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Pinehurst: A Magical Olympian Adventure-Young Adult Romantic Adventure/Fantasy Novel

Page 15

by Grane, Nicole

  “What a clumsy girl.” Havoc stood beside me, her hands on her hips, laughing. How’d she get out of that bag? “You’re supposed to put your hands out before you hit the ground.”

  I was just about to strangle the little witch when Antonio jumped down from the fence.

  “And why couldn't I have done that?” I snapped angrily.

  “You might have gotten hurt. It’s a long fall.” He held his hand out to me.

  I frowned, taking it reluctantly. He probably did that on purpose, I grumped.

  “I did not do that on purpose. How was I supposed to know you’d land on your face?”

  “You pushed—”

  “Children, please!” Havoc cut me off abruptly. She turned her back to us, and a moment later our surroundings turned into a barren wasteland.

  I looked back. The school was gone.

  Chapter 15

  “What was that?” I jumped right into Antonio’s unsuspecting arms.

  “A scorpion!” He adjusted his grip on me, holding me tighter. “They’re highly venomous.”

  “Yes. They are.” Havoc grinned. Her beady little eyes glanced my way. “Fortunately they don’t sting pixies.”

  Of course they didn’t. Pixies were probably too mean! I clung onto Antonio for dear life. There was no way I was putting my feet on the ground. I hated bugs!

  Sweet heaven he smelled good. And I had no idea how muscled his arms were. They went on for days . . .

  Antonio’s cheeks flushed, no doubt hearing my mental thoughts. My already rose-coated cheeks burned brighter at the knowledge.

  “I hate to break up this little . . . whatever, but we have a long way to go.” Havoc’s haughty tone broke through my silent drool.

  I slid down Antonio’s frame, taking longer than necessary to release my grip around his neck. I don’t think he minded. His eyes were like endless pools of chocolate, begging me to jump in.

  Havoc cleared her throat. “You know, we have a two-day journey.”

  “A what?” I snapped out of my, I-wanna-kiss-this-guy-so-bad trance.

  “She’s right.” And just like that, Antonio handed me my pack and began walking away. “We have to travel across this desert, and cross a swamp before nightfall. The troll there is particularly lethal.”

  I stared after him, my heart thumping loudly for a whole other reason: “Troll? No one said anything about a troll—a real troll? How did you know there was a troll?” I shouted.

  Antonio kept walking, ignoring me I suspected. I looked down at Havoc. Her grin now resembled the Cheshire cat’s.

  “What’s so funny?” I snapped at her.

  “Funny? There is nothing funny, Child of Light. You may lose more than you bargained for. I hope this adventure is worth it.” She strode off in the direction Antonio had gone.

  I fastened my bag to my back and followed. What the heck did she mean by that? “I may lose more than I bargained for.” Of course this “adventure” was worth it. I wasn’t going to leave my dad stranded in this hellhole!

  * * *

  Man my feet hurt. I knew we were on a rescue mission, but damn. Would it have killed Antonio to slow the pace a little? What good was it going to do us if we arrived in Hell too exhausted to rescue my dad? “Can’t we sit down? We’ve been walking for hours. With no stimulating conversation I might add.” Antonio had been deathly quiet ever since he dropped the “troll” bomb. I’d tried to goad him into small talk, hoping he’d elaborate on how he knew we’d be facing a troll, but no luck. Antonio was as tight-lipped as ever.

  He stopped now, surveying the area before taking a seat on a nearby rock—thank God.

  “Do you need any water?” His voice was husky. His hand shook a little as he extended a water bottle to me. His eyes, doing the best they could to avoid mine.

  “Are you alright?” I took a small sip and handed it back to him.

  “Fine.” He poured some water into the cap and handed it to Havoc. He watched as she gulped it down then handed it back to him. “We can rest here for a half hour, but any longer could put us in the swamp at nightfall. I’d prefer to be on the other side before we set up camp.”

  “We can sleep in the Hovenbrogue trees,” Havoc suggested.

  I looked over at her. She was resting on a rock, basking in the sun, with her arms folded behind her head. I rolled my eyes at her—must be nice not to have a care in the world.

  “Good idea,” Antonio agreed. “Their limbs are high off the ground. We should be safe from predators there.” Antonio lay back as well, “resting his eyes” too.

  I thought about his words. What are you hiding from me? I asked mentally.

  His eyes shot open, meeting my stare.

  I’d been able to enter his mind—no contact needed. And as much as I wanted to know how I’d done that, I wanted to know something more: you’ve been here before. When?

  That’s ridiculous, he half-laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Havoc sat up, looking from Antonio to me like she’d just missed a joke.

  “It’s not ridiculous. You’ve been here before,” I accused. Why wouldn’t he just come clean?

  Havoc grinned. “Do you have anything to eat? I feel like I should be munching on something while you’re arguing.”

  “Shut-up!” Antonio and I shouted in unison, our eyes never breaking gaze.

  That earned us a growl. “Why don’t you just tell her? She may as well know.”

  I looked from Havoc to Antonio. She knew something about Antonio that I didn’t? Unacceptable!

  “There’s nothing to tell. Come on.” Antonio rose, flinging his pack over his shoulder. He strode off again, heading toward a steep hill. So much for taking a break!

  Havoc shrugged. “I guess your man doesn’t want you to know.” She trotted off after him.

  “My man,” I scoffed at her words. “He’s not 'my man'. If he was 'my man', he wouldn’t be keeping things from me, I can tell you that right now!” Of course Havoc ignored me. She was too busy skipping along the sand dunes, twirling aimlessly, to pay any attention to anything I said—annoying pixie! I was officially in a bad mood.

  Damn it’s hot; and we weren’t even in Hell yet. I unbuttoned the bottom half of my shirt, rolled it up and tied it just below my chest. Thankfully I wore shorts today. I threw my pack on again and hurried after Antonio, who oddly enough was leading the way—strange for someone who hasn’t been here before!

  I was just about to point this out when the ground rumbled below our feet. I stopped mid-step.

  Havoc spun around, her eyes meeting mine. “Do. Not. Move,” Her voice was low and even.

  Antonio was motionless, except for his eyes. They looked around, scanning the area. They stopped at me. His stare, fixed on my . . . chest? Was he looking at my—

  “Ahahh!” I screamed.

  Antonio was on me in the next instant, knocking me to the ground. His staff swished past me, slicing the air I’d just occupied. A slimy green snake head landed beside me, yellow fluid oozing from its severed neck.

  “Uhuhh!” I jumped up. Shivers ran the course of my body. I took off, screaming hysterically.

  “Evie!” Antonio shouted after me.

  No way was I turning around. This place had bugs, serpents, and god knows what else—in the middle of a freaking desert? “Uhuhh!”

  The ground moved again beneath my feet, causing the sand to ripple once more. I stopped abruptly, nearly toppling over on my face. My eyes searched, ready for anything. Antonio and Havoc had caught up to me—our breathing, the only sound.

  Antonio’s arm quickly snaked around my waist, yanking me back against him. “Do not move,” he warned breathlessly.

  I nodded. I couldn’t move if I wanted to.

  Havoc crept out ahead, testing the ground before she urged us forward.

  “Antonio?” My voice cracked. I could feel his breath on my neck. His hand was flat against my stomach, pressing my back into the endless ropes of muscle that made up his chest and stom
ach. I swallowed loudly, trying to dislodge the lump in my throat. I didn’t know if it was from fear, or from being so close to him—though I suspected the latter—that my heart reacted so excitedly. And despite the danger we were in and the desperate need to reach my father, here, in the protection of his arms I wanted so badly to turn around and kiss him.

  No Evie. It cannot be me.

  I stiffened. He’d been listening again. Why was I not surprised? At such close proximity, my mental thoughts must be screaming at him as if I had shouted them out to the world. I wanted to die then and there.

  “Hey, come on you two.” Havoc was motioning us along again. “It’s safe.”

  And just like that, Antonio dropped his arm and moved around me. “Here.”

  “You’re giving me a staff?” I’d have preferred a kiss. I took the sleek weapon. It looked like nothing more than a candlestick holder.

  “Just push the button in the middle and the blades will extend. But be careful to hold it away from you!” he added too late.

  I’d pressed a small silver button on the handle and yelped.

  “You could have impaled yourself!” he shouted, snatching it back.

  “Sorry! You might have mentioned I needed a ten-foot radius! Slight exaggeration, but damn! My heart did its best to slow itself.

  “If you want to be treated like a big girl, Evie, you need to be more responsible. I shouldn’t have let you come along. You’re only sixteen; a baby.”

  I needed to be more responsible? What did he think I was doing here anyway? I was risking my life, and his coming here; something I did not take lightly. We were heading into Hell—literally—to save my father. Facing God only knows what! And Antonio questioned my responsibility? “You shouldn’t have let me come?” The very thought was inconceivable. I threw my bag to the ground.

  “Evie.” Antonio took a step back—a wise move. “This isn’t the time.” The hell it wasn’t!

  “Oh goodie, a fight!” Havoc was clapping her hands excitedly. “Make it a bloody one, Child of Light!”

  I didn’t want to fight, but Antonio and I had to get a few things straight. “I asked you along. Remember?” I took a step toward him. “You don’t let me do anything!”

  We circled each other, getting closer by the second.

  “I may be sixteen, but I am not a baby. I’m prepared to handle anything this world has to dish out.”

  “I doubt that,” he mocked.

  My eyes narrowed as we inched closer.

  “You forget. Your father sent me to look after you. He wouldn’t be pleased to find me leading you into Hell.”

  No he wouldn’t. But I didn’t care. My dad’s safety meant more to me than whether or not he was “pleased” with Antonio. George could ground me for the rest of my existence . . . I was getting him back—alive!

  “And your safety means more to me than rescuing your father!” he announced harshly. And that is exactly why my dad chose Antonio to look after me. I couldn’t ask for a more devoted protector; and my heart fluttered all the more for it. Still, I wanted Antonio to understand that I couldn’t let him do this without me. If anyone was going to get hurt or God forbid killed, I wanted it to be me, not him.

  “That will never happen,” he promised. The fierceness of his tone took me by surprise. “It’s not too late, Evie. Havoc can take you back. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “And I don’t want you to keep treating like a child!” Out of frustration I hurdled my pack at him, mentally, knocking him in the head.

  “Evie!” He yelled, as he put his arms up defensively.

  I watched my bag with great satisfaction attack him over and over again. I couldn’t help but laugh, my mood lightening a little. “Are you ready to stop treating me like a child?” Ironic I knew, considering I was acting like one at the moment!

  “Evelyn!” Antonio thundered. This time, his voice didn’t sound so forgiving.

  “Oh, alright.” I released the charm, letting my bag fall with a thud.

  I watched as Antonio righted himself. His hair was messed in a sexy sort of way. He ran his fingers through it, combing it back. Even while highly pissed off, he managed to look yummy.

  Antonio met my smile and frowned.

  “This is all very interesting, but we’re wasting time.”

  I looked over at Havoc. “Sorry to have bored you.” I picked my pack up off the ground and huffed past Antonio, brushing his shoulder as I went. Maybe now he’d take me seriously.

  We continued on in silence for some time. Well, at least most of us were silent. Havoc took advantage of the tension and used it to tell me every sordid detail of her life. She had a boyfriend, I think? He was definitely a romantic interest. They were tied to one another somehow, or maybe it was bound? I don’t know. I was too busy watching Antonio, my eyes doing their best to assess his mood.

  How could he just be-bop along like our argument hadn’t affected him? How could he continue to evade my questions? He’d been here before, I was sure of it. The fact that he felt he had to hide the reasons why only fueled my belief that it had been bad.

  “Now isn’t the time for this conversation, Evie.” He glanced back at me, giving me an exasperated look.

  “When then? When we're standing at the threshold of Hell?”

  “You’re being dramatic.”

  Me? Was he kidding? I wasn’t the one hiding things. I wasn’t the one pretending to care about someone. I wasn’t the one who looked incredibly hot at any given moment. Well. That wasn’t technically his fault. But still, he used it for evil, I was sure of it.

  “I do not pretend to care about you,” he groaned. “I do care about you.”

  Yeah right. Mr. “it cannot be me.” What an ass!

  “I am not!” He turned on his heel, my body nearly slamming into his.

  “You are so!” I said, squaring my shoulders with his. “And, you shouldn’t be listening to my private thoughts all the time!” I put my hands on my hips, giving him the haughty look I’d mastered at age seven. “I can think what-ever I want.”

  “If you two are going to play-fight again, you mind if I take a nap under that tree?”

  I huffed at her. “We don’t have time for you to take a nap. And we are not play-fighting.” We so did not have time for this. But damn it, how could Antonio expect me to drop it? I deserved answers!

  “Go,” Antonio ordered Havoc, sparing her a quick glance.

  “Now you listen to me,” he inched closer, not bothering to leave any air between us. I momentarily forgot I was mad. His lips were a perfect shade of pink. So close, I could almost taste them. He grabbed my arms, pulling me tighter to him. “It cannot be me you fall in love with, do you understand? It cannot be me!” He shook me slightly, his words coming out through gritted teeth. He looked as if he would thrust me away from him at any moment. But he didn’t. He pulled me closer still.

  “Why not?” God, could I sound anymore needy? Being this close only weakened my knees further. I already felt like putty in his hands.

  “Just tell her!” Havoc shouted from under a tree. So much for napping . . .

  “Tell me what?” So help me, if he brushed me off now I was going to kick him in the—

  “Alright!” He released me, allowing me to stagger back onto a nearby rock to sit. “There’s no need to resort to that.”

  I stared up at him, my heart beating at a ridiculous pace. What sort of bomb was he going to release on me now?

  “I won’t be coming back with you.”

  My heart stilled.

  “It makes no sense to develop a relationship we cannot have.” His words were absolute.

  I stared at him, incredulous. “You wanna explain that, now!”

  Antonio’s eyes shut for a moment, as if gathering the strength to continue. “I can’t go back with you.” Silence. “You asked if I’ve been here before. I have. Many times. It’s how I met your father.”

  I sat there open mouthed. Trying to comprehend what he
was saying.

  He lifted his chin high. “I am a Guardian for the Devine Army.”

  I couldn’t have been more surprised if he’d smacked me in the face with a brick. “But you’re Mageian?” What the heck was he talking about, the Devine Army. I glanced over at Havoc. She nodded her head at me, grimacing.

  I was adopted and raised by Mageians,” Antonio explained. “My adoptive father is a Slayer like your father. George Hollyander was the first to sense that I had . . . unusual powers.

  I studied him for a moment. My eyes were looking for any sign of a lie. I couldn’t find one.

  “I knew I was different than any other Slayer,” he continued. “I could hear others' thoughts and move things with my mind; I just didn’t understand why?”

  I stood there speechless. How in the world could I have missed this? My dad and Antonio were BFFs?

  “George Hollyander trained me to become a Guardian. He said I was the best student he’d ever had.” Antonio beamed with pride.

  A small pang of jealously rose up within me; I wished my father had taken the time to train me. Now he was gone. I shook the thought away. I’d get him back—soon.

  “But how did you get to be a . . . Devine Guardian?” I asked. “Wouldn't you have to be an angel to be in the heavens?” And what would my father have to do with that?

  Antonio shifted uncomfortably. “It's a long story.”

  I waited for more but that was apparently all the info I was going to get on that subject! I huffed in annoyance.

  “I ultimately earned your father’s trust and charge of his most cherished possession,” he continued. Antonio’s eyes looked fondly into mine. “An honor to be sure.”

  My heart fluttered. But I was mad, damn it! I tried to clear my mind—a futile act. “That doesn’t explain why you won’t be coming back with us?” My voice cracked. I couldn’t even comprehend the idea.

  “I'll be bound to the gate. The only way one can leave Hell is if they offer a soul in exchange, a soul besides their own.”

  “So. You’ve got me, problem solved! Use my soul to get us in.” I'd worry about the “getting out” later.


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