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Pinehurst: A Magical Olympian Adventure-Young Adult Romantic Adventure/Fantasy Novel

Page 8

by Grane, Nicole

  “You jerk!” I managed to reach out with my hand and claw his face. Revenge is sweet!

  Chad shrieked as he touched his bloodied cheek. He came at me this time, his fist poised and ready to strike.

  That’s when Antonio flipped me backward over his shoulder in one easy movement. I staggered into the wall behind me, uninjured, but too surprised to move. Antonio was between us. By the look on Chad’s face, I could see it surprised him too—he recovered quickly.

  “She’s going to pay for that!” Chad screamed.

  “Me? You spied on me while I was taking a shower! I’m going to do much more than just scratch your face.” I made a move toward him.

  He lunged at me, only to meet Antonio’s fist. Chad stopped short. A look of confusion claimed him. His eyes were blinking as if trying to figure out what had just happened to him. He fell back onto the ground. Knocked out—cold!

  I stood open mouthed. I’d never seen anyone knocked out before. Well, except for on TV, but that wasn’t real.

  “Evie, are you alright?” Antonio was looking at me now, his hands gently rubbing my shoulders. “Did he hurt you?”

  I stared past him, looking at an unconscious Chad. “I can’t believe you hit him.”

  “He was going to attack you!” Antonio exclaimed.

  “I know, but you knocked him out!” Yes I was stating the obvious but I couldn’t get over how easy Antonio had made it look.

  “He took advantage of your privacy,” he growled. “He got it easy. Had Gunny overheard any of that—”

  Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I started to shift back and forth from one foot to the other. The shock of what had happened had set in “Antonio, Chad saw me. Naked! He’s going to tell everyone.” I sucked in a mouthful of air. “He’s going to tell Stacy Wilcox. My life is over!” I buried my face in my hands.

  “No!” Antonio shook me lightly. “He will not tell anyone.”

  “Are you kidding? This is like striking gold. I may as well just give him my panties so he could parade them around the school and tell everyone we had some sort of love affair. Jerk!” I kicked Chad in the leg—he’d have a nasty bruise later. I kicked him again for good measure. How dare he?

  “Evie!” Antonio took me by the arm, pulling me away. “I promise you, he will not speak of this to anyone.”

  I wished I could believe him. “I’ll just be a minute.” I walked back into the locker room, slipped into my shoes and took up my backpack. I didn’t bother with combing out my hair. My body slumped as I returned to Antonio. I was ready to sink into any hole that might blessedly open up. None appeared. The embarrassment of what had just happened was too much to bear. The look of sympathy in Antonio’s eyes nearly brought me to tears.

  Antonio must have sensed my impending breakdown. Come. I’ll walk you to your dorm.” He put his arm around me leading me away. Being that all the life had been sucked out of me, a gentle breeze could have led me. It wasn’t until we were safely outside and away from the building, that he released me. My body silently screamed in protest.

  “Do you think he’ll wake up soon?” I asked when we’d almost reached my dorm.

  Antonio mused, “Perhaps.”

  “I’m sorry I got you involved. Chad hates me for some reason. Now he’s going to give you a bad time too. When he wakes up that is.”

  I really did feel bad. I was flattered Antonio had stuck up for me, but now Chad would have someone else to direct his anger toward. Too bad it couldn’t be someone deserving, like Stacy. Stacy! Please God; don’t let Stacy hear about this.

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “I suppose I should call my dad and have him come get me,” I thought aloud. Maybe he can send Miles tonight? It really was the only solution. The entire school would know by dinner. Breakfast if I was lucky. I’d never been so embarrassed in my whole life. He wouldn’t put me through the horror of having to stay at a school where some pervert has it out for me. Damn that Chad Bixby. Not only was I going to have to switch schools again, but I was also starting too really like my new friends—especially Antonio.

  Antonio took me by the arm and pulled me aside, out of the shuffle of traffic. His face was filled with concern. “You mustn’t leave.” There was a sense of urgency in his voice.

  “Uhh, I can’t stay here now,” I scoffed.

  “I don’t understand. Why would you have to leave?”

  I looked at him incredulously. “You’re joking right?” His face didn’t budge. He still wore a look of confusion and concern.

  I stepped closer, not wanting to chance any passersby overhearing. The close proximity surprised me. Dang he smelled good. “Look, maybe it’s different for a guy, but for a girl . . . well, for me anyway . . .” I suddenly felt self-conscious.

  “What is it?” There was a kindness in his eyes, the likes I’d never seen. He’d volunteered to be my trainer. He’d come to my rescue and defended me with Chad. Twice! He genuinely seemed to care about me. Why?

  “Why do you care so much?” It came out a little more demanding than I’d intended. I could tell by his shaken expression, that he hadn’t expected me to ask this.

  “How could I not?” He looked at me like I was missing the obvious.

  How could he not? Could he be anymore cryptic? What kind of answer was that anyway? I’ll tell you what kind of answer that was: It’s an, I have my reasons and I don’t feel like sharing them with you kind of answer. Or maybe, the dreaded, you’re too young to understand kind of answer. Clearly we were not on the same page. Men! Did we have to spell everything out for them?

  “I’m embarrassed alright.” My eyes evaded his. “No guy has seen me . . . you know, ever. I’ve never even kissed—” There was no need to finish. Understanding suddenly swept across his face. Why did he have to look at me that way? Like I’m some poor pathetic soul? Even if I was!

  “Chad will always be snickering or making fun of me now.” A tear escaped out the corner of my eye. I didn’t bother wiping it. More were on the way. “I can’t stay here Antonio . . . I just can’t.”

  “Evie, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Chad should be the one who’s embarrassed. For him to stoop so low, just to sneak a peek at a beautiful girl . . . it’s unconscionable!”

  Yeah, it was unconscionable, but I knew Chad hadn’t felt the least bit sorry. In fact, I was willing to bet that if he was given another opportunity to—I stopped mid-thought; my eyes growing wider as I stared at Antonio.

  He suddenly looked uneasy, shifting his weight slightly.

  “Beautiful? You think I’m beautiful?”

  “Well, I . . .” he stepped back a little, his cheeks flushing an adorable shade of pink. “I should get you inside, it’s almost dinner time, and you're still wet.” He reached for my arm.

  “Why don’t you want me to leave?” I asked, planting myself firmly where I stood. For the first time in my life I didn't care how I looked.

  “What?” His words came out flustered. “I promised to train you. If you leave, I shall not be able to fulfill that promise.”

  I thought about that. Not the proclamation of love I’d expected. “I’m sorry,” I admitted softly. “I appreciate your time, really I do, but I can’t stay here. Not after what’s happened. I’m too . . . exposed now.” I couldn’t help but cringe at the word.

  “Evie please,” He took hold of my arms, drawing me closer. His dark and luscious eyes looked anxiously into mine. “Do not leave,” he pleaded. “Not yet.”

  There was something incredibly romantic, albeit unsettling about his request. I wasn’t sure what to say. My mind wasn’t working right for some reason. Every time I wanted to protest, I fell deeper into his gaze. He’d licked his lip, moistening it slightly. My eyes lingered there for a moment, wondering what it would be like to kiss those lips.

  “If I promise you that Chad will not speak a word of this to anyone, will you stay?” The headiness of his words distracted me from my thoughts. Antonio looked almost . . . des

  “How can you—”

  “If I promise you, will you stay?” he repeated more earnestly.

  “Yes.” The word fell from my lips of its own accord.

  He sighed contently. “It is done. Do not think on it any longer.” His hand touched my cheek softly, holding it for a moment. I felt the warmth of his touch move through me, somehow healing my wounded spirit. Strange . . . I didn’t feel quite so upset any longer. “I will take care of everything,” He promised.

  I walked slowly up the steps, my mind reeling. What the heck just happened?


  I spun around, my eyes seeking Antonio’s.

  “You were right. It is my favorite.”

  “What is?” I called out, confusion overtaking me once again.

  “The cupcake; you were right.” He smiled knowingly.

  I thought back to the cupcake I’d given him the other day and blushed. I still had no idea how I knew chocolate was his favorite.

  Antonio gave me a wink and took off at a light run down the path. I couldn’t help but smile after him.

  Chapter 9

  The next few days were weird. I’d seen Chad at lunch, and in gym, but he never spoke to me. In fact, he never said anything to me. He’d glare on occasion, normal Chad stuff, but nothing more. It was as if the whole incident never happened. If it weren’t for the scratch marks on his face, I’d have questioned it happening myself.

  I finally decided to ask Antonio what he’d said to Chad to make him keep quiet.

  “What I said?” He picked up his pace a little on the track.

  “Yeah,” I panted, trying to keep up. “What did you tell him? I mean, you must have threatened him good.”

  “I never threatened him. I just told him he should forget about the whole thing. Too forget that he ever saw you . . . in such a compromising position.”

  That’s a nice way to put it. “And he just agreed? He didn’t try to punch you for knocking him out?” This wasn’t making any sense.

  “He just agreed.”

  I thought about that. No. I wasn’t buying this. “Chad hates me. He’s always making weird faces at me, picking fights. No way would he miss out on an opportunity to make a fool out of me. You must have said something more or done something.”

  “Aren’t you happy he’s leaving you alone?” Antonio asked.

  That was a dumb question. “Yes, it’s just . . . this might sound bad but . . . is it possible I’m not as good-looking as I thought?”

  Antonio stopped dead in his tracks. The sudden halt nearly causing him to topple over. I actually ran past him before I realized he’d stopped completely.

  “What’s wrong?” I called, backtracking a bit.

  “Would you mind repeating that?”

  I scrubbed a hand down my face. Why did I have to ask that out loud? “I just meant that he hasn’t commented, not even to me privately, about what happened. No long looks, no snide remarks about how incredibly nice my butt is. And for the record, it is. Nice I mean.” That was an extremely bold statement I knew, but the way I saw it, Chad’s indifference to seeing me naked spoke volumes; he had to think I was completely unattractive—there was no way I wanted Antonio entertaining that thought!

  There was a slight pinkish hue on Antonio’s face. Embarrassment? Disgust? Anger? I couldn’t tell. Shock was a definite possibility as well.

  “I just figured that my naked body, no matter how little he saw, might be a topic of conversation for an adolescent male, that’s all.” I shrugged and resumed our run, hoping my earlier statement would be forgotten. Antonio was beside me in no time.

  “You’re mad because he hasn’t commented on how good-looking your . . . naked body is?” He seemed to be having trouble saying the word.

  “Well, when you put it like that, it sounds a bit shallow.” But it was true. I did find my body to be pretty darn attractive. Not as attractive as my mom’s but still, I always got more than my share of whistles at the beach; even though my father insisted on me wearing a one piece. Always noting that: “contrary to popular belief, the young man of today does not want his girl parading around half-dressed for all to see.” Neither does the father of today I thought with a smile.

  Antonio looked dumbfounded. “Isn’t that what you wanted, for him to forget the whole thing; to never have seen you?”

  “Of course, but I can’t turn back time. And, he is a guy; they can’t keep quiet for long about something like that. Sooner or later, he’s going to slip up.” If there was one thing I’d learned about high school boys, they always kissed and told.

  Antonio took hold of my wrist and stopped me. “No he won’t.” There was darkness to his words.

  I looked at him for the first time. I mean really looked at him. His eyes were telling me something and I found myself trying to listen. My own eyes fell shut. Muffled sounds, almost like static from an out-of-tune radio station began to whisper in my ears.

  Antonio laced his fingers with mine, startling me for a moment. The sounds were coming in clearer.

  Can you hear me?

  I jumped back, my heart skipping a beat. I opened my mouth to speak—nothing!

  He smiled, and extended his hand once again. “Don’t be scared. You had it.”

  I looked at his hand. It seemed harmless enough. His eyes held that same intensity I saw moments ago.

  I shook my head no and took another step back. “You spoke to me; in my head!” I hadn’t realized I was whispering.

  Antonio's smile broadened.

  “How did you do that?”

  He shrugged. “The same way you’re starting to hear other’s thoughts.

  “How did you know I could hear other’s thoughts?” I hadn’t told him that . . . I hadn’t told anyone that. Hell, I hadn’t even admitted it to myself!

  “I’m a two-way communication system,” he announced with a slight laugh. “I can speak to you telepathically, and I . . . can hear your thoughts.”

  With that, embarrassment, the likes I’d never felt before hit me like a freight train. Oh . . . my . . . god!

  Understanding once again washed over Antonio’s face. “It’s alright Evie!”

  “No.” I shook my head. I knew tears were spilling over, running steadily down my cheeks, but that was the least of my worries. Antonio heard everything, and I mean everything. Every unspoken thought I’d had, and most were about him. He knew irrefutably, that I had a ten-alarm crush on him. This was worse than Chad seeing me half naked—much worse! Crap . . . he can hear me now! I covered my face in my hands, as if that might keep him out of my head.

  “It’s okay to have crushes, Evie. I’ve had them too.”

  Great! He was sympathizing. I’ll bet he didn’t have to worry that those crushes could hear every thought he had about them. This was beyond embarrassing.

  Antonio took my hands gently, holding them in his. His eyes looked so kind, so thoughtful. Despite my embarrassment, I could feel myself melting away like butter under their stare.

  “Do not be embarrassed,” he spoke as his thumbs rubbed over the tops of my hands, weakening my knees further.

  I could feel the flush covering my entire body now.

  “So you have a little crush on me. Lots of people have crushes. In a few weeks, it will fade and you’ll have found someone else that strikes your fancy.” He smiled kindly. “I will be a distant memory.”

  Was it possible he had no idea just how in love with him I was falling? How badly I wanted him to kiss me? Right now even. Damn! He heard that too! Yes. The look on his face confirmed he’d heard that loud and clear. I was still waiting for that giant hole to open up. Was it too much to ask for a catastrophic event that might swallow me whole?

  Antonio blushed. “I’m flattered you think so highly of me.” He actually did sound flattered. I wasn’t sure if he realized that his hands were still holding mine until his thumbs moved over the top of them again, gently massaging my skin. He stepped closer, his warm breath blow
ing across my face. I could just make out a hint of chocolate and peppermint . . . I wanted nothing more than to lean forward and press my lips into his.

  “Your first kiss should be special, Evie. It should be full of magic.” His words were soft and low, each one caressing me like the next. “Perhaps under the cover of a tree, while escaping a rain storm.” An image of Antonio holding me under that large willow in the common area sprung to mind. “Perhaps, after attending a romantic dance,” he continued, his eyes locking with mine now. “Or maybe, unexpectedly . . .” His hand reached up and took a loose curl tucking it behind my ear, his fingers brushing my cheek as he did so, tenderly. I leaned into them, feeling their warmth. Antonio’s eyes were burning with an intensity I didn’t understand. No one had looked at me like this before. I want to kiss you too Evie. His unspoken words rang clearly in my head.

  He leaned in closer . . . closer. My hand cupped his against my face. He was going to kiss me! At least he might have, if I hadn’t blown it with thinking . . . “he’s going to kiss me!”

  Antonio stepped back all of a sudden. His hand leaving my face was like having the air sucked away from me. He looked shaken, like he couldn’t believe what he’d been about to do. And in that same moment, regret hung heavily on his face. He shook his head. “It cannot be me, Evie.” The words came out husky. I didn’t understand them.

  “I . . . I gotta go!” I ran across the field, tears filling my eyes once again. The embarrassment of my own thoughts consumed me. I tried not to think. I didn’t want him to hear that I was trying not to think. How could I ever face Antonio again?

  I flung open the door to the gym and ran smack into Gunny, bouncing off his chest. I staggered, and with his assistance, I stood up straight.

  “Hollyander! Why aren’t you . . .?” His once hard expression turned to horror. Crying girls was something I’m sure Gunny didn’t want to deal with. Surprisingly, he was very intuitive as to why girls usually cried.

  “Who hurt you?” He looked as fierce as my dad would have looked. He was ready to kick some major butt.

  “Can I leave, please? I just want to go to my room.” I sniffled, wiping the tears from my face.


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