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Steamy Dorm

Page 27

by Kristine Robinson

  “Yo.” She finally seems to settle upon, seeming reluctant to speak at all. She rubs the back of her neck, and I try to ignore the flutters in my chest.

  “Hi there. I’m--” I begin, only to be cut off by a rumble of laughter.

  “You’re Kitten. Mr. Moore’s kid, yeah?” She interrupts, turning her attention back to the recipe she seems to be working on. She seems oddly dismissive, and I know I should take the cue to leave, but I’m known for being as stubborn as a mule.

  “Y-yeah.” I manage, thinking on my feet. “You know, most people would be a little… nicer to their boss’s daughter.” I say boldly, expecting to get some sort of reaction. What I don’t expect is the melancholy little smile she offers me.

  “That’s actually all the more reason for me to keep my distance, kid.” She murmurs. Then, as if I’m not even there, she busies herself with preparing some of the baked goods that will be served throughout the day. I part my lips to speak, but she seems unwilling to give me further audience and I guess I’ve got little choice than to take the hint. I slip out of the kitchen, smiling hesitantly at Jana before slipping out the door. I’ve got some shopping to do before a night out with my childhood girlfriends.

  Throughout the day, as much as I try to distract myself,I can’t help thinking about that mysterious new worker at dad’s bakery. It was almost as if she were afraid to talk to me, and I can’t help but wonder why that is. I certainly don’t consider myself the intimidating type, and my father could scarcely harm a fly.

  Oh well. If she’s not interested in me… If she’s not interested in becoming friends, I mean, then I won’t push her.


  As I sit down to share dinner with my father, I struggle not to let my curiosity get the better of me. However, Brianna’s face has been at the forefront of my thoughts for the duration of the day. At the very least, she could have explained why she wanted to keep her distance. I prop my chin up in my hand as my dad sets the table, watching with a sense of boredom. I’d offered to help him prepare dinner, but as usual, he wasn’t one for seeing my hands dirtied in any way. He scoops a hearty helping of beef stew into my bowl, offering me a plate of rolls. I take one of the doughy delights off the plate before allowing him to pull it away. My father sets the food in the center of the table, taking a seat opposite me and serving himself a helping as well.

  “Dad… what do you know about Brianna… Brianna what? I don’t even know her last name.” I mutter, and he considers me curiously for a moment before quirking a smile.

  “Brianna Walker, is her name. As far as what I know, well, there’s not much to tell. She rolled into town with only the clothes on her back, looking for a job. She’s done pretty well for herself in the time she’s been working for me, but… well. I don’t ask too many questions.” The older man replies, and I sigh dramatically, stirring my stew as means of a distraction. “Why? Interested in trying to befriend her?” He continues, watching me very carefully.

  “I guess.” I reply quietly, not really knowing what my intentions are. My father smiles warmly, reaching across the table to grasp my hand.

  “You’ve always been such a sweet girl, Kitten. But be careful with that one, alright? She seems nice enough, but… well. Her interests could be less than… pure.” He says hesitantly. I quirk a brow, drawing my hand back to myself. Truthfully, for the time being, her intentions seemed more pure than even my own. I don’t voice that thought, however, giving my father something to stress himself over being the last thing on my mind.

  Glancing at the clock, I make quick work of finishing up my meal, eager to spend some time with the girls. My father laughs at how ravenous I seem, but I’m not particularly concerned with looking like the perfect picture of etiquette. I dab at my face with a napkin before moving to dispose of my leftovers. I dump the remaining stew in my bowl into the trash, setting the bowl and spoon in the sink before darting towards the door.

  “See you later, daddy! Don’t wait up.” I call out, hearing him sputter in response. I don’t give him time to argue, however, simply rushing out the door and towards my car. The girls are supposed to meet me at a club downtown, though I’ve never been one for the club scene. A bit of excitement in this snore of a town has to do me some good, however. I shift my car into gear, backing out of the driveway. I can see my father peeking out the door, and for a brief moment, I almost feel bad for making him worry. Steeling myself, I drive away, resolving that he has to allow me to grow up and spread my wings at some point.

  The drive to the club is a short one, and I park across the street, seeing the girls waiting for me on the sidewalk. Jana is there, as I’d hoped she would be, and I call out an enthusiastic greeting as I slip out of my car. I dart across the street to meet them, and we make our way into the club, flashing the bouncer our ID cards as we pass.

  “Kitten, it’s been so long.” One of my high school friends, Marissa, laments. The group seems to agree, and Jana comes back from the bar with our drinks.

  “Too long.” I say agreeably.

  “So…” Jana begins, dragging the word out. “How’s college?” She says with a cheeky smile. Marissa cackles, giving Jana a slight nudge.

  “She means the boys!” Marissa giggles. I pale, averting my eyes and fidgeting uncomfortably.

  “Oh...they’re nice.” I offer, not wanting to follow this train of conversation. Truth be told, all the relationships I had off at college were fleeting, with scummy frat boys. The girls seem oblivious to my unease, chatting about boys and who they’re dating and what not. “I need to freshen up.” I offer as an excuse, slipping away from the table. I make my way in the direction of the bathroom, breathing a sigh once I’m far enough away from my friends. What I also hadn’t mentioned was my seemingly budding interest in women. As I’m about to step into the bathroom, someone catches my eye stepping out of the men’s room. It’s Ronald’s from my father’s bakery, and he spots me immediately. I try to make an excuse to leave, but he moves quickly, grasping me by the wrist and pinning me against the wall outside the restroom.

  “Hello, Kitten. How about we go somewhere a bit more private? I’ve been itching to see you since you got here…” He says with a sly grin, and I try to shove him away.

  “Not even if you were the last man on earth.” I bite out. He hesitates for a moment, before pressing me more firmly against the wall, grasping my breast in his hand. I cry out in protest, but he presses his free hand across my mouth to silence me.

  “I wasn’t really asking, Kitten.” He says darkly. He mashes his lips against mine, and I’m left to struggle helplessly in his strong grasp. Tears spill down my cheeks, and as he trails a hand down to my hip, he’s suddenly ripped away from me by a pair of strong arms. I gasp for breath as he is yanked away. “What the hell--” He begins, cut short by a fist slamming into his mouth. He stumbles back, and I gasp, laying eyes upon my savior. Surprise jolts my body as I see the last person I would have expected to come to my aid.

  “Brianna…?” I mutter, watching as the taller woman shoves Ronald against the wall once more. He squirms in her grasp, making petulant threats that it’s obvious he can’t hold true on.

  “Get out of here, Ronald. If I see you do anything like this again, I swear to God, I’ll see that you regret it.” Brianna rasps, shoving him away from us. Ronald struggles to catch his footing, but manages to right himself, glaring angrily at us.

  “You’ll be the one who regrets it, you dirty dyke.” He spits, and Brianna lunges threateningly towards him once more. He squeaks, turning tail and darting back into the club. My legs feel weak, and I feel inexplicably dizzy as I stare at the other woman. She turns to consider me, gaze sympathetic.

  “Are you okay? Let’s get you home, kid.” She mutters, stepping hesitantly towards me and offering her arm. She seems to think I’ll bolt, but truth be told, I couldn’t be more relieved to have been saved by anyone else. I jolt forward, throwing my arms around her and burying my face in her chest. She stiffens,
obviously not having anticipated the sudden show of affection. I can’t blame her. After all, we’ve known each other for all of an hour, total.

  “Thank you.” I sob against her chest, and she rests a hand on the back of my head, running her fingers tenderly through my hair. “I… I can’t go home right now. I can’t let my father see me like this. He’d never let me out of his sight again.” I sputter, drawing away from her and feeling the panic begin to creep up on me. She hesitates, reaching out to me to rest a hand on my arm.

  “Calm down. Ah… hell. You can come to my place for a bit, if you really can’t go home. It’s not like I can just leave you to wander the streets.” She mutters, rubbing the back of her neck. Tears continue to spill down my cheeks, and as inappropriate as it is, I can’t help but take in how beautiful she truly is. Perhaps it’s the fact that she saved me from Ronald, but somehow I feel like that’s not all there is to it. As she takes me by the arm, I allow myself a glimmer of hope that she will allow me to get to know her better.

  “Thank you.” I repeat as we step out of the club, into the cool night air. She sheds her jacket, placing it over my shoulders.

  “Don’t sweat it.” She murmurs. In that moment, I’m certain I’ve never been more enamored in my life.


  She fumbles with her keys for a moment, and it’s obvious she’s not used to having company at her place. I watch her with a small smile as she curses, before finally locating the correct key. She unlocks the side door to a small building, and taking me by the arm, she leads me upstairs. I can’t help feeling giddy at her touch, but she seems entirely oblivious to my feelings. As we step into her small rented space, she smiles awkwardly, gesturing for me to step inside. I offer her a smile in turn, stepping inside and considering the space with curiosity.

  “It’s not much…” She begins uncertainly, and I hum to myself, sitting on the edge of the bed. She watches me with an unreadable expression, before joining me on the bed.

  “It’s perfect.” I say quietly, curling a lock of my hair around my finger. “Thanks for saving me, you know, back at the club…” I murmur. She quirks her lips in a crooked grin, and my heart flutters in my chest.

  “Oh, believe me. You won’t have to deal with that loser anymore. If he gives you trouble, you know where to find me.” She winks, and I find myself giggling in response. I’m certain I’ve never felt this at ease around another person before, and before I can stop myself, I find myself drawing closer to her. She tenses, watching me through wary eyes, and I draw my lip between my teeth, reaching up to cup her cheek. She is obviously nervous, but makes no move to stop me as I lean in, capturing her lips with my own. Her lips are soft, and I tangle a hand in her hair, drawing her closer. She groans against me, beginning to work her mouth against mine. Her uncertainty seems to evaporate, and I press against her, reveling in the sensation of her hands tracing their way down my back. I draw away to catch my breath, and she considers me with a dazed expression. I lean in for another kiss, but she presses a hand to my shoulder to stop me.

  “Why…?” I begin, and she smiles gently.

  “I should get you home, before you do something you regret.” She murmurs. I hesitate, feeling my heart clench in my chest.

  “You don’t want me.” I mutter, cheeks reddening as I try to fight the tears forming in my eyes. Her eyes widen and she draws me into her arms. I bury my face against the crook of her neck, and she rumbles a soft chuckle.

  “Kitten, I would like nothing more than to continue what we were doing. But I think you should think it over first. You don’t even know me. And as much as I would like to…” She pauses, her voice strained. “As much as I would like to take you, I don’t want you to have any regrets. Get to know me first, yeah?” She manages, and I draw away to look her in the eye. Her vivid green eyes are dark with desire, and it occurs to me just how badly she’s fighting herself.

  “O-okay. I’d like that. To get to know you, that is.” I say carefully, drawing away from her. She stiffly stands up, running a hand through her short and tousled hair. “I’ve never been... interested, in another woman before. I didn’t mean to get carried away.” I apologize, standing and reaching out to touch her arm. She considers me with a warm expression, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

  “Let’s get you home, Kitten. I’ll walk you.” She offers. I smile tentatively and she leads me to the door.

  I can only hope I don’t look entirely disheveled when my father sees me, but as Brianna bids me goodnight and I step inside, I see that my father has fallen asleep in his easy chair, waiting for me to come home. I can’t help but smile to myself, rolling my eyes in exasperation. I grab a blanket off the sofa, draping it over his sleeping form before making my way upstairs. Excitement still makes my skin tingle, but I try to ignore it as I tuck myself into bed. Looking forward to getting to know Brianna, I fall into a relatively peacefully slumber. Dreams aside, that is.

  The following weeks seem to pass in a blur, and I can’t help feeling like I’m caught in some wonderful dream. As I get to know Brianna better, I can only find myself falling harder and harder for her. I muse that it must seem strange to her, how easy it is for me to admit that I’m attracted to another woman. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, however, and most nights find me joining her for takeout at her place, before she walks me home for the evening.

  Tonight is one of those nights, and there’s something undeniable in the air. Her stares seem to linger a bit longer as she picks at her food, though as far as that goes, food is truly the last thing on my mind. I’m entranced by her, the subtle shaking of her hands, the way she fumbles over her words while trying to hold a conversation. As I set down my fork, she considers me with wary eyes.

  “F-finished already?” She inquires. I circle around the small table, carefully taking her takeout tray out of her hands and setting it on the table behind me. She quirks a brow, opening her mouth to speak, but I press my finger to her lips, smiling coyly.

  “Oh, Bri, I’ve only just begun.” I purr, caressing her lip with my finger before drawing away. I curl my fingers in the belt loops of her jeans, and slowly guide her towards her bed. She seems to finally catch on, and pauses for a moment to catch my attention.

  “Kitten… are you sure?” She inquires uncertainly. I sit on the edge of her bed, hesitating for a brief moment before pulling my shirt off over my head. Her eyes widen, and she draws her lip between her teeth, looking entirely stricken. I can’t help but giggle, reaching out to her.

  “I’m sure. I trust you, and… I want you.” I whisper, chills shooting through my body at the hungry look I receive. She steps towards me, and as soon as she’s close enough, I capture her lips with my own. She returns the embrace with almost bruising ferocity, and the tingling between my thighs is nearly enough to drive me crazy. She reaches behind me to unclasp my bra, and her hands find my breasts, cupping them fully in her palms. I gasp against her lips, mewling as her fingers deftly work my hardening nipples. I grasp her shirt in my hands, ripping it open in desperation. Buttons go flying, and she laughs as I desperately fumble with her bra.

  “Easy, tiger. I’ll take care of you.” She whispers, reaching behind herself to aid me. As her bra falls away, I would almost think my heart has stopped, save for the throbbing between my thighs. She pushes me back onto the bed, lowering her head to my chest to lavish my straining breasts with adoring attention. She flicks a tongue to my nipple, and I swear my heart will burst free from my chest at the rate it’s pounding. She takes the peak of my left breast between her lips, sucking gently while using her hand to tweak my other nipple to attention. She grazes her teeth to my skin, and I am unable to swallow a soft mewl of pleasure. She pauses, considering me through curious eyes. I meet her gaze, drawing my lip between my teeth and trying to express just how much I want her. She quirks her lips in a smile, dragging her tongue from one nipple to the valley of my breasts, marking my skin all the way up my shoulder with sharp li
ttle bites. I shudder against her, grateful that she’s not struck by the desire to mark my neck. As much as I would love to feel those teeth pricking against the tender hollow of my throat, I don’t know if I can bear the idea of being caught with hickies on my neck. She purrs against my ear, seemingly enjoying my pathetic whimpers all too much.


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