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Love On the Rocks

Page 8

by E. E. Marino

  Keela smiled and grabbed Aaron’s hand. “Let’s head outside with the rest of the family and your friends and get this party started,” Aaron said.

  They followed Keela’s father through his house to the backyard, where around twenty-five people sat throughout the yard and two large blond men in their twenties stood before a huge grill full of food. Behind them, Kristi and Nicky came up to observe the scene.

  “Aaron, can I get you a beer, son?” Jonathan asked as he opened a cooler.

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, and can you grab one for Keela too?” Keela leaned into him as Aaron wrapped an arm around her, and her father beamed as he pulled out four beers and gave them out to all of them.

  * * * *

  “Keela.” Everyone turned to see the twins, Jake and Jameson, call out from over at the grill and then make their way over to their sister.

  “Hey, boys, hey, put me down.”

  Everyone laughed as the two boys picked up Keela with ease. Keela kicked her feet, and the two laughed and put her down as she half-heartedly smacked them in the arm. Even though they were her baby brothers, the twins always felt the need to protect their sister, especially after the debacle with Ryan. Keela never told Aaron, but part of the reason she never dated was because of her overprotective family.

  “Aaron, these are my brothers, Jake and Jameson. Guys, this is my boyfriend, Aaron. Be nice.” Keela smiled nervously at her brothers.

  Aaron shook hands with the boys, who proceeded to size him up. “You boys in college?”

  They both nodded and straightened with pride.

  Keela patted them both on the back. “Jameson is in the middle of his football training for Penn State, and Jake goes to Virginia Tech on a lacrosse scholarship.” Keela was so proud of all her siblings’ success.

  The thought of her other sibling, Sandra, made her anxiety go up again. She scanned the backyard, looking for her sister, only to not see her. She had managed to get out of picking them up from the airport because she was swamped at work and her father got them for her, so today would be the first time she would be seeing them, and the thought made her stiffen with anxiety.


  “Really? That’s very impressive. What are your positions?” Aaron noticed Keela stiffen next to him, and he could only think it had something to do with her sister, so he wrapped his arm around her.

  The group fell into an easy conversation after that for a few minutes before Keela pulled Aaron away to introduce him to the rest of her family. Every interaction was just as friendly as the last until they say another couple come their way, and Keela stiffened under Aaron’s arm. The woman was beautiful and tall in a supermodel kind of way with platinum blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, while the man looked like something out of a J. Crew catalog with dusty blond hair, wearing a sweater tied around his shoulders and a pink polo shirt.

  “Keela, I’m so glad to see you.”

  Keela went forward and embraced the woman, who laid a kiss on her cheek. The man stared at her smugly, and Aaron narrowed his eyes at him.

  “Hey, Sandra, William,” Keela said, causing Aaron to suddenly understand. This was the infamous sister and boyfriend that Keela was so worked up about. Aaron came forward and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he presented his hand to them.

  “Aaron Samuels, nice to meet you. You’re Keela’s sister, right?” While Sandra smiled warmly, William glared at the couple, looking Aaron up and down before making a face at Aaron’s rough hands. William seemed unimpressed but reluctantly took Aaron’s hand.

  “William Westington the Third, how do you do? I’m assuming you’re a friend of Keela’s.” He gave Aaron the fakest smile imaginable, and Aaron never wanted to hit someone more in his life.

  “Actually, I am Keela’s boyfriend. We work together,” Aaron said as William smirked condescendingly at him.

  “Oh, Keela, I didn’t know you were dating anyone,” squealed her sister. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Well, I never hear from you very much, Sandra, and I’ve been slammed at work. But it’s a new relationship, and Aaron makes me very happy,” Keela said with a smile on her face. Aaron gave her rear a comforting squeeze.

  William snorted. “Busy? How busy can you be pouring alcohol into shot glasses? I mean, can’t a trained monkey do the same thing? I’m sure you can find some time to call your own sister.”

  Aaron felt Keela slump in shame, and he snapped. Oh, no, douchebag, you don’t hurt my girl! “Um, I’m sorry, do you guys not have a phone in your home?” William looked at Aaron as if he couldn’t believe someone would speak to him in such a way. Aaron continued. “From what I understand, Sandra hasn’t called Keela either, so there’s responsibility on both sides, but also, Keela is a brilliant businesswoman, and she does a lot more than pour drinks into a glass. She is the backbone of Nicky’s business, and Gypsy’s wouldn’t run as smoothly or be so successful if Keela wasn’t there. So don’t you dare insult my girl again, got it?”

  William’s face began to get red. “Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that? Do you know who I am?”

  Aaron shrugged. “Don’t care who you are. Don’t insult my girl.” From the corner of his eye, Aaron saw Mary and Jonathan begin to make their way over to the argument. Aaron hoped they would intervene before he did something he would regret.

  “William…” Sandra began, but William cut her off abruptly.

  “No, Sandra, your sister is a bartender, and this guy is a nobody who works at a bar. I’m a Westington, and I demand respect from people with less status.”

  “Hey.” Keela took a step forward and got in his face. “You’re better than me? Bullshit. The only reason you have your fancy job is because your daddy owns the law firm. You have never worked for anything in your life. Our family works hard for what we have, and if anyone deserves respect here, it’s Aaron. He’s a vet, you moron. He’s served his country. You’ve done nothing but suck on the tit of your father’s success.”

  “Keela. That’s enough, William’s just…” Sandra was trying so desperately to smooth over the situation.

  “William’s just a jerk, Sandra. You can do so much better than him. Just leave his ass.” Keela spat out the words with venom.

  William’s eyes were dark with rage, and his face was beet-red. He took a menacing step toward Keela, who Aaron grabbed and put behind him.

  “Really, Keela? Sandra can do better than me? What about you?” William challenged as Sandra tried in vain to pull her boyfriend back. “I’m not the one, Keela, who lost everything when my boyfriend saw me for the trash I was and upgraded. I’m not the one who—”

  Aaron didn’t let him finish. Aaron felt his fist connect with William’s nose and watched him fall back on his khaki-covered backside. Sandra screamed as William erupted.

  “You son of a bitch, I’ll—” William cradled his face as blood trickled down his hand.

  “That’s quite enough, William,” Jonathan shouted as he and Mary stood at the top of the stairs to the deck. “You were out of line, and I believe that Aaron here warned you not to insult my daughter, so you have no one to blame here but yourself.”

  “I’ve never been treated so horribly in my life. Sandra, say your goodbyes because we are leaving now.” William stalked off as Sandra turned to Keela red-faced. The two parents made their way over to their daughters.

  “What the hell is your boyfriend’s problem, Keela? He had no right to do that to William.” The sisters stood toe-to-toe with one another as their parents tried in vain to break them apart.

  “He had every right, and frankly, I am glad that someone had the balls to finally do that to Willie boy,” Keela shouted as Aaron tried pulling her back while their mother tried to pull Sandra back, with their father in the middle.

  “Well, William wasn’t wrong in what he said. You—” Sandra was cut off by Keela giving her sister a hard slap. Everyone at the party froze. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

��He was absolutely wrong. When he looks down on your family, he’s wrong. When he belittles my friends, he’s wrong. When he tells your sister that she’s trash because she wants something different than you two phonies, he’s wrong.” Aaron pulled Keela into his embrace and let her sob into his arms.

  “Sandra Catherine Harper, you should be ashamed of yourself,” scolded her mother in a deep tone. “That man has always been rude and disrespectful to everyone here, but none more so than your sister, your flesh and blood. We tolerated him because you claim you love each other, but for him to act the way he did at our anniversary party is unacceptable. If you leave, just realize that man cannot come back until he apologizes for his actions.”

  “Fine! Take her side, like you always do, because she’s the poor, wounded puppy in this family, went to community college, worked in a bar, covered her body in trashy tattoos. Just remember, Keela, this is your fault.” Sandra was screaming now as William yelled for her to move it. Sandra fought the tears that welled up in her eyes.

  Sandra looked like a child whose sister had just broken her favorite toy.

  “Your boyfriend is an asshole,” said Keela as she turned into Aaron’s arms and he kissed her shoulder.

  As Keela spoke, her sister fumed.

  “What is wrong with you, Sandra? You are choosing him over your family. It is shameful.”

  Sandra stomped away as Keela tried to dry the tears rolling down her cheek. Aaron hated seeing her cry.

  “Okay, everyone, time to eat so I’d ask all of you to come and enjoy yourselves now and not let this ruin the party,” said Mary as she ushered everyone into the house. “Keela, why don’t you help me, okay?”

  Keela nodded before kissing Aaron on the cheek and going in with her mother. Aaron stood there quietly cursing himself for having ruined everything with his temper. “Mr. Harper, I—”

  “It’s Jonathan, son, and let’s get you a glass of whiskey to put on that hand.” Keela’s father waved Aaron over to the deck and sat down in the chair while he motioned Aaron to sit opposite him. He pulled out two cigars and handed one to him while he poured two glasses of the Jack Aaron had just brought him.

  * * * *

  Keela stood by the window with her mother, watching her father and her boyfriend relax outside. “I messed up, Momma. I’m sorry I ruined your party.” The tears threatened to fall as her mother rubbed her back.

  “Baby girl, you did nothing wrong. That boy has been a problem for years, and your sister is too blind to see it. I’m sorry how things ended up, and I love your sister, but William was at fault.” Keela smiled and leaned her head on her mother’s shoulder. “Keela, you have a good one this time. Ryan never defended you like that. Make sure you’re fair to Aaron and give him a chance.”

  “I will, Momma. I promise.” Keela smiled and looked out at Aaron. “He already means more to me than Ryan ever did.”

  The two women moved away from the window as the two men sat there quietly while everyone else was in the house.

  * * * *

  Aaron cleared his throat.

  “Jonathan, I want to apologize, sir, for what I did. It was uncalled for, and I should have been more respectful of your home,” Aaron said nervously before taking a long swig of his drink.

  “Can’t blame you, son,” Jonathan said while tapping some ash into an ashtray. “If some man was talking about my wife the way he was talking about Keela, can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing. I never liked William, and I have told Sandra many times that his behavior isn’t acceptable. He has it out for Keela because I guess she’s so comfortable with being different, but I will always support my children.”

  Aaron nodded, knowing that if he had to do it again he would because Keela was his girl.

  “Son, I need to ask you. You seem pretty smitten with my Keela.” Jonathan took a long drink of his whiskey as Aaron’s mouth went dry, knowing what his question was already. “What are your intentions with my baby?”

  Aaron stared at the cigar in his hand and took a sip of his whiskey before answering. “Sir, your daughter is the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever met, and I only want to be with her and make her smile. We’re still new and just getting to know each other, but my intention is to be with her, sir.”

  He smiled before putting his cigar down and standing up. Aaron copied the motion himself. “I’m glad to hear that, son. My daughter is my baby, so just make sure you never break her heart.”

  “Not a problem, sir,” Aaron said as he shook his hand. “Hurting Keela will never be my intention, ever.”

  Chapter 10

  KEELA arched her back and felt her toes curl as Aaron continued his attack on her clit. He had been sucking and fucking her with his tongue for a solid ten minutes now, and she had come already twice, but still he continued. It was early the day after the anniversary party, and Aaron knew this was Keela’s favorite way to wake up with him. He was good to her like this. Some nights he would just eat her out, foregoing all his pleasure to give her multiple orgasms. He usually did that when he knew Keela was stressed or upset.

  He’s such a good man, Keela thought. She knew she didn’t deserve him. Keela knew she had to tell him soon because she didn’t want to hurt him, but now all she could do was fall into the abyss that was Aaron.

  “Oh, God, Aaron. I need you now, please, baby.” she begged and felt him laugh against her thigh.

  “Impatient, aren’t we?”

  Keela opened her eyes to see the most beautiful man above her smiling like a sexy Greek god. He leaned down to kiss her, and she could taste herself on his lips. He aligned himself between her thighs and was ready to push forward when she stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Aaron.”

  He furrowed his brows and looked at her. “What’s wrong, baby?” He moved so he was resting on his hip but still above her.

  Keela took a deep breath while trying not to look into his sexy eyes and began. “You’re way too good for me. I know you hated what William said to me yesterday, but he wasn’t wrong. I lost everything, and I’m not a dainty little girl like my sister. I don’t want you to feel like you have to be with me because you pity me.”

  She looked up and was taken back by the anger in his eyes. “What the fuck, Keela? You think I pity you? You think I’m that kind of a guy?”

  “No Aaron, I—” He didn’t let her finish.

  “No, you listen to me, Keela Elizabeth Harper. I’m not as good as you make me out to be. You have the purest heart I’ve ever met, and I don’t pity you. I adore you. Do you have any idea how you saved me?”

  Keela furrowed her brows and looked at him intently. Saved him? What?

  Seeing her confusion, Aaron took a deep breath. “Before you, I was trapped in one hellish nightmare after another. I watched as I let my friend Johnson die. We were on patrol, and we had switched positions because I had rolled my ankle, so he let me ride in the Humvee instead of him.”

  Keela’s eyes widened at the admission. She’d never asked him about what he’d seen, as she figured it was so painful. His admission made her want to hug him and never let go until he was healed.

  “Johnson was an easy target for the sniper. He was dead before he hit the ground. The guy hit him right in the artery. I had nightmares every night reliving it, and despite counseling, pills, and other techniques, nothing worked.”

  His gazed then softened, and he trailed his finger along Keela’s collarbone. “That is until one day I met a beautiful woman at an airport. You have consumed my thoughts since day one, Keela. I haven’t had a nightmare since that first night I fell asleep with you in my arms. I need you, Keela. You’re like air to me, so do not belittle yourself to me or act like you need to let me go so you don’t drag me down. The only think you’ve ever done to me is make me happy, got it?”

  Keela nodded as tears of joy ran down her face. He bent down and kissed her passionately before pulling away and staring at me with intense eyes.

  “I love you, Keela.”
r />   Keela sucked in a breath and studied him. His eyes never deviated, and his gaze held steady. What she saw in Aaron’s eyes made her weep for a new reason. He was telling the truth. He loved her, with all his heart. She could tell, and that feeling didn’t scare Keela like she thought it would. That was when she knew. “I love you too, Aaron.”

  With that, he crushed his body to hers and engulfed her in a passionate kiss and began picking up where they left off. They were loved, and they loved each other.

  Everything is finally perfect, Keela thought as their cries of passion filled the room.

  * * * *

  Gypsy’s was in full swing later that week, and the staff was having a particularly busy night. A band was playing ’80s cover songs, so the place was busy. Aaron and Nicky had been busy all night breaking up fights and monitoring the door, Shannon and two other waitresses were running orders of fries and hot wings to various tables, while Natalie and Louis cranked out orders like an assembly line. Laura and Keela could barely leave the bar to pee, but they just shrugged and did the best they could because lots of people meant lots of money for everyone. Keela and Aaron barely had time to talk, but Aaron always made sure to check on Laura and Keela throughout the night and stole glances at his girl while she worked.

  At around 1 a.m., the crowd started to thin and the staff got to breathe for the next two hours. Keela had her back to the bar, cleaning up her area, when she heard a new voice call her to the bar.

  “Excuse me? Can we get some wine, please?”

  Keela turned around and dropped the beer bottles in her hand with a loud crash, everyone’s attention suddenly on her. Keela heard Nicky curse from behind her and saw Laura and Shannon exchange a nervous look. Aaron, seeing her in an unsettled state, was making his way to the bar quickly. Keela, however, didn’t acknowledge anyone’s movement or reaction around her, as she couldn’t peel her eyes away from the sight before her.

  “R-Ryan?” Keela choked out. Aaron stiffened at the side of the bar when he heard Keela’s ex-boyfriend’s name.


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