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Cowboy Brave

Page 8

by Carolyn Brown

Emily caught Justin’s gaze across the room. One eyelid slid shut in a slow, sexy wink. That comment about him being irresistible was pretty damn close to the truth.

  Larry carried his food to the coffee table and sat down on the sofa. “And when we get done, we’ll show y’all what we found. I got a perfect squirrel skull. I’m going to put it on my desk and use it to hold my favorite pen. I used to have a ’gater head but somehow in the move I lost it.”

  “So, Miz Emily, did you ever have a weird pen holder?” Justin asked as he made his sandwiches, with no onions.

  She spread mayo on two slices of bread and then added everything else. She was surprised that the old folks hadn’t commented on the sparks flying between her and Justin. Maybe they were so interested in food that they didn’t pay attention to anything else.

  “Only if you call a Cameron Aggie cup weird.” She finally answered Justin.

  “You went to Cameron?” Sarah took her plate to the living area and sat down in the middle of the sofa. “You never told me that. We’ll have to talk college someday. That’s where I got my teachin’ degree. I stole a glass from the cafeteria to keep my pencils in.”

  Emily crossed one leg over the other and with the grace of a seasoned ballerina, sat down beside the fireplace. “Do you still have it or did it get lost in the move like Larry’s ’gater head?”

  “Sittin’ on my desk right now. One of the few things I couldn’t get rid of. I found some really nice dead leaves today. I’m going to spray paint them gold and have them mounted in shadow boxes to go above my little sofa,” Sarah answered. “Otis, come on over here and sit on the sofa with us. Bess and Patsy can have the table.”

  “Thanks but I’m too messy for a plate in my lap. I’ll just stay back here with the ladies,” Otis said.

  Heavy footsteps on the porch caused everyone’s eyes to go toward the door. Levi poked his head inside and asked, “I heard there was a party goin’ on in here. Has anyone made bathtub gin yet?”

  “Naw, we’d have to make shower gin,” Otis said. “There ain’t no bathtub in this place, but that’s a good idea.”

  “I know where there’s a really big tub,” Patsy said.

  “And it’s for taking baths, not making liquor,” Emily warned.

  Justin bit back a laugh.

  “Get on over here and make yourself a sandwich. There’s plenty,” Otis offered.

  “Don’t mind if I do, and then I’m stealing Justin. We’ve got a whole afternoon of workin’ cattle. Want to join us, Otis?”

  “You bet your sweet ass, I do.” Otis chuckled.

  “I’ll take good care of him and won’t let him get hurt,” Justin whispered.

  Emily shot a smile his way. “Good luck.”

  Emily didn’t think that she’d ever seen such a spring in Otis’s step when he put on his safari hat and joined the younger two cowboys on the way out of the cabin. But it was Justin’s swagger that took her eye a helluva lot more than Otis’s.

  “Okay if me and Bess get our afternoon beauty sleep on that bed? Shame that the covers ain’t even ruffled,” Patsy said. “We left y’all alone, hopin’ that you’d have a little hanky-panky story to tell us when we got back.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. “There’s absolutely no hanky-panky story between me and Justin.”

  “What if fate says he’s your soul mate?” Patsy kicked off her shoes and sat down on the bed. “You can’t fight fate or you’ll regret it forever.”

  “How could I even know if he’s my soul mate? I’ve only known him a few days,” Emily said.

  “Ah, honey, you’ll know,” Sarah said and then turned to Patsy. “Y’all ain’t gettin’ that big old bed all to yourselves. I get the middle pillow. And I don’t want to hear a bunch of bickerin’, either. We’re goin’ to take our afternoon naps like good little girls.”

  “Yes, teacher,” Bess teased.

  Larry tucked a pillow under his head and pulled the throw from the back of the sofa down over his body. The moment he shut his eyes, he was snoring. Poor old guy—the morning had worn him plumb out. They may act younger than their years, but today their age had sure caught up with them.

  “What about you, Emily?” Patsy asked.

  “I’m going to catch up on some work, since I brought my laptop. Y’all have a good sleep and when you wake up, I’d love to see all your prizes from this morning.”

  “Can’t do that.” Sarah yawned. “We got to wait for Otis to get home so we can all be together and tell our stories. But after supper we’re all meetin’ up in the girls’ quarters, and we’ll tell you about them then. Why don’t you invite Justin to join us?”

  “We’ll see about that,” Emily answered.

  “I hated it when Mama said that,” Bess said as she shut her eyes and joined Larry in the snoring business.

  Emily cleared off the table so she’d have a place to work. After she’d set up her laptop and discovered that she didn’t have Wi-Fi in the cabin, she pulled her phone from her hip pocket, and hit Nikki’s number.

  Her friend answered on the first ring. “Emily! I thought you’d fallen off the face of the earth. I swear this week just hasn’t been the same without you. Derek is doing all right with the activities you left him to do, but the place is like a tomb without the Fab Five.”

  “Hello to you too,” Emily said softly so she wouldn’t wake anyone.

  “What is that horrible noise?” Nikki asked.

  “I’m in a small cabin with four of the Five, and they’re taking their afternoon naps,” she answered.

  “Man, that’s a lot of snoring. So tell me all about what’s been going on. Have you changed your mind about Justin Maguire?”

  Emily took a deep breath and paced the floor. “He’s sexy as hell, a great man, and he’s kind to everyone.”

  “And I hear in your voice that he’s gotten under your skin,” Nikki said.

  “I had a case of chiggers once and I got over it. I guess I can get over this too. Besides, I’ve only been here three days. Nothing romantic has happened, but let me tell you what this group has gotten into.” Emily changed the subject and went on to fill Nikki in on the Five’s antics.

  “You pulled a calf?” Nikki’s voice went all high and squeaky.

  “That’s all you got out of that story?” Emily asked.

  “No, the rest is funny. That’s why we miss the Five here at the center. But you actually birthed a calf. I knew you’d lived on a ranch, but I figured you were the prissy type who never got her hands dirty.”

  Emily stopped pacing and sat down in a kitchen chair. “My parents insisted I learn the business just like my brothers.”

  “I just can’t imagine you doin’ that. Got to go now, job calls. Just three more days and y’all will be home and things will liven up around here. Tell everyone hello for me.”

  Nikki didn’t give her time to say good-bye. One minute she was talking, the next the phone went dark. Emily opened up her laptop and began to list everything she’d need for the Valentine festivities at the center. After last Christmas, the craft closet was nearly bare, so she’d need lots of things for the residents to make their Valentine boxes and cards to each other.

  I wonder what kind of card Justin would give me, she thought as she added construction paper and glitter to the list. Growing up, she’d loved turning a shoe box or a cereal box into a masterpiece to take to school. But she would never look at her cards until she got home. She’d race from the bus to her bedroom and dump them all on her bed. She’d hold her breath, hoping that just one of them would have a lollipop with it because boys only gave a special girl that kind.

  But she never got one.

  Chapter Six

  Not just no, but hell no!” Emily popped her hands on her hips.

  “But it ain’t a wild rodeo bull. It’s pretty tame,” Otis argued. “If Larry woulda helped me, I think I could’ve ridden him like a horse.”

  Emily sent a dirty look toward Larry and shifted her gaze toward Otis. “And you
, no amount of talkin’ will make me change my mind.”

  “Okay then, how about horseback ridin’? It ain’t the same and it won’t impress the ladies, but at least I’ll be ridin’ something,” Otis asked.

  Justin wasn’t a bit of help, standing over there in the corner of the ranch house, arms crossed and with one boot propped against the wall. He should’ve nipped this crazy notion in the bud when the two guys came to him with it. Some father he’d make! Whoever he married would have to wield the heavy hand while he’d be the good parent in the relationship.

  Not a whole lot unlike Emily’s daddy. She could always talk him into anything, but not her mama. When Mama said no, it was definite, and a herd of wild bulls couldn’t change her mind.

  “We could’ve just done it without askin’ nobody, but we gave you our word after the four-wheeler thing,” Larry said.

  Justin straightened up and said, “I’ve got an idea. There’s a mechanical bull at the Rusty Spur. The bar doesn’t open until evening, but I know the owner, and she’d probably let us use old Demon if Emily would give the okay.” He looked her way and winked.

  One wink and all her resolve went right out the window.

  His eyes held hers without blinking. “You can even go with us to be sure that Demon don’t buck too hard. The ladies can spend some time at the ranch house, either with a movie or helping Retta pick out a color for the nursery.”

  Otis begged with his eyes. Larry’s big grin and twinkling eyes said he would be so disappointed if she said no. Surely, it couldn’t hurt for them to ride the bull on a very low speed, but what if one of them fell off and broke a hip on her watch? The thought almost made her change her mind, and then the door burst open and a cold wind blew all the ladies into the ranch house.

  “What are y’all doin’ in here?” Patsy asked. “Are you plannin’ something without us, Otis? Did she say y’all could ride the bull? We done told you that you couldn’t do something we can’t. I ain’t goin’ to stand on the sidelines and be a cheerleader. I’m going to ride the bull if you are.”

  “Just like them to go behind our backs, ain’t it?” Bess frowned. “Well, we’re here now and we got on our jeans and boots and we’re doin’ whatever you get to do.”

  Sarah raised her hand toward heaven. “Preach on, sisters.”

  “We’re goin’ to ride the mechanical bull at a saloon,” Otis said.

  “If Emily says yes,” Larry added.

  “Yee-haw!” Patsy squealed. “I ain’t done that since we went to Billy Bob’s for my fiftieth birthday. I rode that sumbitch for eight seconds with a tequila in my free hand, and I didn’t spill a drop.”

  “But only after she’d had five shots and a couple of margaritas before she mounted up.” Bess tilted her chin up defiantly. “I stayed on eight seconds, and I was sober as a judge.”

  “Oh, hush!” Patsy nudged her on the arm. “I should’ve brought my cowboy hat. Can we go by the center and get it?”

  “No, you can’t,” Emily said.

  “Do we get to drink, since we’re in a honky-tonk?” Patsy asked.

  “No, you don’t.” Emily raised her voice. “The only way I’m saying yes is if you promise you won’t drink. All of you are on meds that warn against drinking while taking them.”

  All of them raised their right hands. “We promise.”

  Justin was on the phone when she glanced his way. She couldn’t hear a single word he said for all the chatter and bets going on around her, but he finally nodded and gave her the thumbs-up sign.

  “Okay, but only for one ride each. Justin will have to draw a map for me,” Emily said. Thank goodness the week was almost over. She shuddered to think of what they’d request next.

  Justin pushed away from the wall. “I have to go pick up some supplies half a mile from the Rusty Spur. I’ll drive ahead of y’all and show you the way.”

  “And afterward we can go out and eat at the Mexican place in Bowie,” Sarah said.

  “Y’all want to break Retta’s heart,” Emily asked. “She put a ham in the oven and she’s making baked beans and sweet potato casserole, and she’s done all that because Larry and Patsy mentioned it being their favorite at supper last night.”

  “Ride the bull and come home.” Patsy made the decision for all of them. “We can go out to eat any old time. Retta’s cookin’ is far better.”

  Otis sighed. “I wish this was home.”

  Larry laid a hand on Justin’s shoulder. “I’m dead serious about this. Anytime you want to rent out these bunkhouses to us, we’ll pay you what we give the center. You could make a lot of money and we’d be very happy living here. I’d even supervise any construction that you’ve got goin’ on and Otis would help on the ranch.”

  “And we’d help Retta in the house and we’ll be damn fine babysitters.” Sarah clasped her hands together. “I always wanted to be a grandmother.”

  Bess raised her hand. “I call first dibs on rockin’ the new baby.”

  “Over my dead body,” Patsy said. “I’ll fight you for the first time.”

  Justin raised an eyebrow toward Emily, as if he might actually be thinking about their proposal. He’d better not encourage them or he’d never hear the end of it.

  “We’d better think about the present and see what happens in the future. Y’all get your cowboy boots on and meet us outside,” Justin finally said.

  The sun was bright, but a chilly wind whipped her hair across her face as Emily headed outside. That didn’t prevent her from staring at Justin’s backside when he hurried ahead of her to open the van door. There was no justice in the universe. Making a man that fine and then turning him into a cowboy so she couldn’t have him was an unforgivable sin.

  She settled into the driver’s seat. Justin stood outside the open door.

  “I thought you were going to lead the way in your truck,” she said.

  “I am,” he answered. “I just want you to know that we’d never bring five seventy-year-old people on the ranch permanently. But if we did, could we hire you to do the same job you are doing now?”

  “Oh, no! I’ve got a job,” she said.

  The Five were decked out in as much western attire as they could muster, but Otis was the only one who had a cowboy hat. They were all laughing and talking about how he had to share it.

  “Ever ridden a fake bull?” Sarah asked Emily.

  “One time and I stayed on the full eight seconds. But that was just to show my brothers I could do anything they could,” she answered. “Everyone strapped in and ready to go?”

  “You bet we are,” Patsy said.

  “Okay, let’s get on the road. I’ll lead the way.” Justin winked at Emily as he left the van.

  “I brought a purse full of quarters,” Patsy said. “I’m going to plug them into the jukebox so we can dance before we leave. I ain’t been to a honky-tonk in more’n twenty years, and I’m sure goin’ to make the best of today.”

  “What if you drop graveyard dead right in the middle of a dance? You damn sure ain’t no spring chicken anymore, sis.” Bess folded her arms over her chest and glared at Patsy.

  “Then my prayers will be answered.” Patsy slid into the seat beside her. “I ain’t plannin’ to go out with a whimper. I’m finishin’ up this life with a bang and then I’m goin’ to slide into heaven shoutin’ at someone to open the doors. I won’t have the energy to do it myself because I done used up every bit of what the Good Lord done gave me to live every moment of my life. Remember what that preacher said when he came to the center a few weeks ago. He said we ain’t supposed to waste our talents.”

  “And your talent is riding bulls?” Larry asked.

  “Hell, no!” Patsy exclaimed loudly. “My talent is dancin’. You’ll see. I got lots of quarters.” She patted her purse.

  “What if nobody wants to dance with you?” Bess asked.

  “I don’t need a partner. I just need a pole and I bet there’s at least a support beam in that place,” Patsy teased.
  As she drove behind Justin’s truck, Emily wondered how she’d go out of the world. Would it be with regrets or would she have used up all her talents? Would Patsy be waiting at the Pearly Gates to guide her into heaven?

  Granny used to say that when you’re faced with a fork in the road always take the one that looks like it would make you happy and never think about the other one again. If Emily had two paths of life before her right at that moment, she wondered which one she’d take, and would there be regrets.

  The Five were so excited when they saw the honky-tonk that they’d left their seats and were waiting at the door when Emily came to a stop. They hurried out of the vehicle and even beat Justin to the door and then inside the old weathered wood building.

  “I hope they’re not disappointed,” Justin said as he walked beside her.

  “It could be a corrugated steel building with a dirt floor and they’d be happy,” Emily said.

  A tall blond woman yelled from behind the bar, “I’m Vivien and I set the rules in this place. You got to have a drink before you can conquer old Demon.”

  Emily’s eyes widened and she started to say something.

  “It’s just root beer,” Justin whispered. “I called Viv on the way here and told her the rules. No liquor, and Demon is tired this morning, so he’s only going to buck on slow speed.”

  “I’ll have a double shot of Jack?” Otis said.

  “Honey, I can spot a fake ID a mile away and there ain’t no way a one of you is over twenty-one, so it’s root beers all around. But Demon is waiting for you, and the jukebox is hungry for quarters, so you can dance after the rides. But first a drink because you got to loosen up to ride my bull.”

  “She’s good,” Emily said.

  “Yep, best therapist in the whole world as well as bartender. She’ll take lots and lots of secrets to her grave.”

  Emily wondered how many of Justin’s secrets she’d be taking to the grave with her. Maybe the count of all the women he’d been with, along with their names?

  “We’re the Fab Five,” Larry said. “This here is Patsy, Bess, Sarah, and Otis is already on a barstool.


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