Gypsy Oracle Cards

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Gypsy Oracle Cards Page 7

by M Jacqueline Murray


  LOVE: risky relationships or behavior, lack of respect, delusions about the situation

  WORK: colleagues are not serious or supportive, situation is degrading

  HEALTH: it is a particularly difficult time that is obvious to others, mental defects or delusions

  ADVICE: Be aware that, with exuberance, reckless choices or errors in judgment are possible.


  •Above – Past: previous reckless behavior may have had consequences

  •Below – Future: a gathering or period of risky behavior is possible

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to avoid delusions, resist being drawn into risky behavior

  •Behind: Advice: do not be reckless or errors in judgment could result

  REVERSED: This card reversed suggests a behavior that leads nowhere or significant errors in judgment. It also suggests a state of confusion. It warns that there will be difficulties and defeat due to unwise behavior, useless action, counterproductive discussions, or incompetence. The advice of this card revered is to assess actions and behaviors to determine the underlying cause and to adjust in order to avoid a negative outcome.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Nine of Diamonds

  •Vera Sibilla: Nine of Diamonds: Madmen: setbacks, irregularity, inconsistency, false point of view, bad influence

  DATES: September 8 to 14

  NUMBERS: 85 / 43


  Original Italian title: Sacerdote, priest

  This is a thematic card symbolizing values, sacredness, and justice.

  •spirituality, morality, beliefs

  •ecclesiastic person, confessor

  •legal opinions, regulations, decisions

  SYMBOLS: The central figure of this card is a young priest. The priest represents someone sacred, representing God and the laws of the church or society. He is someone who preaches about what is good or evil, right or wrong, just or unjust. The figure is well dressed suggesting that he is privileged which could symbolize the duality of what is being preached versus the actions of the person preaching. The priest appears to be reading from his breviary, suggesting that what he preaches is not coming from him. The church in the background emphasizes the sacred while the clock tower is a reminder of the passing of time who’s only master is God or fate.

  STRAIGHT: This is a neutral card that symbolizes the presence of the sacred, that there is a higher power and there are universal laws defining what is good versus what is evil. This card can be a suggestion to examine one’s conscience and reminds of personal responsibility for thoughts and actions. This card is a reminder that there is more to life than the physical of this world. As a thematic card, it can suggest that there are pressing legal matters that require attention. Rarely does this card refer to a specific person, however, if other cards lead to this interpretation, the youth and inexperience of the one preaching may be the message that this card is conveying.


  LOVE: a legal opinion will be needed to proceed with separation or inheritance

  WORK: difficulties are coming possibly due to “sins” of the inquirer, judgment, legal issues are looming

  HEALTH: poor medical reports, possible serious illness necessitating calling the priest

  ADVICE: Make an honest assessment of recent actions and thoughts. Choose the right, moral or just option.


  •Above – Past: you will be judged based on past actions

  •Below – Future: judgment or spiritual guidance will be needed

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to choose the just or right path

  •Behind: Advice: act responsibly lest you be judged harshly

  REVERSED: When this card is reversed, the interpretation is more straightforward. It suggests loss of morality, injustice, prejudice, and errors in judgment. It can also suggest the presence of an immoral or treacherous individual. When associated with cards showing hazards, it can suggest the occult. For economic situations, this card reversed signifies miscalculations, squandering of resources, or investment errors. For work situations, it can signal a dissatisfied boss, poor judgment or being judged. It is a warning against a wild and immoral life, spiritual confusion, vengeance, lack of forgiveness or other “evils’.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: King of Spades

  •Vera Sibilla: Priest: authority, law, emotional coldness, emotional unavailability

  DATES: March 14 to 20

  NUMBERS: 74 / 40


  Original Italian title: Prigione, prison

  This card is a negative theme card symbolizing mental or physical confinement.

  •difficulty moving on

  •shame, guilt, self-punishment

  •a period of anxiety, regret, remorse

  •exile, loneliness

  SYMBOLS: A prison is a place of punishment, despair, loneliness and confinement. This card shows a man in chains in a prison, alone and cut off from the world, behind bars. He is well dressed, holding his head in his hands, perhaps feeling remorse or regret. In the lower right corner there is a pitcher, symbolizing what is needed to survive the confinement, loneliness and solitude.

  STRAIGHT: This card most commonly symbolizes something locked, closed or the inability to break free. This could be related to actual punishment or justice but more likely it is related to spiritual or emotional conditions. This card can symbolize taking time to think and meditate on mistakes. This confinement could be self-imposed so it could indicate there is an inability to move forward, either through stubbornness or being imprisoned by a person or a situation. This card suggests that the condition or circumstances are not permanent, it is a temporary state that once the sentence is over, the person will be free.


  LOVE: closure, tears and sadness, solitude suggesting end of a relationship or grave misunderstandings

  WORK: difficult times, creative blocks, economic constraints

  HEALTH: unfavorable clinical results, concern is warranted

  ADVICE: Take responsibility and acknowledge your wrongdoings; this will set you free.


  •Above – Past: there has been a time of loneliness, punishment or confinement

  •Below – Future: there will be a difficult period of feeling trapped or restrained

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to move past the situation when the time comes

  •Behind: Advice: take responsibility for your actions

  REVERSED: When reversed, this card suggests that the term of punishment has ended. It can still be a negative situation, but the inquirer has been released from some confining circumstance or situation. Closed mindedness, prejudice, negative thoughts, regrets and remorse are all possible restraints that could be lifted when this card appears reversed. It’s most positive interpretation is being freed from a negative situation.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Nine of Spades

  •Vera Sibilla: Nine of Spades: Prison: blockage, obligation, pregnancy

  DATES: November 8 to 14

  NUMBERS: 70 / 14


  Original Italian title: La Riunione, the reunion

  This card represents a meeting; a positive encounter that results in a new beginning.

  •appointment, invitation to meet, business meeting

  •clarification, resolution

  •a fresh start, satisfactory solution for all parties

  SYMBOLS: This card shows an elegantly attired man and woman. The woman appears to be a bit shy, but the scene is tender and couple’s closeness implies a relationship of some intimacy. The man appears to be a gentleman as he holds her extended hand in a respectful manner. His attentiveness and demeanor suggest he is courting the woman. The backdrop is a forest which is a symbol of a reserved or private place and it is significant that this meeting takes place in such a setting. The surr
ounding forest is very green symbolizing hope.

  STRAIGHT: This card indicates an encounter or meeting will take place that results in clarification, resolution or a fresh start. This meeting could be between lovers, separated either by a break in communication or an actual breakup. This card is a very positive omen for reconciliation between lovers separated for whatever reason and confirms the return of the beloved. It can represent a meeting between friends or family members that “clears the air” and where conflicts or differences are resolved. It could also represent a business meeting to resolve a conflict, begin a new project or resume a partnership. It can indicate that an invitation to such a meeting is possible or that there is something important that will need to be discussed in order to move forward. This is almost always a positive card, especially if associated with love, hope or money cards or with cards indicating progress or movement.


  LOVE: resolution is needed, misunderstandings give way to new understanding, love and passion returns

  WORK: interview for a new job, meetings with company leaders that results in success

  HEALTH: seek professional counseling to resolve inner conflict, consultation between health care professionals

  ADVICE: Reconnect with others to achieve reconciliation and success.


  •Above – Past: a recent reunion or meeting has brought people together

  •Below – Future: a meeting with the potential for resolution or reconciliation will occur

  •In front – Obstacle: there are misunderstandings that need to be discussed in order to move forward

  •Behind: Advice: look for an opportunity to reconnect with others and success will come, make a fresh start

  REVERSED: When reversed, this card suggests a missed or postponed appointment or meeting or one that the inquirer has been avoiding. For business situations, reversed, this card suggests a failure to resolve a situation or an important meeting that will not take place. It can also warn that there will be no explanation or that reconciliation will not happen. It can suggest that there is an impediment to travel, especially if associated with “Journey” or other movement cards. When associated with cards suggesting danger or hazard, it could mean a meeting will go poorly.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Eight of Clubs

  •Vera Sibilla: Eight of Clubs: Gathering: meeting, date, reconciliation, getting back together, progress, healing, improvement, two or more of something

  DATES: August 2 to 7

  NUMBERS: 60 / 4


  Original Italian title: Stanza, room

  This neutral card represents a private tranquil place or state of being, where one can gather their thoughts or meet with someone in an intimate setting.

  •intimacy, privacy

  •receiving guests, being welcomed by others

  •need to retreat or reflect

  •waiting for something to happen, someone to arrive

  SYMBOLS: The card pictures a nicely decorated room. The room looks like it is in a home suggesting that it is a private space. The color suggests it is a warm and tranquil space. There is no one in the room but the empty chair symbolizes anticipation or waiting for someone to arrive to occupy it. The windows of the room are closed, blocking out whatever is outside, perhaps isolating those who occupy the room and keeping them from understanding or seeing what’s going on around them.

  STRAIGHT: This card describes an atmosphere that is tranquil and orderly. Everything is in its place but there is a feeling that something or someone is missing from the picture. It can suggest there is a need to retreat and reflect in order to make sense of a situation. This card can also suggest a need for confidential talks, intimate encounters or private meetings. The associated cards can bring understanding to what needs clarification or what the inquirer should be thinking about doing. With regards to love relationships, it can suggest a need for intimacy, boredom or a need to re-evaluate the relationship. It can also mean that there is a person that should be present, that is, the inquirer is waiting for someone to arrive. “Room” combined with other cards can indicate the type of room, as examples, with: “Journey” a hotel room, “Child” a nursery, “Malady” a hospital room, “Doctor” a consultation room.


  LOVE: intimacy between lovers, love or sex in privacy, serene moments or meetings between family members or friends

  WORK: positive outcomes, proven ability, business conducted in orderly manner

  HEALTH: health is not a problem, high energy and sexual desire

  ADVICE: Take advantage of the serenity of this moment either alone or with someone special.


  •Above – Past: things have been tranquil and serene, there has been time for introspection or intimate encounters

  •Below – Future: there will be privacy for either confidential meetings or personal refection

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to reflect on what or who is missing from your surroundings

  •Behind: Advice: make the most of the privacy and tranquility of this time and space

  REVERSED: This card reversed signifies a world turned upside down. This can be inner turmoil, confusion or loss of perspective. It can indicate impulsive behavior, not getting ahead of a situation before it gets messy or the inability to get things back on track. It suggests that the situation is complex and tangled, full of obstacles and relationships that are complicated and distorted. It can also refer to a material loss of a home, office or property. When associated with “Wedding” or other love cards, it could indicate betrayal, deception, lack of love, or disorder in the relationship. If the inquiry pertains to work or business, this card reversed suggests a negative response or outcome, false hope, or contrary conditions.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Ace of Diamonds

  •Vera Sibilla: Ace of Diamonds: Intimacy, private sphere, private communication, communication of secrets, economic success and improvement.

  DATES: April 21 to 27



  Original Italian title: Letterato, man of letters

  This card symbolizes an older, knowledgeable person.

  •expert, connoisseur, wise councilor, professor

  •guidance, wisdom, experience, intellect

  SYMBOLS: The central figure of this card is an older man, sitting in an armchair reading a large book. The surroundings include a table and a large bookcase, suggesting the room is a library or study. His age and the setting combined suggest he has wisdom and experience. He appears to be intently reading, concentrating on the subject matter, studying, or analyzing suggesting he is a scholar or highly educated person who is not easily distracted.

  STRAIGHT: This card usually represents a person, a well-educated, trusted advisor. This is a person of culture, knowledge and status. This is also a person that can be trusted, not only for their knowledge and wise council but also their discretion. This person knows the facts, is well informed or is the friend who can get to the heart of the matter. This person is generally calm, sensitive, serious and understands the value of silence rather than talking too much. They are one who uses their strength of reason rather than physical strength.


  LOVE: there may be a crisis in a relationship, a wise person will provide council to restore harmony

  WORK: a solution will be found through wisdom and knowledge, help could come from a scholar or from within

  HEALTH: worry will end, problems will be identified and solved with accurate diagnosis

  ADVICE: Use logic and reason to solve the problem at hand.


  •Above – Past: a person with wisdom and experience has provided valuable guidance

  •Below – Future: there will be someone with relevant knowledge and experience who can provide guidance

  •In front – Obstacle: resolution
will require the inquirer to seek wisdom and knowledge from a trusted advisor

  •Behind: Advice: seek guidance from a trusted source or make decisions using knowledge and wisdom

  REVERSED: When reversed this card indicates a lack of preparation, lack of study, or the failure of an examination or application. It can also represent lack of consideration in ordinary activities, nonsense, or illogical, uncivilized, rude, or arrogant behavior. In work or career situations, this card reversed indicates a lack of training or preparation in order to achieve success. If this card reversed is associated with negative cards, the lack of knowledge, skills or wisdom is likely the cause of the negative outcome.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Seven of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: Seven of Hearts: Artist: intellectual, educated person, artist, attorney, contract, good news

  DATES: September 28 to October 2

  NUMBERS: 67 / 10


  Original Italian title: Donna di Servizio, woman of service

  This is a positive card representing a female person, generous by nature, who provides support and service.

  •professional, faithful, respectful

  •household staff, secretaries, support staff

  •caring, sweet, sensible, modest

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a woman, dressed as a maid, serving drinks on a tray. The maid symbolizes a caregiver, a person of trust who takes care of daily routines and needs. The setting is domestic, symbolizing that the service is provided in a friendly, comfortable environment.

  STRAIGHT: This card is positive in that it suggests the presence of someone who is loyal, respectful and will provide help and service or collaboration. It also suggests that the service is provided in a friendly, hospitable way that makes the recipient very comfortable. The card indicates that there is someone close by who is or will continue to take care of the inquirer. This card also warns that this service is provided for compensation, and that the inquirer should be cautious to surround themselves with people who are true and sincere.


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