Gypsy Oracle Cards

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Gypsy Oracle Cards Page 8

by M Jacqueline Murray


  LOVE: the presence of an honest reliable comforting woman, mother, lover, sister, wife, friend

  WORK: reliable person who does their job well, collaborator, colleague, help to achieve success

  HEALTH: nurse, social worker, devoted to others without personal interest

  ADVICE: Accept help from a trusted person to resolve the situation or achieve your goals.


  •Above – Past: someone has provided support and help to get to this point

  •Below – Future: help will be available, likely from a female person

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to seek out the right help and support

  •Behind: Advice: accept help in order to achieve your goals

  REVERSED: Reversed this card suggests that there is a betrayal of trust or an employee that takes advantage, unproductive or lazy. Instead of providing support and help, this person works against the inquirer. It can also signal that the inquirer is unable or unwilling to accept help or a lack of self-care. This card reversed almost always signals an uncomfortable situation or difficult times because help is not available.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Eight of Diamonds

  •Vera Sibilla: Three of Diamonds: Handmaid: employed woman, gift, everything that is given or granted.

  DATES: May 3 to 8

  NUMBERS: 53 / 21


  Original Italian title: Domestico, servant

  This card represents a male person who provides help and service.

  •receiving help or offering help to others

  •well-mannered, respectful, dutiful, helpful staff


  SYMBOLS: The card shows a man who appears to be a footman, doorman or hotel porter. He is opening the door of a carriage, presumably to assist the occupant within. His posture seems reverent, servile, and typical for a man of service but he does not seem very happy. The man represents those who support us and make everyday life easier.

  STRAIGHT: This card is positive in that it suggests that help is available to the inquirer. However, this card can be interpreted in a number of ways. The first is that help comes from someone who provides service because they are a loyal friend, devoted and caring. This person can be trusted as they come to the aid of the inquirer willingly. Conversely, the person could be helping because it is their job to do so, they do so out of self-interest, for personal gain rather than out of love or loyalty. In some cases this card can represent the work of the inquirer, the services they provide whether paid or not. The associated cards will need to be consulted to determine which of the two interpretations is most likely. When this card is associated with love cards, the inquirer should question whether or not the person is there to help out of love or because they have something to gain from the situation. The same is true for questions regarding work or business. Evaluation of the associated cards will be needed to determine if business associates are there out of devotion and loyalty to the enterprise or for personal gain. If surrounding cards are positive, then the inquirer will receive help and service from a devoted husband, boyfriend, good and loyal servants, a business partner of good moral character, or a faithful friend.


  LOVE: your feelings are not wrong, motives are unclear, a partner may not be supportive

  WORK: do not trust blindly those who work for you, listen more, be clear with contracts and documentation

  HEALTH: get a second opinion on health matters, there may be reason to doubt the service you receive

  ADVICE: Accept help with gratitude while being mindful of the motivations of the one serving.


  •Above – Past: help, support or work is a contributing factor

  •Below – Future: there will be help available, you will need to evaluate motivations

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to accept help with gratitude or to assess a work situation

  •Behind: Advice: be mindful of the motivations of those who serve

  REVERSED: This card reversed is negative in that it suggests that not only will help not arrive, but that there may be an enemy disguised as a friend. It warns of someone who undermines the inquirer’s efforts, a rival in the workplace, or a loved one that is working at crossed purposes. It can also suggest the presence of someone who appears to be helpful but is, in reality, harmful. It warns of the presence of someone two-faced, an unfaithful friend, a dishonest employee, or someone who is disloyal. Associated with love cards, it could indicate the love is false, with no real roots or motivated by greed or convenience. Reversed, this card can also point to the inquirer’s motivations, raising the question of whether or not their heart is in their work.


  •Vera Sibilla: Jack of Clubs: Servant: young man, co-worker, employee, dutiful, helpful

  DATES: November 21 to December 3



  Original Italian title: Sospiri, sighing

  This card represents the emotions, thoughts, worries or anxieties experienced while waiting for an answer or after a negative answer.

  •searching for an answer or solution

  •anticipation, expectation

  •isolation, abandonment, loneliness

  •separated, divorced, widowed

  SYMBOLS: The central figure of this card is a woman sitting by the sea. She is visibly sad and appears to be waiting or thinking serious thoughts. She is dressed in black which represents mourning or sadness. She is holding a card in her hand, perhaps a message from someone special or maybe a ticket for a voyage not taken. On the ground, there is a red rose, symbolizing love, suggesting that matters of the heart are the reason for her sighs. There is a ship in the background which symbolizes arrivals, departures, or news.

  STRAIGHT: This card is considered positive as it represents sentimental thoughts of someone or something. However, these thoughts and feelings can be positive or negative; the anticipation of an arrival or the sadness of a departure. In matters of the heart, this card can represent “sighs of love”, those emotions that swirl when there is uncertainty or waiting for a loved one. This card speaks to the emotional response we have when someone or something has value or is “worth it”. In work or business situations, this card suggests there is an expectation of news or results that will impact the outcome. This card can also represent the thoughts and anxiety of not knowing the answer, when the solution or outcome is unknown. Even when the situation is negative, it is not devastating anxiety, rather, it is thoughts or regrets about how things could have been done for a different outcome. It can also suggest there is a woman who loves and admires the inquirer. This woman could be a wife, lover or secret admirer.


  LOVE: desire for passion and love, worries or anxiety about a relationship

  WORK: doubts about what to do, job is unfulfilling, hard to find a way out of the situation

  HEALTH: impatient for recovery, must not give up hope rather trust in the care being given

  ADVICE: The time will come when you must leave your cares behind and move on.


  •Above – Past: there have been thoughts and feelings about someone or something wished for

  •Below – Future: a time of longing and introspection is ahead

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to know when to move on from this situation

  •Behind: Advice: don’t let your thoughts keep you from action

  REVERSED: Reversed this card indicates the end of a time of waiting for something desired. The “sighs” for something or someone are over. The associated cards are necessary to give clarification. The anxiety may have passed because the desired person has returned, a wish has been granted or dream come true. Conversely, it could mean that there is no hope, that feelings of love are unrequited, or a dream
has vanished. It can also suggest there is discouragement or denial about a situation or refusal to take responsibility for a situation. If the inquirers question is in regard to a female lover, it is possible she no longer “sighs” for them.


  •Vera Sibilla: Six of Spades: Sighs: waiting, expectation, anxiety

  DATES: October 21 to 27

  NUMBERS: 63 / 38


  Original Italian title: Militare, military

  This card represents someone in authority or the attributes of strength, protectiveness, suspicion, or precision.

  •military, officer, young professional

  •on guard against hostility, protection

  •justice, honor, investigation

  SYMBOLS: The central figure on this card is an armed uniformed soldier. He is standing guard in front of a fort with a flag blowing in the wind. The man is young and vital symbolizing masculinity, but also youthful fervor, purity of intention, commitment and dedication. The solider has a defensive and protective posture, indicating he is prepared to do battle if necessary.

  STRAIGHT: The interpretation of this card is influenced by the situation and the associated cards. The most general meaning is that of a person, a soldier, a policeman, or someone in a position of authority. When it is not an individual, it represents the attributes of suspicion, jealousy, mistrust, protectiveness, or defensiveness. It can also signify justice or enforcement of laws. In business situations, this card can be interpreted as a faithful partner, or trustworthy employees. When associated with other positive cards, this card can take on a more positive meaning, one of protection, serious commitment, and practical support. In love, it can be someone who does not have a lot of confidence, is picky, or someone that does not trust easily. If followed by reversed love cards, it suggests that the relationship was not right for one of the parties but “fate” has put things on the correct path.


  LOVE: relationship will need to be defended from outside influences, your lover is serious and protective

  WORK: work concerns, colleagues on the defensive, conflict is possible

  HEALTH: need to be proactive about health, if suspect something should seek professional advice

  ADVICE: When faced with opposition, seek to resolve conflicts before they escalate. Look to those who stand up for you for help.


  •Above – Past: consider the impact discipline, protection or authority has had

  •Below – Future: a person of authority, a protective person, or an attitude of justice or defense will influence the situation

  •In front – Obstacle: be aware of outside forces, evaluate if they are protective or defensive

  •Behind – Advice: allow someone trusted to protect you, resolve conflicts before they escalate

  REVERSED: There are also two distinct interpretations of this card when it appears reversed. The first is a lack of protection, lack of help, friends who are not trustworthy or cannot be counted on. The second is an untrustworthy person, someone who does not provide protection or is jealous, possessive, controlling, confining or restricting. It can also suggest an unjust situation or person that keeps one from moving forward or hinders the development of a relationship. In business, reversed, this card suggests fierce competition or disloyal employees. If associated with the “Thief”, it warns the inquirer that there is someone who will seriously harm the inquirer.


  •Vera Sibilla: Ten of Spades: Soldier, violence, force, people in uniform, aggressive, inhospitable places, secrets

  DATES: November 15 to 20

  NUMBERS: 61 / 7


  Original Italian title: Dispiacere, displeasure

  This card symbolizes sorrow and loss.

  •profound sadness, anguish, pain, grief

  •separation, broken heart

  •serious problems of money or health

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a woman who is clearly in anguish. She is draped over a column at the base of a stairway leading up to a villa. There is a blue scarf draped over her and hiding the head of the figure carved into the column. The color blue symbolizes sadness and the draping symbolizes inconsolability. There is a note or letter at her elbow, suggesting that bad news has come that has thrown this woman into turmoil and despair. There is a large rose bush nearby and a single flower is separated and on the ground nearby which could be a statement that something once alive and vibrant is now permanently separated and dying. In the background is the sea, it is calm and the sky is not ominous symbolizing that the news has come suddenly “out of the blue”.

  STRAIGHT: This is a negative card suggesting serious obstacles or sudden misfortune that bring sadness. What is important to consider with the appearance of this card is the cause of the distress. It may be due to the arrival of bad news but if could be distress due to a wide variety of causes. The associated cards may give clues to the source and severity of the sorrow. If associated with love cards, such as “Wedding”, it could suggest widowhood, divorce or separation. If the associated cards are not particularly negative, the sorrow may be less severe or it is the displeasure or sorrow of someone else that is affecting the inquirer. If the associated cards are negative in nature, the problem maybe more serious, irreversible, even fatal, resulting in inconsolable grief.


  LOVE: grief at loss of a loved one, broken marriage, relationship or engagement, family argument

  WORK: loss of job, bad relationships with colleagues or boss, economic concerns

  HEALTH: serious health concerns for self or a loved one, exhaustion, depression

  ADVICE: Even in times of profound sadness, look for a positive direction to channel your thoughts and energy.


  •Above – Past: a loss or period of sorrow has occurred recently

  •Below – Future: an event could suddenly occur that causes grief for the inquirer

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to move beyond a significant loss or misfortune that has caused great sorrow

  •Behind: Advice: do not give in to despair

  REVERSED: This card reversed in the past or present part of a spread signals that pain, disappointment or sorrow has or will soon come to an end. Due to its emotional nature, this card reversed can also suggest madness or a sense that the “sky is falling”. When “Sorrow” reversed is associated with significant negative cards, it can magnify the sorrow and suggest misfortune, death, or serious economic stress. With negative cards, the seriousness of the sorrow makes it one of the most negative cards in the deck and warns the inquirer of significant challenges on the horizon.


  •Vera Sibilla: Ace of Spades: Sorrow: bad news, sorrow, violence, failure

  DATES: June 21 to 27

  NUMBERS: 64 / 9


  Original Italian title: Consolante Sorpresa, consoling surprise

  This card represents a surprise, unexpected joy or positive event.

  •unexpected money, reward, win, bonus

  •surprise visit, letter, or phone call

  •good news or lucky break, success

  SYMBOLS: The card shows a man who appears to have thrown a small net into a river. Although the man has made the initial effort, by throwing his net into the river, he seems to have caught something unexpected and surprisingly good. The man is not struggling to collect this surprise catch, it comes easily to him and he appears happy and at ease. The pastoral countryside setting also suggests peace and tranquility surrounds him. The green color that is predominant in the card symbolizes hope and rebirth.

  STRAIGHT: This is a positive card that suggests a happy surprise. The positive outcome is a product of something the inquirer has done, although the result is unexpected or better than expected. This card also sugge
sts the realization of a desire, the unexpected fulfillment of something that was hoped for but was not expected to happen. It is always, as the card is captioned, a surprise. The surprise could come in the form of a small win, an exam passed, a new job, written correspondence, a personal encounter, a bonus, money or something recovered that was considered lost. This is a card that brings some unexpected relief to any situation. The associated cards provide an indication of the circumstances surrounding the surprise. This card also suggests a peaceful and successful period where hopes are realized and dreams come true.


  LOVE: a fortuitous encounter or new relationship that is more rewarding than expected

  WORK: a moment of glory, unwittingly received praise or improved image

  HEALTH: surprise recovery, joy of living, no more health concerns

  ADVICE: Be optimistic as things may turn out even better than expected.


  •Above – Past: there has been an unexpected surprise or good luck recently

  •Below – Future: the outcome is likely to be better than expected

  •In front – Obstacle: action still needs to be taken in order to get the best outcome

  •Behind: Advice: go ahead and do it, the outcome will be better than expected

  REVERSED: This is not an overly negative card when reversed but it suggests a hope not realized or a positive event or outcome will be postponed. It doesn’t mean that the outcome of the situation is negative, just that luck isn’t on the inquirer’s side or that they are facing a short period of bad luck. News may arrive late, there may be delays or an outcome will remain uncertain are all possible scenarios when this card appears reversed.


  •Vera Sibilla: Consoling surprise: positive and probably unexpected outcome, good for gambling and lottery, great results for little effort, positive financial card.

  DATES: July 21 to 27

  NUMBERS: 57 / 11


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