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Gypsy Oracle Cards

Page 5

by M Jacqueline Murray

  •achievements, promotions

  SYMBOLS: This card shows two girls and a boy in a spontaneous dance in a garden. Their youth suggests energy and joyful exuberance. Their clothing colors suggest hope (green), friendship or innocence (white) and love (red). There is a column or monument covered in red roses in the background. Red roses often symbolize love or matters of the heart. The number of figures, three, suggests the perfection of this moment.

  STRAIGHT: This card signals a period of joy and happiness for the inquirer. It assures the inquirer that their wishes will be satisfied and whatever they are hoping for will come to pass. It predicts a favorable time when work, home, relationships or investments bring satisfaction and pleasure. This card suggests that the inquirer will have the strength and resources to successfully achieve their goal or happiness. In the presence of negative or ending cards, this card could indicate that a carefree period is coming to an end.


  LOVE: the effort has paid off, relationship will be joyful, new encounters are born under a lucky star, happiness for the couple

  WORK: celebrate a promotion, success at work, bonus, increase in pay, rewards are at hand for work or school

  HEALTH: take a break, from now on all is resolved, no problems

  ADVICE: Accept with gratitude the gifts of destiny – be they great or small.


  •Above – Past: there has recently been a reason for joyfulness

  •Below – Future: the situation will come to a successful and happy resolution

  •In front – Obstacle: allow yourself to be happy and enjoy

  •Behind: Advice: be grateful and enjoy all you have received or achieved

  REVERSED: This card reversed is simply the opposite, it indicates a real disappointment. It suggests the heart will be restless, there could be a lack of ideas, lack of initiative, lack of peace or the inability to live life to its fullest. It can be a warning that a difficult time is coming when there will be doubt and uncertainty. The times ahead may be sad or there may be disappointments, broken friendships, or financial challenges. When it is a work situation, it could indicate concern; in family relationships, disagreement and lack of harmony. In academic or economic situations, it could indicate anxiety and goals not achieved. Only in the case where this card reversed is associated with an “interruption” card does it signify the end of a “dark” period and coming happiness.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Five of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: Five of Hearts: Joy in the Heart: quick and positive results, engagement, job, family

  DATES: June 15 to 20

  NUMBERS: 83 / 42


  Original Italian title: Lettera, letter

  This is a neutral card signifying communication, news or information that could be either positive or negative.

  •a message, letter, note, email, text message

  •an answer, approval, contract or document

  •a new opportunity or challenge

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a hand holding a letter. We only see the hand, thus the messenger is unknown, however, the hand and clothes suggest that the messenger is male. The representation is impersonal or mysterious. The setting in the background is that of a home, and the letter itself is addressed to someone specific suggesting that the letter will come directly and will have a personal impact.

  STRAIGHT: This card specifically refers to information that comes in written form such as a letter or email. This type of communication could contain a wide variety of messages. It could express feelings, request a meeting, protest something, request an answer, or give an apology or explanation. It is not generic news, it is a document from a specific sender to the recipient. The anonymity of the bearer also indicates that it can either be a missive for the inquirer or from the inquirer and it could be delivered by a postman, courier, family member, friend or an official like a baliff or in an electronic form. What is most important is is the content of this communication so it is essential to consider associated cards for the subject matter and whether or not it will be positive or negative.


  LOVE: communication between friends, lovers, spouses or relatives

  WORK: contract negotiations, mediation or school exams

  HEALTH: medical reports or results, linguistic or psychology sessions

  ADVICE: Be mindful that with information there is often a decision to be made, take time to consider your choices.


  •Above – Past: written communication has recently been received

  •Below – Future: a message or letter will arrive or be sent very soon

  •In front – Obstacle: a document or message is needed to move the situation forward

  •Behind: Advice: consider what communication needs to occur and who must initiate it

  REVERSED: When reversed this card suggests that a letter or document will not come or will be late. It could be a loved one who does not write when they said, a confirmation that doesn’t come, or an invitation not being extended. Reversal does not suggest either bad new or good news – just that it will not arrive as expected. For example, if the inquirer is expecting bad news, it suggests that it wil not come. It also might indicate that the inquirer has failed to reach out and someone is waiting for them to write.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Two of Diamonds

  •Vera Sibilla: Two of Diamonds: Letter: written communication, paper, document

  DATES: April 28 to May 2

  NUMBERS: 58 / 2


  Original Italian title: Gran Signore, great lord

  This is a positive card symbolizing nobility, good will, generosity, strength and reason or a person of privilege or authority.

  •protection, supervision, guidance, advice

  •gentleman, employer, boss

  •nobility, wealth, status

  •educated, responsible, sensitive, passionate

  SYMBOLS: The central figure of this card is an elegantly dressed man. His attire, elaborate hat, long well-groomed hair and mustache all suggest he is a noble man. He is leading a horse and is wearing riding boots and gloves suggesting he has just paused in his ride. He has both a walking stick and a sword, suggesting he is grounded but prepared to defend and protect if necessary. He is looking out from the card, with a benevolent look, suggesting he is attentive to the inquirer.

  STRAIGHT: This card can represent a person, a 20 to 40 year old man, who is successful, noble, well-meaning, kind, polite, not intimidating, and friendly. This person can be trusted to guide, advise and protect. It is a positive card, suggesting a happy moment, feelings of success, achievement and fulfillment. When associated with love cards, it could represent a man who is destined for the inquirer. It could also represent the employer, boss, or other professional important to the inquirer. It can suggest an encounter with this person, a perfect man, ready to give of himself to protect or bring love. It can also represent a situation, one that is right, a positive environment, where the inquirer is surrounded by kindness and good people. The nobility could be one of action, a kind gesture or good intention.


  LOVE: a man you are lucky to have, nice, admired, serious and faithful, can’t help falling in love with a man like this

  WORK: proven professional, prepared, capable, far-sighted, successful, prepared with a special touch

  HEALTH: in good shape, healthy, energetic, can perform at work or sports, vitality

  ADVICE: Avail yourself of another’s strength, generosity and knowledge. Trust their guidance and support.


  •Above – Past: you have had the support of a good person

  •Below – Future: a reliable, strong person will play a role

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to accept love, help, protection, or guidance.

  •Behind: Advice: trust in a good and no
ble person for support and guidance

  REVERSED: When this card appears reversed it suggests a man of poor character; a husband who doesn’t love, a selfish employer, or an irresponsible professional. A fallen man, shameless, without scruples, who is in poor shape either emotionally or physically. This can suggest a man who has been wounded by life. This card warns of deception and danger that could come from a man of undesirable character.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Kind of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: King of Hearts: Great Lord: mature man, sugar daddy, boss, married woman’s husband

  DATES: February 11 to 20

  NUMBERS: 55/ 24


  Original Italian title: Amore, love

  This is a positive card symbolizing love and eroticism.

  •new love is born, happy in love

  •affection, intense feelings, romance, sensuality

  SYMBOLS: The card depicts a chubby reclining angel, Cupid, his bow and quiver of arrows at the ready. There are a pair of white doves above him, flying free, playful and happy, symbolizing a love that has been born and is flying to the highest highs. Both Cupid and the doves have wings, suggesting that love should be given wings and allowed to take flight. At the base of the column where Cupid rests, there are red roses representing the blossoming of love and the scent of sensuality.

  STRAIGHT: This card is a very positive omen for the love life of the inquirer. There are no impediments to love, in fact, Cupid’s arrow will strike and a new love will bloom or love has already been born and will reach new heights. It suggests there is a mutual love, with deep affection, sexual compatibility, and one that will result in joy and happiness. For existing lovers, it is an invitation to awaken your love, strive to improve it and make it better.


  LOVE: stability or recovery of a loving relationship, passionate relationships family happiness, new love

  WORK: good omen for family owned businesses, excellent potential for earnings or investments, the path forward is clear

  HEALTH: good health and happiness, extra energy, nothing can stop the inquirer

  ADVICE: Love and happiness is within your reach, recognize and grab it now.


  •Above – Past: true love has been a significant supporting factor

  •Below – Future: there will be true love or a new love soon

  •In front – Obstacle: recognize love and have a loving attitude

  •Behind: Advice: take time to let love bloom and grow

  REVERSED: This card reversed suggests an end to love or that a love is not mutual. It can suggest volatility, frustration in love and marriage, lost love, falling out of love, lost attraction or a lack of sexual compatibility. It can warn that the other person has nothing to offer, that the inquirer should not expect love, tenderness or affection from them. It can signal a period of loneliness, or sadness. Only when associated with very strong positive cards could it indicate that a loveless period is ending.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Four of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: Four of Hearts: Love: feelings, blind force, expansion of tasks or activity

  DATES: June 9 to 14

  NUMBERS: 84 / 45


  Original Italian title: L’Amante, the lover, masculine

  This card is the male lover card. He is the ideal man, handsome, smart, and sincere.

  •boyfriend, husband, lover

  •devotion, adoration, loyalty

  •acknowledgment of self-worth and inner value

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a handsome well-dressed man playing a stringed instrument. He is wearing a red cape symbolizing the passion burning in his heart. He appears to be serenading someone with heartfelt songs of love. The setting is fairy-tale like; a tranquil courtyard, with flowers growing on the walls which could indicate that the environment around him is familiar and safe.

  STRAIGHT: This card almost always gives a positive response to any question posed about love or a lover. The most common interpretation of this card is a person, a boyfriend, lover, husband, or sweetheart. This man is enchanted; he is in love and devoted. He is the boyfriend every mother wants for her daughter, the ideal husband for every bride. If the inquirer is male, this most likely represents him. However, it can also symbolize falling in love. It is an affirmation that love is near. The Lover promises improvements in love, life, work, health and happiness. When associated with negative cards, this card could suggest there is a rival. Associated with ending, or negative cards it could signify a breakup of a relationship.


  LOVE: the perfect companion, honest, generous, sweet and sincere, long term partner to raise a family

  WORK: a collaborator is capable, helpful, loyal and hardworking, multi-talented, flexible, sensitive and well prepared.

  HEALTH: young doctor, nurse, masseuse or therapist can inspire hope and confidence.

  ADVICE: Seize the moment, love is at hand. Your lover has come calling.


  •Above – Past: a lover from your past is a contributing factor

  •Below – Future: a potential love affair in the future, the right lover will be coming into your life

  •In front – Obstacle: be grateful for this person who adores you

  •Behind: Advice: be optimistic in matters of love, the answer is yes

  REVERSED: This card is not overly negative when reversed. It is usually symbolic of immature love, uncertainty, confusion, doubts and questioning feelings. Only when associated with other negative cards could it indicate a bad person or it could indicate the removal of the beloved from the inquirer’s life.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Jack of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: Jack of Hearts: Male Lover: young man, the inquirer or the inquirer’s lover

  DATES: January 29 to February 13



  Original Italian title: Ammalato, sick

  This is a negative card representing suffering or discomfort that could be either physical or emotional.

  •illness, weakened state, disease

  •inability to cope with a situation, burdened

  •unpleasant changes

  SYMBOLS: This card depicts a man, physically worn down and in bed. He is alone in the room, but there is a steaming cup and medicine on the nightstand. The solitude symbolizes the need to work through the disease alone. The medicine and remedy at hand is evidence that support and comfort is nearby and suggests that he will recover after a period of convalescence.

  STRAIGHT: This card suggests that there is something “sick” resulting in suffering and requiring some time to pass before recovery can occur. The card refers to malady and not disease, thus it is about the state not the cause. The malady could be a physical ailment but more likely it refers to a situation. The “sickness” could be a flawed relationship due to bad behavior on the part of the inquirer or the other party. In love relationships, the malady could be due to a relationship being shallow, physical only, and not healthy. The situation could be communication that is flawed (rambling, misleading, confusing). The malady could also be loneliness, and the suffering of isolation or confinement.


  LOVE: heartbreak, jealousy, envy, betrayal, injustice in love, suffering

  WORK: slow progress, incomplete projects, confusion, turbulent relationships

  HEALTH: sickness, disease, do not ignore symptoms, seek professional help

  ADVICE: Take a break, a step back, and tend to the problem so healing can occur.


  •Above – Past: there has been a period of suffering or confinement that has taken place

  •Below – Future: a period of suffering is approaching

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to endure, fight off the disease, find a remedy

  •Behind: Advice: look for the cause for the malady in order
to treat it.

  REVERSED: This card is positive when reversed. This card takes on the meaning of “healing”. It suggests the end of a period of confusion, sickness, hindrance. In the case of relationships, the two parties have come to their senses and resolved their issues which could be a misunderstanding, conflict, or other obstacle. If the inquiry is about physical ailments, this card suggests the end of a period of convalescence or the end of the reason for the malady.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Four of Spades

  •Vera Sibilla: Four of Spades : Sick Man: sickness, loneliness, solitude, unemployment

  DATES: July 9 to 14

  NUMBERS: 90 / 26


  Original Italian title: Malinconia, melancholy

  This card represents sadness, resignation and suffering with dignity.

  •dwelling on mistakes, disappointments

  •abandonment, depression, upset, grief

  •anguish, anxiety, regrets

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a solitary woman sitting on a bench. She looks thoughtful, her posture slouched over as if the weight of her thoughts is upon her. Behind her there is an almost bare tree, its leaves falling to the ground. The leaves signify hopes. Those fallen representing those that are lost, vulnerable to being swept away by winds and lost forever. Those still clinging to the branches, the last remaining hopes, are few and vulnerable. The woman is wearing a shawl which symbolizes her memories that she is wrapped up in.

  STRAIGHT: This card refers to a state of being, one of sadness, heartache or loneliness. It suggests that the situation is one that is preoccupying the thoughts of the person at the center of the inquiry and as a result they are stuck, unable to move forward, or avoiding social interaction. It could be due to regrets, past mistakes, loss of a loved one, financial stresses or other great disappointment. This card is not overly negative because, whatever the situation, it implores the inquirer to gather their energies and move past it.


  LOVE: regret, resignation, sacrifice, trying to find strength to start again after separation


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