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Love On the Rocks

Page 11

by E. E. Marino

  “Shut up, bitch,” he snapped, eyes glowing with rage.

  Louis immediately got on the phone in the kitchen, calling 911 while Laura quietly picked up her phone and started pressing buttons in urgency. Keela saw all the activity from the corner of her eye, not daring to take her eyes off of Ryan, who slowly began to approach her. Shannon was paralyzed with fear, and Laura was inching toward the kitchen door.

  “She left me. Amber left me because of you. You stupid cunt! This wasn’t the plan. I was the winner; you were the loser.”

  “Ryan, Amber left because you were dishonest with her.” Keela knew she had to be careful and treaded lightly as she came out from behind the bar, causing Shannon to gasp in surprise. “Ryan, you left me. I—”

  Everyone heard the thud before Keela felt the pain and yelped. Ryan had lunged for her and tackled her to the ground. He pressed the gun to her chest.

  “All you had to do was sell me the house. Then she would have had a place to live, and then I could have lived the good life with her. Her old man is worth millions, and when the old fuck died, we would inherit it and live the life I deserve.” He reeked of scotch and weed.

  Louis quickly grabbed the girls and carefully got them to the kitchen door.

  At least the crew is safe. Oh, God, Aaron, I’m so sorry. Keela felt a tear leak out of her eye as she opened hers to see Ryan’s cold, dead ones leering at her.

  “You stupid bitch! You work in a bar. You’re not worthy of happiness. You were nothing when I met you, and you are nothing now. What makes you so special? Because some guy is between your legs and whispers nicely to you?” Keela’s eyes narrowed, and he pushed the gun harder into her sternum. “News flash, sweetheart, you’re a bad lay. You’re covered in trashy tattoos and living with roommates. You are nothing, and once that guy wises up and realizes it, he’ll leave you too.”

  “Like hell he will,” she shot back. “He’s a real man, nothing like you, you miserable drunk. I know all about you being fired for being drunk at work.”

  That was all it took for Ryan to see red and fly into a rage. He jumped off Keela, grabbing her by her hair, and slammed her hard into a wall. Keela winced at the pain just as a motorcycle came flying into the parking lot with a Red Nissan close behind.

  Ryan pulled her head back hard by her hair and screamed, “Give me your house. I’ll get Amber back.”

  When Keela shook her head, he hit her with the butt of the gun. Keela could feel the blood running down her face, and she began to feel herself slipping into unconsciousness. “I will never give you anything, Ryan, so hitting me is pointless.” He hit her twice more in the head before pulling back and socking her right in the eye.

  “You are nothing! You cost me Amber, you slut! I’ll fucking kill you!”

  Keela slumped to the floor as Laura let out a scream and Louis struggled to hold Shannon back. Ryan lifted his gun and pointed it at Keela, ready to end it all. But he never got the opportunity to pull the trigger because a body ran into Ryan and knocked him to the floor.

  Nicky sprinted into his bar and ran toward Keela with a look of panic on his face.

  * * * *

  Aaron was in a rage. He kept punching Ryan until he heard a gunshot go off. The familiar pain of a gunshot wound lit his shoulder on fire, but even still, he kept hitting Ryan until he felt someone pull him off of him.

  “Okay, buddy, relax, we got him now.”

  Aaron looked up to see a Suffolk County police officer reach down to cuff the unconscious Ryan.

  The rage began to subside as he looked around the bar. His eyes fell on the dark-haired woman he’d come to value above anyone else, and suddenly, he collapsed to the ground with a pain in his chest as though he’d been punched.


  * * * *

  Aaron looked down at the woman he loved, more scared now than he had ever been overseas. She looked so helpless. Keela lay in the hospital bed, battered and bruised. Her lip was split, her eye was completely swollen shut, and purple and yellow bruises decorated her face. Gypsy’s crew had closed the bar until further notice, not wanting to be there without their fearless leader. No one spoke as Keela’s parents stood in the hallway talking to her doctor.

  Nicky and Kristi sat on the chair together, with Nicky balancing himself on the arm. Dark circles covered their eyes as each one fought the impending tears that threatened to fall. Shannon was fidgeting with her hair, staring mindlessly outside the window while Laura, understandably unsettled by Keela’s appearance after her nightmare with Michael, had buried her face into Louis’ shoulder and quietly sobbed. This was the scene occurring when Keela’s eyes opened.

  * * * *

  Keela woke to the sound of machines beeping and low voices talking. Her head felt as if it was split in two. She felt nauseous from the pain and wished the room would stop spinning.

  “She’s waking up.” She heard a voice she didn’t recognize. “Give her four cc’s of morphine for the pain. She’s probably going to be in a world of hurt when she wakes up, the poor thing.”

  “Is she going to be all right, Doc?”

  Keela’s mind shot to attention as she heard the one voice she longed for and forced her eyes to focus on the blinding white lights and even whiter walls.

  “Aaron,” Keela croaked weakly as she heard cheers and happy sobs escape from the crowd that had formed around her.

  “Keela? Baby? It’s me.”

  Keela moved her eyes to the sound of his voice to see him propped up in a chair next to her bed with her hand grasped tightly in his. Keela took in her surroundings at the motley crew of people who had come to be her second family, as well as her mother and father, who rushed to her side and engulfed her in a tight, but gentle hug. Keela could barely see Aaron around the hugs and kisses she was getting, but he constantly held her hand, silently letting her know he wasn’t leaving.

  “Okay, everyone, let’s give her some air. She did just wake up.”

  Keela looked at her father and offered him a small smile and nod as everyone but Aaron left the room to give her a moment.

  She felt pain when she tried to sit up, so he carefully helped her sit up in the bed. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry. I should have been there to protect you. I almost killed that son of a bitch.”

  Keela looked at him, confused until she saw his arm in a sling. Her eyes widened as she touched it gently and couldn’t hold back the tears. Aaron crushed her into a loving hug. “Shh, baby, it’s okay. It’s over. We’re all okay.”

  Keela pulled back, running a hand down his bruised cheek, and looked deep into those blue eyes she loved so much. “What happened? I don’t remember much after he hit me.”

  Aaron’s left eye was bruised, and he had a few minor scratches, but other than the sling, he seemed to not have any other injuries.


  Aaron tightened his hold on her and inhaled the scent of her shampoo, finding the peace he hadn’t had when she was unconscious.

  He pulled back, tugged a piece of loose hair behind her ear, and sighed. “Luckily, Nicky gave the cops the security footage, so Ryan was placed under arrest for assault, attempted murder, malicious intent, and carrying an illegal firearm. What he did to you will cost him many long years in prison.”

  Keela gently ghosted her fingertips over his shoulder and let a tear run down her face, which Aaron kissed away before leaning his forehead to touch hers. “This is nothing, Keela. I was a soldier, remember? I was shot at all the time. However, you? You aren’t, and the fact you are now bloody and bruised…I’m so sorry, baby. I promised to protect you, and I didn’t because I wasn’t there.”

  “Aaron, hand me a mirror. I want to see what he did to me.” When she asked, he hesitated then went to get the hand mirror. Taking a deep breath, Keela held it up to her face and nearly sobbed.


  Keela’s lip quivered, threatening to give away the impending tears that were ready to fall when Aaron reached forward and kissed her gently as he brushed th
e hair out of her face. He kissed her with passion, with fear, with love. For a few moments, nothing mattered but Aaron’s kiss, not her pain, not his shoulder, not Ryan, just the heat of their lips caressing each other.

  Pulling away for air, Aaron kissed her nose and whispered, “You are beautiful. Even with bruises, cuts, and a concussion, you are beautiful, and I love you, Keela, more than words can say.”

  Keela smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you too, Aaron. I’m so sorry you got hurt because of my ex. I never wanted you in the middle of that.” He placed a finger on her lips, ceasing her speech.

  “I want you to listen to me, Keela, and not talk. I need you to hear what I’m about to say without arguing with me or telling me otherwise.” Aaron removed his finger from her lips and took a deep breath. “Keela, there is no not getting involved when anything comes to you. You are my heart, my soul, my life. Anything that bothers you bothers me. Anything that upsets you upsets me. You are my girl, and I am madly, passionately, and unconditionally in love with you. Everything I do is for you. When I saw him threatening you and hitting you, I was afraid he’d take you from me. I saw him hurting you. I didn’t think. I just reacted. He’s here in the hospital, but under arrest, because I almost killed him. He’s in a coma.”

  Keela’s eyes got wide at the statement as he hung his head in shame.

  “I’m so sorry, Keela. I got there too late, but I don’t regret my actions. I would do anything for you, and losing you is the biggest fear I have. I want you by my side always. As I start my business, as I go on through life, I need you here. Do you get that?”

  Keela couldn’t do anything but nod and smile. She leaned forward and captured his lips in an intimate kiss. Months ago, she never would have thought she’d give her heart to another man. Keela was still so haunted by Ryan and their past that she had almost missed a life with this beautiful man in front of her. The thought made her chuckle, which caused Aaron to pull away and look at her oddly.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours, cowgirl?” He cocked an eyebrow at her as his fingers played along her collarbone, making her shiver.

  “I was just thinking how I almost missed out on this life with you because of my fear.” Keela gave him a light kiss on his lips before feathering his neck with kisses. “Thank God I decided to ignore that little voice within because, thanks to that gamble, I now have the greatest man a girl could ask for. I love you, Aaron, so much, and I am so happy to be able to call you mine.”

  “Ditto, cowgirl. You’re more than a fantasy to me. You’re my dream come true.” Aaron’s lips hovered over Keela’s as he whispered, “I love you, Keela.” And then they kissed like there was no tomorrow because, frankly, there almost wasn’t.


  Three Months Later

  TWO figures stood in the middle of a newly demoed building. Renovations were to begin that week, but for right now, it was only two people. A man and woman very much in love. Aaron watched her with pride and arousal as Keela sauntered around the building looking at all the work that had been done thus far.

  It was September now, but it was still very hot considering fall was a few weeks away. Aaron stood silently, admiring the way Keela’s tight denim capris and one of his black wife beater tees showed off her beautiful body. Aaron couldn’t hide the stiffness of his cock; he knew he was indeed a very lucky man to have such a beautiful girlfriend. With any luck she’ll soon be something more, he thought.

  Keela looked at Aaron and smiled brightly at him. He knew she was so proud of him and what he was accomplishing. He’d decided to go into business with Keela’s father, and the two men had finally closed on the building earlier this week and wasted no time in getting it demoed and stripped. Aaron’s dream of owning his very own shop, specializing in motorcycle and muscle car repairs, was coming true. Keela’s father would help in the areas such as bookkeeping and billing, while Aaron would be upfront working on the cars.

  “What do you think, baby?” Aaron asked as he crossed over to her and took her in his arms.

  Keela smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and shot him a 10,000-watt smile that made Aaron putty in her hands. “I think you and my father will have a very successful shop here. It’s a great location, and knowing how handy you are, you will definitely be busy.”

  When Aaron cocked an eyebrow, she laughed. “I meant with cars.” She paused. “And that better be all that you are handy with other than me.”

  Aaron laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up into his arms. She proceeded to wrap her legs and arms around him as his hands found her ass and gave it a hard squeeze.

  “Are you happy, Aaron?” she cooed as she leaned her forehead against his. Aaron sighed contently and tightened his grip around her.

  Both smiled, and Aaron thought about the last three months. While Aaron’s shoulder required weeks of grueling physical therapy, it had made a full recovery, and on those days when he was stiff and in pain, Keela was there to rub away the soreness. Keela had made a full recovery, and with the help of the plastic surgeon who did her stitches, there weren’t any scars left over from Ryan’s attack.

  The experience had made them realize how important they were to each other, and now they were hardly seen together without the other one.

  Phone records had proven the phone calls made to Keela were done by Ryan's cell phone, and the spray paint used to trash her car was tested and found to be a match for the paint in Ryan's trunk. Ryan was charged on two counts of harassment, one count of assault, one count of attempted murder, one count of unlawful use of a firearm, and one count of having an illegal substance for recreational use. He was tried and found guilty and was now serving ten to fifteen years in prison and ordered to stay away from Keela indefinitely. Aaron had been cleared of any charges. It had been deemed done in self-defense, thanks to Nicky’s security cameras getting the whole thing. Gypsy’s was beginning to slow down, so Keela was busy working her magic on how to draw in a crowd, which, so far, had not been a problem since the bar now had bands playing regularly, but Keela and Aaron would get to spend more time together, which neither one could never get enough of.

  Aaron was snapped from his thoughts when he felt Keela licking and nibbling on his ear. Aaron groaned.

  “Oh, welcome back there, soldier. Where were you just now?”

  She blew into his ear, and Aaron felt a shiver go down his spine.

  “Oh, I was just thinking of how life has been so good these past three months and how all the craziness we went through is over.” Keela bit his pulse point, and he found himself staring at her fantastic tits.

  Aaron smirked. “When did you manage to get your bra off?” He began kneading her breast with one hand as the other gave her ass a pinch, which caused her to buck against the hard-on beneath his jeans.

  “I did it when you were off in la-la land when you should have been figuring out how to make me moan.” Aaron pinched her nipple, which caused her to throw her head back in a moan. Aaron smiled.

  “You mean like that?”

  She smacked him half-heartedly as Aaron took her tender nipple into his mouth. Keela tilted her head back in a moan as Aaron began to walk toward the first flat surface he saw, the desk he’d bought for his office. Aaron laid Keela down on it and began assaulting her breasts as she tried in vain to get his T-shirt off. As his onslaught continued, Aaron heard Keela cry out, “Oh, my God, Aaron, no games. I need you inside me right now.” Aaron smiled as he kissed his way up her chest until he found her lips.

  Aaron gave her one final kiss, pulling away to begin stripping away his clothes, watching as she did the same. Aaron smiled when she bent over, showing off her gorgeous white ass cheeks as she picked up her pants to throw on the desk. Aaron was so hard. He knew that if he didn’t touch her soon he would explode. Aaron reached forward and rubbed her beautiful ass before giving it a proper slap. Keela yelped then moaned as she spun around and began kissing him hungrily. Neither
wanted to wait anymore. Aaron pulled her into his arms as he lay back on the desk with her atop him. Aaron aligned his cock with her entrance and thrust up with urgency. The two gasped together, oblivious to the sound of traffic outside of the old building, just enjoying the feeling of being joined together. Keela began to rock against Aaron, setting the pace.

  “Oh, Aaron, please harder,” she cried as she began rubbing her clit.

  “So impatient,” Aaron said with a smile as her pushed her hand way and began rubbing and pinching her clit, causing her to scream with ecstasy.

  Aaron gazed up at the beautiful woman atop him. He knew this girl, and making her come was something he had become an absolute master at.

  She was it, and he knew it. As excited as he was about the shop, he knew it paled in comparison to his love for Keela. If he lost everything, he knew he’d still be a lucky man because this was all he needed, this beautiful dark-haired girl with intense green eyes, full of love for him. When he had returned to Long Island, he’d been full of angst and doubt, but once a girl with a mouth full of sass and a body made for sin looked at him and smiled, he knew he was a goner.

  Aaron brought her down to his chest and held her in place as her pinched her clit hard and began thrusting hard and quick. His sac slapped against her, the sound echoing through the building. So overcome by the sensations they were feeling, neither could make a sound. Only the sound of skin slapping and their moans of pleasure could be heard until Keela began to take the steady climb to her climax.

  “Aaron!” Keela screamed, grabbed a fistful of Aaron’s hair, and pulled hard as the rest of her stiffened in his arms. Aaron felt her clamp down on him, and his control snapped. He lost it and spilled himself into her.


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