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Tamer_King of Dinosaurs 3

Page 20

by Michael-Scott Earle

  My fingers pulled at her flimsy garment, and since she only wore a bra and panties, she was naked way before me. Our lips parted, and then my mouth found her neck, shoulders, nipples, stomach, and vagina, but before I could bring her to orgasm, she pushed me away, took my pants off, and then kneeled before me.

  “Tonight I will be your servant,” she whispered before she took me in her mouth. “Since kings rule over duchesses.”

  Then the rest of the night faded into a blur of passion and the beautiful woman’s moans of ecstasy.

  Chapter 12

  Trel’s lips woke me up the next morning. She started by kissing my mouth, then my neck, then my chest, and then her tongue flicked down my naked torso until my body stirred.

  “You are quite virile,” the obsidian-haired woman whispered before she took me in her mouth again.

  “Easy around you,” I sighed as I rested my head on my hands and watched her lips work. The sensations were amazing, and I soon closed my eyes and began to wonder about my crazy twists of luck. Less than eight weeks ago I’d been just a dog catcher in the city of Los Angeles, but now I was… well, fuck. What was I? A dinosaur tamer? A fort builder? A leader of six beautiful women? A trade negotiator? A lover of three women that didn’t seem at all upset about sharing me? My life was pretty crazy, but there were certainties I knew were fact. The most important was that I would do whatever it took to protect and care for my friends and lovers.

  I gestured for Trel to come up from where she sucked on me, and then she turned around so that she could ride me reverse-cowgirl. Once upon a time, her spider legs had scared the shit out of me, but now I thought they were beautiful, just like the rest of her, and I ran my hands down her back and whispered compliments to her until we both climaxed. Then we lay together again for a few minutes kissing until she sighed in my ear.

  “We should probably get to work,” she said.

  “That’s what I normally say,” I said with a laugh.

  “Yeah, but I am trying to be a better leader, like you. I have been thinking about what you said yesterday.”

  “Oh?” I asked.

  “I will try to be nicer,” she said. “It will not hurt me to try.”

  “But you have to let me complain to you in private. Some people are too stupid to breathe. None of the women currently in our tribe, but someday we will have idiots, and I will want to pull my hair out if I can’t explain their stupidity to them.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” I said, and then I reached down to grab my clothes.

  We dressed slowly, exchanged a few more kisses, and then walked out of the new hut. It was early morning, and the sun had just peeked over the mountains, but everyone else was up chatting around the breakfast fire, and Galmine presented a plate full of meat to us.

  “I used the salt,” the rock woman said proudly, and I couldn’t help but moan when I took a bite out of the smoked liver.

  “Tastes great,” I said. “Crazy how much salt matters.”

  “It adds a bunch,” Kacerie said, and I saw that the hair stylist wasn’t eating. Instead, she was using a wide stick to scoop white looking soup out of one clay pot so that she could put it in another.

  “How goes the soap?” I asked, and everyone turned to her.

  “I’m making progress,” Kacerie said without looking up, “but I messed up the last batch. I think it was because I didn’t scrape off the top of the lye and rendered fat and use both those components. Or maybe I need the sludge at the bottom. I’m not sure, but I didn’t get any sort of suds with the last batch, so I’m hoping that refining it a bit more solves the problem. I’m going to pour this lye slowly over the fat when they both get cool, then mix them up and see what happens.”

  “Great,” I said as I took another bite of meat and then reached my hand down to scratch Scoob’s head. The troodon let out a little hoot, and then rubbed his face against my right leg, then I heard a little squawk on my left, and saw Jinx rubbing up against the other side. I gave the little blue dino a pet so he didn’t feel left out, and then I let the day’s tasks file through my brain.

  “Kacerie, you’ll spend the rest of the day working on soap, if you have free time, work on making cordage.”

  “You got it,” she said as she pulled back her long pink hair from her slender neck and shot me a smile.

  “Sheela and Liahpa. You need to keep working on the platforms. Looks like you are about halfway done.”

  “We will be done today,” the blonde woman said with a nod.

  “Great, then you can start working on more spears and bows.”

  “Yes, Victor.” Sheela smiled, but Liahpa raised a finger in the air.

  “I would like to speak with you in private after breakfast.”

  “Okay,” I said, and then I turned to Galmine. “I’m going to dig the trench around the fort with Sonny and Cher, but I’ll have Bob and Hope till the area that you want to be a garden. I need you to put some sticks in the ground at the corners so I know where to dig.”

  “I’ll do it!” Galmine said with a laugh. “I can’t wait to work with the earth again. I will grow us such beautiful food.”

  “Once I’m done with all the digging, you and I will go out on Tom’s back and look for the plants you need.”

  “That sounds like a grand adventure,” Galmine said as she slowly clapped her hands together.

  “Let’s hope not,” I said with a laugh, and then I turned to my right. “Trel, I need you to build the kiln.”

  “I will dig a small trench and also use some of the dirt that you pull up from the trenches outside. I think I will build one first to test my design, and then I will build three more once it works well.”

  “Three?” I asked as I raised my eyebrow.

  “Yeah,” Trel said. “We need to make these plates, bowls, and cups for the salt tribe. Then we need roof shingles for the upgraded versions of our huts. Then we will need paving stones. I also think we need covered areas for work stations.” She gestured to the sky with her claw-like hands and frowned. “Some days it is too hot, and it feels as if the rainy season might be coming. After that, it might get colder. The huts are not big enough to perform much work in, so we will need more roofs.”

  “Don’t forget about the bathtub and toilet,” Kacerie said.

  “Ahh, yes,” Trel said. “We will need to make another trip for the bathtub clay. It is alright though, as soon as I get all four ovens working, we will have the production capacity to create whatever we want. The most important project after the kiln will be the water filters. We have the fine grained sand now, so I will be working on that by the end of the day.”

  “Anything I am forgetting?” I asked, and then my eyes turned to Emerald. It was easy to forget about her since she didn’t speak, but I wanted to make sure that she was included in our planning and felt like she had a place.

  The scaled woman pointed up to the morning sky, shook her head, and then wiggled her fingers as she brought her arms down.

  “It’s going to rain?” I asked, and she nodded.

  “Shit,” I said as I looked up. I really didn’t see any clouds, but rain would change some of our plans, and I realized that we needed Trel’s covered workstations sooner rather than later. “Okay, we’ll do what we can as quickly as we can. We need to make sure that the clay and salt stay dry. Who do you want to help?”

  Emerald turned her white eyes to Trel and then pointed at the obsidian-haired woman.

  “Ha!” Trel cackled as she tapped her fingers together. “I am eager to have an apprentice.”

  “Okay,” I said as I stood. “Everyone has their assignments. We have a full day today, and even more work tomorrow. If you need me, I’ll be controlling the parasaurs while they do the digging.”

  The women all stacked their plates on the ground and then moved in separate directions. Except for Kacerie, who was still slowly stirring the content of her two ceramic pots. Galmine, who was moving to clean the dishes. And Liahpa,
who beckoned for me to walk with her away from the fire.

  “What’s up?” I asked as we moved away a few dozen feet.

  “Uhh, the dawn,” the floating woman said as she glanced up toward her hair.

  “Sorry. I meant: what do you need?”

  “I have been thinking about the day before yesterday,” she said as she crossed her arms over her perfectly spherical breasts.

  “Okay?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “I have more questions about the differences between men and women.”

  “We don’t really have time right now,” I said.

  “No, that is fine,” she pulled her hands from her chest and waved at me apologetically. “Maybe when you take the dinosaurs to get water? You will do that soon, yes?”

  “Yeah,” I said as I tried to think of a way to wiggle out of it. Then I decided that honesty was probably the best answer, and I took a deep breath.

  “Look, Liahpa. I’m fine to talk, but what happened the other day probably can’t happen again.”

  “Oh?” she asked as she tilted her head a bit.

  “Geez,” I said. “Was that what you were going to ask me again? Did you want to see it?”

  “Yes,” she said with a shrug that made it apparent she was shaking a little. “Is there a problem with that?”

  “Yes and no,” I said. “Most men don’t have a problem being touched on their genitals, but then they have to experience sexual relief afterward.”

  “What do you--” she started to say, but then her eyes opened wide and her mouth turned into an “O” shape. “I get it.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “It was fine one time. Well, it’s kind of fine whenever, but it’s also a tease to me.” I stopped talking when I realized what I was about to say. It was the kind of thing that the old Victor, the poor dog catcher from Los Angeles would have never dreamed of saying to a woman. But here I was, about to say something that I once would have thought was completely taboo.

  “I know you have a terrible fear of men, but if you want to play with my penis again, we are going to have to become lovers. I’ll make sure you have a great time and climax a bunch, but I’m not interested in letting you fondle me otherwise.”

  Liahpa’s red eyes opened even wider, and I saw her shoulders start to shake. I almost spit out some sort of apology. I almost tried to give her more logic around my decision. I almost changed my mind. But then I stopped myself. Damn it, I was the leader of this tribe of women. I was already lovers with three of them. I tamed dinosaurs, kicked ass, and built the walls of our camp. I didn’t need to get cock teased by a woman that was unsure of how she felt about men.

  We stared at each other for a few moments, but then her eyes narrowed and she made a single nod before she floated toward where Sheela was working.

  “I do have to get everyone their morning drink,” I laughed to myself as I commanded all the dinos except Jinx and Tom to come to me.

  The crew of Hope, Bob, Sonny, Cher, Nicole, Katie, Scoob, Shag, Fred, Daphne, and Velma quickly fell in a neat line behind me, and I climbed up on Bob’s back. I checked to make sure that the spear was in place, and then I set off toward the gate. The doors were closed, but both Nicole and Katie helped me lift them, and then I posted Tom as the guard.

  It felt good to be on the parasaur’s back again. Tom was fine to ride, but he was a bit slower, and his gait wasn’t quite as smooth. He was like driving a big rig when compared to Bob’s SUV style. Bob was quicker to accelerate, turn, and slow, but there was also something comforting about riding on the back of Tom and knowing that he could plow over pretty much anything in his path.

  As I rode through the early morning air, I turned around to see my group of loyal dinosaurs. I remembered how badass I’d felt when I had first tamed Hope, but now I kind of felt like a demigod. I had a small army of dinos, and even though the troodons weren’t giant apex predators, they were really useful when dealing with man-sized assholes.

  Something told me I’d have to worry about those more than an allosaurus or carno.

  There was nothing unusual at the river, and I set Sonny and Cher back to work on the trench when I returned to the fort. Tom still needed a drink, but he had a saddle now, so I moved Hope and Bob to the area that Galmine was marking with sticks. They got to work plowing the field, and I took Tom and the troodons back to the river.

  The rest of the morning passed easier than I expected. Bob and Hope finished plowing the area Galmine had marked off in less than an hour, so I moved them to the outside perimeter of the fort to help Sonny and Cher dig. Their work was simple and didn’t require a lot of attention, so I considered helping one of the other workgroups. Trel and Emerald were an obvious choice, since Trel needed to build the kiln quickly so she could start work on her water filters, but they were both working beside the inner wall, and I didn’t want to be that far away from the parasaurs. That really only left Sheela and Liahpa as options, and I walked over to where they were working near the outer wall.

  Sheela was grateful for the assistance, but Liahpa’s body was tense while I worked next to her cutting logs and tying cordage around the joints of the platforms. I wondered if I was actually helping them build quicker, but the silver woman’s body soon relaxed more, and we spent the next few hours talking about the various lift ball strategies she had used during her career.

  A bit after midday, the parasaurs finished digging the trench. I had them do a quick pat down around the wall to prevent the slope from eroding easily, and then I surveyed the trench as I rode Bob around the perimeter a few times. It looked pretty damn awesome, and I could easily imagine a group of carnos or allosaurus tumbling into it as they tried to race into our walls. The set up would funnel all the attackers across the land bridge and into our gate, but the trio of trikes there had already proven that they were great at keeping assholes out with their horns.

  Our little camp had turned into a fort, but now it was getting closer to a fortress.

  Storm clouds were actually starting to roll in, so I rode back into the gate, used the trikes to help me close the doors, and then rode the rest of the way to our inner wall. I was surprised to find Kacerie, Emerald, Galmine, and Trel pounding ten-foot tall stakes into the ground at two different locations. As I got closer, I saw that they already had eight posts pushed into the grass. I also realized that they were going to use them to build a shelter over the cooking fires and a shelter over a spot of cleared earth where Trel and Emerald had built what looked like an “L” shaped chimney out of mud. The chimney puffed a bit of light gray smoke, but the women seemed more interested with the shelters than the fire.

  “Hey, Victor!” Trel exclaimed as I rode closer on Bob. “Just who I needed.”

  “I bet you want me to tie the tip beam of your shelters while I sit on Bob’s saddle,” I said with a laugh.

  “Yeah,” she agreed as she handed me a long branch. “Three vertical posts in a rectangle shape. If you can wedge this end to the notch I cut in the center post at the top, I will do the same on the other side.”

  “Got it,” I said as I pulled out my axe from my belt and used the back end to tap the two pieces of wood together. Trel had cut them both perfectly to fit, and it only took two hits to get it snug. She scaled the other pole while Emerald held the base, and together we arranged more roof beams.

  “Emerald, how long before you think the rain will hit?” I asked as I turned away from the dark clouds. The woman raised up two fingers, shrugged, and then three fingers.

  “I hope you mean two or three hours?” I asked, and she nodded.

  “We should be able to get everything up before it starts,” I said. “Who’s idea was this, anyway?”

  Trel pointed to Emerald, and the green-haired woman raised her hand shyly.

  “Great job,” I said. “We’ll need to do something like this for the dinos. We probably won’t have a chance before the rains hit, but at least it is warm outside.”

  Emerald nodded and then used the pyramid-sha
ped step stool- ladder to reach up to the roof and start laying ferns. The higher vertical poles in the center meant that the roof had a peak to let the water run off, and we still had plenty of ferns left over from when we gathered them the day before yesterday.

  Trel and I moved over to the roof Galmine and Kacerie were building over the cooking fire. The pink-haired woman was using another one of our pyramid shaped step stools to get high enough to hit the vertical support beams down, but I was able to get a much better angle on the back of Bob, and I quickly slammed in the rest of the poles. Then Trel and I laid the horizontal roof beams and moved to thread the ferns through the slats. We finished the second structure around the same time that Emerald finished her’s, and then the four of us studied our work for half a minute.

  “It would be better with clay roof tiles,” Trel said, “but the way we put the horizontal beams on the top will allow me to lay tiles later. The ferns should hold for tonight unless we have strong winds.”

  “I have a bit of space to work on the soap,” Kacerie said.

  “There is plenty of room to work with the food,” Galmine said.

  “I think we’ll have to skip finding plants for the garden today, Galmine,” I said as I pointed to the storm. “It is looking a bit--”

  My words were cut off by a sound of thunder tearing through the sky like a giant farting, and a distant spark of light to the east caused the world to flash.

  “--ugly,” I finished.

  “At least we will get fresh rainwater to drink,” Trel said. Then she turned to Emerald. “Could you be a good apprentice and go get the water jugs from inside the main tent? We should dump out the river water and then set each at a corner of our new shelters so they fill up.”

  Emerald smiled at Trel and then walked back through the door. As soon as the green-haired woman’s back was turned, Trel looked at me, winked, and gave me a thumbs up. I raised my hand to stifle a bit of a laugh, and then I stepped over to the smoke puffing chimney that they had both built out of mud.


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