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All to Love You

Page 8

by Anna Antonia

  “I know you do.”

  My soft reply pleased him. “Good. Now no more running away, Emma. I was lucky that she didn’t punch me in the throat tonight just because. I don’t want to ever give her reason to do so.”

  I laughed. “My mom isn’t a brawler, Gabriel.”

  “Shows what you know,” he replied with a lovely smirk. “You’re both warriors, Emma. And while I may be silly, I am not stupid.”

  “Warrior. Me?”

  “Warrior. You.” He reached for my hand. His soft lips brushed against the back. “I can’t wait until we have a daughter one day, Emma. I’d love for her to have your spirit and intelligence. And maybe my eyes if she must.”

  I squeezed his fingers. “A baby. You slay me, Gabriel Gordon. Really you do.”

  “The same to you, my love. The same to you.”

  We drove the rest of the way in the comforting silence that marked us, alternately yawning and both apparently eager to share a bed in sleep.

  And maybe something else if it came our way.

  I sat up when we turned into a neighborhood. One I knew intimately. I waited until Gabriel drove up the circular driveway. “Why are we here?”

  “So suspicious!” He sprang out of the car and came around to my side to open the door.

  I took his hand and peered at the lovely whitewashed house with the neatly clipped shrubbery and red double-door. “Gabriel, this is the house.”

  “I know.” He popped open the trunk and got our bags out.

  “Why are we are?”

  “To sleep. It’s better than a hotel, isn’t it?” He rolled two of them down the sidewalk and away from me. “Come on, Emma. I don’t want you catching cold in those tiny shorts.”

  I caught up to Gabriel. “Where are the Rosenburgs? I called them and couldn’t get a hold of them because they were out of town.”

  “Yes, they were. Arizona I think.”

  “So why are we here?”

  “Because we have the keys and we’re going to sleep here, silly.”

  I pushed my way in front of him and blocked the doors. “Gabriel.”


  “Don’t tell me you did what I think you did.”

  He looked up and shrugged. “It depends. What do you think I did?”

  “I don’t know how you did it, or how you even knew that this was the one, but you bought my house, didn’t you?”

  Gabriel huffed. “Can we at least wait until we get inside before you detonate on me?”

  I actually stamped my foot. “Gabriel Fucking Gordon! How could you?”

  He cut off my outrage with a swift kiss. I did my best not to sag against him or the door but it was tough going. He pulled back and swooped in for a love bite on my neck.

  My body went limp.

  Gabriel’s glazed stare reflected my own. I blinked rapidly and shook my head to dispel the intoxicating affects of kissing and being kissed by such a delicious man. “Kissing me into submission isn’t going to work this time.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad. Inside, Emma. You don’t want to shock the neighbors on your first night here, do you?” When I didn’t move and merely gave him a mutinous glare, Gabriel sighed. “Very well.” He released his hold of the bags and then lifted me up high with one arm until we were eyelevel. “Inside. Okay?”

  “Fine.” Although I fumed, I was willing to wait until we had some privacy before I laid into him with my questions and a few choice words.

  Gabriel sighed again, longer this time, and unlocked the door. He set me down in the living room.

  “I’m going to get the rest of our stuff, Emma. You may then screech at me all you’d like afterwards.”

  Screech? How does he do that? He’s clearly in the wrong here. Not me!

  “I don’t screech.”

  Gabriel merely lifted his eyebrow.

  I sat down on the cream couch, using my time to study the room around me. It was just as I remembered from when I’d help my mom in the summers.

  Gilt frames of the Rosenburgs’ children and grandchildren on the console table. Crystal figurines in the lighted case on one wall and the grand piano in its place close to the bay window. Delicate furniture in shades of ice-blue and cream with bits of gold accenting the luxurious pillows placed carefully just so.

  Practically nothing had changed.

  Except I was supposed to buy the house and Gabriel had apparently decided to beat me to it. Perhaps it was a romantic gesture but it didn’t negate the fact that it was my gesture to make. Not his.

  He joined me on the sofa after placing our bags somewhere down the hall. Gabriel held one finger up and waited until I gave a clipped nod. Satisfied, he took off his coat. He then unbuttoned his jacket and slipped it off too. The tie loosened and then he crossed his leg.

  “You may now commence the ass-kicking, Emma.”


  I wasted no time pouncing. “Did you or did you not buy this house?”

  “I did.”

  His calm reply forced me to my feet. I paced back and forth, trying my best to keep my temper from exploding.

  “Don’t do that, Emma.”

  “What?” I practically snarled.

  “Don’t hold it in. I mean please be as courteous as possible, but don’t swallow your feelings.”

  “You really want that?”

  “I really do.”

  “Very well. Why did you do it?” My voice rose in succession with each question. “Do you have any idea how many years I’ve spent saving for this house? Do you know how hard I worked at creating and managing my portfolio so I could get big enough gains? I know what this house should’ve cost and while that may not be a big deal to you, it was a small fortune to me. This was supposed to be my triumph, Gabriel. Not yours.”

  He sat silent, not even trying to defend himself with a glib reply nor did he try to tease me out of my anger. Gabriel merely waited for me to continue raging.

  I was done. I had nothing left to say.

  I can’t believe he did this! What a misguided attempt at romance…

  That’s when it hit me. Once again I didn’t trust him. I just assumed he’d done it without taking my feelings into account. Of course, Gabriel knew how much this meant to me. We may not have talked about it much, but he understood how important it was for me to do this for my mom.


  “Why do you work such long hours, Emma?”

  “Because I’m saving every spare penny I can.”

  “For what?”

  “To buy a house.”

  “Really? What kind of house? Something closer to the city?”

  “No, not for me. For my mom.”

  “You’re buying a house for your mother. That blows me away. I mean that.”

  “She’s been so good to me and has worked so hard all her life. This is the least she deserves.”

  “Does she know what you’re doing?”

  “Nope. It’s a surprise. I have about six months left to go before I have the down payment and a year’s worth of mortgage payments. I’m padding it just in case something happens.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I get laid off or something.”

  “You’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. Don’t ever change, Emma.”


  I sank down on the nearest chair. “Fuck me.”

  Gabriel quirked his brow. “Not exactly what I expected you to say next. I take it you don’t mean literally, right?”

  Shaking my head, I whispered, “I did it again.”

  His gaze remained opaque. I couldn’t get a bead on his mood or what he was thinking.

  “I jumped to conclusions about the house. I’m so sorry, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel cocked his head and regarded me beneath a passive expression. “Yes, you did. I’m not surprised but I wished that I was.”

  My shoulders slumped. “I shouldn’t have gone off like that. I’m such a bitch sometimes.”

  “Careful there, Emma. You�
��re speaking about my future wife, you know.”

  Only Gabriel could bring me out of my guilt-spiral through humor. Was he even real or was he the fairy prince of dreams? I loved this man so much!

  “Okay. I’ll try to do better when describing your cagey, distrustful, huge chip on her shoulder, soon-to-be wife.” Getting up, I walked over to Gabriel and dropped down on the floor by his knee. “I’ll also do better by telling you that she’s very, very sorry for making a mess of things all over again.”

  He smiled faintly. “Tell my wife-to-be that she’s too hard on herself, won’t you?”

  I closed my eyes as Gabriel’s elegant fingers released my hair from its tie. He combed through it, massaging me into purring bliss. “Will do.”

  Gabriel eventually guided my head to rest on his knee. “I didn’t buy the house to steal your thunder, Emma. I bought it so Lucas couldn’t.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Why wouldn’t he? I’m afraid he taught me nearly everything he knows and while he wouldn’t care one bit about this house, he’s sure to find out soon that you do—if he hasn’t already.”

  “The Rosenburgs wouldn’t sell to him.”

  “They sold to me, baby. Granted I told them it was a surprise for you and all the pics of us together on my phone went a long way to prove what I said…”

  Looking up at him, I asked, “What pics?”

  Gabriel shrugged unrepentantly. “Oh, you know. Pics.”

  He had to have gotten them from security.

  “Send me some, will you?”

  “Of course. They’re quite cute according to Mrs. Rosenburg.” Relief danced along his brow and Gabriel relaxed further into the couch. “Tell my future wife I’m enjoying her current easygoing nature.”

  “Duly noted.” I kissed his knee and then crawled up onto his lap. “What happens next?”

  Gabriel’s half-lidded gaze coupled with my current position did much to distract me from our conversation. I resisted the temptation to rub my core against the full erection currently lying between my thighs.

  “Mmm? What was that?” His hands slid down my front and followed the direction of my curves before ending on my hips. Gabriel squeezed them rhythmically. “What happens next? Normally, I’d say these sweet shorts should come off and let nature take its course. But that’s not what you’re asking, is it?”

  I shook my head but let my gaze communicate that I was erring on the side of nature doing its thing.

  Gabriel inhaled sharply and removed his hands. He rested them on my thighs. “You can buy the house from me, Emma, and continue with your plans. You have twenty percent of the asking price in cash already, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Thirty actually.”

  “You mentioned you wanted to pad the mortgage payments by a year. How far off are you now?”

  I did a quick calculation. “About four months left.”

  “All right. The Rosenburgs are going to need at least two months in the house before leaving. They’re moving to their retirement home in the Southwest. Better for the joints and you know that it’s a dry heat, don’t you? And the golf is simply divine.”

  Trying to follow along with Gabriel’s trail of words, I simply nodded and waited.

  “We can do the paperwork and have your mortgage payments commence five months from now. And don’t argue with me, baby, about how a bank normally wouldn’t do that. As your boyfriend and future husband, you have to give me some leeway here considering I’m sure you won’t accept the house as a gift from me to you.”

  “You got that right.”

  He let a pout twist his lips briefly. “Emma, how am I ever going to spoil you if you never let me? That’s hardly fair to me.”

  “You can spoil me with your body.”

  “It’s not the same and you know it. I’d have this body even if I was broke. In fact, it’d probably be better because I was working construction or something physical like that. Maybe I’d be a roofer.”

  “I knew some roofers. It’s hard, messy work. I think you’d rather be a billionaire instead.”

  Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Well, of course I’d rather be a billionaire. Who wouldn’t? Except for the fact that you’d accept a house from me if I was in construction…so maybe I want to be that instead. I bet you’d accept my house then.”

  “I’d be honored to accept a house from you then.”

  “But not now.”


  “Totally. Not. Fair.”

  “Ooh, my poor Gabriel.” I leaned closer and feathered my lips over his. “You have to suffer so much because I won’t take your money and I like you for you. I’m so, so sorry.”

  “Liar.” His hand slid to the back of my neck so he could hold me in place. “You’re not sorry at all.

  “You’re right. I’m not.”

  Gabriel possessed my mouth and I was lost. He kissed me breathless, dominating and reminding me that for all his boyish charm, Gabriel could take control of me whenever he wanted.

  Just as I liked it.

  I arched against his chest. Rubbing my aching nipples against him, I gasped from the sweet sting of denial. We’d made love just a few days ago, but it felt like forever ago. I needed him and I needed him now.

  Gabriel slapped my backside three times. Very, very hard. I crashed into him and cried out for more.

  “You like that, don’t you?”

  “You know I do. You completely ruined me for anyone else.”

  My answer pleased him. “You’re my dirty girl, Emma.”


  I moaned and opened my mouth to invite him to kiss me more. He obliged me with smirk. Hungry and feral, we devoured each other until somehow we slid off the couch and ended up on the floor.

  Gabriel lifted my legs up and slipped off my shoes. He made quick work of pulling off my shorts and then underwear. His lips worshipped my exposed skin, branding each inch as his. I closed my eyes in a sensuous haze when Gabriel turned me onto my stomach and pushed me onto my knees.

  “So beautiful, Emma…”

  Gabriel wrapped his arms around my thighs, holding me in perfect place when his mouth found my core. Each lap of his tongue wrought a deep moan from my throat. My hands cupped my breasts while I pushed back shamelessly.

  He groaned, sending the vibrations through my sensitive tissues. Two of Gabriel’s fingers entered me smoothly. “You’re so wet, Emma. Fuck! It makes me hard for you, baby.”

  “Make me come. Please, Sir. I want to come for you.”

  Gabriel stabbed me with the point of his tongue. I slammed my hand against the floor. I was so close!

  “Don’t hold back. Let me taste your sweetness, Emma. Come on…give it to me…”

  All of my senses responded to his command, especially when his hand reached around to cup me before spreading my thighs with a sharp tap on the inside of each leg.

  I arched my back, silently pleading for more. Gabriel gave it to me. His fingers made sharp contact with my tight and aching center as he slapped my mound rhythmically.

  It was perfect. The tiny sting of pain heightened the silken strokes of Gabriel’s tongue and fingers. Ecstasy come to life. My thigh muscles trembled and my belly tightened in anticipation of the liquid pleasure coursing through my veins.

  “Oh, I love you…I love you so much, Gabriel.”

  He groaned and quickened the flicks of his tongue. Instantly, I came undone, insensible to everything around me but the feeling of Gabriel’s hands on my hips and the intoxicating draw of his mouth. He took my orgasm and played with it, lengthening the drugging sensations until it didn’t feeling like I was ever going to come down.

  Gabriel stopped just past the point of over sensitization. He gave me one final lick and then laid me down on the floor next to him. I pressed my face against Mrs. Rosenburg’s beautiful rug and faced him. My shallow breaths tickled.

  “Oh my God, Gabriel…your mouth is so…oh…”

  My hazy gaze zeroed in
on the sight of his slightly swollen lips. A faint smile played at the corners of my mouth. I loved Gabriel like that. This powerful man, titan of the corporate world and beyond, loved almost nothing more than kissing me between my thighs.

  Almost nothing more.

  “Hello, baby. Had a little bit of fun, didn’t we?”

  I rubbed my bare leg against his. “I hope that’s not all the fun we’re going to have.”

  Gabriel slid his hand down my thigh and stroked it. Back and forth. Back and forth.

  “I’m afraid so, my love.”

  “No. Really?”

  “Really, really. It’s your mama’s house, Emma. I’m not going to make love to you in her house.” He laughed when he saw my pout. “Hey, don’t blame me, baby. You’re the one who taught me not to do that, remember?”

  I did remember. “But that was your mom’s house. Not mine.”

  “Feeling a little frustrated there, Emma? A little…” He bit his lip, sighing throatily as his gaze roved over my half-naked form. “Hard up?”

  “Are you?”

  He blew me a kiss. “Such bold words from my sweetie. Yes, I am.” He rolled towards me and kissed me. I tasted myself on his lips and it tasted like heaven.

  “What can I do to change your mind?” I asked between long, drugging pulls from his mouth.

  “Well, what can I do to change your mind?”

  “About what?” I asked, feigning ignorance.

  “The lake house among others.”

  “Just how many family homes do you have?”

  Gabriel caressed the sensitive spot between my ear and my jaw. “Well, let’s see…there’s the estate in Cornwall, the chateaux outside of Paris, the house in Venice…”

  “That many?”

  “And a few more.”

  I pulled on his hair gently until he looked back at me. “I’d like to go to all those places.”

  “I’d like to go to all those places with you too.”

  Biting my lip, I murmured, “It would be a little unnecessary to go through celibacy every time we visited.”

  “You won’t hear any complaints from me, Emma.”

  “Okay, then.”



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