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The Back-Up Plan: Second Chances, Book 4

Page 10

by Mari Carr

  Hell no. He’d spent the past week in agony, torn between worrying about what was going on inside her head and reliving every second of their time in bed, jacking off until his cock actually hurt.

  Kristen owed him an explanation and she wasn’t leaving here today until he got it.

  He listened as her office door closed. Rising, he stood at his doorway, waiting until she passed by on her way to the elevator.

  “You got a minute?”

  Her refusal was right there, poised at the end of her tongue, but he didn’t give her a chance to issue it.

  “Great.” He tugged her into his office, closing the door behind him. The rest of the staff would be heading out soon, leaving them completely alone. That might be a good thing. Given the fire in her eyes, he feared this conversation would escalate into an argument. A loud one.

  “I’m sort of in a hurry, J. I haven’t had time to unpack from my trip yet and there’s a mountain of laundry waiting to be washed. Can’t this wait?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. I just spent the last week waiting. Time’s up. Where were you last week?”

  “I told you. I needed a vacation. I’ve been going full-speed ahead for nearly a year without a break.”

  “So where did you go?”

  “The beach.”

  He frowned. “Alone? Sounds very unexciting.”

  She swallowed heavily and for the first time, he noticed something else in her expression beside annoyance. She was scared. What the hell had happened to spook her so? He’d thought their night together had been off-the-charts amazing. Best sex of his life. And she hadn’t exactly been bored either.

  After they’d come, she’d spent the better part of the night wrapped up in his arms. He’d held her close—shocked by how right it felt for her to be with him that way. Jason had never been much for after-sex cuddling. In fact, he didn’t usually do sleepovers. But Satan himself couldn’t have driven him away from Kristen that night. He’d have sold his soul for those few hours, sleeping next to her, relishing her soft breathing and the light tickling of her hair on his chest. It had been one of the greatest parts of the night for him.

  Then she’d run. Fast and furious. Now he fully intended to corner the headstrong, stubborn woman and set her straight on a few things.

  Kristen crossed the room, dropping down into his desk chair, turning to look out the window. “I told you we should never have started this, Jason. I warned you it was wrong.”

  He frowned. “I’m struggling to understand where things went wrong. From my perspective, it was a pretty fucking awesome night. And it could have been an even better morning if you’d bothered to stick around. But since you didn’t, maybe it’s time I show you what you missed.”

  She spun around on his chair to face him, her gaze darting toward the door and escape.

  Nope. Hell would freeze over before he let her run again.

  “I took the liberty of borrowing a couple of things from that secret stash of sin you keep in your bedroom.”

  Her eyes narrowed angrily. “You what? You had no right to—” Her words died when he opened the desk drawer next to her and she saw exactly what he’d stolen.

  “Fuck no.”

  He chuckled. “Why so scandalized? It’s yours.”

  “There’s no way in hell—”

  Jason raised his hand to halt her refusal and glanced toward his closed office door. “Wait here.”

  Kristen didn’t move as Jason walked to the door and peeked out. “Good night, Bridget.”

  “Good night, Mr. Mitchell,” their secretary said. “See you tomorrow.”

  When he closed the door again, he locked it as well. Turning, he was surprised to find Kristen still sitting in his chair. He expected more of a fight. “Alone at last.”

  “The interns are—”

  “I gave them the afternoon off. They’ve been gone for two hours.”

  “Oh, well, I—” She stopped midsentence and he returned to the desk in time to catch the sound of her long sigh.

  “I guess you’re right. I think it is time we talk,” she admitted.

  Jason shook his head. “Nope. I’m not in the mood to talk right now. I’ve come to the conclusion that I like you better when you’re not thinking.”

  He gestured to the drawer once more and her gaze narrowed.

  “Tough. There’s no way I’m going to play the brainless bimbo for you and if you seriously believe for one second that I’m going to let you put that thing—”

  Jason grasped her upper arm, pulling her from his chair. He kissed her into silence, rejoicing when Kristen not only accepted his embrace, but put her own spin on it as well. Kristen gripped his tie, holding him close as she opened her lips and dragged her tongue along his teeth. The contact reignited everything he’d felt in her bed last week. The painful days between faded away as he kissed her, tried to show her how fucking good it could be between them if only she’d let go of the reins.

  “Take off your damn pants,” he growled as he cupped her breasts and squeezed. She’d denied them this pleasure for seven whole days and Jason intended to make sure that by the end of the night, she wouldn’t find it so easy to resist again.

  Kristen tugged the button on her slacks free, then released the zipper. She shimmied the lightweight cotton over her hips, along with her panties, and kicked everything off. The sight of her, bared from the waist down, brought back every hot image he’d hoarded of her. Every memory, smell, taste. He’d tucked them in around him to help him through the lonely nights.

  Jason wrapped his hand around her upper arm and turned her toward his desk. “Bend over.”

  She bit her lip, but complied, giving him a bird’s eye view of her gorgeous ass. Unable to resist, he slapped it once, twice, three times. Hard. Punishment. Only Kristen responded, not with pain, but with a sound that was genuine pleasure.

  Jason leaned over her, caging her beneath him. “I learned something about you last Saturday night.”

  “Oh yeah. What’s that?”

  “You like to pretend you’re this prim and proper woman, but that fact is you’re a dirty, dirty girl.” He ran his finger along her slit, delighted to find her hot and wet. He wasn’t the only one who’d been missing the contact between them. Her body betrayed her need.

  “Take off your pants, J. Fuck me.” Her voice was pure plea, but he didn’t respond. She’d do a lot more begging before he gave her what she wanted. After all, she’d kept him waiting.

  Reaching into the desk drawer, he pulled out a tube of lubrication. “I assume you’ve played with this butt plug of yours.”

  Her cheek was pressed against his desk, so he could see part of her face. She was flushed, though he couldn’t tell if it was excitement or embarrassment driving the color. “I was curious. So I tried it a couple of times.”


  She rolled her eyes. “Of course I was alone.”

  He bent over and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “Such a waste. Did you like it?”

  She shrugged. “It was okay. Nothing to write home about.”

  Jason chuckled. “Let’s see if we can change your perspective on that.”

  Uncapping the tube, he pressed the nozzle to her anus. Kristen tensed up when he squeezed some of the cool gel inside her, but she didn’t attempt to get up or ask him to stop. Looked like she was still curious.

  Jason rubbed the lube around the rim of her anus, then slowly worked it in with his finger. Kristen turned her face downward, pressing her forehead against the smooth surface. At first she was still, but soon he felt her lifting up on her toes, trying to bring him in deeper.

  He added more lube, then another finger. She hissed, but again, she soon adjusted, her body telling him when she was ready for more. When he felt her relax, he withdrew his fingers and placed the tip of the plug at her entrance.

  “Do it,” she whispered.

  Jason pushed the toy in slowly, not stopping until it was completely lodged. Then he took a seco
nd to look at her.

  He’d never seen a hotter sight than Kristen bent over his desk, her ass filled. “God, Kris.” His words came out quietly, but they sparked something in his wild woman.

  She pushed away from the desk and turned toward him. “Pants.” Her hands were on his belt, freeing him quickly. Within moments, they’d managed to undress each other completely.

  Jason grinned. “You realize I’m never going to be able to concentrate in my office after this. I’m only ever going to see you naked, sprawled out over my desk.”

  She laughed. “Let’s face it. It’s not like you ever worked that hard in here to begin with.”

  He pretended to be offended by her joke. “Is that right? Maybe it’s time I show you exactly how hard I can work.” He pushed lightly on her shoulders, urging her to sit down on the desk, so that it pressed the plug deeper.

  She groaned and bit her lip. “God. That feels incredible.”

  Jason kissed her. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” He lifted her slightly higher, directing her until she lay fully along the flat surface. Then he lifted her legs and lowered his head.

  Kristen jerked when his lips surrounded her clit, sucking her into his mouth. “Oh. My. God.”

  He used his teeth and tongue to torment the swollen nub as Kristen’s cries grew louder, more frantic. She was on the edge and he couldn’t wait to shove her over. He loved her like this. She was responsive, free, adventurous.

  He never would have guessed all those things about her, but now he knew he wanted to show her…to give her more…if only she’d accept. Time to stop playing Mr. Nice Guy. Jason put a period on her fate when he sucked harder on her clit and pressed two fingers into her wet pussy. Kristen went off like a bottle rocket, coming hard. Her back arched and her fingers dug into his upper arms with a vise-like grip as she cried out. “Jason. God. Yes.”

  When the last vestiges faded away, she came at him like a woman possessed, sitting up with an expression that said she wouldn’t be denied what she really wanted.

  “More.” She dragged him closer, gripping his cock firmly. “I want you inside me.”

  “Wait, Kris.” He ran his fingers along her slit to the base of the plug, but she shook her head.

  “Leave it in.”

  He blinked rapidly. Holy fuck. Dream girl. He smiled at her request, then couldn’t resist teasing her. She was too much. Fun, fantasy, fucking fantastic. The whole package. “You’re a freak.”

  She laughed, but didn’t release her grip on his dick. “You’re the only person in the world who thinks so.” Then she paused and looked at him. “I think I like that.”

  He moved closer, placing the head of his cock at her opening. He added pressure, pushing until just the head was inside. She was tight, her breathing coming fast, but her determined, hungry face told him she was with him in this. She wanted it as much as he did.

  Jason moved torturously slow, not wanting to hurt her. Then, at last, he was buried to the hilt and he realized something. This wasn’t going to take long. Dammit.

  She’d held him at bay too long. Given him a taste of her sweetness, then denied him the rest of the dessert.

  He picked a rhythm, starting easy, then as her body responded, drenching him in her aroused juices, he moved quicker. Harder.

  She came again and Jason had to grit his teeth, do algebra in his head to stop from joining her. He slowed his pace briefly, but as soon as Kristen’s trembling subsided, she was back again, lifting her hips to meet him, urging him to take it all.

  He was so fucking close when he felt her freeze.

  “Wait,” she said.

  It took all the strength in his body to stop moving, then even more not to drag her back when she pulled away.


  “This way.” She rolled over, placing herself facedown over his desk. “Take me this way.”

  “Christ.” He stroked her bare ass as he accepted her beautiful offer, thrusting into her from behind with one, firm stroke. He bent lower over her, using the new position to fuck her not only with his dick, but to use his hips to push the plug deeper as well.

  He could only imagine how it felt for her—to be doubly penetrated, doubly fucked. Then he realized he didn’t have to guess. She was telling him exactly how much she loved it. With her words, her moans, the way her body slammed back to meet his.

  He reached out, gripping a handful of her long soft hair in his hands, using it as leverage to twist her face to his. He kissed her hard. Kristen returned it, then bit his lower lip until he groaned.

  The same word kept popping into his mind.


  His practical, no-nonsense partner was completely untamed. Amazing. A feral animal he longed to capture and keep forever.

  Then all rational thought deserted him as his balls drew tight. “I can’t hold off, Kris.”

  She didn’t respond. Didn’t need to. She was already there.

  She came hard, releasing a loud, keening cry as Jason let go. His climax was a combination of exquisite pleasure and agony, wrapped together so tightly, he knew he’d give up everything he’d ever owned to feel it again and again. Kristen had become his drug—more addictive than crack.

  Neither of them moved as they let the intensity of the moment pass, working overtime to calm their racing hearts, to still their harsh breathing.

  Kristen was the first to break the silence. “What time does the cleaning crew come in?”

  He laughed. God only knew, but leave it to Kristen to always be three steps ahead. Meanwhile, he was struggling to remember his own name. “Damn. No idea, but wouldn’t this be an eyeful?”

  He forced himself to stand on shaky legs, then gently pulled the plug out of Kristen as she lay still. If she really was worried about being caught, she certainly wasn’t showing it. She was in no hurry to move, to reclaim her clothing.

  Jason placed a quick slap on her ass, unable to resist. It spurred her to lift her head and look at him over her shoulder.

  “You did it again.”

  He winked, recognizing the tone of sensibility in her voice. The real Kristen was reemerging. “Sorry.”

  She shook her head. “No. You’re not. And I’m running out of ways to explain to you what a really bad idea this is.”

  “Then stop trying.”

  Her shoulders slumped as she held herself on elbows against his desk. Then her attention was drawn to something there. She picked up a piece of paper and stood slowly. “What’s this?”

  “Fuck,” he muttered when she handed him the note. Of course she would see the one thing he really didn’t want her to. “It’s just a small issue, Kris. I’ve handled it.”

  “Is that right? Because it looks to me like our new intern has just propositioned you, invited you out for dinner and drinks.”

  He balled up the paper, tossing it in the trashcan. “I pulled her in today and explained that would be unprofessional. I let her down easy, but I made it clear just the same. You don’t have to worry about this.”

  She shook her head, bending down to pick up her clothes. She was irritated, he could tell, but he wasn’t sure what else to say to calm her down. He’d told her the truth. The intern was a non-issue. They dressed in silence.

  Once they were both fully clothed, she faced him once more. Her expression was calmer, less annoyed, but he couldn’t miss the sadness in her eyes. “I can’t do this. You asked me if it had to do with the past and yeah, it does. I’ve watched you for years bounce from one bed to the next. I won’t be another notch in your bedpost.”

  Jason’s temper flared at her accusation. “Is that what you think I do? Keep count?”

  “No.” She raised her hands to calm him down, but it was too late. He’d been riding on the razor’s edge all week, waiting for her to come back. Now she was here and still trying to push him away.

  She pushed a stray hair away from her face. “I’m not saying this right. I understand you think you want a relationship, but past history tend
s to prove that—”

  “I don’t think, Kris. I do want to settle down. I’m not a child. I’m not stupid and I’m not so driven by my whims that I can’t make adult decisions.”

  She looked at him as if he’d hit her, but he couldn’t stand here and listen to her terrible opinions of him anymore. “I never said—”

  Jason pointed his finger at her. “That’s exactly what you say. On a daily basis.”

  She shook her head. “But I don’t mean—”

  “You want to know why you know so much about me, Kris? Because I’ve never lied to you. Never held back anything more than telling you the honest-to-God truth. You know me because I’ve opened myself up to you and shown you every fucking thing—good, bad, ugly, stupid and smart. All of it.”

  The color had drained from her face. He didn’t lose his temper often, but damn, when he did, watch out. Even as he began pacing the room in a blaze of fury, he knew he needed to calm down, to take it easy. But he couldn’t. She was rejecting him. Again. And her reasons were wrong.

  “Jason. Please. I’m sorry. I never meant—”

  “You know what? Forget it, Kris. Forget everything.” He couldn’t listen to another rejection from her. He wouldn’t. His heart simply couldn’t take it.

  Jason grabbed his car keys and stormed out before either of them had a chance to say anything too horrible, anything they wouldn’t be able to take back later. He heard her calling his name, but he kept walking. Not stopping until he got to his car.

  Then he drove home and hit the bottle. He’d fucked that up. Led with his emotions and then with his right hook.

  Damn woman was tearing him up inside. Stirring things he’d never felt, then driving him crazy with her talk of being reasonable. Nothing about this was rational.

  But goddamn if it wasn’t right. It was the only thing in his life that had ever felt truly perfect. Figures. Jason had fallen head over ass in love with the world’s most stubborn woman. And after tonight’s blowup, he’d probably pushed her away for good.

  He poured another drink, throwing it back in one long gulp.



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