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Negotiating for Love

Page 17

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Chapter Nineteen

  A week later, Martina paced the length of her master bathroom, stopping periodically to glance at the small, unopened box on the bathroom vanity. The sight of it produced the same type of fear that a gray-eyed serpent, with a long, slimy tongue would elicit.

  She stopped in front of the sink and swallowed. Her pulse pounded like the bass in a Parliament Funkadelic song on steroids, and she could barely catch her breath.

  She pressed her hand against her chest as if that could stop her heart from beating so fast.

  God, please don’t let me be having a heart attack. And please don’t let me be pregnant.

  I can’t be pregnant.

  You wouldn’t do this to me…

  The doorbell rang, and she debated on whether or not to answer. She was in no condition to have company, not even if it was one of her cousins … especially if it was one of her cousins. Then again, maybe she needed them. One of them. Not all of them. Her nerves were too fragile.

  The doorbell rang again.

  Seconds later she swung the door open, surprised to see Paul standing there with a pizza box.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, but the scent of onions, basil and tomatoes permeated the air and sent her racing to the bathroom. She barely made it to the toilet before her stomach lurched, emptying its contents.

  “Hey. You okay?” Paul asked when he entered the bathroom moments after her.

  Too exhausted to answer, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and slumped against the wall. She watched from the floor as he lifted the home pregnancy box from the vanity and slowly turned to her.

  Oh damn. Why couldn’t it have been Peyton? Toni? Heck, she would have even taken Jada.

  Martina assumed she must have looked pretty bad. Instead of asking the burning question, he flushed the toilet and quickly grabbed a washcloth from the linen cabinet. His calm demeanor was unnerving. Why did he have to be so in control? It might have been better if he were yelling.

  Of course, he wasn’t the yelling type. Maybe that was good, especially since she was. Another reason he was the perfect man for her.

  Paul wet the washcloth and then proceeded to wipe her face and hands as if she were a child. Hell, at the moment, she felt like a child. What the heck was she going to do with a kid? That’s assuming she was pregnant.

  God, please don’t let me be pregnant.

  Concern showed on Paul’s handsome face as he continued tending to her.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked again. “I thought you were going to be in D. C. this weekend.”

  “I was, but you didn’t sound too good when I talked to you last night, and I was worried. Looks like it’s a good thing I came home.”

  He helped her stand, hovering as she brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth.

  “How long have you been like this?”

  “Like what? Feeling like crap or hanging out in this stupid bathroom?”

  “How long have you been feeling like crap?”

  “Off and on for a couple of weeks,” she said just above a whisper, her stomach feeling nauseous. “Maybe a little longer. I’m not sure.”

  Her gaze met his in the mirror, and she waited for the onslaught of questions. Not that she could answer any of them since she wasn’t sure if she was even pregnant.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Tell you what, Paul? That I screwed up and might be pregnant,” she spat, wanting to hate him, but was secretly glad he was there.

  “Yeah, that might’ve worked. At least I would have been here for you.” He turned her to face him. “You’ve been sick all this time and haven’t said anything.” He pushed curls away from her face and rested his hand on her cheek. “Don’t you know how important you are to me? And you might be carrying my child.”

  Yes, she knew how important she was to him. He showed her whether he was in town or not. The man was truly an angel, always looking out for her. When her truck died a few days ago, within a couple of hours, a brand new truck had been delivered.

  It’s an early Christmas present, he had told her.

  Her feelings for him grew stronger and stronger every day they were together, but she wasn’t ready to be his baby’s momma.

  God, please don’t let me be pregnant. I can’t be pregnant.

  She dropped her head to Paul’s hard chest, trying to calm her withering nerves.

  “I guess I should go ahead and take the test. No need to keep us both in suspense,” she said dryly and grabbed the box.

  Paul leaned against the sink and crossed his arms and then his ankles as if hanging out in a small bathroom was the most natural thing in the world to do.

  She looked at him pointedly. “Surely you don’t think I’m going to pee in front of you.”

  He dropped his arms and stood upright. “You’re kidding, right? Baby, I have seen everything you have.” He eased up to her, his hand on her waist as he lowered his lips to her neck. “And I’ve tasted every inch of your enticing body. I even—”

  “Might’ve gotten me pregnant!” She pushed against his shoulder. “So don’t touch me! Get out!”

  His laughter followed him out of the bathroom.

  Minutes later Martina sat on the side of the tub shocked as she stared at the little white stick that showed two fuchsia-colored lines.


  How did this happen? No. She knew, exactly how it happened and was pretty sure she could pinpoint when. What she couldn’t believe is that after being raised by a single mother, with no plans to ever marry and have children, she was pregnant.

  God, I can’t be pregnant, she groaned and dropped her head into her hands.

  Despair lodged in her throat and tears pricked the back of her eyes. All these years she had judged her mother, and here she was in the same predicament. Sure maybe she wasn’t as young as her mother had been, and Martina did have a good job, but still...

  “Martina? Baby, you okay in there?”

  Oh God … I can’t be pregnant.


  Paul knocked again on the bathroom door, worry bouncing around inside of him. When Martina still didn’t answer, he eased the door open.

  From the doorway, his gaze found her huddled in the corner near the tub. His heart lurched. The vulnerability he saw in her eyes stabbed him in the chest. She didn’t have to say a word. Her forlorn expression said it all.

  Without speaking, he scooped her into his arms and held her tight, placing a kiss against her temple. He carried her into the bedroom, concerned that she still hadn’t spoken. He had expected her to at least curse him out.

  Paul never thought he would want to hear her yelling at him, but right now, he would give anything to hear her fussing. About anything.

  She said nothing. No words. No tears. Nothing.

  Instead, she clung to him as if he were a lifeline.

  Paul didn’t know how long he stood near the bed just holding Martina. Eventually, he laid her down and climbed in next to her.

  They laid in silence for what seemed like hours but were probably only a few minutes. He had no idea what she was thinking. Sure he was in love with her and ready for marriage, but this route wasn’t what he had in mind.

  The silence gave him time to think. Suddenly he smiled in the dimness of the room. A thrill of excitement shot through his body.

  We’re having a baby. I’m going to be a father!

  The thought swirled around in his head as his excitement grew. He had waited a long time for this moment, but it had played out very different in his dreams. He imagined he’d be married to Martina of course, but would wait a year before having children.

  Martina stirred next to him, and he pulled her closer, her butt against the front of his body. He placed a kiss near her ear.

  They had a lot to talk about, but for now, he was okay with just holding the mother of his unborn child.

  Martina turned to face him. “What am I going to do? I can’t have a baby.” />
  Paul stiffened. His pulse ratcheted up as he thought about the meaning behind her words.

  No. No way would she…

  He didn’t bother finishing the thought. Paul didn’t even want to think about the alternative, and he knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t thinking about getting rid of their baby. At least, he hoped he knew her, but the worried look on her face sent his pulse racing.

  Martina must have sensed his anxiousness. Her brows dipped into a frown while she studied him as if trying to read his mind.

  “Say something.”

  He let the back of his hand glide slowly down the side of her face. Her skin, flawless and soft, had him wanting to touch her all the time.

  “I’m not sure what to say. When you said you couldn’t have this baby, I—”

  “I might be scared shitless, but I would never terminate a pregnancy if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  The conviction in her voice helped settle him down, and Paul didn’t think his love for her could grow even stronger than it already was.

  “Are you sure the test is correct? We always used protection. So I don’t know how this—”

  “Not always. We didn’t use protection every single time.”

  He tilted his head slightly trying to remember a time when they hadn’t used a condom. His memory suddenly took him back to that first night there at her place. Realization dawned on him recalling their second round of lovemaking.

  By the look in her eyes, he didn’t have to say anything. They were both remembering that night. They’d always been combustible sexually, but that night their lovemaking had gone to a whole different level.

  Martina flipped onto her back, her forearm across her eyes.

  “How did I let this happen?”

  “First of all, you didn’t let this happen.” Paul slid closer, his thigh rubbing against her bare legs. He laid his hand on her stomach still trying to picture her being pregnant and him being a father. “It took both of us. Together we’ll figure out our next steps.”

  He knew what he wanted to do. He was crazy in love with her and had wanted to marry her since the first time he’d seen her walk into the coffee shop in her steel toe boots. Add a baby to the equation and he was floating on cloud nine. Convincing Martina that getting married was the best solution for them wasn’t going to be easy. As a matter of fact, he might have to have a few glasses of liquid courage to prepare himself for the verbal battle he knew was coming.

  “I think the first thing we need to do is get you to a doctor.”

  She released a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, I’ll call Monday for an appointment.”

  “Well, let me know the day and time so I can go with you.”

  She lifted her arm slightly and met his gaze. “That won’t be necessary. Paul, I don’t expect you to stop everything you have going on to accompany me to every appointment. That’s just not realistic. Besides, it’ll cost an arm and a leg for you to travel back and forth like that.”

  Sometimes he thought she forgot that he had money. As a matter of fact, he had more money than he could spend in a lifetime. Getting to and from Cincinnati within a couple of hours wasn’t a problem. His problem was getting it through her thick skull that he wanted to be a part of every aspect of her life, even more if that test she had just taken was correct.

  Paul placed a finger under her chin, forcing her to drop her arm and look at him.

  “Let me explain something to you. I know you don’t want to hear this because you’re ridiculously stubborn, but I love you. Martina Jenkins, I have loved you from the first day we met and despite the time we were a part, that hasn’t changed.”

  She shook her head and tried moving away, but he held her in place.

  “I know. Sometimes I don’t know why you put up with me. Why you love me.” Tears filled her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall. “You are an amazing, good-looking man who can have any woman you want. Why me?”

  Clearly these were hormones talking, Paul thought.

  “Why not you? You’re fun, intelligent, absolutely stunning and give me hell about everything. What’s not to love? You’re perfect for me.”

  She grunted and shook her head.

  “Well, I hope you know you’re going to have to be a stay at home dad because I’m not quitting my job.”

  Paul threw his head back and burst out laughing. Her quick wit and smart mouth were only a couple of reasons why he was madly and passionately in love with this woman.

  Chapter Twenty

  The Friday after her doctor’s appointment, confirming that she was indeed pregnant, Martina walked into the bar and grill where she was meeting her cousins. She and Paul debated on when they would start telling people, but Martina knew she wouldn’t be able to keep something like this from the girls.

  She walked over to their usual booth and slid in next to Peyton.

  “It’s about time you got here,” Toni said from across the table, sitting next to Jada. “Why is it that you and CJ are always the last to arrive?”

  “Why is it that you have to be a mother hen and monitor who comes early or late?”

  “Apparently, Paul isn’t putting it on her as well as I thought he was capable of,” Jada said and sipped from her wine glass, “because if he were, maybe she would have a better disposition.”

  Before she could blurt out the smart remark begging to be released, Sue, the server, came to the table.

  “The usual for you, MJ? Double cheeseburger, smothered fries, onion rings and a beer?”

  Just hearing Sue rattle off her usual order made Martina queasy.

  “No. I’ll have a cheeseburger and some water.” Martina didn’t have to look around the table to know they all were staring at her, even Sue. She hadn’t ordered that small of a meal in all of her adult life.

  But before any of them could speak, Christina rushed in grinning like she had just won a billion dollars.

  “Guess what? I’m engaged!” she screamed, waving her hand in their faces.

  Martina’s head volleyed back and forth, as everyone talked at once. She was super happy for Christina and knew months ago that it was only a matter of time before Luke proposed.

  “He said he was going to wait until next week and propose on Christmas, but I’m glad he didn’t. I had a feeling he was up to something.”

  “Oh my God, CJ,” Jada pulled on Christina’s hand, holding it still. “This looks like it’s from the Ritani Endless Love Collection, and it’s at least five-carats.” Jada went on and on about the uniqueness of the engagement ring.

  Good Lord. This girl is a walking encyclopedia for anything fashion and expensive.

  They talked and laughed for the next few minutes, wedding ideas flowed around the table.

  Peyton bumped Martina in the shoulder. “You okay?” she whispered.

  “I’m fine … just pregnant.”

  It was as if time stood still and all eyes at the table were on her. Martina hadn’t realized she said it loud enough for everyone to hear.


  “Are you serious?”


  They all lobbed question after question at her, and Martina didn’t know who was asking what.

  She lifted her hands. “Stop! First of all, congrats, cuz. I think you and the thug lawyer are perfect for each other.”

  “Martina, quit stalling and start talking!” Toni ground out. “And start at the beginning.”

  Martina didn’t know where to start and said the first thing that came to mind. “In the beginning, God created—”

  “So help me if you don’t quit playin’ and start talking, we are going to hurt you.” Christina pounded on the table and slid into the booth beside Martina. “Talk!”

  Martina leaned away from Christina and gasped. “You would hurt a pregnant woman? So much for your tree-hugging, save the bees and whales act.”

  Martina laughed at the threatening look on each of their faces. She hadn’t given them a hard time in
a while. Why not make up for lost time?

  “Sometimes I can’t stand you,” Christina grumbled.

  Peyton bumped Martina’s leg. “Stop messing around and tell us.”

  Martina gave them the highlights as they ate, glad to have someone to talk to other than Paul. He was super excited about the baby, and if she were honest with herself, she was getting there. Even at eight weeks, some moments being pregnant still didn’t feel real. Needless to say, she and Paul were surprised to learn how far along she was. She hadn’t known she was pregnant sooner because she had gotten her period, though very light, during the first four weeks. After a thorough examination, the doctor confirmed she and the baby were fine.

  “We could have a double wedding,” Christina said excitedly. “We’re thinking a destination wedding in Fe—”

  “In everything I just told you, did you once hear me say anything about getting married?” Martina shook her head and snatched one of Peyton’s fries. “Just because Paul and I are having a baby, doesn’t mean we have to get married.”

  Martina needed to make sure Paul understood that too before he started getting any ideas.


  A week after Christmas Martina pulled into the garage surprised to see Paul’s SUV. He had flown to California, to see his sister for a couple of days, but wasn’t expected back for another day.

  The moment she walked into the house, the smell of roasted peppers and onions drew her in like a bee to honey. Her mouth watered and her stomach chose that moment to rumble. Her appetite had returned with a vengeance and by the glorious aromas filling the house, she was glad it had.

  “Paul?” she called out when she didn’t find him in the kitchen. She also realized right away that she didn’t hear Charlie. “Where are you?”

  “I’m in here.”

  She made it to the dining room and paused in the doorway. She knew he had skills in the kitchen, but this was the first time that he had gone to the trouble of creating a romantic atmosphere.

  The lights were slightly dimmed and tall, tapered candles graced the center of the table.

  “What’s all this?”

  Paul walked toward her and handed her a single red rose before pulling her into his arms.


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