Gypsy Oracle Cards

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Gypsy Oracle Cards Page 9

by M Jacqueline Murray


  Original Italian title: L’Amante, the lover, feminine

  This is the female lover card. It represents the ideal lover or woman who is loved or loves.

  •girlfriend, wife, lover, bride

  •devotion, generosity, sensuality

  SYMBOLS: The central figure of this card is a woman who is reading a note. She holds it close and her expression suggests that it is personal in nature. The abundant red roses and red cape symbolize passion and love. She leans on the red cape suggesting her love and passion steadies her. Her expression is relaxed and happy suggesting that the situation is positive and the contents of the note are pleasant.

  STRAIGHT: The most common interpretation of this card is a person. If the inquirer is female, this card represents her, the person who is in love. When this card represents the inquirer, it suggests a positive answer to questions regarding love. It can represent a sweet and charming time for the relationship, suggests mutual love and affection and that the relationship is in a good place. It can also represent the woman that the inquirer loves or any loving, caring female, including a friend, wife, girlfriend, or sister. When associated with other “love” cards, this card may predict an upcoming wedding or engagement. Only when associated with very negative cards can this card suggest an ending, broken engagement, or breakup. This card can indicate that there is a potential rival or other woman if it is associated with cards suggesting deception or mystery. If this card is associated with the “Thief” card, it suggests that the inquirer should be cautious not to be deceived. If associated with the “Doctor” card, it suggests that the inquirer should reflect and possibly seek advice regarding the relationship.


  LOVE: this card is the woman in love, the other cards will reveal what to expect

  WORK: work relationships are harmonious or someone is providing support

  HEALTH: seek advice regarding gynecological problems, unlikely serious concerns, pregnancy

  ADVICE: This is a time to trust your feelings and let go. Holding back could keep you from finding happiness.


  •Above – Past: you have been in a loving relationship

  •Below – Future: the relationship will blossom, a good period for love is on the horizon

  •In front – Obstacle: potential rival love interest, or lover is impeding progress

  •Behind: Advice: move forward confidently, feelings are mutual

  REVERSED: This card reversed suggests unrequited love, disappointment or heartbreak. If the inquiry is whether a love will return, this card reversed suggests it is time to give up and move on. It can also suggest that the person the card represents comes from a broken place, which could be divorce, separation or a negative experience. This card can also represent a rival who is no longer in the picture. If this card is associated with positive cards, it may indicate that there is a chance for a recovery after an affair, breakup or disagreement. If the card is associated with negative cards, it could mean that the love has been lost and is unrecoverable. In work situations, this card reversed can suggest a complicated time when the inquirer may not be getting what she wants professionally and that it may be time to look for a new job.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Queen of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: Female Lover: a young woman, the inquirer, the inquirer’s lover

  DATES: February 4 to 10



  Original Italian title: Ladro, thief

  This card represents a loss or someone who is coming to take what isn’t theirs.

  •sudden unexpected loss

  •someone who cheats, steals or is meddling

  •deception, betrayal, deceit, or damage

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a man sneaking into a house through an open window. He is alone in the room but the house is definitely inhabited as there is a fresh flower in the vase on the table. The open window suggests the occupants have left the house unattended and vulnerable. The thief invades unexpectedly and takes away valuables that belong to someone else.

  STRAIGHT: This is a negative card suggesting sudden or unexpected loss of property, love, time or work. This card warns that superficiality or inattention allows one to fall prey to the ill-intentioned. This card represents the wickedness, bad intentions, misdeeds, and bad thoughts of others that can rob us of our possessions, confidence, good faith or security. This card frequently suggests the presence of dishonest people who will take advantage of the situation when the inquirer’s guard is down. If associated with other negative cards this card can suggest a significant loss, robbery, scam or fraud.


  LOVE: the relationship is not working, one partner maybe living a parallel life, taking advantage, or betraying our trust

  WORK: colleagues make secret agreements, working against or in bad faith, someone taking advantage of situation

  HEALTH: small symptoms shouldn’t be ignored, warning about more serious problems creeping in

  ADVICE: Do not let your guard down or you could lose something important to you.


  •Above – Past: something of value has been taken or lost

  •Below – Future: there is a risk that something of value will be taken or lost

  •In front – Obstacle: others will take advantage if they have the chance

  •Behind: Advice: be vigilant, there are people who could take what is precious

  REVERSED: This card continues to be negative when reversed because even in the presence of interruption or positive cards indicating the event is over, the effect of the dishonest actions, theft, robbery, or fraud has left a mark. If associated with document cards, it can suggest that there has been falsification of documents, or deliberately misleading information. This card always indicates that there has been misplaced confidence and that someone is taking advantage of the situation. Only when associated with very positive cards can the reverse indicate that there has been a narrow escape from the theft.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Ten of Diamonds

  •Vera Sibilla: Thief: Theft, everything that is taken away from us, something is fishy (especially in matters of the heart), economic problems

  DATES: September 15 to 20

  NUMBERS: 68 / 29


  Original Italian title: Pensiero, thought

  This card symbolizes thought, reflection and meditation.

  •contemplation, introversion, reflection, indecision

  •planning, decision making, judgment

  •daydreams, visualization

  SYMBOLS: The card depicts a mature man sitting at a table. His hand at his head suggesting he is deep in thought. He is likely an educated man and a scholar given the scrolled manuscript in one hand and the diploma on the table. On the table is a brazier with burring herbs, a skull and an hourglass. These symbols near him suggest that he is meditating. The burning herbs symbolize higher thoughts and connection to the spiritual. The hourglass is symbolic of time and that there is a set time for this contemplation.

  STRAIGHT: This is a neutral card representing the need for thought, reflection, consideration and to tackle inner struggles. It suggests that the inquirer should take time to think before making any decisions regarding the situation at hand which could be a relationship, an intellectual challenge, an economic situation or a decision or judgment that must be made. This process could be quite difficult as there may be a lot of conflicting information to be analyzed. This card can also represent an idea or insight that comes from taking time for reflection. It can refer to a person who takes time to reflect before rendering a decision or insight. When associated with love cards, this could indicate the consideration of moving from friendship to love and the special thought this situation requires.


  LOVE: need to find a way to resolve the situation, repair a relationship, move a relationship to
the next level

  WORK: new strategy needed to beat competition, careful analysis is needed to identify the right actions to take

  HEALTH: follow doctor’s orders, health is a precious gift, think things through and don’t take risks

  ADVICE: Take the time you need to carefully consider the entire situation before moving forward.


  •Above – Past: something has been on your mind or under careful consideration

  •Below – Future: the time is coming to carefully consider all aspects before making a plan or decision

  •In front – Obstacle: a positive outcome will require contemplation and analysis

  •Behind: Advice: take time to think

  REVERSED: When this card appears reversed it suggests lack of thought, consideration or reflection or a person that acts in a thoughtless, impulsive way. This could suggest that the inquirer has not given a situation or decision enough thought or has given in to desires and passions without thinking through the consequences. This card is a warning to review what you are doing, to stop and think. It can also suggest a troubled mind, worry or anxiety that is not productive.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Six of Diamonds

  •Vera Sibilla: Six of Diamonds: Thought: the thoughts of the inquirer or someone else’s, personality, use of mind, indecision

  DATES: August 27 to 21

  NUMBERS: 72 / 33


  Original Italian title: Belvedere, lookout, viewpoint

  This card symbolizes the sweet expectation of a pleasant event.

  •waiting for someone, a specific event or answers

  •yearning, hoping, wishing, wanderlust

  •arrival of person, news, opportunity

  SYMBOLS: This card shows a woman looking out over a city from a terrace. She he has a dreamy expression and appears to be happily anticipating the arrival of someone or something. The three red roses are symbolic of love and the number three symbolizes perfection.

  STRAIGHT: This is a positive card symbolizing a time of waiting, anticipation or expectation for a person or event to arrive. The inquirer could be waiting for a loved one, wedding, engagement, news, message, a new job. This card suggests there will be a period of time that will need to pass before that which is anticipated will occur. However, this card suggests that once the waiting is over, the outcome will be positive. This type of expectation or waiting can be excruciating so this card can describe the emotions of anxiety, agitation and excitement associated with the wait. Only if the card is associated with negative cards could it suggest that the wait will be fruitless. For example, this card associated with “Letter” reversed could indicate that news or a correspondence that is expected will be delayed, not arrive or be negative.


  LOVE: reconciliation, meetings with loved ones, anticipating the arrival of a new love interest or flirt

  WORK: outcome of job interview will soon be known, news regarding estimates or proposals or payments will arrive soon

  HEALTH: getting in shape will yield results, efforts are rewarded

  ADVICE: Look to the future with confidence, don’t give up hope, something good is coming.


  •Above – Past: there has been a period of waiting for someone or something

  •Below – Future: there will be period of waiting for someone or something to arrive

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to be patient as there will be a time of waiting

  •Behind: Advice: don’t give up hope, anticipate good things are coming

  REVERSED: This card reversed represents waiting unnecessarily, or disillusionment. As this card is an indicator of time, reversed it is a suggestion to stop waiting, that it is pointless or all hope is in vain. It suggests that an event will not occur or a person will not come. This could be that a loved one will not return, a meeting will not take place or there will be a rejection of an application or job. Particularly if it is associated with break or interruption cards, it indicates that the period of waiting has ended.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Three of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: Three of Hearts: Belvedere: arrival, waiting, something is on the way, some anxiety

  DATES: June 3 to 8

  NUMBERS: 76 / 34


  Original Italian title: Imeneo, hymeneal, of or concerning marriage

  This card symbolizes partnership, marriage and commitment.

  •important event, ceremony

  •new responsibilities, contracts, unions

  •loss of independence

  SYMBOLS: This card depicts a wedding scene taking place in front of a domed structure that appears to be a church or temple. A couple exchange rings in the presence of a priest whose miter suggests he is of stature like a bishop or pope. The temple indicates the sacredness or the rite and the priest symbolizes the institutions and rules that are part of the ceremony. The groom is barefoot symbolizing virility and he holds a driving rod, suggesting he will be the one driving the couple.

  STRAIGHT: This is positive card representing partnership, marriage, engagement, responsible love, the materialization of hope or the realization of an agreement or contract. There is an element of authority, law or destiny in the union. This card suggests a pivotal moment, one of decisive change or a significant new beginning or undertaking. In matters of love, it suggests true, sincere, approved and requited love. In other situations, it represents significant meetings or partnerships that are being forged.


  LOVE: marriage, meetings between lovers, friends or family, new loving knowledge or love at first sight

  WORK: business meetings, new professional negotiations, contracts being finalized

  HEALTH: specialist consultation with very positive outcome

  ADVICE: Enter into the marriage or partnership with confidence.


  •Above – Past: a past marriage or partnership is a significant contributing factor

  •Below – Future: there will be a marriage or partnership in the future

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to come to an agreement and accept the new terms or arrangement

  •Behind: Advice: the partnership will be a positive one, beneficial or satisfying

  REVERSED: This card reversed suggests there is something that fate will not unite, an unrequited or impossible love, a canceled wedding or a broken engagement. This card can suggest a love that dies. This card can also suggest that the inquirer is refusing to accept the truth, that a relationship is ill-fated or a partnership or marriage is dissolving. This card can also indicate a clandestine romance, a love story without rhyme or reason or one that leads nowhere.


  •Vera Sibilla: Ace of Clubs: Hymenaeus or Marriage: everything that is legally signed, partnership, marriage, sexuality, wealth, prosperity, conception

  DATES: March 21 to 27

  NUMBERS: 82 / 28


  Original Italian title: Vedovo, widowed

  This card symbolizes a person living with loneliness, sadness, loss or abandonment or the emotional state of mourning.

  •mourning a loss, regrets

  •need to accept a situation as over

  SYMBOLS: This card shows an elegantly dressed man laying a wreath on a grave in a cemetery. He appears to be very sad and mourning the loss of a dear wife from the inscription on the headstone. The man is alone, symbolizing loneliness, solitary anguish and sadness. His elegant attire suggests his reverence, sincerity and continued devotion to the one who has been lost. The setting of a cemetery symbolizes finality, gone forever or a definitive loss.

  STRAIGHT: This is a negative card in that it represents the feelings that come with a significant loss or separation. Whether it is the end of a love affair, loss of a job, a bad deal, the failure of a business, or loss of
a friend or loved one, this card represents the feelings of sadness, loneliness and regret that can be suffocating. This card can represent a widowed person or someone who has not moved past the loss of someone or something. If the question pertains to a relationship, this card suggest that it is over and that the situation is difficult and complicated for the inquirer. This card also warns that one does not always appreciate the full value of something until it is lost. This card symbolizes the feelings of sincere and serious regret. This card also warns of a period of solitude and sadness that will be difficult to overcome.


  LOVE: loneliness, widowhood, ruptured relationships, unable to deal with consequences of partner’s actions

  WORK: loss of job, economic losses, dealing with consequences of actions out of one’s control

  HEALTH: physical or mental suffering, accident

  ADVICE: Acknowledge and accept that the loss is permanent and work to move on rather than dwelling on the past.

  REVERSED: This card is more positive when reversed. If associated with positive cards it can signal the end of a period of solitude and sadness or at worst alternating periods of happiness and sadness. It can indicate that the time for mourning is past and it is now time to move on. When this card appears reversed with negative cards, it takes on a more ominous meaning of a sudden, irreparable, ending. It can be a love that ends abruptly that leads to despair and desperation.


  •Above – Past: there has been a time of sorrow, loss or regret

  •Below – Future: there will be a significant loss in the future

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be to deal with feelings of loss and regret

  •Behind: Advice: accept the loss is permanent and work through feelings to move on

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Three of Spades

  •Vera Sibilla: Three of Spades: Widower: loneliness, the ex, getting away from, loss, widower, bachelor, divorced man


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