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How to Knock Up Your Nurse: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romantic Comedy

Page 2

by Melinda Minx

  Little did I know that seeing a smoking hot nurse come at my nipple with a pair of wire cutters in her delicate little hand was going to be the thing that sent me absolutely over the edge.

  I was into some kinky shit, but I wasn't the kind of guy who focused in on some kind of fetish. If fetishes were restaurants, I wasn't the kind of guy who would go to the same Italian place every night. I’d be the guy who would go to one of those buffets that I used to love when I was still poor. The ones where they had pizza, barbeque ribs, french fries, and ice cream all within a few feet of each other.

  Well, a nurse with wirecutters was something I never knew I had an appetite for until now. Still, I should probably wait until I had her in bed with me before I got too excited. If only my dick had gotten that memo.

  "I know you're afraid," she said. "That can be our little secret, Mr. Winters."

  She brought the wire cutters closer to me. She opened them. I watched as each end of the cutters surrounded the barb protruding out from my nipple.

  "I'm not afraid," I whispered.

  I adjusted my hips again. My cock was at a very inconvenient angle. If she weren't watching me so closely, I'd go in for a quick readjustment to accommodate my growing arousal. She already thought I was some kind of womanizing pig—which was fair, because that's exactly what I was—but I got the feeling that getting hard because she was coming at me with wire cutters would be a little bit too far. At least for our first date. Yeah, I was already considering this our first date.

  She smiled down at me. "If you're not afraid, your body sure is."

  "Alright, you got me, I'm afraid," I lied.

  She snipped the wire cutters before I even knew what happened. It didn't hurt at all, which was disappointing, to be quite honest. She picked the barb tip up off my skin, and then she leaned in for a closer look with that magnifying glass thing.

  As she leaned in, her chest pressed against the side of my torso. I clenched my asscheeks hard and closed my eyes. I held my breath as her perfectly feminine scent hit my nose. Her hair was right beneath my nose. She'd probably been cooped up in hospital beneath these ugly fluorescent lights since morning, but her hair still smelled like fucking sunshine and strawberries.

  "I have to warn you, Mr. Winters," she dropped the barb dip into some biohazard garbage can. "This part is likely to hurt the most. I'll try to be gentle though."

  Don't be gentle. Hurt me, Nurse Emily.

  I nodded and smiled at her. My cock was still hard as diamonds and begging me to let it loose.

  She worked the hook, pulling it back in. There was a tiny little piece of metal she must not have noticed, and it caught on my skin as she pulled.

  "Oops, shit!" she hissed.

  I grabbed her wrist then and looked at her with a very serious expression. "I can handle the pain, Emily, just pull it through."

  "I can sand it down, I'll—"

  I shook my head. "Pull it through."

  She bit her lip and pulled. Perfect pain rushed through me. She was right about all the nerves bundled there. My body twitched as the wound started to bleed. Emily worked fast and rotated the hook. She pulled, and the rough piece of metal cut me on the way out of the initial entry point. My body twitched again. It hurt even better this time.

  I looked down and realized I was still clutching her arm. My hand was holding her with a possessive and intense grip. She must have thought I was being squeamish and afraid of the pain, but God, it was anything but. I wanted to hold her tight to me. I wanted to touch her as she hurt me. I didn’t want to let go of this beautiful nurse.

  Our eyes met. Her cheeks were perfectly red, and rather than letting go of her arm, I squeezed tighter. I wanted to see just how far I could push things with her. I knew I should let go of her arm now. I knew I shouldn't try to hold her gaze as long as I could. I knew it was wrong to make her blush while my cock got harder still beneath this sheet, but God, the last thing I wanted to do was let go of this woman who hurt me so beautifully.

  "You're bleeding," she said, "your nipple."

  Her eyes flickered away from mine and toward my chest. I squeezed her arm tighter and cocked my head at her.

  "Mr. Winters..." she stammered, "please."

  I let go reluctantly, and she scrambled for fresh gauze. She wiped the wound clean, and then swabbed me with something that burned. I watched her little hands run the burning alcohol wipe across my nipple, and a satisfied "mmmm" escaped my lips.

  Emily looked at me with an arched eyebrow, and I just arched mine right back at her and smiled. She blushed, again, and grabbed more gauze. She held it against the bleeding wound. "A lot of nerves means a lot of blood vessels. This is likely going to keep bleeding for a while."


  "So..." she said, "you'll want to keep the dressing fresh as well. There is a risk of infection. You probably had some kind of disgusting worm on that hook, and then it was in some even more disgusting water—"

  "No fish ever bit," I said, "so at least I'm spared that extra layer of possible infection."

  She shuddered. She must have hated fishing even more than me. God, could she get any more perfect?

  "I'll go get your discharge papers, Mr. Winters."

  "What? You're kicking me out already? You're not going to invite me to stay the night?"

  She rolled her eyes at me. "You're being so blatant, Silas, that I'm going to stop pretending that I don't know where you're going with all this. My shift ends at 5:00, so if you did stay all night, it wouldn't be me taking care of you. It would probably be Dave."

  "Point taken. Where are you going after you get that is."

  I grinned at her.

  "I'm going home. And I'm sleeping. Alone."

  "That's not very exciting."

  "I'm not a billionaire, Mr. Winters. I don't get to do exciting things every day. I just finished a 12-hour shift, and I just want to lie down and play Sudoku."

  "You play Sudoku?"

  She nodded. "Do you?"

  "Of course," I lied. "I love it. Math, numbers, Japanese culture."

  She bursted out in laughter. "God, you're bullshitting me, aren't you?"

  "You caught me."

  She looked over her shoulder and toward the door, then stepped closer to me. She swallowed in a way that I could see just watching her throat. She was nervous, almost trembling.

  I smiled wide, because I knew she was about to do something bad.

  "I can't date patients," she said flatly, but it was in the tone I knew all too well. The tone of a woman who was trying so hard to be good, but was begging the man across from her to be the devil on her shoulder. To bait her into being a very bad girl. Luckily for her, that man across from her was Silas Winters, and I was all for it when women pleaded like this. The fact that sexy little Nurse Emily was the one pleading was the best thing that could have happened to me.

  "I see," I said, stroking my stubble. "That's too bad, isn't it? I didn't even ask you out though."

  She frowned at me.

  I thought of taking her by the wrist again, maybe running my fingers across her palm. No, she was too nervous for that. If I took hold of her now, it would break the spell. She wanted to be bad, but not here. Not now.

  "I'm about to be discharged," I said. "I won't be a patient anymore. And trust me, I am not going to go fishing again, and I'm in excellent health, so I don't expect I'll be in here again. Which is a real shame, Nurse Emily, because I'd love to see you again."

  She bit her lip and looked down at her feet. She shuffled her foot across the floor. God, she couldn't wait for me to push her buttons, to make her break the rules. There was nothing better than a bad girl who thought she was good.

  "So you can go home and play Sudoku," I said, "but maybe after you've taken a rest. Freshened up. Put on something a lot more revealing than those scrubs, then maybe you'll stop by the bar across the street."

  "You're going to go to Finnegan's?"

  I shook my head. "If I told y
ou I were going to be there, then that would be a patient setting up a date with you. Which would be against the rules. I'm merely suggesting that if you want to unwind, if you want to..." I couldn't resist any longer, and I grabbed her hand. I knew I had her reeled in. I may not have been able to fish, but I could catch any woman I wanted, and right now, I wanted Emily. I traced my fingers along the inside of her palm. "If you want to release any kind of pent-up frustration, then maybe you should go to Finnegan's?"

  She was trembling in my possessive grip. She was terrified, but she wasn't making any move whatsoever to pull her hand away from mine. I ran my fingers up to the veins where her palm met her wrist. I stroked my thumb across the soft hairs of her forearm.

  I stood up. I was hard as a diamond-coated brick, and I didn't care if she saw that now. I towered over her. She wasn't especially short, but I was very tall. I leaned forward, still gripping her wrist and palm. I pulled on her a little bit so that she had to move toward me as well. Bad girls who thought they were good liked that kind of thing. She liked it when I "forced" her to step over the line.

  With her just beneath me, I leaned down and sniffed her hair again. She smelled different—better—when she was nervous and afraid like this. If I had just discovered a new passion for nurses, Emily had just discovered how good it could feel to break the rules at work with a guy like me—a type of guy I could tell she never dated.

  Just as I was debating whether or not to steal a kiss from her, I heard footsteps just outside the door. As much as I wanted to make her realize just how bad she really was, I knew she likely needed her job, and she was fucking good at it too, so I wasn't going to do anything to ruin that for her.

  I very quickly let go of her and fell back onto the bed. I gripped tight to the gauze on my chest and put on the most neutral face I could.

  Just as the doorknob began to turn, Emily's eyes locked down onto my jeans. To say that I had pitched a tent would be an understatement. It looked like New York City had just erected a brand-new skyscraper, located in my pants.

  I froze. For the first time since I'd laid eyes on Emily, I actually felt afraid. Afraid for her, of course. I was a billionaire, and I was pretty much immune to anything and everything, but I knew that wasn't the case for Emily.

  She reacted faster than me though, and she grabbed the sheet and threw it at me. It landed almost perfectly, bunched up enough that the contour of my Empire State Building wouldn't show through the sheet.

  She started talking about disinfectants just as the door swung open.

  A doctor walked in, but he was looking down at a clipboard. By the time he did finally look up at us, my good-girl-gone-bad only had a slightly awkward look on her face. Her cheeks were only a little bit flushed. For my part, I had assumed a totally neutral—almost bored—expression.

  "Dr. Ayers will have to write the prescription," she said, "of course, but—"

  Dr. Ayers nodded. "Yes, of course. Antibiotics?" He leaned in and inspected my nipple.

  Alright, now my raging hard-on was finally gone. He even put a few fingers dangerously close to the tip of my nipple. I was open to a lot of kinky shit, but I'd never been even remotely interested in men.

  "You did a great job here, Emily," the doctor said.

  "She really did," I added in. "Great bedside manner. She talked me through what she was going to do, and considering there was a fishing hook in my nipple, it didn't even hurt at all."

  Dr. Ayers let out a relieved sigh and smiled. "So you won't be suing us then, Mr. Winters?"

  I put a hand on my chest, but made sure not to touch the wound. "Doctor, I was just joking with you earlier about that. Why would I bother suing you? It's not like I need the money."

  "Maybe you'd do it out of spite?" Emily said, but she covered her mouth just as soon as the words slipped out.

  I smirked at her. She forgot that she wasn't supposed to flirt with me in front of the doctor, and her flirty banter probably came out sounding quite mean-spirited and unprofessional.

  He turned toward her with a pissed off scowl on his face, but I jumped up. "Doctor, I gave this nurse a really hard time. She's just letting off some steam. I assure you I was very satisfied with her treatment of me, and I'm not going to let a little comment like that get under my skin. No pun intended."

  Dr. Ayers gave Emily one last frown, then turned back toward me. He waved a hand toward Emily without even looking at her and said, "I think Mr. Wilburs is ready for you to take his bedpan again."

  Emily walked back toward the door, but just before she left, she locked eyes with me from over Dr. Ayer's shoulder. She couldn't risk saying anything to me now, but from that look I was almost certain that she was indeed going to meet me at the bar tonight.

  I smiled almost imperceptibly at her for fear that Dr. Ayers would pick up on me flirting with her, and then she was gone.



  I got home and Bella ran up to me, her big Corgi butt waddling back and forth. She jumped up and put both paws onto my scrubs. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her. "Corgi hug!"

  Bella stuck her tongue out and gave me a nice little corgi smile, then licked my face.

  This was my favorite part of coming home. Then, my second favorite part, was collapsing down onto the couch and throwing my feet onto the coffee table. Bella leapt up onto the couch and rested her head on my leg. I patted her on the head and planned to just lie there for a good solid five minutes before I finally got up and went to take a shower.

  Normally this is what I called "Corgi Zone Out Time." I let my mind just completely go wherever it wanted, and usually I'd end up thinking of nothing in particular. My thoughts would just wander around wildly like some kind of storm. It was the opposite of meditating, but that was my style.

  Bella rolled onto her side, and I started scratching her belly. My thoughts though did not blow around like a storm in spring, they instead focused on one very particular thing: Silas Winters.

  The way he looked at me as I left was still burned onto my retinas. He was almost commanding me with his eyes alone. Commanding me to show up at Finnegan's. At the bar that he didn't commit to saying he'd actually be at.

  God, what kind of total idiot would I feel like if I got all dressed up and made up and he didn't even show? Did billionaires make a habit of stringing working-class people like me along? It was almost scary to think that he could flirt with me that hard—and so frustratingly effectively, I might add—and not mean it. No man had ever flirted with me with half as much heart as Silas Winters had, but I didn't want to get my hopes too high and assume that he really truly meant it. Maybe he’d just been bored out of his mind while waiting for me to get the hook out, and his options had been either flirt with me or stare at the paint on the wall?

  "No, Bella," I whispered. "He meant it. I have to find something to wear."

  Bella looked up at me with wide eyes. She could tell I was about to get up and go into the shower.

  "Don't worry, sweetie, I'll walk you first."

  She jumped off the couch and shook her big butt in front of the door. I grabbed the leash and took her outside.

  My neighbor Jessica, who also had a dog, walked Bella in the afternoon when I had 12-hour shifts. In turn, I walked her dog when she had 12-hour shifts. She worked as a waitress at one of the fancier restaurants in Brooklyn.

  After Bella had done her business, I jumped into the shower and washed all the hospital smell off of me. I used the good soap. I shaved. I felt embarrassed when I started shaving everywhere, because that always felt overly optimistic, like I was going to jinx things. It was like Schrödinger's cat, or in this case, Schrödinger's pussy.

  I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. Bella brushed up against my ankle and looked up at me, her ears pointing up. If I shaved it, no one would see it. If I didn't, then he'd see it. "No, no," I said to Bella, petting her butt, "that's not how Schrödinger's Cat works. That's a tree falling in the woods. I'm pretty sur
e Schrödinger's Cat was something with poison killing the cat."

  Bella's ears pulled back, and she looked up at me with a very concerned expression.

  "It's Schrödinger's Cat, not Schrödinger's Corgi. You have nothing to worry about."

  I opened up my closet, which was a very small closet full of very unimpressive outfits. The thing with being a nurse—for me at least—was that I was always so burned out from working that I rarely wanted to ever "go out." I knew plenty of other nurses who could club all night and then pull a 12-hour shift. It must have been the introvert vs. extrovert thing. Extroverts recharged their batteries by drinking and dancing and being social. I recharged mine by zoning out on the couch with Bella. If I was feeling extra frisky, I'd break out a jigsaw puzzle.

  I sighed at my closet. The “never going out” thing also meant that I didn't really have anything great to wear when I did go out. I had one dress, basically. My "my friends are dragging me to the club against my better judgement" dress.

  To be fair to this poor dress, it did look damn good on me. I picked out my sexiest pair of panties and bra and put them on. Again, this felt like I was further jinxing myself. If I shaved, it meant that he wasn't going to sleep with me. If I wore sexy underwear, it meant he wasn't even going to show up at the bar.

  I shoved those thoughts aside and put the dress on. It was black, short, and shoulderless. It was about the shortest you could ever go and still call it a "dress." It looked so fancy that it made up for how short it was. Even though it was shoulderless, it had this black sheer fabric that I stuck my arms through, and that clear, silky fabric rested on my lower bicep and upper forearm, making me feel much more fancy than someone who emptied bedpans and pulled fishhooks out of peoples' nipples all day.

  I checked myself out in the mirror. God, my legs looked so much better in this dress than in anything else I ever wore. The only problem with this dress is that my friends started to make fun of me when I wore it. They'd ask if I only had one dress to go out in. I just told them that yes, I did only have one dress.


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