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Love Delayed

Page 18

by Love Belvin

Me: Laundry. Duuuuh!

  Stenton: Like washing or drying?

  Me: Both. My parents’ washer ‘n’ dryer are on the fritz.

  Stenton: Sounds fun.

  Me: Not when I’m spending an extra 20 cents on the additional ten minutes of a thirty minute cycle that my clothes need to be completely dry. These machines are rigged to make more money!

  Stenton: Interesting.

  Me: What? My calculations and theory?

  Stenton: No. The vision of you in my house folding my clothes wearing a tee and heels.

  Me: You’re a perv.

  Stenton: Sticks & stones…

  Two days later, I got a text from Stenton while out with a few of my cousins and friends after Wednesday night prayer service at church.

  Stenton: What are you up to?

  Me: Being grossed out. How was the game?

  Stenton: We got our asses handed to us. Wait, grossed out by what?

  Where are you?

  Me: I’m at Red Lobster. I’m sorry about the game. That sucks. I was really rooting for you in that last quarter.

  Stenton: Really? Did you catch the other team’s name?

  Me: Yup. The Eagles.

  Stenton: LMMFAO! What’s going on at Red Lobster that’s grossing you out?

  Me: Hang on. I’m going to the bathroom so I can chat.

  I excused myself from the table and ambled over to the restroom to continue my conversation.

  Me: Hey… Well the guy Bernard…our choir director just told me he’s attracted to me.

  Stenton: The McDonald’s dickhead?

  I’d mentioned Bernard to Stenton, in passing, a few days ago. I wondered why he automatically went on the defensive about him. Bernard was simply a family friend who directed the choir at my church. He was an aspiring gospel artist and traveled with his band members doing regional performances. I’d hoped he’d hit it big. He was a true talent.

  Me: Stenton! You’re more the McDonald’s poster child than he is. Don’t you endorse them?

  Stenton: Yup. They pay me for my affiliation. He just wanna be down. Fuckin lame-ass choir boy.

  Me: LMBO! Stenton that’s soooo not cool!

  Stenton: And neither is he. Have you told him you’re not interested and to fuckin scram?

  Me: In a far more polite manner, yes.

  Stenton: My Nina.

  Last thing. How was your stats & prob quiz today?

  Me: I didn’t nail it. Got 8 outta 10. My life sucks.

  Stenton: Get over yourself Zo. Gotta go. Call me 2nite when you turn in.

  Me: Roger that StentRo.

  Stenton: Cut that shit out Zo!

  Chapter 7


  February 2007


  “Forbes College is this way, StentRo,” Rob called out over his shoulder while we jogged the campus at close to midnight.

  That fucking Zoey. Of course that was why my six foot seven inch ass was running through Princeton like a S.W.A.T. on a mission. We had to avoid encountering folks who would recognize me, so I’d only brought two security guards and hoped we didn’t look all that conspicuous. Rarely did I travel without armor. I learned that lesson early on in my career. I’d damn near gotten robbed at the first Summer Jam I attended after getting signed. Barry and Rob were my main two guys when I traveled. Two guys who likely thought I was crazy for infiltrating the damn Princeton campus, all because Zo said she was struggling with her Probability and Statistics course. I was rusty as hell, but could try to recall what I knew. I was also tired…until we parked the truck. Now, every minute that passed, my adrenaline spiked a notch at the anticipation of seeing this girl.

  When we pulled up on campus, I sent her a text asking how would I recognize her. She said she’d be waiting around the lobby for me. While trekking to her dorm building, I got a text of a picture of her with a big ass afro.

  Zoey: You can’t miss all this hair.

  I chuckled as we approached the building. Barry led us in while Rob stayed behind me.

  “Big ass afro,” I called out so they’d know who to look for.

  The lobby wasn’t busy. Just a few stragglers, chatting, reading or on their laptops.

  “Ten o’clock, chief,” Rob announced.

  That’s when I saw her. Zoey’s big ass afro bounced as she neared me. I’d never seen her hair like that before, but it was cute. She was so fucking cute, even with the bags underneath her eyes.

  When she approached me, her arms went directly to my waist and wrapped around me. That’s when I was afforded a waft her hair. Vanilla. Mmmmm. My left arm instinctively went around her shoulder.

  “You know you look crazy suspect as tall as you are with that hood on,” she joked.

  “I just came from work. What the hell do you expect me to wear? A damn suit? I know this is Princeton and all, but you didn’t give me enough notification,” I complained.

  Truth was, she did coax me into coming. The only thing is what Zoey did likely wouldn’t classify as coaxing. She simply asked or suggested and I came running. That’s how I felt about her since losing her for those few weeks. Whatever she wanted I would give. She honestly didn’t ask for much at all.

  “Come on!” she teased with animated eyes. “Let’s go before my colleagues mob you.”

  I always found it funny how Zoey provided a caricature of my already heightened career. She was that clever, and I enjoyed it.

  Once off the elevators, we walked past a lounge area.

  “You guys can park it here,” I called over to Rob and Barry. “I’ll only be a minute.”

  The guys stepped into the room as Zoey and I continued down a hall and finally to her door. As she faced it, she pulled me in to her, wrapping my arms around her tiny waist.

  She whispered, “Ready?”

  Thinking it was weird, I nodded. Zoey unlocked the door and pulled me in behind her. My long strides were sloppy as I tried to avoid running her little body over in the dark. Once inside, she closed the door and walked me to what I’d soon learn was her bed. She turned around and pushed me until the back of my legs hit the side of the small mattress. When she nudged me back, I fell cautiously onto the bed, hearing the small squeak. Zo sat next to me, snuggling underneath my arm, her big hair tickling my chin.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  It was natural for me to respond, “Same here.” And that was because I did.

  Zoey and I spoke daily. I made sure of that. I regularly called at night, around this same time, after a game to hear her voice. My schedule was a bitch and not conducive to a relationship, but I found myself needing to hear her voice. Feeling her near me was much better, though. I couldn’t, for the life of me, understand why the damn lights were off if we were supposed to be studying.

  “Did you guys win?”

  I nodded, forgetting she couldn’t see me. “Yeah. Funny thing about prayer. I guess it actually works sometimes.”

  “All the time,” Zoey corrected. “Prayers and requests are mutually exclusive. We may not always get what we request, but we’re always heard and covered,” she whispered.

  “I see.” There was a bit of a pause and then I couldn’t take it anymore. “Zo?”

  “Hmmm?” she replied, rubbing her face in my side, almost sniffing me.

  Is she inhaling me?

  “How can we study in the dark?”

  I could feel Zoey’s head pop up from underneath me. I felt like a pussy for posing that question. But really, what is a man of my age and profession doing on a college campus at this hour? And then with the intent of tutoring? That sounded suspect, even to me—and that was my honest to God intent! I’d even Googled a few statistical formulas to start jogging my memory on the way here.

  This fucking frustrating girl! She made me do crazy shit.

  “Oh, that,” she whispered. “I was able to figure it out. All done and ready for my exam tomorrow.”

  Her soft hand reached for my cheek and she pulled herself up as she urged my neck do
wn to meet her. Zoey smelled good. Freshly showered.

  “I got that out of the way so that we can spend some time doing this.”

  Her lips inadvertently met my chin instead of my lips, but on her second try she was bull’s-eye. When our mouths met, all memoirs of Alpine returned in spades; her scent, her touch and taste. In no time, our tongues twisted with fury. Zo packed a lot into that kiss and I tried to swallow her whole. She unzipped and gently pulled off my sweat jacket.

  My dick lifted in my sweats and it was almost as if Zoey instinctively sensed it. Her hands went into my lap and she rubbed my wood through the cotton material. When she moaned my eyes flew open in the dark. I didn’t want to alert her roommate. I was treading on dangerous territory, on a college campus, fucking making out with a student. A smart one. A sexy one. And apparently an ablaze one.

  Before I knew it, Zoey had her little warm hand beneath the elastic of my sweats and reaching for my cock. I felt her pull on me. My abs lurched at her grip. Evidence of the trance this girl was capable of putting me in, the next thing I felt was her maneuvering her little body between my legs. Now, in my defense, her lips smacking against mine robbed my attention from all other happenings for a while. That was until I felt her withdraw from my mouth and a warm, wet, incredibly soft sensation coaxed the crown of my cock.

  I exhaled forcefully, slowly and hardly processing that my sweet Niña was sucking me off. Or attempting to. She had no particular rhythm and her grip wasn’t strong or fluid, but she was getting busy. Her efforts, though not seasoned, were pleasurable because she was mine. Her every sexual experience belonged to me. And so did her every pleasure. I reveled in her efforts as I tried to relax into it. Zoey picked up the pace and her suctioning staccato snapped my ass back to reality.

  Once again, fucking with Zoey, I put myself at risk of scandal. I had to remember, one shot of my genitals being bared to a coed could have my ass in deep water and back in the headlines again.

  “Zoey!” I whispered, taking her at the jaw.

  “What?” This was the first time she didn’t whisper. I could sense not only her slight annoyance, but her embarrassment as well.

  “Your roommate!” I whisper again.

  Zoey quickly tucked me in and shuffled beneath me. Next, I heard a clicking, and the next thing I saw was the room illuminating. My sensitive pupils darted over to Zoey grimacing. She jumped to her feet and went over to the bed across from me. It was neatly made…and empty.

  She sauntered over to me with a glower in tow, her arms crossed angrily in front of her. “Do you honestly think I would even you over here if Rebecca was here, considering your issues with the public, much less have you exposed?” Her tone and poise expressed incredulity. “Stenton, I told you she left for New Zealand with her class two days ago!”

  All of a sudden, I felt like shit. But then I thought again.

  “Then why in the hell were you whispering since we walked in? And why keep the lights off?”

  “Because I didn’t exactly want to do that,” she pointed to my rock hard cock, “with the lights on!”

  “Did you… Did you plan this?” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Again, Zoey?”

  Zoey didn’t answer for a while. She stood there, tapping her foot, stubbornly, and chewing the inside of her lip.

  I shook my head, fighting the state of frustration against my arousal. “Look, Zoey, I get you’re a headstrong woman. And I so love that you know what you want and it’s me…” I tugged her toward me. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” Her eyes slammed into mine and immediately, I saw shame. I didn’t mean for it to go there, but Zoey needed to let me lead. “If you wanted to fuck, you should have just told me and I would’ve made it happen.”

  Her eyes grew large. “How?”

  “The way that you tell me how you sort your laundry, or get free detergents by writing detailed letters to corporate, or how much you’ve saved using coupons. The same way you tell me about things that affect you every day when we kick it. Just tell me.”

  Zoey was still glaring down on me as I sat on her bed. She was fucking perturbed…and cute. But I didn’t give a fuck. She needed to learn. I’d put so much on the line for her just being there. Although she didn’t know it, there was nothing I wouldn’t do for her. So we needed to get this shit straight right away.

  I deepened my stare at her.

  “I don’t know how to,” she spoke through a tight mouth.

  “It’s easy: Stenton, I want to fuck.”

  She gasped and right away, I chuckled. “I couldn’t say that!”

  “I know. But you can figure out a way to convey your needs,” I couldn’t help my laughter. She was so damn cute. I eventually sobered. “Now, what do you want, Elizabeth?”

  She narrowed her eyes, cautioning me. “I want to do what I was doing before I was rudely interrupted.”

  “Have you done that before?”

  Another glare.

  “Have you?” I asked again and rather impatiently.

  “No!” she snarled. “You know this.”

  I nodded my head as I mumbled, “I do.”

  She gasped again. “How do you know?”

  “I can show you better than I can tell you,” I thought I whispered underneath my breath.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing. Zo, we can’t do shit anyway. I don’t have rubbers. Didn’t exactly come prepared for this.” My tone was dry. Between my rod being painfully stiff and learning of Zoey’s ulterior motives, I was in a bad way.

  Zoey turned back to the nightstand, opened a drawer, and pulled out a box of condoms.

  “It isn’t solely your responsibility to carry these. I’m an equal party in this, too.” Zoey poked her lips out petulantly.

  “You’re acting like a sex fiend.”

  “And you’re acting like an oversized—pun intended…”—she paid a glance to my bulging erection—“…prude. You may be experienced and can even get it in every city, but I—”

  I leaped up and threw my tongue in the back of her throat, silencing her ridiculousness. My tongue weaved around hers and lashed every which way, attempting to taste every inch of her cavity. I needed her to know I enjoyed her, but was afraid to reveal my obsession of her.

  I pulled back, “I only want it and get it from you, Niña. Nobody else,” I whispered directly into her mouth.

  Zoey whispered back, her tone less forceful, almost providing supplication, “Well, I want you here and now. I want to taste you, Stenton.” Her eyes raked up to mine, much softer and needier than previously.

  She asked. And I was totally inclined to meet her request. Slowly, I nodded my head, knowing deep down inside we wouldn’t be leaving this room without me being buried deep inside her.

  “I’m going to turn off the lights first. I’m not ready for that yet,” her voice was still reduced, but her aggressive and determined persona was in full effect.

  Zoey turned the lamp off and returned to me, wrapping her arms around my waist lovingly. I reached down to bring her chin up so that I could taste her mouth again. In no time, we were both enraptured again. She lowered my sweats and I kicked off my sneakers when my sweats and briefs fell to my ankles. I pulled off her shirt and rubbed her full perky breasts. Fuck! Zo has the best tits! Her body shivered when I pulled on them at the hard apex.

  Zoey left my face and dropped to her knees, taking me in her mouth. She used both her little hands to jerk me. I placed mine over hers applying more pressure. Zoey caught on right away and before I knew it, she was fisting and sucking me to the point of climax. I didn’t want one that way, so I pulled her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. With her clawed to my chest, I maneuvered out of my t-shirt, tapped around the top of the nightstand until I felt plastic, and then laid her on the bed.

  “Stenton,” Zoey begged when I lifted and sat on my knees.

  She used the time to doff the remainder of her clothes.

  “I just have to put the damn rubber on, N
iña,” I drawled, so fucking aroused by this frustrating girl.

  When I was done, I lowered myself over her and took to her lips again. An impatient Zoey pulled my head in deep right away and thrust her hips upward and onto my erection. I wasn’t even halfway in, but Zoey knew nothing about pacing sex.

  “Go!” she whispered into my lips as I moved marginally in and out of her.

  “Zo, you’re not ready for me to pound you. You’re tight again,” I scolded, but gently. She felt amazing.

  I sensed her nod. “Yessss, I am.” She held her breath and pushed up again.

  “No, you’re not.”

  But instead of arguing with my Niña during sex, I showed her. I plunged all the way into her canal, pulled back partially and slammed into her again, this time filling her to the hilt. Doing that was a bad move. Zoey’s pussy was so warm and gripping, I couldn’t halt my dips. Those dips quickly turned into pounding her.

  “Stenton!” she breathed.

  It concerned me until her fingers pressed into the wings of my back as she threw her sex to meet my thrust. Her breathing increased through her nostrils and I felt soft clenching from her walls below. I was perspiring in no time.

  “Open your mouth, Zoey,” I grounded out. “Breath through your mouth, honey.” I was fucking shocked at how soon she was ready to orgasm.

  I felt her harsh breaths in my face, inspiring my hips to push deeper, grind harder.

  I was rewarded when I heard Zoey, “I can’t wait, Stent. I can’t hold out!” clearly tantalized by my efforts.

  “Go, baby! Don’t wait for me. I got you.” And I did. I couldn’t get enough of it.

  Zoey proved her need of me with the speed of her release. Her small frame shuddered as her pussy gripped me so sweetly below. I had to control my breathing because I wasn’t ready yet. Her lungs drew and suffused air roughly. I pelted into her as hard as my body would allow without climaxing my damn self, Zoey was that amazing.

  When she was done, I halted my thrusts, but remained inside of her, doting on her flight. I kissed her insanely, completely consumed by her. I adored Zoey. She truly inspired me. I was proud of her femininity. But I wasn’t done with her body.

  Abruptly and swiftly, I flipped her body over until she was on her knees. I reared up on the bed and grabbed her ass cheeks, parting them to throw my tongue between. Zoey stiffened, unaccustomed to this position, or the act in the position. I couldn’t be so concerned or doubtful. I now needed to please her again. I swirled against her lips and then in between, playing on her clit. When she relaxed, I swiped her full slit, tasting her forbidden zone in the rear and used my hand to massage her engorged nub. And when I expected Zoey to flinch and draw back, she pushed into my face and then onto my hand. She kept going back and forth, not knowing which one spurred her pleasure. I increased the speed of both, driving her insane. Zoey’s orgasm, this time, was much louder than before. Her cries were so uncontrolled and raucous that I couldn’t react to my subconscious that told me we could be heard by those near, possibly even my security way down the hall.


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