ‘Beautiful, sweet Jenny. I’ve longed for this since you first called to me, looking so sad and alone in this big house.’

  ‘I’ve needed this for so long,’ I gasped, and it was true. Physical intimacy, passion and desire had been sadly lacking from my life for a long time. ‘Please, don’t stop …’


  His hips ground against mine, finding the perfect spot, and I sobbed my pleasure into his shoulder as I felt my world and my whole body rattle apart again. ‘Yes, God, don’t stop, Franklin. Never stop!’

  My body clenched and tightened beneath him, and I felt him quiver above me, groaning as the pulsing spasms of my pussy milked him dry for the second time.

  This time when he pulled away from me, his impressive cock was easing back into a flaccid state, and I smiled and stroked him gently as he lay down beside me and kissed my face. I enjoyed the warmth of him in my arms, but the mist had started to thicken around us. ‘What’s happening?’

  ‘It’s time for you to go back, my beauty.’

  ‘But how will I see you again?’

  ‘Just light a candle and whisper my name before you sleep. I’ll be here.’

  He kissed me again, and this time his fingers dived to that special place between my legs and were skilled on my sensitive clit. I gasped and spread my legs for him, and he thrust his fingers inside me, grinding against me with his palm until I bucked against his hand.

  I awoke with the orgasm flowing through me, making me shake and cry out in my quiet bedroom, alone. M
y body shone with sweat and my pussy throbbed with the after-effects of having been thoroughly pleasured. I blinked and looked down at the candles, still burning steadily around my bed. I’d have to get more; at this rate, they wouldn’t last long.

  The Best of Both Worlds

  Morgan Honeyman

  ‘I’m done with men.’ Louisa took a long drink of wine.

  ‘I wish I’d a dollar for every time you’ve said that.’ Mona, her friend, smiled in sympathy as she refilled their glasses.

  ‘This time I mean it.’ Louisa shrugged. ‘For now anyway.’

  ‘In that case, now you’ve plenty of free time on your hands, you won’t mind coming with me to an angel workshop.’

  Louisa raised her eyes to the heavens. ‘Not one of your New Age hippy things again?’

  Mona nodded and grinned. ‘Come on, you know you want to.’

  A week later, sitting in a stranger’s house, Louisa closed her eyes and pretended to meditate, her mind already on the bottle of crisp white wine waiting for her back home. She opened her left eye. Everyone seemed deep in contemplation. Maybe they’d already met their guardian angel. Perhaps it was only her who couldn’t see whatever it was she was supposed to be conjuring up in her head. As instructed, she closed her eyes and concentrated on shutting out all everyday thought. Trying to imagine the lake again, Louisa pictured the azure water, the clear blue sky, but no guardian angel appeared. Her mind began to wander. The spreadsheet she was working on at the office popped into her head.

  Taking her by surprise, an amber shimmering cloud came into view. Startled, her eyes flew open. She took a deep breath and, curious about what she had seen, closed them and was pleased to see that the lake and cloud were still there and the amber light moving closer. It formed into a shape and she felt warm breath brush her face. ‘My name is Gabriel,’ the apparition whispered in her ear.

  This time when her eyes shot open they stayed open, and when her friend asked if she’d seen her guardian angel, Louisa shook her head in denial.

  That night, she dreamed that the amber cloud took shape and formed into a man. He was tall, his hair dark and curly and his eyes warm and soulful. ‘I knew you would come back.’ His hot, sweet breath tickled her face as he wrapped his arms around her.

  Laying her head on his brawny chest, Louisa felt like she’d known him for ever. His lips were soft and gentle on the side of her neck. She shivered and her body tingled with a growing sense of arousal. The dream seemed real, his body felt solid pressed against her. As her nipples hardened in response, she felt herself growing wet with need.

  She awoke, startled by the dream’s intensity. Closing her eyes, she tried to get back the feeling of loving that she had felt so briefly. It had disappeared, and for the rest of the night she slept fitfully.

  The next day, Louisa called up Mona and chatted casually, only bringing up the reason for her call towards the end of the conversation. ‘Just wondered if you’d had any more experiences of your guardian angel?’

  ‘No, never gave it another thought.’ Mona replied, in an uninterested voice. ‘You?’

  ‘No, not really,’ she said, ‘just a load of old hokum, if you ask me.’

  ‘Do you want to go out tonight?’

  ‘Can we give it a miss? I’ve been a little queasy all day,’ she lied again, eager to stay in and see if she received a night-time visitor.

  Earlier than usual, Louisa took her time in a bubble bath, put on her sexiest nightdress and sprayed on a little perfume before she climbed into bed. As she closed her eyes, she imagined walking down a garden path towards a lake.

  The mystical apparition from the previous night was sitting waiting on a carved rosewood bench. She looked over him as he stood. Gabriel was dressed in white trousers, his chest naked, and she caught sight of his startling white wings furled up against his back.

  He held out his hand and she took it, delighting in the warm, romantic feeling she got from just touching him. ‘Let’s go for a picnic,’ he said.

  They sat down in a glade of spring flowers whose colours and smells surrounded them, and Gabriel opened the picnic basket. All her favourite foods were inside. As she lay in his arms, he fed her chicken, champagne, strawberries, titbits of all things that tasted good. Afterwards, content, she dreamed she fell asleep in his arms, the faint touch of his lips on her forehead.

  For the next five nights, Louisa spent her sleeping hours in a romantic dream and during the day felt on top of the world. Her colleagues began to comment on the glow on her face. On the sixth night she and Gabriel lay under a moonlit sky. He kissed her neck and worked his way to her lips. At first the kiss was tender but quickly turned to a feverish passion. His hand stroked her inner thigh and Louisa shivered in anticipation. Her legs parted in invitation, wanting desperately to feel his fingers enter her. Then his hand was gone and he was looking down, smiling at her.

  ‘It is too soon and you are too precious to rush this thing that has grown between us. I have waited a long time for you. I can wait a little longer.’

  Louisa watched as he packed the picnic basket. She desperately wanted to call him over and beg him to take her. Her body tingled with desire and her pussy throbbed with need. Just as she’d decided to throw caution to the wind and opened her mouth to speak to him, she awoke with a start. She reached into her bedside drawer and pulled out her vibrator. She was frustrated and horny. She hesitated. What if Gabriel could see her? What if he didn’t like what she was doing? She laughed out loud at the ridiculous thoughts but she returned the vibrator to the drawer, just in case.

  Next day, as she got in from work, the phone rang. ‘Please come out tonight,’ Mona begged, ‘I haven’t seen you since the workshop.’

  ‘OK, just for a couple of drinks.’

  * * *

  Tired and the worse for wear, she stumbled to bed in the early hours and, when she finally managed to get her clothes off, fell into a deep, troubled sleep. The next morning her tongue felt as if it was coated in carpet and her head banged like well-worn bongo drums. Louisa could remember no dream, no magical time with Gabriel. She cursed and could only hope that he would be there when she climbed into bed that night.

  She went to bed early, eager to see her dream man again. Closing her eyes she imagined walking down the path towards the lake. The sky, usually clear and indigo blue, was cloudy and in the distance a storm threatened. ‘Gabriel,’ she called, running down the path, eager to see him after missing him the night before, hoping that she could convince him that tonight was the night they should make love.

  She came to a standstill in front of a bowed, hooded figure. ‘Gabriel.’ Her voice was soft. Something about the hunched shoulders made her tremble, but this time not with arousal.

  The eyes that looked up were not the gentle, caring eyes of Gabriel. The eyes that met her gaze were dark, menacing, sensual, dangerous. She shivered.

  ‘Gabriel isn’t here. I’ve come to meet you instead. My name’s Raphael and I’ve brought us a picnic.’ Taking her hand, he guided her down to the side of a brook and laid her down on a wolfskin throw.

  ‘Why isn’t Gabriel here to meet me?’ She felt threatened, afraid. Aroused.

  His lips twitched into a grin. ‘He’s tied up with something more pressing. Relax, I’ve some tasty food for you to try and get you in the mood.’

  ‘In the mood for what?’

  His answer was a smile, while his hooded eyes raked over her body and left her feeling naked, violated and wet with need. He fed her oysters, asparagus tips, fresh figs, slithers of rich pastries filled with chocolate, nuts and cream.

  ‘No more.’ She put up her hand in protest.

  ‘Just a little more.’ He took a drink from a bottle and pressed his lips to her mouth. The green liquid was strong, sticky, as it slipped down her throat, escaped from her lips and trickled down her chin. Her head began to spin. She lay back and jumped with surprise as his lips trailed down her neck, teasing and rousing dormant passions to life. His
hand both scorched and soothed her skin as it travelled up her bare arm before pulling open the wispy garment she always wore in her nightly adventures. She stifled a moan as his tongue flicked out to tease her nipple. ‘I don’t think …’ Her words ceased as his mouth encased her hardened bud and he sucked hard, bringing pleasure and pain in equal measure.

  Louisa’s body involuntarily arched towards him. She felt helpless as his hand grazed her hip before moving to the top of her thighs, where the heel of his hand rested on her lace panties. With steady pressure, he began teasing wave after wave of pleasure from her body. Louisa wanted to push his hand away, slap his face, escape as fast as she could. Instead she lay there and trembled, biting her lip so he wouldn’t hear her moans of pleasure.

  ‘I need to go now,’ she managed to say, her head a fuzzy mess and her body crying out to be thoroughly fucked.

  ‘Not yet, not until I’ve kissed you.’

  She felt bereft as his hand left her body and cupped her face. His tongue traced her lips before a full, sensual mouth pressed against hers. She felt lost as he ravaged her with his tongue. Whereas Gabriel’s kisses had been tender, sometimes needy, Raphael’s were savage and passionate. His hand returned to her moist pussy and he leisurely brought her to climax as he sucked on her nipple.

  She sat up in bed, her body shaking from the intensity of the orgasm, her forehead covered in perspiration. ‘Oh, my God,’ she called out to the empty room. ‘What the hell …’

  Looking at the clock, she switched off the alarm, then picked up her phone and dialled into work. ‘It’s Louisa, I’m sick and won’t be in today.’ She turned off the light, snuggled down and closed her eyes. Within minutes she was back in her dreamscape and calling Raphael’s name.

  ‘I knew you’d return.’ Raphael’s voice held a touch of arrogance and for a moment Louisa hesitated. She could see the outline of his aroused cock under his black garment and it took some effort to tear her eyes away.


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