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Tempt ME: A Single Dad Romance

Page 62

by Mia Ford

  “You weren’t,” I replied. “I was just being sensitive. I blame the booze and lack of sleep.”

  “I can accept that,” she laughed. “So, what’s up?”

  “I wanted to see if you wanted to go the cocktail party for the end of the quarter?”

  “Of course,” she said. “I’m already signed up to go.”

  “Am I going to fight your date?”

  “No,” she laughed. “I am going solo with the hope there is a hot man waiting for me there. Preferably named Jason.”

  “That’s pretty specific.” I chuckled.

  “Yeah, you know me.” she giggled. “I like to plan out everything perfectly.”

  “I don’t blame you,” I replied, walking around the office. “Okay, well then, I will see you there.”

  “Absolutely,” she said before hanging up.

  I clicked the phone off and stood staring out the window, clutching the phone to my chest. I was relieved she wasn’t upset with me, but at the same time, I still wondered what was going on in her head. Was she really okay with my apology? Had she said no to dinner because of the speed things were going or was it because of Jordan? Speaking of Jordan, my attention turned quickly as I heard him clear his throat behind me in the doorway. I turned quickly and smiled, wondering how long he had been standing there.

  “So, is the new girl coming to meet us at the cocktail party?”

  “I hope so,” I replied, thinking about Tiffany’s sweet face.

  “Good,” he said suspiciously. “I can’t wait to meet the girl that has taken my brother’s attention from everything.”

  I smiled nervously as he tapped the doorframe and walked from the room, looking me in the eye as he passed into the hallway. Fear dropped into the pit of my stomach wondering why he was acting so strange. Was it possible he knew what was going on but just wanted to confront it head on? The last thing we needed was for Jordan to lose it at the cocktail party. Not only would he embarrass the company, but he would put Tiffany through even more crap than she had already been through with him. On the other hand, the sooner he knew, the sooner he could start to work it out in his head. If Tiffany truly felt she and Jordan had not been meant for each other, then somewhere deep down, he had to have felt that, too. But knowing my brother, he was not looking deep down inside. Instead, he was looking only surface deep where anger and jealousy were mounting.

  I had always looked forward to the cocktail parties, mostly because I could remember going to them as a child and dancing the night away with my mother. My father had always turned these events into fun outings for the family, and he didn’t stop just because we had grown up. Now, I was going to get to share that with Tiffany, even if no one else knew about us. Sure, she had been to them before with Jordan, but he’d always left her sitting alone at the bar while he went perusing through the crowd, trying to make a name for himself. This time, she would be there with me, and I wanted her to have a blast.

  Chapter 16


  My dress was sparkly and daring, unlike the extremely conservative dresses I had worn in the past. This year, I chose a short, black dress with a sparkling black lace overlay that showed not only cleavage but gave the illusion of an open back. My hair was wild and curly, tossed to the side and left to spiral down over my shoulders. I had done my makeup in a dark, sultry style with deep eyeliner, smoky eyeshadow, and a bright red lipstick to set off the entire ensemble. I’d encased my legs in silky, barely there thigh-highs and donned my black, six-inch heels, the ones that made my legs appear even longer. I wore a long over coat over my dress, and I couldn’t help but smirk as everyone stared when I took the coat off and checked it. In front of me, I clutched my small purse in my hands but tried not to fidget, wanting to look as calm and collected as possible. This was the first one of these I was coming to without a date since I had dated Jordan for pretty much my entire career at the company. It was nerve-racking, mostly because I knew what these people were whispering behind my back. I was the woman scorned, tossed to the side, and now, I was back, with a little sexy black dress. If it weren’t me they were gawking at, it would be almost comical.

  “Tiffany,” Lily called, waving and grabbing John by the hand. They maneuvered over to me, and Lily immediately hugged me. “John said he had seen you. You look absolutely amazing. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay.” I smiled. “Getting back on my feet. I feel better every day.”

  “I’m so glad.” She took me by the hands. “I’m sorry my son is such a jerk. We miss you so much.”

  “Awe, I miss you guys, too,” I sighed.

  “You need to start coming back to Sunday dinners,” she said. “Even if I have to kick Jordan out of them.”

  I laughed. “I wouldn’t ever expect you to do that. I think we are starting to come to a better place, so hopefully, one day soon, he will feel comfortable enough to have me around for them.”

  “Hey there,” Jason said, walking up in his black tuxedo. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “It’s good to see you again. You look wonderful.”

  I blushed, looking down at how delicious he looked in his outfit. All I could think about was ripping his clothes off and doing him right here in the middle of the floor. I could feel the heat between my legs growing deeper and deeper, and it was excruciatingly hard for me to smile and play it off like I hadn’t just seen him last week fucking me from behind while I screamed out in ecstasy. But, knowing Lily was right there and everyone was watching, I smiled politely and thank him for the compliment, trying to turn my attention back to Mr. and Mrs. Banks. As they greeted other guests, I watched, standing next to Jason still, feeling the pull to be closer and closer to him. I moved to the left, my arm brushing his, and I could feel the electricity surging through my body. I hadn’t wanted someone that much in ages. This was proving to be a bit more difficult than I had thought it was going to be. Thankfully. they had an open bar at this event. Just as I was about to turn for a glass of champagne, Jordan walked in the room. He was arrogant as ever with his always-charming smile and walk that screamed superiority. I just wanted to punch him in the chin. Trailing behind him was the redhead we had seen leaving the bar with him, but this time, she was a bit more clothed, though not by much. She seemed timid and overwhelmed by the number of people who flocked in Jordan’s direction, and I immediately remembered the first time I had been in her shoes, though I think I handled it with a bit more class and without see-through stripper heels.

  I spent several hours mingling around the event, talking to different employees, meanwhile looking up across the room to catch Jason’s lustful gaze. Every time I saw him and our eyes met, I felt like the only girl in the entire room and was immediately flushed. There was even one moment where the person I was talking to asked if I was feeling alright since my cheeks turned red so fast. I laughed and excused myself to the bar to grab another drink. I didn’t want to be completely wasted but getting through these events on a normal basis was already nerve-racking. Add in my secret love affair, my ex-husband, and his slutty date, and I needed more than a glass of champagne. I ordered a glass of wine and a shot of tequila from the bartender and smiled as he handed me salt and a lime. I licked the salt off my hand, took the shot, and bit down on the lime, looking up as Jordan walked in front of me. I choked a bit and pulled the lime from my mouth, placing it on the napkin and sliding it toward the bartender.

  “Hi,” I said, wiping my mouth and hand.

  “Hey.” He turned toward me and leaned against the bar. I took a step back, feeling crowded. “You look very beautiful tonight.”

  “Thanks.” I laughed. “So do you.”

  “You know, I’m really glad we have reached a place where we can do these events together,” he said, arrogantly looking around the room.

  “Yeah, sure,” I said nonchalantly.

  “I want us to get to a place where it’s not awkward at all,” he said. “No hard feelings.”

  “No hard feelings?” I
laughed. “You mean about your downgrade?”

  He stopped and looked down at me, processing what I just said. I glanced over, seeing Jason approaching us. Anger flashed over Jordan’s face and he stood up straight, buttoning his jacket. He looked over at Jason and back at me.

  “What’s wrong, dude?” Jason slapped Jordan hard on the shoulder. “What are you guys talking about?”

  “She just called my date a downgrade,” he said, shocked.

  “Is that true?” I could see Jason was holding back laughter and forcing himself to sound upset.

  “Sure,” I said shrugging. “But it’s okay because I upgraded.”

  I winked at Jason before Jordan looked back over at me. He huffed and puffed, not knowing what to say back to me. He looked to Jason for guidance, but Jason put up his hands and shrugged his shoulders. Finally, Jordan grabbed his beer from the bar and stomped off, tripping over the chair leg sticking out from one of the tables. He said something to his date, and she sent him a worried look before tagging along behind him. When he was out of ear shot, Jason and I both turned our backs to the crowd and burst out into laughter. Oh, it felt so good to let all the stress out like that. I hadn’t meant to piss Jordan off, but when he had come over so haughtily, I couldn’t help but put him down hard. The words just purged from my mouth, and I didn’t even have a chance to stop them.

  “That was amazing,” Jason said, still laughing.

  “I had to.” I giggled. “ I mean I saw the opportunity, and he came at me with the ‘no hard feelings’ comment, and it just spewed out.”

  “Are you serious? He actually said ‘no hard feelings’? What a dumbass.” He laughed, turning back to face the crowd.

  I looked at him standing there under the dim lights, his hair perfect, his dimples deep, and his tight body covered up, making him look like James Bond. I wanted to get him out of that tux so bad I could hardly contain myself. Heat pooled in my panties as I stood contemplating my next move. I stepped a bit closer and faced the bar, feeling his breath as it hit my neck. I tightened my fists, trying to restrain. We both should stay longer to cultivate social ties for the business, but ultimately, it held little appeal to me compared to the passion pulsing through me. I could no longer hold back.

  “You want to get out of here?” I turned to look him in the face and gauge his reaction. “I really want to fuck you.”

  He looked at me with a small smirk pulling at his lips before grabbing my wrist and tugging me up the side of the room, out of the view of everyone. We moved quickly through the tables and out of the room. I followed him up the escalator and into the hotel lobby, looking around as he stopped and turned to me. None of the guests were up here yet, so I leaned in and kissed his lips softly.

  “I got us a room,” he whispered.

  “Presumptuous of you, sir.” I laughed.

  “Hopeful,” he said with a chuckle.

  I followed him past the bank of regular elevators and to the golden elevator at the end of the hall. He pulled out a thick black key card and put it into a slot where there would normally be buttons. We stepped inside and turned, holding our breath as Jordan walked around the corner with his date. He didn’t see us, but we saw him, and he looked really pissed. The doors closed in the nick of time, and we let the air out of our lungs, laughing the entire time. As soon as we turned toward each other, it was hopeless, and I broke all control that I had been preserving. In two seconds, we were in each other’s arms, our mouths pressed against each other in a heated entanglement and our hands running over each other’s bodies. Immediately, we were breathing heavily, and I was pulling at the bow tie, as his hands reached up under my skirt and grazed the top of my thigh-high stockings. He grinned when he felt the garters and moved his hand over to brush the outside of my panties. I moaned into his mouth, wanting more and feeling his fingers pry at the edges, looking for the prize beneath the satin fabric. He pressed his hips toward me, his long hard shaft rubbing against me.

  I reached down and grasped his cock through his pants, listening to him groan loudly. I pressed my body hard against his, pushing him against the wall. He ran his hands down my back and grabbed my ass, lifting me up in the air and biting at my neck. He sat me back down and pulled my skirt up to my waist, switching positions and pushing me up against the wall. He stepped back, pulled my panties to the side, and slipped his fingers through my juices. I spread my legs apart and let him glide his fingers inside of me, holding tightly to the railing around the elevator. I screamed out in pleasure as he fingered me, forceful and fast, pulling his fingers out and sticking them in my mouth. I sucked them and then leaned my ass against the railing as he pushed them back inside of me, pressing his firm mouth against mine and licking the taste of me from my lips. I moaned as his fingers slammed into me, and he wiggled the tips of them as he pushed deep inside of me.

  “God, I want to fuck you so hard,” I growled.

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered breathlessly as he pulled his fingers out and pulled my dress down. “You’re going to get it, but first, I’m going to blow your mind.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the suite as the elevator doors slid open, our bodies gliding into each other as he led me toward ecstasy.

  Chapter 17


  Everything about this woman was the sexiest thing I had ever encountered. From the moment she had walked into the ballroom, I wanted to rip her clothes off and fuck her. It took everything in my body not to stay as close to her as I possibly could, but I knew I had political responsibilities at the event. Staying close to Tiffany would have kept me distracted, but still, looking out over the crowd and seeing her standing there, her legs going on for days, the lace top of her silk stockings peeking out every time she leaned into the bar, and her dark sultry eyes staring back at me, I couldn’t help but try to find a way to get close to her. When I saw her bored face and Jordan’s arrogance across the dance floor, I knew I needed to get in there to intercede and at least play referee. I was shocked at what she had said to him, but I was so proud when she replied that she had upgraded. She at least let him know she was no longer sitting around thinking about him. Instead, she admitted she was, without a doubt, with someone, a someone she thought was even better than him. That, in itself, made the intrusion all that much better.

  Now, standing in the dark comfort of the hotel’s penthouse suite, looking down at this amazing woman, I had to kick the night’s thoughts from my head. We were finally alone, and I wanted to experience every part of her body in detail. It was like being on a small vacation away from the stresses of real life, surrounded by lush blankets and unfamiliar furnishings. I looked at Tiffany in the dim lighting of the penthouse, the city lights shining through the windows giving her a surreal glow. She reached up and unzipped her dress, pulled it from her shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. She stood in the wavering shadows, her black lace bra and matching panties instigated the tenting at the front of my pants. Garters held up her soft silk, thigh-high pantyhose, and her black, impossibly-high heels glistened. I walked forward, pulling my jacket off and tossing it to the side. As my hands slipped around her waist, she pulled the bow tie from my neck and dropped it to the floor, following with her hands manipulating the buttons of my shirt. Slowly, she undressed me, taking time to kiss my body as she removed each piece. My muscles tensed as her lips rubbed down my neck and as her soft skin pressed against mine.

  She pulled back and looked at me with her sultry eyes, a patient wanting covering her face. She took my hand and turned, leading me back to the bedroom. As we entered, she let go of my hand and turned around, reaching back and unclasping her bra. I watched as her large, perky breasts spilled out of the fabric, bouncing lightly as she reached down to unclasp her garters. I reached forward and grabbed her hand, wanting her to leave them on. She smiled mischievously as she hooked her fingers into tiny ribbons on either side of her black silk thong and lightly tugged, letting them fall away like gift wrap before stepping out
of them. I pulled my boxers down to the ground and let my hard, raging cock spring free, watching as she back up and scooted up on the large, king-sized bed. Her body almost disappeared into the billowing blankets and pillows covering the surface, and I walked forward, crawling across toward her, our eyes locked in lust.

  My hands moved up her legs and onto her warm thighs, and she wriggled and gasped at my touch. I watched her face as I moved her thighs apart and looked down at her bulging, wet mound. I licked my lips, wanting to taste her juices and lowered my head toward her. She reached down and stopped me, shaking her head.

  “Lie down,” she whispered, biting her bottom lip.

  I turned over on my back and laid into the soft blankets, watching her turn over, facing down my body, and scoot back toward my face. She pulled her legs across me and straddled my lips. The smell of perfume and lust pushed desire through my chest. I reached up and grabbed her hips, pulling her down onto my face and rubbing my mouth through her folds. She sat up straight, grasping her breasts and moaning as I pushed my tongue out and licked every inch of her sopping wet pussy. Slowly her hips began to grind, her body giving in to the pleasure of my mouth. She reached her arms back and grabbed the heels of her shoes, crying out in pleasure as I moved her back and forth over me. For several minutes, I lapped at her clit, the taste of her taking me over, wanting more and more of her. I pushed my tongue inside of her and listened to her low, growling moans. She let go of her heels and bent forward, taking my cock into her mouth, licking up and down the shaft, before plunging down. I groaned into her pussy as her desperate cries were muffled by the long shaft deep in her throat.


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