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Wheels of Steel, Book 1

Page 29

by Pepper Pace

  Robin slowly allowed her eyes to close as his repetitive strokes began to create a pulse deep inside of her belly that radiated outward to wrap fingers around her clitoris and to cause her nipples to bead up once more. She felt Jason’s curls on her thighs which broadcast his intent seconds before she felt his lips gently kissing her nether lips.

  Robin’s breath came out in a surprised gasp. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She still hurt and wasn’t sure if she wanted him down there where there was just recently so much blood. But then his tongue parted her lips and slipped across her clitoris which instantly elongated as if trying to stretch from its hood only to bury itself into his awaiting mouth. He flicked and twirled his tongue around the bundle of nerve endings; circling it until Robin’s pelvis began to roll against his face. A flush seemed to engulf her as the fire re-ignited within her. It had only needed stoking…

  Jason gently lapped, amazed that her taste and smell could be so intoxicating. He carefully dipped his tongue into her newly opened vagina and collected the nectar that had gathered there. It was the ‘Robin’ taste that was distinctly hers alone; mingled with the coppery taste of her recent injury. He tried to soothe it with his tongue, lapping her gently the way that he imagined a male within the animal kingdom would do for a female that he had just recently ‘claimed’.

  He knew that taking her virginity had hurt her, because breaking her hymen hadn’t been all that easy to do for him as it caused him some pain as well. But she hadn’t made him stop. She had allowed him to finish and for that he had tried to complete the act as quickly as possible. And now it was his pleasure to bring her to climax this way. He worked on her pussy with gently repetitive strokes until the trembling in her body turned into earthquakes. He gripped her thighs and pushed his tongue insistently against her clit until she bucked and wailed. Her hands gripped his head; fingers threading though his hair and gripping him roughly. Her pelvis rolled and rocked and thrust against him. He had no complaints.

  Soon her body jerked and she grunted out her climax through tightly clenched teeth. When she was nothing more than spasaming nerve endings he ended the love kiss and rose to join her at the top of the bed. He gathered her in his arms. They were both out of breath and covered in a sheen of sweat. Robin placed her head on his shoulder and snuggled there in the crook of his neck. There was no need to talk. Jason lightly stroked the skin of her shoulder while she practically turned into liquid within his arms.

  Chapter 28

  Jason stared at nothing as he listened to Robin’s soft breathing as she slept. His stomach felt strange; empty and full at the same time. He’d made love for the first time, and he’d brought Robin pleasure! He was proud and afraid all at the same time; now that he knew that his love for her was so big that it felt almost too big to be contained.

  Then he remembered; I’m not a virgin anymore! He looked at Robin and grinned. Damn, you know it’s all good when you bring so much pleasure to your woman that she falls asleep after cumming! He looked at the ceiling and his mind began to move forward. Beats began to enter his head and he could hear them as if his hands were manipulating the computer controls. He stored the beats in his head; for once he wasn’t interested in making a new beat, he was more happy to hold his sleeping girlfriend.

  They slept until just after five when Robin sat up and looked around in confusion. She grimaced at the soreness between her legs and Jason’s eyes opened and he gave her a sleepy look. He had covered them with the sheet and she held it up against her breast and then dropped it because that was sorta stupid under the circumstances.

  “Hi Sweetheart.” He smiled sleepily and yawned.

  “Hi Top.” She smiled and then looked at his clock. “I gotta get home and get dressed. When are your friends going to get here?” He sat up and placed his hand around her waist.

  “Sometime after six. Link has to get his equipment loaded and they all have to get ready. You don’t have to rush.” He leaned in to kiss her. “We have time if you want to do it again.” She flashed him a look that caused him to back up. “I was just kidding. I’m sure you’re still sore.”

  “Okay, get up. I’m going to take the sheets home with me and get them washed; and the towels too.” She swept herself off the bed and he moved to sit on the edge in disappointment.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ll wash them-”

  “The last thing I want is for your Mom to find stained sheets and towels.”

  He stood up with the help of his crutches. “You’re probably right. I don’t know anything about getting out stains. She’ll be wondering where the blood came from.” He could see his Mom questioning him; berating him on whose blood it was if it wasn’t his. That would just be unpleasant. Robin removed the bedding and then quickly pulled on her underwear.

  He wondered how she felt about nudity. Now that he’d seen her shapely body in all its glory it seemed a sin to cover it with clothes. He’d ask her about it later when she wasn’t so anxious.

  “You’re not still nervous about the party tonight are you?”

  She paused in pulling on her jeans. “A little, I guess.”

  “I’ll be there, and so will my friends. You shouldn’t feel anxious or nervous.”

  “I know. I’ll be okay.”

  He nodded his head. She would have fun and then wouldn’t have to be afraid of college parties after. It was a simple cure for her party anxiety. He understood. He’d been afraid the first time he’d gone to a party. But he was convinced that he would cure her of each of her phobias by having her face them straight on; just like the singing. She had been afraid at first but now she hummed and sang in front of him all of the time.

  He instantly dismissed any concerns that he should have. “Sweetheart, I need to go to the bathroom, want to help me?”

  “Sure honey, go ahead and get started and I’ll be right in.” She was buttoning her sweater and he scowled at her lack of nudity, then went into the bathroom naked. After she helped him clean himself, Jason ran a bath and Robin put fresh sheets on the bed. She peeked at him in the bathtub as she left the bedroom and it’s now freshly made bed. She noted that there wasn’t even enough water in it to cover his legs.

  “Is that enough water?”

  “Yeah. It’s just enough so that I can’t drown in it if I black out.”

  “Oh yeah.” He couldn’t even submerge his head. He used a pitcher that he filled with water to wash his hair. “Do you need help, babe?”

  He could tell that she was anxious to get back to her own place and to do…whatever ex virgins did. “No. I’m fine. When are you going to be back?”

  “I’m going to try to get back by seven but it might be seven thirty.”

  “Okay babe.” She leaned down and gave him a quick peck. He held her in place and gave her a longer, lingering kiss. He looked at her closely. “I’m sorry that I hurt you so bad. But it got better, right?”

  “Yes.” She gave him a half smile. “It got better after; a lot better.” She kissed him again and stood, hurrying to the door. She stopped. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” He responded. It was only the second time that they’d said it, and it made her feel warm and tingly. On the drive home she nearly wrecked when she spaced out thinking about her loss of virginity. She and Jason had made love and she loved someone that loved her back. She felt a goofy smile spread across her face.

  Back at her apartment, Robin took the bedding to the laundry that was in the basement of her building and then she ran a bath filled with soothing, peppermint oil. She took some ibuprofen and soaked in her tub with a mug of hot tea. It helped with the soreness that still throbbed between her thighs as well as the fact that she needed the stress reliever. She was used to seeing Jason’s friends during lunch break. But she wasn’t necessarily expected to interact with them. Now she’d be expected to be social and that was not something she had much practice with.

  She agonized on the way she looked in her black skinny jeans and whether
or not a girl with as much ass as she had should be caught dead in low riders. The shirt hugged her. Her stomach was flat even though she thought of herself as ‘thick’ but it was all about curves. The neckline plunged to showcase the tops of her chocolaty breasts and she wondered if she should add a t-shirt beneath it. In the end she decided to throw caution to the wind.

  She put on make-up; not much, just liner on her upper lids and a bit of eye shadow. It made her narrow grey/green eyes pop. Then she applied a blush of lipstick. She had ankle boots with a nice heel; she normally went for flats but they looked so good with the jeans. After accessorizing she looked into the mirror and liked what she saw; which made her instantly want to change into a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt.

  She sighed. This being painfully shy was just not going to do it! It was not working. Shy people brought more attention to themselves than not. She knew this but it was still hard to find witty, engaging conversation with people that she didn’t know.

  Jason got dressed quickly in black jeans and a black T-shirt with a headshot of Jack Skellington from A Nightmare Before Christmas on the front. He pulled on black Timberlands and stared at his long hair in the bathroom mirror. His lip poked out and he pulled a knit cap over the mess of curls. He had a seizure but had time to lower himself onto the floor and when he woke up he had somehow ended up with his head in the hallway while the rest of his body in the bathroom.

  This was the part that wasn’t all that easy; getting up from the floor and onto his feet. He had to actually move himself into the living room with his hands, scooting until he reached the wheelchair and then he pulled himself up into it. He wheeled back into the bathroom and got his crutches and used them to continue walking.

  Link called while he was messing around with some beats that he had in his head; beats not for the gig tonight, but ones that made him think of the woman that had slept so soundly in his arms after they’d made love for the first time. It wasn’t something that would go on YouTube or be played in public, it was a song for just the two of them. He already had a name for it; Sweetheart in Hamilton County.

  “What’s up? You on your way?”

  “We’re heading out the door.” He ran down a list of vinyl that he was bringing and asked if there was anything else he should include.

  “No it sounds good. I’m just going to have my beats on computer.”

  “Okay, dude, see you in a few.”

  Jason met them at the door a few minutes later. And the three friends just stared at him standing there tall. Amberly burst out laughing and clapped her hands.

  “I told you! He’s just standing up there at the door like he’s been doing it for years.” They all laughed and crowded into the house. Amberly gave him a big hug, careful not to cause him to fall. “So you’ve been keeping up with the walking!”

  “Why haven’t you done it at school?” Patty asked.

  “I’m not strong enough yet. I just do it around here…and, my girlfriend helps me.”

  Everybody got quiet.

  “Your girlfriend?” Link asked. “Is it…your invisible girlfriend?”

  “Yeah.” Patty added. “Does she look like your right palm?”

  “Who…?” Amberly asked, a frown on her face.


  “Your aide?!” Amberly barked. “But you don’t like your aides!”

  “Normally I don’t. But…she’s special.”

  “Well…” Amberly’s face was pinched. “Isn’t she kind of old?”

  Jason chuckled. “She’s 21. That’s how old you are.”

  “Hmph.” Was her response.

  “Also…she’s Sweetheart.”

  “Sweetheart?” Link asked. He had already wheeled to the computer and was fumbling with the controls.

  “You mean the girl that was singing on that new mix of yours?” Amberly asked. “SHE’S Sweetheart?”


  “Too bad we’re broke up.” Patty said as she turned on the rarely used big screen television set. “We’d have our fifth member.” She put in a DVD and the opening credits for BEAT STREET came on. Everyone stopped what they were doing. BEAT STREET was everyone’s favorite movie; they knew all of the lines, all of the music and all of the dance movies. Even the two members of Wheels of Steel that had Cerebral Palsy could do all of the arm movements from the break dances of the movie.

  “You know what we should do!” Link said excitedly. “We should start off with that opening! The one when he’s chanting ‘It’s working!’”

  “Oh my god that would be so SICK!” Patty exclaimed. The opening they were referring to was of the two DJ’s in the movie who were playing a house party in which they used some of the most classic rap beats of the 80’s.

  Jason was all grins. “Oh son! You’re right! We gotta do it.” The two hurried to the studio. “Are we going to use LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT BEAT?” Jason asked.

  “We got to! Afrika Bambaataa! Nothing’s better than that.”

  “They ain’t going to have any idea what we’re doing.”

  “Doesn’t matter! We know what we’re doing and that opening is classic! We gotta do it.”

  “Yeah.” Jason agreed enthusiastically. “So I do the beat and you do the scratch?”

  “Yep, that’s it, Son. Ready?” Jason winked. Link didn’t have a mic but he yelled out the words of the movie until he practically screamed; NOW HERE’S A FUNKY BEAT…” And that’s when Jason did his magic, making a funky beat. “AND HERE’S A SCRATCH BEAT…”Link began scratching something new but completely funky and then they put it together. Link began mixing in LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT BEAT BY AFRIKA BAMBATAA and then they started free styling. Patty was jumping up and down and break dancing; which she was pretty good at. Amberly had her cell phone out and was recording their antics. Jason thought they should be selling tickets to this performance, never mind the Omicron party later!

  Robin was getting out of her car and could hear the beat thumping from Jason’s apartment all the way to the parking lot; as could other people that were walking about. Several younger guys were even out dancing! She couldn’t believe it. One guy stopped her as she headed to Jason’s door.

  “Hey! You know that guy that lives there?” She nodded

  “Oh dude, he should open his door so that we can listen to their jam session!” Several other people agreed.

  “Well, he’s playing at the Omicron house tonight. I’m sure they won’t care if you go since their charging.” She gave them the information and they promised to show up.

  Robin knocked on the door. Patty answered, smiling. “Hey!” She greeted Robin happily. “You don’t have a key yet?!” She turned back into the room. “Hey Slacker! Get your girlfriend a key!” Jason took off his headphones and wheeled over to Robin; he stared at her opened mouth but it was Link that spoke.

  “Day-um…” Robin stood there inside of the door shyly. Jason reached for his crutches absently. He pulled himself up to a standing position. She looked awesome in all black. He remembered what they had done earlier as he glanced at her exposed cleavage.

  “Damn is right.” He said. He gave her a kiss and she returned it timidly. “You look great, Sweetheart.”

  “Hi Sweetheart!” Link yelled.

  “Yeah,” Patty chimed in from where she had sat down on the couch. “Seems you have the only nickname that’s not insulting.”

  Amberly turned off her video and placed her cell phone into her purse. “I officially want to change nicknames. I don’t feel that Tramp Stamp accurately portrays me.”


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