The Walls We Built

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The Walls We Built Page 13

by Kassandra Garrison

  Maybe divorce and break-ups happened despite true love because both people were unwilling to set down their pride and fight for the other person. No matter how much was said or what decisions had been put into action, what if one action could repair everything?

  Just like Sophie, what if my mom just wanted to know she was worth fighting for? That my dad still loved her enough to chase after her and forgive any wrongdoing, love her despite her flaws. And ten years after leaving, was she still wishing he would have fought for her to stay?


  As I walked quickly from my last class of the day, my excitement built more and more. It was the last day before spring break and I could not wait to have a breather from the intensity of my classes.

  Ezra agreed to meet me in the courtyard after class and I rushed as quickly as my feet would allow. When I burst through the doors of the science building, the cool spring breeze pushed my hair behind my shoulders. The smell of fresh cut grass reminded me of summertime and warm memories I had of the farm.

  Suddenly, I heard my name being called. Hopeful that it was Ezra, I turned my head in the direction of the voice. My stomach dropped as my eyes landed on Mason at the bottom of the stairs I was descending, his blonde hair shining in the sun.

  He noticed the change in my expression, his own drooping in disappointment. As I changed my direction slightly on the stairs to pass him, he walked closer to the bottom of the staircase.


  In the distance, I could see Ezra talking with one of his friends from his last class. He hadn’t noticed me yet. I attempted to ignore Mason as I had so many other times but this time, he was different.

  Charlotte Pryor, would you just stop for a second?

  His hand was firm on my arm as he halted my progress to Ezra. I tried pulling my arm from his grasp but it was too strong, my glare having no effect on his grip.

  I’ve been trying to talk to you for months. I know you said you wanted nothing to do with me, but I think you’ll change your mind if you just listen.

  Mason, let go of me. I don’t have to do anything for you. You left ten years ago! I think it’s too late for an explanation.

  It’s never too late. Lottie, just listen to me.

  Let go of me.

  Mason released his grip on my arm, putting his hands up in peaceful surrender as I straightened the backpack on my shoulders and glowered at him.

  Fine. I’m listening. But you have a heavy task ahead of you, Mason.

  I told Mom you were here. She wants to talk to you.

  I chuckled sarcastically, throwing my head back theatrically.

  That’s funny. I not only have you wanting to talk to me but now your mother, too?

  Our mother.

  That’s debatable. Anyone can have a child; that doesn’t make them a parent.

  She wants to explain. Your dad probably didn’t tell you everything.

  MY dad didn’t say much of anything. He was too heartbroken.

  Exactly. He didn’t want to tell you the truth.

  You act like he has spent the last ten years of his life trashing you and your mom. Not once has he said a negative thing about either of you so before you start assuming…

  Maybe it’s not what he said, Lottie, but what he hasn’t said.

  It was enough he was trying to persuade me to talk to Mom, but when knives were thrown at my dad, my claws came out.

  And what explanation did either of you give when you left? A letter, a phone call? No, I was in the dark, totally at a loss of why I was abandoned by the two people I never thought would. You have no right to come back a decade later and be the good guy. Why now?

  In my anger, I stood close to him, my finger raised to the level of his chest, awaiting a response. He stood nearly a foot taller than me, looking down with guarded green eyes.

  Charlotte, are you okay?

  Ezra’s voice broke through the fury which deafened my surroundings. Relief poured over me as I stepped away from my brother, my body trembling in anger from our conversation.

  Yeah, I’m fine. We were just done.

  No, Lottie, we are not done.

  I told you not to call me that, Mason.

  I stepped away from Mason, turning to find Ezra. But he was closer than I anticipated, inserting himself between Mason and me.

  Mason, is it?

  Yeah, and who are you?

  Ezra Blake, Charlotte’s boyfriend.

  Congrats. You’re a lucky boy. Now, if you will allow us to finish our conversation, this is none of your business.

  Oh, but when you’re forcing my girlfriend to talk to you when she obviously doesn’t want to, it is my business.

  Mason’s eyes burned with anger as Ezra stood eye to eye with him. They both appeared coiled and ready to spring into action.

  I guess she hasn’t told you I’m her brother.

  No, she told me.

  Then, you’ll understand if I want a minute in private with my sister.

  Charlotte, do you want a minute in private with Mason?

  The tension was building as the two continued to front one another, their chests puffed and their fists clenched in threat. Quickly, I inserted myself between them, pushing Ezra away from Mason.

  No, I don’t. Let’s go, Ezra.

  Don’t, Lottie. If he wants to fight, then let him. Once he realizes what he’s up against, he’ll leave.

  Ezra’s deep chuckle vibrated against my hands as I desperately attempted to separate the two of them. His blue eyes were darker than I had ever seen, the black pupils dilated from adrenaline.

  No, I know who I’m fighting for. I’d never leave a girl like her. I’m not a moron.

  Mason’s face dropped as Ezra hinted at his choice to abandon me, the fight leaving his eyes.

  Lottie, I’ll talk to you when this douche isn’t around.

  I ignored Mason as he walked away, keeping my hands on Ezra’s chest and watching as his expression slowly calmed. The muscles in his chest and arms relaxed as the distance grew between us and Mason.

  Ezra, I told you not to get in the middle of it.

  I’m not going to stand there and watch him treat you like that.

  I had control of it before you both pulled out your rulers.

  With a glance over my shoulder to verify Mason’s absence, I began walking toward my dorm. The beat of my heart slowed, returning to its normal speed as I looked around at the budding trees and flowers. I heard the sound of Ezra’s footsteps as he followed close behind.

  I’m sorry, Char. I wanted to protect you. Fighting isn’t the answer, I know. But I’ve seen the toll his presence has been taking on you lately.

  What are you talking about?

  Well, for the first month after his arrival, we hid in the dorm. Since you have been seeing him everywhere, you’ve been stressed and exhausted. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.

  He was right. Everywhere I went, Mason was there watching me. It had gotten to the point that I looked over my shoulder in the hall outside my dorm, afraid he had followed me. My sleep had been restless with every dream ending in Mason behind me and my eating had diminished to crackers and peanut butter.

  Okay, you’re right. But I don’t know what to do about it. He won’t stop until I finally listen to him.

  I have an idea.

  Now walking beside me, I witnessed Ezra’s eyes brighten with his plan, his warm fingers weaving between mine.

  Oh, yeah? And what is it?

  Go on a trip with me.

  My stomach dropped as I thought of taking a trip alone with Ezra. Would he expect me to sleep with him? I shook my head and crossed the yard to the dorm, Ezra stepping between me and the door before I had a chance to touch the handle.

  Why not? You obviously need a break, so let me take you on a trip.

  No, I’m not interested in partying on the beach with other college students and I don’t think I’m ready to go on a trip alone…

  He searched my eyes as he a
llowed someone to walk through the door. I took the opportunity to enter the building and walk up the stairs, taking two steps at a time.

  Charlotte, I know why you don’t want to take a trip alone. Can we talk about this?

  At the top of the stairs, I stood in place and waited for him to speak. His hair on the top of his head was slightly ruffled from the breeze outside.

  This is not an elaborate plan to have sex with you, Charlotte. If you let me finish, I want to invite Sophie and Nathan.

  Seriously? You want to invite two people who hate each other right now?

  She’s your best friend and he’s mine. They’ll just have to get over it.

  Yeah, easier said than done. Good luck with that.

  I continued my trek down the hallway to my dorm, Ezra following quickly behind. He leaned with his hand on the wall above me as I found my key and unlocked the door.

  I can tell that no matter what I say, you aren’t going to budge.


  Well, I was invited by Wyatt and a couple of other guys on the football team to go down to Florida for break.

  Good. You should go then.

  Really? You’d rather me hang out with drunks on a beach than go on a trip with me? I know you’re mad at Mason but I haven’t done anything wrong.

  No, it’s fine. Go. Have fun.

  Yes, I was irritated from my encounter with Mason but I wasn’t falling for his master plan. If I went on a trip with him, he would expect us to take the next step in our relationship and I wasn’t ready. Plus, I missed my dad and Cara. And I had questions for my father.

  Whatever. Then, I will see you next week.


  He stood by the door, waiting for me to tell him goodbye but I was already packing a quick to-go bag. I could see him out of the corner of my eye watching me pack with his hand on the doorknob.

  I hated how one conversation with Mason had bothered me to the point of being angry with Ezra. By the time I relinquished my pride, he had already left, shutting the door quietly behind him.


  Spring break was probably one of the loneliest weeks of my life. Sophie was obviously getting plastered on some beach and Ezra refused to text me. To add to my misery, Dad was busy preparing the fields for planting and Cara’s work was short-staffed, so she was forced to pick up extra shifts.

  In my free time, I laid in the hammock outside as I read books and wrote in my notebook. The temperatures were tolerable in a t-shirt and capris as the sun clung to my hair and skin.

  When I spent time in the sun for long periods of time, my hair highlighted with strands of golden blonde. Anyone else would have counted themselves lucky to have free highlights but they only served as an unwelcome reminder that I was my mother’s daughter.

  The sound of the tractor in the distance was a familiar and comforting noise as I listened to my surroundings. I stared in the distance at a pair of geese that had landed near the pond. Since I had been home, I hadn’t really had much time alone with my dad, Cara’s shifts aligning with his work hours.

  Since the questions I wanted to ask my dad were about Mom and Mason, I avoided asking them around Cara. I didn’t want to make her feel awkward or unwanted.

  Hey, Lottie. How’s my girl?

  At the sound of my dad’s voice, I sat up from the hammock, nearly falling out of the swinging fabric. All at once, I noticed the absence of tractor noises in the distance.

  Sorry, Dad. You scared me.

  Must be thinking hard about something.

  Yeah, actually I’ve been meaning to talk to you.

  Oh, yeah. What about?

  My dad stood with a glass of water in his hand, his shirt and jeans covered in patches of dirt. He watched as I stood from the hammock, cautiously choosing my words.

  Mason transferred to my college in January.

  Dad nearly spit out his drink before looking off in the distance, a look of concern on his face when he finally met my eye contact again.

  Why didn’t you tell me this two months ago, Lottie?

  Well, I was trying my best to avoid him but he’s gotten pushy.

  Pushy? What do you mean “pushy?”

  His voice had raised in irritation as he took a step toward me, his glass lowered at his side.

  He really wants to talk to me. Says mom wants to talk, too.

  What did you tell him?

  I told him no.

  I searched his face, trying my best to understand his irritation and questions. Was my dad really hiding something or was Mason lying?


  Good? That’s all you have to say?

  What else do you want me to say, Lottie?

  He told me you hadn’t told me everything. And frankly, I’m inclined to believe him seeing as how you’ve told me nothing.

  What do you want to know?

  What do I want to know? Are you kidding, Dad? My mom and brother abandoned me when I was eight. Let’s start with why you got divorced, why neither one of them said goodbye, or why I never received an explanation.

  My dad’s face was sorrowful as he looked between me and the pond in the distance. There was a drawn-out silence before he chose to speak.

  Your mother had some issues she needed to resolve.

  Issues? What issues would warrant leaving her husband and daughter and taking one of her children? What kind of a mother does that?

  I wouldn’t let her take you.

  His statement sent a shock through me; the countless questions filling my head was overwhelming.

  And what about Mason? You just let her take him?

  He wasn’t mine to keep.


  My father’s expression was full of anguish and hurt, his dark brown eyes glossed over in broken memories. I felt my jaw drop as my mind processed his statement.

  Mom cheated on you?

  Just then, Cara called from the back door of the house. Both my dad and I shot a quick glance toward the house before returning our gaze back to one another.

  She didn’t tell me until the end of our marriage, Lottie. I loved that boy as my own but I had no right to keep him.

  My heart broke for my dad as he revealed my mom’s infidelity during their relationship. With one last painful glance toward me, he walked toward the house to greet Cara. I stood, refraining from asking more questions as he stalked up the hill, leaving me and my heart aching.


  I had no idea how my week could worsen after my dad’s confession. Even the weather turned gloomy with cool rain and gray clouds hampering any outdoor activities.

  My dad was more quiet than usual, completing his tasks without a word. Cara seemed to notice and was doing her best to lighten up both of our moods with her famous peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream.

  I think this rain made both of you glum. Nothing my cobbler can’t fix. And don’t ask the secret ingredient either.

  Is it love?

  She glanced across the table at me, my sarcastic comment apparently unentertaining to her.

  No, but if you keep smarting off, there will be an extra ingredient in your helping.

  I sat forward and accepted the bowl of cobbler, receiving a scolding look from her in the process.

  Thank you, ma’am.

  Now, that’s more like it. Henry, eat up.

  He sat looking through the screen door as she sat his bowl on the table in front of him. My dad quietly turned around and took a bite of the cobbler.

  It’s very good. Thank you, Cara. I think Lottie and I did need a pick-me-up.

  I shot him a look over my bowl, his eyes on mine. With a comfortingly familiar wink of his eye, I smiled and continued eating my cobbler. My dad reached to rub Cara’s hand in tender appreciation.

  Just then, I heard my phone vibrate next to me. It had been quiet most of the week. I opened the text message which just arrived, nearly dropping the phone.

  It was Sophie and she had sent me a picture of a girl sitting on Ezra’s lap with a
simple text that said, “Thought you should know.”

  My stomach dropped and my eyes watered as I stood from the table and excused myself. Cara and my dad both watched as I sauntered off to my bedroom.

  Immediately after the door was shut, I threw myself on the bed and began crying into my pillow. Maybe Ezra perceived our last conversation as a breakup or this was all a sick joke. No matter what excuse I made for his behavior, my heart broke.

  This was my fault for trusting a boy. My dad was right: they only had one thing on their minds. And while I was crying my eyes out during one of the worst weeks of my life, he was in Florida partying with some blonde on the beach.

  When I woke up the next morning, my eyes were swollen from countless tears shed the night before and my mouth was dry. Abruptly, my phone began vibrating under my pillow. It was a phone call from Sophie.


  Hey, girl. Did you see my text?

  Yes, unfortunately I did.

  I’m so sorry. How are you holding up?

  Oh, about how you would expect. Sobbing into a pillow with full intentions of finishing off the ice cream in the freezer.

  I know, babe. Guys are jerks. Take my word for it. Nathan is most likely partying with some girl, too.

  Well, you could have just told me. You didn’t have to take a picture of it.

  I didn’t take the picture. I got that text from someone else. I forwarded it to you.

  Well, thanks for having my back, Soph.

  That’s what best friends are for, babe. Alright, well, I’m going to go sit on the beach and send love your way. I’ll see you in a couple of days. Bye, Char.

  Bye, Soph. Thanks for checking in.

  Over the next couple hours, I managed to get out of bed and shuffle into the kitchen in search of either the cobbler or ice cream. Honestly, probably both.

  Not even an hour after my call with Sophie, I received a call from Ezra which I immediately sent to voicemail. As I prepared my return to school, I must have received dozens of calls from him.

  There was no way he could lie his way out of this one, not with evidence of his guilt on my phone. Though he left a voicemail after each call, I refused to listen to them.


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