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Weekend Surrender

Page 16

by Lori King

  Rachel liked him immediately, and moved closer to watch him as he tooled the leather. “They have been pretty crazy too, that’s beautiful. Did you do all of that?”

  Mack nodded, “Yeah, it’s kind of a hobby.”

  “So, I haven’t seen you in town, Mack, how long have you been in Stone River?”

  “I met Parker at the club a couple of years back, and after my leather business went belly up last summer he offered me a job on the ranch. I’ve only been her a few months, and I’m not much for socializing. I stay around here most of the time.”

  Rachel frowned, “What club?”

  The blush of embarrassment that stole up Mack’s cheeks caught her off guard, and he glanced away. “Um, well, uh…that would be The Cage. It’s a BDSM club.”

  “Oh….oh!” Now Rachel felt a little embarrassed herself. There was an awkward pause before she changed the subject. “Do you know where the guys are?”

  “Yeah, they are out on the West line, by the pond. There was some fencing that got damaged when a tree fell over in the storm last week.”

  Rachel nodded, and then frowned. “Do you think I can borrow a horse? I really need to talk to them.”

  Mack’s eyes squinted just a minute as he evaluated her question before he agreed. “Done, but if they ask how you did it, leave my name out of it. The rules I got were to keep you safe when you were around, and I doubt they meant letting you ride off alone.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes, “It will be our little secret, Mack. I promise!”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rachel rode carefully but quickly as she made her way across the ranch. She was no expert and her nerves were fluttering the whole time, but in less than an hour she had located her men. Her mouth watered when she spotted them working on the fence line. Parker and Sawyer were both shirtless, and their golden tan colored skin glowed in the sunlight. It was Hudson who spotted her first and gestured her way.

  They all four froze and waited as she drew closer. About forty feet out, Parker cursed and moved to meet her in the middle. She was giggling when he tugged her down off the horse.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing, Rachel? Riding a horse when you’re pregnant? And doing it alone! My God, you could have fallen, or gotten lost, or—”

  “I love you, too, Parker Brooks,” she interrupted him, and then laughed when his mouth fell open.


  “You heard me. I love you. I know you’re worried about me, because you’re protective of me, and I love that part of you. I love every part of you, and I love your brothers.” Rachel turned as the other three men drew into a tight circle around her. Rogan stood at her back, as he always would, holding her and supporting her as the rock of their family. Sawyer stood to her right, bringing her fingers to his lips to kiss their tips. She loved the crooked smile on his face as his eyes flashed with heated amusement. Hudson was on her left, his fingers laced tightly through hers, and their clasped hands clutched against his heart. Emotions rolled through his dark eyes, but the strongest one was love. She could see it now, and instead of scaring her, it made her horny as fuck. Turning back to face Parker, she looked up into his eyes. He stood toe to toe with her, and all she wanted to do was let him hold her. He had asked her to trust him, and to submit to him, and now she really understood what that meant.

  “I want you four to be in my life, and our child’s life, forever. I’m not perfect, and you guys haven’t even seen me at my worst. Just wait until PMS returns in full force, but if you still want me, I’m yours. I want you, Sir.” When she finished talking, she let her eyes drop to the center of his glorious chest while she waited for his response. It was more than she could have hoped for, as he jerked her against his chest, pulling her away from his brothers and kissing her for all she was worth.

  He seemed to pour his emotions into her mouth, his soul expanding and locking with hers on their shared breath. It was monumental, and she melted under the pressure, letting it consume her and light her on fire.

  When they broke apart, he gripped her hair and roughly pulled her head back so she would look at him. “I don’t know what changed, and I’m not sure I care. I love you too, sunshine. With every part of me, I love you. Are you sure you can handle all of me?”

  She grinned and lifted one eyebrow, “Give it your worst, cowboy.”

  There was a loud whoop from behind her, and she was again wrapped in between four sweaty sexy cowboys. She felt hands moving over every part of her body, more hands than her chaotic brain could follow as they stripped her of her clothes, baring her skin to the warm sunshine. This was the culmination of the neurotic and emotionally charged journey she had been on for the last two months, and it was magnificent. Parker wasted no time in taking the lead and directed Sawyer to retrieve a saddle blanket, which was spread in the grass while Rogan and Parker entertained her mouth and hands.

  Rachel didn’t even see them strip their clothes off, but suddenly Sawyer was at her side thrusting his hard cock into her tight fist. She gave him a squeeze and began a gentle stroking motion. Rogan seemed to appreciate Sawyer’s creativity because her other palm was filled with his dick next, and she let her head tip back onto Parker’s chest as he fingered her cunt. Hudson was suckling her nipples and biting at her belly button ring. The constant touches were making her delirious, and she felt her knees begin to shake.

  “Guys, I’m going to fall!” she whimpered, trying to point out her weakness. Parker’s arm went around her waist and he clutched her tightly to him.

  “Never, Rachel. You will never fall because we’ll always catch you,” his words were soft, but they were potent, and she shattered in an intense orgasm. Her hands must have squeezed just a bit too tightly due to her climax, because Sawyer yelped and tugged her fist away from him.

  “Easy now, baby, you pull that off and we’re both going to be upset.” She laughed at him until he claimed her mouth, and distracted her from what his brothers were doing.

  The rough sensation of saddle rope scraped across her arm and she jumped when Rogan and Parker gripped her hands pulling them together. Parker was quick to lace the rope around her wrists and she stood in stunned silence. He wanted to tie her up out here in front of his brothers, seriously? Her eyes darted up to take in his small smirk of satisfaction as he tested the knotted ropes.

  “Do you remember your safe words?”

  She shivered as his sexy voice filled her ears, and gave a small nod. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good, because, sunshine, I’m keeping you tied up this time so you can’t run off when we’re done. In fact, I may never remove the ropes again.”

  Her eyes widened until he laughed, “Uh, I doubt you’re going to want me tied up when the baby arrives. That would leave you four in charge of a newborn.”

  Sawyer’s face looked a little pale and he grimaced. “The ropes will come off soon enough, baby, just let him have his moment.”

  “What’s with all of the talking? We have a naked woman here who just agreed to be our wife, let’s get on with it!” Rogan grabbed the knotted rope and tugged her off balance so she fell against his chest with a giggle. His mouth came down on hers, reminding her of the love and passion that filled his soul for her. He took her breath away, and she felt tears stinging her eyelids when he drew away.

  Before she could get her bearings back, she was settled over the top of Hudson who was waiting on his back on the blanket fisting his own erection. She sank down over it with a heavy sigh of pleasure. Just having that physical connection with one of her men settled her whole world back on its axis again.

  It dawned on her a moment later that he wasn’t wearing a condom when she spotted Sawyer coating his cock in lube.

  “Do you always carry lube with you, cowboy?” she taunted as Hudson gripped her hips and pushed her to rock with him.

  Sawyer flashed her a wicked grin and shook his head. “Nah, this isn’t even mine. Rogan had it in his saddlebag. Something about a cowgirl taking him for a rid
e this one time.”

  Rachel giggled until Hudson pushed her backwards, angling her body so the head of his dick rubbed against her G-spot.

  Parker knelt to the side, gripping her tied wrists in his hand behind her back while his mouth dropped to her breasts. With the angle that she was, draped over Hudson, her tits were lifted high into the air. Between the two of them she was swiftly losing the ability to think.

  Sawyer moved to stand just behind her, but the way she was positioned, her head rested level with his thighs. He fisted his lube-coated cock in his hand, but his balls swung free and heavy, so she took advantage of the position to lick the seam that split them.

  “Fuck!” Hearing his reaction, she nearly climaxed again.

  “Rachel, you did not have permission to touch Sawyer yet. That’s ten, sunshine,” Parker said just before he bit down on her nipple. She shrieked and struggled to sit up for a moment before realizing she didn’t have enough leverage, and the muscles in her back were weakening from the odd angle.

  Forcing herself to relax she looked up at Sawyer from under her lashes, “I’m so sorry, Sir. Please forgive me.”

  Sawyer’s eyes blazed with fire, and he dropped to his knees between Hudson’s spread feet to kiss her. He pushed her back up to a sitting position on Hudson. “No calling me ‘Sir’, baby. I’m Sawyer, or if you really want to give me a pet name I could live with His Majesty.”

  She was laughing again when Sawyer pushed her down over Hudson’s chest and settled in behind her. He began rubbing the fat head of his cock against her anus, easing inside just a half an inch or so, and then pulling back, until the muscles relaxed and let him sink into her. He held her by one hip and her bound wrists, and began to guide the movement between the three of them. Hudson would push in, when Sawyer pulled out, and then they would reverse.

  Rachel clenched her eyes shut, and let her body relax into their direction. When a rough hand tangled in her hair, she let out a gasp of desire and her mouth dropped open. The thick cock that pushed inside belonged to Parker, and she instinctively swallowed against the intrusion. Determined to get what he wanted, Parker surged back into her mouth and out almost simultaneously with Hudson’s thrusts into her pussy.

  Groaning loudly, Sawyer climaxed deep inside of her, and Parker quickly followed. She swallowed every drop of cum, enjoying the little bit of control she had as he shuddered with each tease of her tongue. Rogan moved in behind her and took Sawyer’s place, again filling her completely, and finishing the circle when he and Hudson proceeded to fuck her mindless.

  She was lost to them, decadently submitting to the four men that she planned to spend the rest of her life with. It was sinful, and sweet. By the time they had all four been sated her body was a delicious pile of boneless goo, and she sported the most erotic pair of rope burns around her wrists.

  “So, baby, what happened? Yesterday you seemed so determined to keep your distance.”

  Sawyer was behind her so she couldn’t see him when he asked, but she knew this was too important not to do it face to face. She had to twist out of Rogan’s grip so she could sit up in order to make eye contact with all of them. Sitting there on the saddle blanket under the afternoon sun, with four gloriously nude Brooks brothers, was like a scene out of a romance novel. They were all four completely focused on her and what she was going to say.

  “I had my meeting with Diana and Randall Raft, and she gave me a few words of wisdom. I don’t know if this is going to last forever. I just know that I want to enjoy being happy with the four of you right now. Gossip be damned.” She could feel her chin set with determination, and as she looked around there was a myriad of emotions on the four masculine faces.

  Parker’s satisfied smirk was tempered with the glint of pride, while Rogan and Sawyer looked relieved. Hudson looked smug, and she narrowed her gaze on him. “What is that look for, Mr. Brooks?”

  “Oh nothing, honey. I was just planning the rest of our lives, that’s all.” He laughed when she pinched his bare thigh, and reached for her, tugging her down on top of him. “Okay, so I suppose we had better plan the wedding first, huh?”

  “You better believe it, Mister! I want the dress, the flowers, the minister, and all four of my men in tuxes.”

  Four matching groans sent her into a riot of giggles as they tried to convince her to forgo the tuxedoes. It was Rogan who sealed the deal when he took her chin in his hand and grabbed her attention.

  “I will wear whatever you want, as long as you say “I do, forever.”

  Her heart melted and she felt the love spill over until tears were slipping down her cheeks. “I love you, Rogan.”

  “I love you, too, sexy.”

  “Hey, I love you, too, baby!” Sawyer kissed her shoulder, while Hudson rubbed her feet.

  “Well, I loved her first,” Parker argued with a slap on her naked ass. “And I intend on loving her again and again and again…”

  That set off another round of lovemaking as the afternoon shifted to evening and the fence was forgotten for the day. Never before had Rachel felt so loved. Wrapped up in the middle of a tangle of legs and sweat covered masculine bodies, she knew there would never be a better place for her, and she sent up her thanks to whatever twist of fate brought five star crossed lovers together into this one place and time.


  “Dude, I can’t do this.” Sawyer looked terrified, and Parker frowned at him.

  “What do you mean you can’t do this? There is no backing out, man. It’s happening, one way or another.” Parker crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his younger brother.

  “But, Parker, this just isn’t right. I think I need more time.” Sawyer glanced away guiltily and Parker had to clench his hands into fists to keep from punching him.

  “Sawyer Brooks, if you don’t take your turn changing our daughter’s diaper, I will personally beat you until you scream for mercy.”

  Sawyer looked a little green at the gills, but Parker refused to back down. He glanced down at the tiny bundle of pink laying on the changing table between the two of them and smiled. Juliet Diana Brooks was the picture of perfection with her mother’s heart shaped face, and her father’s dark eyes. A perfect eight pounds four ounces of sweet baby girl, and Parker was as in love with her as he was with her mother.

  The last eight months had passed in a blur of wedding plans, moving Rachel in, purchasing the Raft place, and piles of baby supplies, all culminating in the birth of the beautiful Juliet. They hadn’t had a DNA test done, because they all decided they didn’t really care who her biological father was. She carried the Brooks name, and she would forever have four fathers who doted on her.

  Now, if Parker could just get Sawyer to step it up in the diaper changing department.

  “I mean it, Sawyer. You’ve been avoiding this for the last six weeks. You can’t spend the first two years of her life avoiding her because you don’t want to change her diaper.”

  “I’m not avoiding her! I feed her and rock her, and snuggle her all the time.” Sawyer looked affronted, and Parker rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, but the moment it’s time for a diaper change you suddenly disappear. This one is all you buddy. Get to it.” Parker held up a diaper that was smaller than his own hand, and Sawyer reached for it. There was a slight tremble to his fingers as he took it, and Parker huffed.

  “She doesn’t bite, Sawyer.”

  “What if she pees on me?”

  “Then you will just have to change her clothes. Come on, lil’ bro, we’ve all done this a hundred times already. You’re the only chicken left,” Rogan said, stepping into the room with a bottle in his hand. “Besides, Jules needs changed before she can have her lunch and take her nap. Her mommy just got home from the doctor with the all clear, but she isn’t letting anyone seduce her until she is assured that her precious princess is sleeping peacefully. So hurry the fuck up.”

  That got a reaction. Sawyer took a deep breath and began to carefully remove the di
aper from Juliet’s tiny body. By the time he had wrapped the tape around her tiny waist and re-buttoned her onesie, sweat had broken out on his brow.

  Parker laughed as Sawyer scooped up his daughter and clutched her to his chest with a sigh of relief. “Okay, that wasn’t so bad.”

  “Yeah, just wait until you do the next poopy one,” Rogan said with a laugh as he passed the bottle to a horrified Sawyer.

  This was their new world. It consisted of babies, and diapers, and naps and a happiness that Parker Brooks never imagined he would find. He had the best wife in the world, even if she was more of a brat than a submissive.

  His thoughts of her seemed to draw her out, and he felt her step up behind him. “Hey, cowboy.”

  “Hey yourself, sunshine. I hear you had a good checkup.”

  She moved around to face him, pressing her full breasts against his chest, and grinned. “Yep, the doctor gave me the all clear to resume all activities.”

  “Perfect. I have some rope that I’ve been wanting to try out,” he murmured, brushing a kiss over her full lips.

  Her shiver of anticipation and dilated pupils gave away her desire, and his cock throbbed in his jeans. “Mmm…I suppose I better find a crop.”

  He recoiled in surprise, “What?”

  Her laughter followed her as she moved down the hallway. “It’s been six weeks, cowboy. You’re going to need more than just a rope, because it’s going to be a wild ride.”


  Books by Lori King

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.:

  The Surrender Trilogy

  Weekend Surrender

  Book One

  Coming Soon: Book Two

  Published by Siren-Bookstrand:

  The Gray Pack Series

  Fire of the Wolf


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